Devin Kelley, the alleged Texas church shooter, was trained in military intelligence, according to records.
In March 2010, Devin Kelley arrived at Goodfellow Air Force Base to begin his training as an intelligence analyst, military records show.
Nearly half of the 26 'victims' of the church shooting in tiny Sutherland Springs, Texas had ties to the Air Force.
Sutherland Springs
The San Bernardino shooters were dressed in black masks.
False Flag operations (STRATEGY OF TENSION) are used to keep the rich elite in power.
The Richest 1% Now Own More Than 50% of the World's Wealth - Fortune
After the shooting, chairs and roses mark where worshipers were found dead at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas.
Joe Holcombe and his wife, Claryce, 'lost eight members of their family in the Texas church shooting.'
'It's just not a problem to us,' said Holcombe...
'We know exactly where the family is, and it's not going to be long until we'll both be there,' he said. 'And we’re really sort of looking forward to it.'
Texas church reopens
The bullet holes are all gone at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas.
Texas church reopens

Annabelle Pomeroy and the man who adopted her, Pastor Frank Pomeroy.
Among those who reportedly died in the Sutherland Springs church shooting were:
Jason McKey, one of Pomeroy's cousins, told Houston’s KHOU 11 that the family adopted Annabelle when she was young.
Keith Allen Braden, who served in the Army National Guard.
Keith Allen Braden, who served in the Army National Guard.
Dennis and Sara Johnson, another military family.
Texas Church Shooting

'The women knew some of the victims'.
"False flag," said another, and then another, and another.
It is based at Texas State University, not far from where the Sutherland Springs Church Shooting took place.

In July 2017, in Texas, officers from Denison, Gunter, the Texas Department of Public Safety and other departments took part in an active shooter drill at the B. McDaniel Intermediate School in Denison.
Area police learn to coordinate, assist injured in active-shooter training
Area police learn to coordinate, assist injured in active-shooter training

There was an Active Shooter Drill in Charleston, on the same exact day that the mass shooting took place in the church in Charleston. CHARLESTON CHURCH - FALSE FLAG CONSPIRACY
The Sutherland Springs church shooting took place on 5 November 2017.
On 5 November 2017, there was an active shooter drill at Pittsburg State University, North East of Texas.
Students and multiple agencies

Above we see Stephanie Willeford and Blake Willeford, the family members of Stephen Willeford.

According to the official story of the Sutherland Springs Church Shooting:
'The masked man dropped his rifle.
'The masked man fled in his Ford Explorer as Willeford fired several rounds through the vehicle's window.' [21][22]
Johnnie Langendorf
During the chase, 'Devin Kelley called his father to tell him that he was injured and thought that he would not survive.' [20]

'Devin Kelley's vehicle crashed.'

Stephen Willeford
As 'the masked gunman', said to be Devin Kelley, left the church, 'he was confronted by local resident and former NRA firearms instructor Stephen Willeford (17).

Blake Willeford.

Blake Willeford.
'The masked man dropped his rifle.
'The masked man fled in his Ford Explorer as Willeford fired several rounds through the vehicle's window.' [21][22]

Johnnie Langendorf
When Johnnie Langendorf passed by the scene in his truck, Stephen Willeford flagged him down, and informed him of the shooting.
When Johnnie Langendorf passed by the scene in his truck, Stephen Willeford flagged him down, and informed him of the shooting.
Langendorf and Willeford were both armed with rifles.
Willeford and Langendorff, in Langendorff's truck, pursued the masked man at high speed for about five to seven minutes.
Willeford and Langendorff, in Langendorff's truck, pursued the masked man at high speed for about five to seven minutes.

