Apple, Nike and Levi are among the companies that make things outside of the USA.
When Trump puts tariffs on Levi Jeans made in China, this hurts the American citizen who finds that the Levi jeans have gone up in price.
It also hurts Levi, who may sell fewer jeans to Americans.
50% or more of the US imports from China are imports from US companies.
What Globalism Did Was To Transfer The US Economy To China, by Paul Craig Roberts,

US governments have neglected the US economy.
US governments have neglected "US manufacturing and industrial capability and associated innovation, research, development, supply chains, consumer purchasing power, and the tax base of state and local governments."
What Globalism Did Was To Transfer The US Economy To China, by Paul Craig Roberts,
Americans, unemployed or employed in lower paying jobs, have been losing the power to purchase goods made in America, or even the offshored goods.
According to Paul Craig Roberts, "President Trump is helpless to do anything about it."
What Globalism Did Was To Transfer The US Economy To China, by Paul Craig Roberts,
Bernie Sanders says: "millions of people have got to stand up and take on the corporate interests, the billionaire class, the 1 percent and tell them that in this country our economy and our government belong to all of us and not just wealthy campaign contributors."

Merryn Somerset Webb, in the Financial Times, points out some of the problems with the world economy -
1. Crony capitalism
2. Global oligopolies (global monopolies)
3. Lack of local democracy
4. Low interest rates and huge debt
5. Unbalanced economies
6. Government interference.

Trump is interested in what?

One of Trump's professors at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School reportedly said that Trump was 'the dumbest gdamn student I ever had.'
Dumb people love Trump?
1. Trump does not talk about the steady stream of job losses in the retail sector.
2. Trump was going to revive the coal industry.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there has been no coal revival.
That Carrier plant in Indiana has laid off 600 people.
A former union leader calls Trump a 'Con Man' and 'Liar' as Carrier Lays Off 215 More Workers.
That Trump economic boom? It's mostly hype.

Donald Trump a Robber Baron. In the USA, the labor force participation rate for 'prime age' workers between 25 and 54 years old remains below its 2007 level, which in turn was below its 2000 peak.
3. In 2013, under Obama, the US stock market rose 30 percent.
At the beginning of February 2018, the Dow plunged 666 points.
4. Trump is "allowing corporations a freer hand to mistreat their employees, pollute the environment, and screw over consumers."
That Trump economic boom? It's mostly hype.

Trump is unlikely to help the ordinary Americans.
1. The child poverty rate in the United States is extremely high by international standards.
2. Americans are in much worse health than most Europeans and have lower life expectancy than most Europeans.
3. Many American cities continue to suffer from disinvestment and population decline.
4. Alone among wealthy countries, the United States has millions of citizens who can't afford health insurance.
Trump's State of the Union: No solutions for the country's problems - Vox.

5. In the USA, the labor force participation rate for 'prime age' workers between 25 and 54 years old remains below its 2007 level, which in turn was below its 2000 peak.
6. The murder rate appears to have risen slightly again in 2017.
Trump's State of the Union: No solutions for the country's problems - Vox.
2. Americans are in much worse health than most Europeans and have lower life expectancy than most Europeans.
3. Many American cities continue to suffer from disinvestment and population decline.
4. Alone among wealthy countries, the United States has millions of citizens who can't afford health insurance.
Trump's State of the Union: No solutions for the country's problems - Vox.

5. In the USA, the labor force participation rate for 'prime age' workers between 25 and 54 years old remains below its 2007 level, which in turn was below its 2000 peak.
6. The murder rate appears to have risen slightly again in 2017.
Trump's State of the Union: No solutions for the country's problems - Vox.

Donald Trump has signed an executive order to keep Guantánamo Bay open.
"The Bush tax cuts of 2001 and 2003 were followed by increasing income inequality and the worst financial crisis since the 1930s."
"Donald Trump plans to reduce taxes on the rich, make bankers richer, boost real-estate speculation, spend more on the military, borrow more and put Goldman Sachs in charge of the economy."
Trump's rich-first economic policy
Below is what we wrote earlier:

Donald Trump is the Deep State.

Trump was chosen by the Deep State at least 15 years ago.
The US elections were rigged in order to put Trump into power.

