'Wonder Woman' Gal Gadot is a fervent supporter of Israel.

Above, we see Gal Gadot.

Arabella Kushner
Anonymous writes:
A strong contender for the most interesting of the connections of Donald Trump to the big banksters, appear by following the trail of Jared Kushner - husband to Ivanka and official advisor to President Trump.
Jared Kushner's real estate firm has borrowed money from amongst others: the Blackstone Group, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Natixis bank (France), and Hapoalim (Israel's largest bank).
Jared Kushner's real estate firm has borrowed money from amongst others: the Blackstone Group, Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank, Natixis bank (France), and Hapoalim (Israel's largest bank).
Kushner is also partners in crime with BlackRock, founded in 1988 as part of the Blackstone Group.
According to the state media BlackRock is independent from Blackstone since 1995.
In 2015 Jared, and Josh, and Ryan Williams (of Blackstone, who became Cadre's CEO) founded the investment firm Cadre.
The money came from Goldman Sachs and Rothschild agent George Soros…
The CEO of the private equity giant Blackstone Group (of Baron Jacob Rothschild) Stephen A. Schwarzman, was made an economic adviser to Donald Trump and chairman of the 'Strategic and Policy Forum'.
Jared's brother, Joshua (Josh) Kushner, started his working career at… Goldman Sachs.
The CEO of the private equity giant Blackstone Group (of Baron Jacob Rothschild) Stephen A. Schwarzman, was made an economic adviser to Donald Trump and chairman of the 'Strategic and Policy Forum'.
Jared's brother, Joshua (Josh) Kushner, started his working career at… Goldman Sachs.
Ironically Chelsea Clinton, daughter of Hillary and Bill, is married to Goldman Sachs alumnus Marc Mezvinsky…
Labels: Arabella Trump, Congressional Picnic, Gal Gadot, Ivanka, Tai Chi, Trump, Wonder Woman
and Russian
2nd pic is not Gadot, but an Asian woman
"Catch-22 is a satirical novel by American author Joseph Heller ... culminating in the unspeakable horrors of Chapter 39, in particular the rape and murder of Michaela, who represents pure innocence..."
how many did the Germans rape - home and abroad?
Anybody who supports unlawful war - support rape?
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