During the chase, 'Devin Kelley called his father to tell him that he was injured and thought that he would not survive.' [20]

Johnnie Langendorf (left)
'Langendorf and Willeford approached Devin Kelley with their guns drawn and held him at gunpoint for 5-7 minutes before the Police apprehended Devin.' [10]
The police took over the scene.[27]
'The police found Kelley dead in his car,[25] with three gunshot wounds, including a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.'[28]

1949, Howard Unruh, center, is shown with police after his capture. In 1949, Howard Unruh is said to have gunned down 13 people, at random, in Camden, New Jersey. Howard Unruh was a 'Bible-reading war veteran' who regularly attended church. Remembering a mass killing from 1949
'Langendorf and Willeford approached Devin Kelley with their guns drawn and held him at gunpoint for 5-7 minutes before the Police apprehended Devin.' [10]
The police took over the scene.[27]
'The police found Kelley dead in his car,[25] with three gunshot wounds, including a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.'[28]

1949, Howard Unruh, center, is shown with police after his capture. In 1949, Howard Unruh is said to have gunned down 13 people, at random, in Camden, New Jersey. Howard Unruh was a 'Bible-reading war veteran' who regularly attended church. Remembering a mass killing from 1949
Howard Umrah was reported to have had "homosexual liaisons".

First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas.
"The Mass Shooting Tracker watchdog has recorded at least 24 mass shootings this month (6 Nov 2017) and some 1,495 so far this year in the US."
Texas: At least 26 killed in Sutherland Springs church
Americans Are Officially Freaking Out

First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas .
Professor Peter Dale Scott wrote of earler attacks:
"These attacks, in which over one hundred civilians were killed and many more wounded, were attributed at the time to marginal left-wing elements of society.
"However, thanks chiefly to a series of investigations and judicial proceedings, it is now clearly established that the attacks were the work of right-wing elements in collusion with military intelligence, as part of an on-going 'strategy of tension' to discredit the left, encourage support for a corrupt status quo, and perhaps move beyond democracy altogether."
Systemic Destabilization as 'A Strategy of Tension'

Kingsman: The Secret Service. Kingsman: YouTube.
In the 2014 movie Kingsman, a man kills an entire congregation inside a Baptist-style church in the Southern USA.
The Texas Church Shooting Was Eerily Foreshadowed in Mass Media.
On 5 November 2017, someone wearing a skull mask reportedly killed 26 people in the First Baptist church of Sutherland Springs, in Texas.
Texas shooter stormed in wearing body armor, skull mask.
In the film Kingsman, the mind-controlled killer declares:
"I'm a Catholic whore who's currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works in a military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon madam."

Devin Kelley, the innocent 'patsy' whose body was most likely dumped by Operation Gladio operatives near the scene of the crime.
The CIA's Strategy of Tension is all about getting you scared so that you will support the current government.
Strategy of tension

"For some, the church massacre reinforced a sense of unease that no place could be considered immune from possible violence after a concert ground in Las Vegas, a Walmart in Colorado, a Nashville church and a bike path in New York all became scenes of death and bloodshed over the past six weeks."
Texas church shooting
The CIA's Strategy of Tension is run by right-wing elements of the government.
These are the people who are involved in mind control, child abuse rings and false flag terror.

Plus ca change plus c'est la meme chose.

MK ULTRA mind control at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas?
MKULTRA Subproject 119: Activation of human behavior by remote means.

In December 2016 the University of Texas estimated that there are 79,000 minor and youth victims of sex trafficking in Texas.
The Human Market
The Big Book of Bad Baptist Preachers catalogues 100 cases of preachers and churches involved in child molestation scandals in the last 20 years.
"The sexual abuse of children is part and parcel of the cultures of the Independent Baptists and Southern Baptists," Jeri Massi says in the book's introduction.

Brittany Adcock
Brittany Adcock, 22, told NBC News that she dated Devin Kelley for two months in 2009, when he was 18 and she was just 13.

On 5 November 2017, Devin Kelley reportedly 'shot dead 26 people at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in Texas.'
Devin Kelley was a Bible studies teacher.
Devin Kelley was an Air Force veteran and is alleged to have committed serious offences while in the Air Force.
However, the FBI has no record of these offences, which may have been invented.
"The Air Force has admitted they failed to notify the federal government as required about the convictions, so he did not appear in the database."
Air Force blunder.