Trump supporter Michael Ledeen, who was involved in Iran-Contra. Michael Ledeen, Gladio and 9 11.
Trump is supported by a number of billionaires, including:

1. Peter Thiel, the cofounder of PayPal, is a top supporter of Donald Trump.
Thiel is listed as a member of the Steering Committee of the Bilderberg Group.[70]
He participated in every conference between 2007 and 2016.
Thiel grew up in an evangelical Christian household.
In 2007, Gawker published an article on Thiel, outing him as gay.[61]

2. Sheldon Adelson, of the Las Vegas Sands Casino is backing Trump.
Billionaires Supporting Donald Trump for President
3. Woody Johnson, heir to the Johnson & Johnson fortune, is backing Trump.
4. Carl Icahn, the activist investor, is backing Trump.

5. Tom Barrack, the billionaire private equity veteran, is supporting Trump.
6. Stephen Feinberg, of private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management, is supporting Trump.
7. Steven Mnuchin, the hedge fund manager, serves as Trump’s chief fundraiser and as head of his national finance committee.
8. Robert Mercer, the hedge fund manager, is supporting Trump.
9. T. Boone Pickens, the Texas oil baron, is supporting Trump.
10. Stanley Hubbard, the media mogul, is supporting Trump.

11. Darwin Deason, the tech entrepreneur, is supporting Trump.
12. Wilbur Ross, chairman and CEO of WL Ross & Co., is supporting Trump.
13. Andrew Beal, of Beal Bank, is supporting Trump.
14. John Paulson, who made his fortune betting against the housing market before its collapse, is supporting Trump.
Billionaires Supporting Donald Trump for President

Some very powerful people are supporting Trump, including:
Michael Ledeen, who was involved in the Iran–Contra affair, and reportedly in Operation Gladio .[17] Michael Ledeen, Gladio and 9 11.
Rudolph Giuliani - mayor of New York on 9-11.
John Ashcroft, 79th United States Attorney General (2001–05)[1] Attorney General on 9-11.
John R. Bolton, 25th United States Ambassador to the United Nations (2005–06)[3]
Dick Cheney, 46th Vice President of the United States (2001–09) and 17th United States Secretary of Defense (1989–93)[4]
Edwin Meese, 75th United States Attorney General (1985–88)[5]
Dan Quayle, 44th Vice President of the United States (1989–93)[7]
Jerry Falwell Jr. has been one of Trump’s staunchest backers.
And, Donald Trump had former CIA chief James Woolsey as an adviser.

Trump's supporters in the military include:
William G. Boykin, ret. 3-star General, Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence (2002–07)[10] He helped advise Attorney General Janet Reno regarding the stand-off at Waco, Texas, between the Federal Government and the Branch Davidians.[1] He was the commanding general, United States Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center, Fort Bragg.
Michael T. Flynn,[a] ret. 3-star General, Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency (2012–14) [11]
Jeffrey D. Gordon,[a] Pentagon spokesman (2005–09)[12]
Joseph E. Schmitz,[a] Inspector General (2002–05)[13]

Richard Secord, Major General[226] He was involved in the Iran-Contra affair.
William E. Thurman, Lieutenant General[10]
Jay Garner, Lieutenant General[224]
Bert Mizusawa, Major General, Deputy Director for Strategic Initiatives, Joint Chiefs of Staff[229]
Crosbie E. Saint, General, Commander in Chief, U.S. Army Europe/Commander, Central Army Group (1988–92)[10]

Paul E. Vallely, Major General, 351st Civil Affairs Commander (1982–86), Deputy Commanding General, Pacific Command, Military Committee Chairman for the Center for Security Policy[232].
Vallely is a supporter of the Jerusalem Summit organization and an advocate of the organization's proposal to "relocate"/"resettle" Palestine and the Palestinian people to surrounding Arab countries as a solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Vallely co-authored a 1980 paper with then PSYOP analyst Michael Aquino entitled From PSYOP to MindWar: The Psychology of Victory.
Vallely blasted allegations of detainee abuse at Guantanamo as "myths of the left-wing press".
Jerome L. Johnson, Admiral, Vice Chief of Naval Operations (1990–92)[236]
Jerry L. Unruh, Vice Admiral, Commander of the Third Fleet (1992–94)[10]