Pastor Frank Pomeroy
The First Baptist Church Pastor Frank Pomeroy, and his wife, were out of town at the time of the shooting.
dailymail. / Devin Patrick Kelley's Family

Buzzfeed notes that many of the hoaxes about Devin Kelley are the same ones in circulation following the Las Vegas shooting.
"Right-wing trolls stitched an image of an Antifa flag into a collage of images believed to be from Kelley's now-deleted Facebook page."

Danielle Shields's Facebook profile photo.
Devin Kelley's current wife, Danielle Shields, was a teacher at the church where the shooting took place.
Devin Kelley was the father of at least two, a son and a daughter.
Devin Kelley's family appears to have strong ties to the church.
Devin Patrick Kelley's Family .

Above we see Dylann Roof, the gentle Christian. CHARLESTON CHURCH - FALSE FLAG CONSPIRACY
Devin Kelley reportedly lived in his parent's $1 million home, according to the New York Times.
Devin's parents are Michael and Rebecca Kelley.

"However, thanks chiefly to a series of investigations and judicial proceedings, it is now clearly established that the attacks were the work of right-wing elements in collusion with military intelligence, as part of an on-going 'strategy of tension' to discredit the left, encourage support for a corrupt status quo, and perhaps move beyond democracy altogether."

Kingsman: The Secret Service. Kingsman: YouTube.
In the 2014 movie Kingsman, a man kills an entire congregation inside a Baptist-style church in the Southern USA.
The Texas Church Shooting Was Eerily Foreshadowed in Mass Media.
On 5 November 2017, someone wearing a skull mask reportedly killed 26 people in the First Baptist church of Sutherland Springs, in Texas.
Texas shooter stormed in wearing body armor, skull mask.
In the film Kingsman, the mind-controlled killer declares:
"I'm a Catholic whore who's currently enjoying congress out of wedlock with my black Jewish boyfriend who works in a military abortion clinic. So, hail Satan and have a lovely afternoon madam."
Kingsman or How to Sell the Occult Elite to the Youth discloses the elite's agenda.

First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas / The significance of butterflies | MK ULTRA
In 2012, Devin Kelley reportedly escaped from the Peak Behavioral Health Services hospital in Santa Teresa, New Mexico.
Kelley escaped from mental health facility in 2012 / Mind-Control

They are all part of the rich elite.
The members of the elite alleged to be linked to terrorism include:
Roy Cohn, Michael Ledeen, Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and other backers of Donald Trump.
TRUMP'S RICH AND INTELLIGENT SUPPORTERS / Donald Trump is a creation of Roy Cohn and the Jewish mob

First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas / The significance of butterflies | MK ULTRA
In 2012, Devin Kelley reportedly escaped from the Peak Behavioral Health Services hospital in Santa Teresa, New Mexico.
Kelley escaped from mental health facility in 2012 / Mind-Control

They are all part of the rich elite.
The members of the elite alleged to be linked to terrorism include:
Roy Cohn, Michael Ledeen, Benjamin Netanyahu, Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney and other backers of Donald Trump.
TRUMP'S RICH AND INTELLIGENT SUPPORTERS / Donald Trump is a creation of Roy Cohn and the Jewish mob
Suzanne Collins, who wrote The Hunger Games, is the link that joins up DYLANN ROOF, SANDY HOOK and Elliot Rodger.

Dylann Roof was arrested in Shelby, in South Carolina.
The cast and crew of The Hunger Games used Shelby as a base.
Much of the Hunger Games was filmed in Shelby.
The cast and crew of The Hunger Games used Shelby as a base.
Much of the Hunger Games was filmed in Shelby.
Elliot Rodger is the son of The Hunger Games assistant director Peter Rodger.
Suzanne Collins, who wrote The Hunger Games, resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.
Suzanne Collins, who wrote The Hunger Games, resides in Sandy Hook, Connecticut.

Devin Kelley, the innocent 'patsy' whose body was most likely dumped by Operation Gladio operatives near the scene of the crime.
The CIA's Strategy of Tension is all about getting you scared so that you will support the current government.
Strategy of tension

"For some, the church massacre reinforced a sense of unease that no place could be considered immune from possible violence after a concert ground in Las Vegas, a Walmart in Colorado, a Nashville church and a bike path in New York all became scenes of death and bloodshed over the past six weeks."
Texas church shooting
The CIA's Strategy of Tension is run by right-wing elements of the government.
These are the people who are involved in mind control, child abuse rings and false flag terror.

Plus ca change plus c'est la meme chose.

MK ULTRA mind control at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas?
MKULTRA Subproject 119: Activation of human behavior by remote means.
Location: Texas Christian University. CIA Monitor: B Sidney Gottlieb. MKULTRA

Practise drill at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Texas?

In December 2016 the University of Texas estimated that there are 79,000 minor and youth victims of sex trafficking in Texas.
The Human Market
The Big Book of Bad Baptist Preachers catalogues 100 cases of preachers and churches involved in child molestation scandals in the last 20 years.
"The sexual abuse of children is part and parcel of the cultures of the Independent Baptists and Southern Baptists," Jeri Massi says in the book's introduction.

Brittany Adcock
Brittany Adcock, 22, told NBC News that she dated Devin Kelley for two months in 2009, when he was 18 and she was just 13.

Devin Patrick Kelley- found dead in his vehicle.

First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs in Texas
His wife taught children at the church where the shooting took place.
One of Devin Kelley's in-laws was in the church when it was attacked.
Reportedly, Devin Kelley's mother-in-law's mother was in the church and died.
dailymail. / Devin Patrick Kelley's Family / dailymail

Devin Kelley
One of Devin Kelley's in-laws was in the church when it was attacked.
Reportedly, Devin Kelley's mother-in-law's mother was in the church and died.
dailymail. / Devin Patrick Kelley's Family / dailymail

Devin Kelley
Devin Kelley was an Air Force veteran and is alleged to have committed serious offences while in the Air Force.
However, the FBI has no record of these offences, which may have been invented.
"The Air Force has admitted they failed to notify the federal government as required about the convictions, so he did not appear in the database."
Air Force blunder.

Pastor Frank Pomeroy
The First Baptist Church Pastor Frank Pomeroy, and his wife, were out of town at the time of the shooting.
dailymail. / Devin Patrick Kelley's Family

Devin Kelley
Patrick Boyce, who attended New Braunfels High School with Devin Kelley, described Devin Kelley as being 'fairly normal'.
"Right-wing trolls stitched an image of an Antifa flag into a collage of images believed to be from Kelley's now-deleted Facebook page."

Danielle Shields's Facebook profile photo.
Devin Kelley was the father of at least two, a son and a daughter.
Devin Kelley's family appears to have strong ties to the church.
Devin Patrick Kelley's Family .

Above we see Dylann Roof, the gentle Christian. CHARLESTON CHURCH - FALSE FLAG CONSPIRACY
Devin Kelley reportedly lived in his parent's $1 million home, according to the New York Times.
Devin's parents are Michael and Rebecca Kelley.
The New York Times reported Kelley as being married 'at least once before,' and added that he 'was sued for divorce in 2012 in New Mexico, the same year he was court-martialed on charges of assaulting his wife and child.'
Michelle Fields, mother of Danielle Shields, is friends with Sherri Pomeroy, the wife of the Church Pastor Frank Pomeroy.