News Corpse.
Trump has had a lot of supporters in the media world, including:
Rupert Murdoch who decided to back Donald Trump.
Murdoch - owner of The Wall Street Journal, Fox News, and the New York Post - suggested in March that the Republican Party coalesce around Trump.
Roger Ailes, former Chairman and CEO of Fox News Channel, media consultant to presidential campaigns of Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, and George H. W. Bush[419]
Eric Bolling, commentator, co-host of The Five and Cashin' In on Fox News[382]
Ann Coulter,[a] political commentator and writer[384]
Bo Dietl, Fox News commentator[387]
Lou Dobbs,[a] television personality, author, radio host and host of Lou Dobbs Tonight on Fox Business[389]

Pamela Geller
Pamela Geller, political activist and commentator[393]
Katie Hopkins, newspaper columnist and TV personality[395]
David Horowitz, conservative writer, founder and president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and editor of FrontPage Magazine[16]
Paul Johnson, journalist, historian, speechwriter and author[396]
Andrew Klavan, novelist, screenwriter and columnist for The Daily Wire[399]
Lawrence Kudlow, conservative commentator, economic analyst, television personality, newspaper columnist and host of the The Kudlow Report.[17]
Piers Morgan, journalist and television personality, writer for the Daily Mail[405]
Melanie Phillips, newspaper opinion columnist[406]
Norman Podhoretz, neoconservative pundit, former adviser to the U.S. Information Agency (1981–87), and writer for Commentary[407]
Michael Scheuer,[a] former CIA intelligence officer, blogger, author, political analyst, and former Chief of the Bin Laden Issue Station[408]

Andrew Breitbart (left) Larry Solov (right of Breitbart) and Netanyahu. Andrew Breitbart died in mysterious circumstances at the age of 43. Solov now runs 'Breitbart News' as a pro-Netanyahu website.
The Ties That Now Bind Trump to Netanyahu and Breitbart.
In 2015, Breitbart News opened its bureau in Jerusalem.
Breitbart's President and CEO Larry Solov has written that Breitbart's transformation into a media empire began in Israel in 2015.
In 2015, Breitbart News opened its bureau in Jerusalem.
Larry Solov's visit to Israel was financed by pro-Israeli hasbara (Israeli propaganda) groups.
Breitbart News was "founded by Jews, is largely staffed by Jews, and has an entire section dedicated to reporting on and defending the Jewish state of Israel," Breitbart's Jewish CEO Larry Solov announced.

Stephen Bannon, was Breitbart executive chairman, and became the Chief Executive of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. [2] He holds a master's degree in National Security Studies from Georgetown University, which has been linked to the CIA. Bannon is a former a Special Assistant to the Chief of Naval Operations.[9] After his military service, Bannon worked at Goldman Sachs. Bannon became an executive producer in Hollywood.
Donald Trump hired Breitbart News's executive chairman Steve Bannon as his campaign manager.

The World Knowledge Forum is a Bilderberg-style group which meets to discuss world problems.
Among those involved are:
Donald Trump
Alan Greenspan
Alan Greenspan
Colin Powell
Condoleezza Rice
Maurice Strong
Tony Blair
Lawrence Summers
Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Supranational Society: NGOs and the Top 400 people

Donald Trump
Ehud Barak
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild

GAMHOF is a group of powerful establishment figures of German origin.
It has been run by:
Hon. Louis J. Freeh, Former Director of the FBI,
Donald J. Trump
And a few others.

Ivana Trump in London, June 2013. Celebrity Sightings In London
Donald Trump is linked to Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission.
Supranational Society: NGOs and the Top 400 people

Jeffrey Epstein's little black book contains the names of:
Donald Trump
Ehud Barak
Sir Evelyn de Rothschild

Rahm Emanuel, Donald Trump, Ari Emanuel
Donald Trump donated to Rahm Emanuel's mayoral campaign; and Donald Trump employed Rahm Emmanuel's brother Ari as his agent...
GAMHOF is a group of powerful establishment figures of German origin.
It has been run by:
Donald J. Trump
And a few others.

Ivana Trump in London, June 2013. Celebrity Sightings In London
Donald Trump is linked to Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission.

Bilderberger Henry Kissinger, who is very close to Donald Trump.
It can be argued that the secret rulers of the world are German Americans, such as Donald Trump.
Think of some names that are German-American:
Epstein, Cohn, Adelson, Trump.

Think of some others with German-American links:
Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama, Richard Nixon, Herbert Hoover, Dwight Eisenhower, George Bush,Theodore Roosevelt...

Germany, after May 1945. A girl in the Kloster Indersdorf children's centre, photographed in an attempt to locate surviving relatives. Displaced Persons
Allegedly, the German-Americans run the world.
There is a theory that certain powerful Americans, both Jewish and non-Jewish, financed Hitler and encouraged him to wreck parts of Europe.
In 1939, there were German-Americans, and others, who "dreamed of scavenging the assets of a doomed British empire."
That special relationship

aangirfan: WAR PLAN RED

Joseph P. Kennedy, former U.S. Ambassador to Britain.
James Forrestal, the first US Secretary of Defense (1947-1949), quotes Joseph Kennedy as saying:
"Chamberlain (the British Prime Minister) stated that America and the world Jews had forced England into the war."
The Order of the Illuminati, founded by Adam Weishaupt on 1 May 1776, had its origin in Bavaria in Germany.
The powerful secret society called Skull and Bones, whose members have included George Bush and John Kerry, was reportedly based on a German secret society linked to Germany's Illuminati.

American journalist Edwin Black, author of the 2009 book Nazi Nexus, claimed that some American corporations and foundations, which helped the Nazis during World War II, are now conspiring to build a Nazi New World Order.
Some theorists, such as the American writer Jim Marrs, claim that Nazis in the USA and elsewhere, are secretly working to promote Nazi ideas such as spying on citizens, militarism and the use of brainwashing.
They cite Operation Paperclip and the control of conglomorates by ex-Nazis and their sympathizers after the war.[59]

There is a theory that the top 'Nazis' are secretly in alliance with the top members of a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy.
In other words, the Feudal Lords find it convenient to cooperate as much as possible.
American Ambassador in Berlin, William Dodd, wrote about Hitler's American and Jewish friends:
Hitler's Secret Backers -
Professor John Coar ... told me that he had been a personal friend of Adolf Hitler's and in 1923 had advised him against his putsch in Bavaria.
(So Hitler had American advisors among his circle already in 1923!)
He offered to bring me back an exact report of his conversation with Hitler, if I would give him a letter for President Roosevelt, to whom he wished to bring a final report...

Bottom left - Max von Oppenheim, German Jew
One evening my wife visited Baron Eberhard von Oppenheim, who lives splendidly and quietly near us. Many German Nazis were present.
It is said that Oppenheim gave the Nazi party 200,000 marks, and that he had received a special party dispensation, declaring him to be an Aryan. (p. 86)
Hitler's Secret Backers -

A book, 'written by U.S. banker Sidney Warburg', a joint owner of the New York bank Kuhn Loeb and Cie described three conversations he held with Hitler at the request of American financiers, the Bank of England and oil firms to facilitate payments to the Nazi party.
"The book alleged that Hitler received $10 million from Kuhn Loeb and Cie during 1929, further payments of $15 million in 1931, and $7 million when Hitler took power in 1933."
Hitler's Secret Backers -
Siegmund Warburg, back row, second from right. The Warburgs are German-Jewish.
Some people have pointed out that 'fascist' or 'feudal' ideas, such as imperialism or political repression, have a very long history, and predate Hitler and the Illuminati.
Some people have pointed out that 'fascist' or 'feudal' ideas, such as imperialism or political repression, have a very long history, and predate Hitler and the Illuminati.
What we can say with certainty is that German-Americans, many of them Jewish in origin, have wielded great power in the USA and abroad.
Over 50 million people in the USA identify German as their ancestry.
So, who are these German-Americans?
Below, we list some of the names.

John D. Rockefeller, industrialist
David Rockefeller is a banker and key figure in Bilderberg, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.
Nelson Rockefeller was vice-president of the USA.

Henry Kissinger, alleged war criminal
Henry Kissinger was former Secretary of State.

John Jacob Astor, IV
John Jacob Astor was first multi-millionaire in the United States.
William Edward Boeing founded Boeing.
Walter Chrysler founded Chrysler.

George Clooney - German American of German Descent
Walt Disney made films and reportedly worked for the CIA.
Steve Jobs was co-founder and CEO of Apple.
Charles Pfizer founded the Pfizer.