Labels: Annabelle, Baptist, Bible teacher, conspiracy, Danielle Shields, drill, Dyllann Roof, false flag, Gladio, Kelley, Kingsman, Langendorf, mind control, Pomeroy, Sutherland Springs, Texas church, Willeford
No rest for Amoronicans it seems....
Looks like they are having some kind of zombie roleplay above. Shaun of the dead style.
Same day - 5 November - as another Texas 'mass killing' with major questions lingering, the 'Fort Hood massacre killing 13 people & injuring 30 by Army Major Nidal Malik Hasan', 5 November 2009, exactly 8 years earlier ... Hasan, still currently in prison, has been sentenced to death
Sutherland Springs, near San Antonio, is driving distance from Alex Jones & the CIA's Stratfor in Austin, Texas ... Alex Jones' Infowars is reporting that the 'Texas shooter liked atheist Facebook pages, SJW causes [Social Justice Warrior leftist identity politics], & was a fan of CNN'
The same old "divide&conquer" tactic
Some photos of Devin Kelley have an oval face (with ears disappearing?) but some have a very different round face ... rather like 'Las Vegas witness & victim Jesus Campos'
A woman named Erica has posted video from near the church where the alleged shooting took place, about an hour afterwards
Shortly after the incident there is a surprisingly low level of activity & vehicles given so 'many dead & wounded', many people standing & calm, Erica says neighbours said they heard gunfire, but never saw victims come out ... medical helicopters arrive, perhaps strangely late given the time of the shooting ... we do see one person on a stretcher be brought out to a helicopter
We are also presented with a 'Texas gun-toting hero', Johnnie Langendorff, a bystander, who with a gun & another man, are said to have saved lives, scared the gunman away & given chase before Kelley went to his death in the next county
Though some say that the agenda of recent US false-flag events is 'gun control' -
It seems we have a string of USA 'terrorist events' & 'mass killings' which can be blamed on USA 'leftists - Democrats' or 'Immigrants & Muslims', thus all serving a rightist / alt-right agenda
14 Jun 2017: 'Bernie Sanders supporter James Tom Hodgkinson, killed during events', allegedly shoots 4 including leading Republican Congressman Steve Scalise at baseball practice
24 Sep 2017: Sudanese immigrant Emanuel Kidega Samson - a Christian, not a Muslim - accused of shooting church group in Tennessee, 1 killed 7 wounded
1 Oct 2017: 'Now-dead registered Democrat Stephen Paddock' allegedly kills 60, wounds over 500, at Las Vegas country music concert
31 Oct 2017: Uzbek Muslim Sayfullo Saipov allegedly kills 8, wounds 11 in New York bicycle path van attack
4 Nov 2017: Republican Senator Rand Paul attacked in his home & has ribs broken, allegedly by 'registered Democrat Rene Boucher'
5 Nov 2017: Texas church attack kills 27, wounds others, alleged 'now-dead killer is CNN fan, atheist & leftist SJW supporter' Devin Kelley
Plus, the Hollywood personalities being taken down for sex crime & underage sexual violation scandals - Harvey Weinstein & the rest - are a take-down of a media industry very closely associated with USA Democrats / HIllary Clinton
Re: 'New Profumo Affair'
Strange that Boris Johnson has not yet been mentioned in the context of this growing scandal.
During Boris Johnson's long tenure as Mayor of London, Tory stalwart David Russell Walters worked in the mayor's office as Special Assistant for Education. Was Johnson unaware that such a key aide was reportedly linked to child pornography?
"Surely it can't be true that Russell Walters, formerly employed to run the Scottish CCO ... recently had his house raided by the police. And what did they allegedly find? Reams of child pornography."
[Scallywag magazine, issue 24, 1994]
If the allegation is true, didn't Boris Johnson as mayor have a duty to recommend Walters' dismissal? And why was Walters appointed to such a sensitive post in the first place, given the man's career history as an organiser of VIP sex parties?
What did Boris Johnson know about Walters' past, and what did he do about it?
Devin Patrick Kelly - if he exists - looks like actor Jim Parsons
Wonder if the people getting medical aid in the Texas church shooting first have to sign a contract stating they have not now nor will in the future, boycott Israel, like the Hurricane Harvey victims did?
Meet Texas church hoaxer Stephen Willeford
I guess Sutherland Springs doesn't exist and local law enforcement is in on this conspiracy.
Your method of explaining everything in this
paragraph is in fact good, every one can simply know it,
Thanks a lot.
Ironic a nation that celebrates the acting profession above all else is being subjected to such a charade. Can't work out whether it's the standard of acting or level of duplicity that upsets them the most.
Americans are a nation of actors, I need to remind u that, therefore they are treated as such
I could beleive boston, 911 not this so fast especially fromm someone named devin.This was a false flag
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=u.s.s.+liberty see insane mccains dadyies involvment
Weinstein used ex mossad agents to spy on potential accusers
Remember,remember the 5th of November - gunpowder,treason and plot.
I was just thinking of that rhyme above as I was reading the date of the shooting.
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