Eric Schmidt is executive chairman and CEO of Google.
Charles M. Schwab was a steel magnate.
Steve Schwarzman owns the Blackstone Group.
Peter Thiel is co-founder of PayPal and the first outside investor in Facebook.
Donald Trump is a real estate developer.
Mark Zuckerberg is co-founder of Facebook.
Jimmy Hoffa was a labor union leader.
J. Edgar Hoover was the first Director of the FBI.
Chester W. Nimitz was Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces for the United States and Allied forces during World War II.
John J. Pershing was a top officer in the military.
Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr. was a United States Army General.
Over 50 million people in the USA identify German as their ancestry.
So, who are these German-Americans?
Below, we list some of the names.

John D. Rockefeller, industrialist
David Rockefeller is a banker and key figure in Bilderberg, the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.
Nelson Rockefeller was vice-president of the USA.

Henry Kissinger, alleged war criminal
Henry Kissinger was former Secretary of State.

John Jacob Astor, IV
John Jacob Astor was first multi-millionaire in the United States.
Solomon Loeb founded Kuhn, Loeb and Co.
The Warburg Family are bankers. Paul Warburg was a banker.
Jacob Schiff was a banker.

Angelina Jolie - German American of German Descent
Theodore Roosevelt was US President.
Herbert Hoover was US President.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight Eisenhower was a top general and former US president.
Pat Nixon was Richard Nixon's wife.
Richard Nixon was of English, Irish and German ancestries.

Pat Nixon, first lady
Rosalynn Carter was First Lady.
George W. Bush was American president (2001–2009)
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
Barbara Bush was First Lady.
Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, has German ancestries.

Rock Hudson was born Roy Harold Scherer, Jr.
Chuck Hagel was US Defense Secretary.
Timothy Geithner was US Secretary of the Treasury.
Donald Rumsfeld is a former Secretary of Defense.

Wernher von Braun, rockets and spaceships.
Wernher von Braun was a rocket scientist.
Robert Oppenheimer was "The Father of the Atomic Bomb".

Brad Pitt - German American of German Descent
Joseph Augustus Biedenharn set up Coca-Cola.The Warburg Family are bankers. Paul Warburg was a banker.
Jacob Schiff was a banker.

Angelina Jolie - German American of German Descent
Theodore Roosevelt was US President.
Herbert Hoover was US President.

Dwight D. Eisenhower
Dwight Eisenhower was a top general and former US president.
Pat Nixon was Richard Nixon's wife.
Richard Nixon was of English, Irish and German ancestries.

Pat Nixon, first lady
Rosalynn Carter was First Lady.
George W. Bush was American president (2001–2009)
How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power
Barbara Bush was First Lady.
Barack Obama's mother, Ann Dunham, has German ancestries.

Rock Hudson was born Roy Harold Scherer, Jr.
Chuck Hagel was US Defense Secretary.
Timothy Geithner was US Secretary of the Treasury.
Donald Rumsfeld is a former Secretary of Defense.

Wernher von Braun, rockets and spaceships.
Wernher von Braun was a rocket scientist.

Brad Pitt - German American of German Descent
William Edward Boeing founded Boeing.
Walter Chrysler founded Chrysler.

George Clooney - German American of German Descent
Walt Disney made films and reportedly worked for the CIA.
Steve Jobs was co-founder and CEO of Apple.
Charles Pfizer founded the Pfizer.

Eric Schmidt is executive chairman and CEO of Google.
Charles M. Schwab was a steel magnate.
Steve Schwarzman owns the Blackstone Group.
Peter Thiel is co-founder of PayPal and the first outside investor in Facebook.
Donald Trump is a real estate developer.

Mark Zuckerberg is co-founder of Facebook.
Jimmy Hoffa was a labor union leader.
J. Edgar Hoover was the first Director of the FBI.
Chester W. Nimitz was Commander in Chief of Pacific Forces for the United States and Allied forces during World War II.
John J. Pershing was a top officer in the military.
Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr. was a United States Army General.
Labels: billionaires, China, coal, Deep State, economy, Epstein, Germans, health, jobs, poverty, retail, Sanders, stock market, Trump
The ruling elite are a load of shit, and I don't know why ordinary people vote for the Conservative Party. I bet Dave Fishwick, who made millions selling mini-buses, voted Connective too, but he soon found out who the Tory Party really serve when they shut him it of their conference - the ruling elite only. I wrote this below for an American site.
The Bank Of Dave - Fighting The Fat Cats
Many of you might of not have seen this British documentary about how a local businessman set up his own bank. It's excellent and although it covers a serious topic the filmmakers have done such a good job of it that it is great entertainment too.
After the 2008 crash a Lancaster businessman called Dave Fishwick, who had made millions out of selling mini-buses, decided to set up his own bank. He was disgusted by how the big banks had behaved in the lead up to the crash and also how they were not serving small communities because they weren't lending to small businesses. He decided to change all that by setting up his own small bank which he called, the Burnley Savings and loans Ltd, also known as the Bank of Dave.
The documentary shows how the British Financial Services Authority tried to close him down by saying that his simple banking method didn't give customers enough options and so they stopped him taking in savings. He had offered savers a whopping 5% on their deposits while offering loans out at competitive rates. The FSA said he should also offer a higher risk 7% option as also offer better protection for savers. He said his 5% option was good enough and he that his depositors savings were underwritten by insurance backed by his own savings. He sent off his details but the FSA seemed to deliberately drag things out and the Bank of Dave starting running out of cash and could have gone out of business.
Not a quitter, Dave Fishwick set up a mini-bus to tour the country and he also took it to the Conservative and Labour Party Conferences The Labour Party welcomed him in and he spoke to some senior Labour politicians, but the Conservative Party wouldn't let him in at all. But fortunately Steve Baker, a Positive Money campaigner, was really interested and took it on-board and thanks to him the Bank of Dave got a chance.
See how Dave Fishwick really likes people and often goes with his heart and gives out loans rather than his head, but his risks pay off and many local businesses take off and become successful. All the profits are given to charity.
Dave Fishwick also goes to Germany to see how small banks really help local communities. They lend to businesses and are not interested in speculation or betting on house price rises. It doesn't mention it in this documentary but Richard Werner says how the ECB is trying to close down Germany's small banks by piling on too many regulations. Now banks need whole departments to deal with the all the regulations and this is too costly for small banks which often only have a few employees.
Anyhow, enjoy this superb documentary if you haven't already seen it. It is extremely good and very entertaining, but I hope you can understand the gorgeous Lancaster accent. This documentary is beautifully made and uplifting and really cheered me up, but for some strange reason a couple of bits repeat
One doesn't make and lose four multi-billion dollar fortunes and make another in NYC without being in bed with the criminal parasites that have taken over the nation and have their HDQ's in that city.
Trump is Hillary in drag, Obama in White face. He is for himself and his puppeteers, not for Americans.
At some point I would like to see you delve into the Catholic Church and it's ties to the CIA. Mother Jones published a piece in 1983 with a lot of info on this. The contention is that the Church was simply replaced with a counterfeit church at the second Vatican council involving a Judeo-Masonic conspiracy. There is also the two Lucys claim....the real Lucy of Fatima fame being replaced by a double that clearly appears to be a different woman from photo comparisons.
"I don't know why ordinary people vote for the Conservative Party"
Sheeple, thats the answer. All of us are so, the only xplanation
Check this out! Its more than obvious, even a blind can see!
Is this the article ure talking about? I hope so
Two Freemasons' lodges operating secretly at Westminster
Kaivey that documentary is everything you say it is: inspiring, uplifting, encouraging and for me, moved to tears.
The beauties of the English landscape and the joys Dave has brought to his region go a very long way to healing our broken system.
Thank you for posting the link to the documentary at Aangirfan. Living in Australia Iwould never have known about Dave otherwise.
I will send the link to friends and family.
People are of the mind that the Conservatives are generally better for the economy. I remember seeing a survey done by the Guardian, about 20-25 years ago, that looked at the UK economy, and tried to determine which party was actually best for the economy in the UK.
It came out that it was the Labour party, hands down, that the economy did better under!
Similarly, quite recently, the economy under the Republicans and Democrats was looked at (can't remember who by now). It was shown that again hands down, the Democrats were better for the economy).
And in a similar vein it was also shown that more far far more Republicans do criminal acts in power than Democrats. And this wasn't propaganda, just the facts ...
Right wing people generally are more likely to stiff people, and look after themselves seems to be the message. Who'd have thunk?
(I've only ever met one truly decent right-wing person in my live. He looked out for his children and was generally pleasant to be around, but he died before I could truly get to know him. Damn shame since he was a nice bloke, apart from being right-wing that is ... (laugh out loud!!)
Lisa Nandy MP, the late Antony Lillis, the Lyric Theatre Hammersmith, and the secrets of Dolphin Square:
Wow! I'm so glad you guys enjoyed the documentary, I thought people would.
When you do a lot of politics, like we do here, you get to see how real evil works. Dave Fishwick really inspired me and made me realise there are good people on both the left and right. I'm on the left, but I also like the site, The American Conservative, because they are so anti war and do articles on the ' evil' military-industrial complex.
Our common enemy is the psychopathic ruling elite.
I think I heard the late Michael Collins Piper talk about how the Catholic Church was taken over by certain Judean interests during the Vatican II thing, as well. Never followed it up, but it's certainly a possibility.
They infiltrate everything, or set up organisations before anyone else. They know that knowledge is power, and power is everything. Jewish people are extremely proactive, and have no boundaries (look at Jewish comedy). It's maybe for reasons like this that people think they are taking over the world. Anything, and everything in this day and age is possible ...
Yes it's interesting that on the 33rd day of 2018 the stock market drops 666 points and if you check the 2nd of February happens to be a satanic sacrificial day.
Labour Party... A.k.a. repackaged Fabian Society. Whose symbol (until today) is a wolf in sheep skin. 'Nuff said.
John Paul II's mother was née Katz. Just sayin'.
Trump is an just actor trolling the planet. All countries are centrally controlled. There's no evidence Epstein was in custody.
Peter Saunders of NAPAC quits UK child abuse inquiry over drunken lunch tryst in a restaurant toilet with molested victim
Note, in the above report, the journalist's gleeful, triumphant tone.
David Rose, the journalist in question, is identified as an 'Associate' of F.A.I.R. - joined by Harvey Proctor, Daniel Janner QC, and Sir Cliff Richard - on the lobbying group's website.
I assume Mr Rose is an asset of the Mossad and / or the British security services.
Below are a few examples of Mr Rose's previous efforts on behalf of the security services to prejudice and derail trials of VIP paedophiles, sway public opinion against survivors, and demoralise survivors:
How a self-promoting TV detective, obsessed with celebrity sex abusers, helped police ruin the lives of Sir Cliff and a string of other famous faces... who all turned out to be TOTALLY innocent
How police chief Lenny Harper lost the plot over the Jersey children's home 'murders'
Sir Cliff Richard joins battle for a law change after suffering 'years of hell' over false accusations of sex abuse
'Abuse witch-hunt traps innocent in a net of lies'
"A victim of his delusions: Astonishing story the BBC DIDN'T tell you about its troubled star witness"
On Twitter:
"I investigated claims Leon Brittan was a paedophile 30 years ago. They were disgusting lies then, and so they remain."
In short, anything and everything that David Rose writes is highly suspect. He appears to be a spook who pens a lot of claptrap which the state finds it useful to air.
Too true
Exactly right. The American way. Never give a sucker an even break. A whole nation of them sold down the Swanee.
I have met many small business owners that send all their customers services phone inquires overseas. Many of those people don't care about Americans. They only think about themselves. People are selfish and they will do anything to improve their lives not caring about others. That is the sad reality. Americans don't produce anything anymore. It only provides services, some of those services will be taking over by robots soon. Even on my local grocery store, we have self service check outs. No need for cashiers anymore. It is scary the number of homeless people on the streets. California is in deep trouble.
Sussex Friends of Israel Bully Boy Tactics against decent people. Meet Simon Cobbs.
“Think of some others with German-American links: Ann Dunham, mother of Barack Obama”
Dreams of my Real Father by Joel Gilbert
“Barack Obama's real father was Frank Marshall Davis, a Communist Party USA propagandist who likely shaped Obama's world view during his formative years."
The socalled halfbrother of Barack O. interviewed by Gilbert.
Was Obama’s “nose job” part of a pattern of deception to hide his connection to his real biological and ideological father, Communist Party USA propagandist Frank Marshall Davis?
Did Donald T. get a nose job, years ago, to be more likeable to the average white American
It is quite visible actually in this short trailer at:
13.00 – 15.00 : My new game is Trump the Game.
And here: it is actually quiote visible
The photo is not published in this recent article of
25th june 2019:
Donald T. and his dad Fred on the roof in the Bronx in NYC:
8 april 2019:
Check out:
"In politics,nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." Franklin D Roosevelt
That was a clue. ALL elections are rigged. ALL around the world.
"THEY" are both parties, majority and minority.
I am NOT saying all hope is lost. I am saying people need to admit to the facts of the situation and act accordingly.
The days of automatic pilot politics by the people of the world has long since passed.
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