Maxwell Knight.
Maxwell Knight was a real British spy.
So, naturally, he liked young boys, was a Satanist, and worked alongside the Kosher Nostra.
At age 14, Maxwell Knight was in the navy, as a cadet on the training-ship Worcester.
Having left the navy, in 1919, Maxwell Knight was employed as a prep school master, looking after young boys.
In the early 1920s, Maxwell Knight became the intelligence director for the British fascists.
And then he was recruited into MI5.
His office was in London's Dolphin Square, a hotbed of boy sexual activity.

Lord Victor Rothschild.
Victor Rothschild's best spy was Kim Philby.
Maxwell Knight would have been aquainted with Victor Rothschild and Kim Philby.

Camberley, just west of London. Camberley Historian -
The Philby family lived at Crossways, Park Road, Camberley, where the young Kim Philby spent some of his early years.
Maxwell Knight | Lightwater.
Maxwell Knight selected Camberley as the location for a 'safe house' for his spies and agents.
When Knight retired from the secret services at the end of the war he stayed on in Camberley at The Homestead, 47 Park Road, Camberley.
Guy de Rothschild did military training at Camberley.
One of Maxwell Knight's jobs in MI5, during World war II, was to spy on the fifth-column - Nazis living in Britain.
Guy de Rothschild did military training at Camberley.
One of Maxwell Knight's jobs in MI5, during World war II, was to spy on the fifth-column - Nazis living in Britain.
The fifth-column scheme was headed by MI5's Lord Victor Rothschild.
Enemy within

Tom Driberg (left) and his fellow gay spy Guy Burgess. They both worked for both sides.
In 1937, Maxwell Knight was introduced to Aleister Crowley by his gay friend and fellow spy Tom Driberg MP.

Maxwell Knight's first wife, Gwladys Knight, died "in a bizarre Black Magic occult ritual headed by Aleister Crowley at The Oversees Club."
Gwladys left her large fortune to Knight.

The Overseas Club.
Maxwell Knight's 'ladyfriend', who was brought up as an orphan in a Belgian convent, died 'of an overdose.'
Fascism Nazism Satanism.
On the eve of war in 1939, Maxwell Knight warned William Joyce that he was on a list of British fascists to be sent to prison in the event of war.
It was thanks to Knight's help that Joyce was able to escape to Berlin and make his famous Nazi wartime broadcasts as 'Lord Haw-Haw'.

Maxwell Knight worked for the BBC, and did children's programmes.
'Uncle Max' was a great favourite with children who tuned into his radio programme...
'Uncle Max dabbled in the occult and became a novice of the renowned occultist Aleister Crowley - whose sexual debauchery and denunciations of Christianity caused him to be proclaimed the "wickedest man in Britain"...
'Knight was a closet homosexual.'
Publicly Maxwell Knight opposed homosexuality.

Maxwell Knight married Joan Miller.
When Joan's kitten fell ill, Maxwell Knight shot it with his revolver.
Maxwell Knight 'started bringing a young motor mechanic home and spending hours with him in the shed.'
Joan realised that the homophobic Maxwell Knight was gay.
It was thanks to Knight's help that Joyce was able to escape to Berlin and make his famous Nazi wartime broadcasts as 'Lord Haw-Haw'.

Maxwell Knight worked for the BBC, and did children's programmes.
'Uncle Max' was a great favourite with children who tuned into his radio programme...
'Uncle Max dabbled in the occult and became a novice of the renowned occultist Aleister Crowley - whose sexual debauchery and denunciations of Christianity caused him to be proclaimed the "wickedest man in Britain"...
'Knight was a closet homosexual.'
Publicly Maxwell Knight opposed homosexuality.

Maxwell Knight married Joan Miller.
When Joan's kitten fell ill, Maxwell Knight shot it with his revolver.
Maxwell Knight 'started bringing a young motor mechanic home and spending hours with him in the shed.'
Joan realised that the homophobic Maxwell Knight was gay.

Maxwell Knight used to invite young boys to visit the 'bug room' at his home in Surrey.
The Zionists have many friends, such as patriots, libertarians...

At the top of the pyramid of power, we find that the elites, whether nominally Jewish, Christian, Hindu or Moslem, all share the same Mafia-Fascist philosophy and are usually quite happy to work together.
But, most people are easily fooled, and refuse to look at the links between the politicians and the criminals.
Below, is what we wrote earlier:

In 1940, Anna Wolkoff was part of a 'fascist group', the Right Club in London, which had discovered documents showing that Roosevelt had long planned to enter World War II on the side of Britain.
MI5 infiltrated the group and prevented the documents from being given publicity.
Anna Wolkoff - Spartacus Educational.
While Joseph Kennedy was US ambassador in London, Tyler Kent worked at the US embassy in London and smuggled documents to the Nazis.
There is a belief that a certain cabal planned World War II as a way of making lots of money.
An MI5 report in 1940 claimed that Anna Wolkoff recruited Princess Marina Dmitri, known as Mira, the wife of Prince Dmitri, the nephew of Czar Nicholas II.
MI5 files suggest that Mira had an affair with the Duke of Kent, a fan of the Nazis, and gave birth to his love-child Nadejda Dmitrievna in July 1933.
(Rendezvous At The Russian Tea Rooms by Paul Willetts - dailymail.)

Maxwell Knight, who operated out of Dolphin Square.
Maxwell Knight (above) was the top man in Britain's spy service MI5 responsible for watching the 'fascists' within the Right Club.
Publicly Maxwell Knight was anti-semitic.
But he is linked to Lord Victor Rothschild
Enemy within

Domville, Knight, Mosley, Blunt ....
Maxwell Knight was the Director of Intelligence of the British Fascists from 1924 to 1927.
He became Deputy Chief of Staff of the British Fascists.
(State Secrets, Tyler Kent, Winston Churchill, Roosevelt / Domville, Knight, Mosley, Blunt /
http://www.spartacus.schoolnet, /

Some of the earliest members of the British Fascists 'were drawn from the organizations of the conservative right'.
Titled aristocrats and senior military personnel were members of the movement's Grand Council and Executive.

John Amery - Upper class Jewish Nazi. / The classic member of the English upper class.
Some people believe that certain upper class fascists and certain upper class Jews are in alliance.
The top 600,000 people in the world control 85% of the world's wealth.

Maxwell Knight worked with Ian Fleming and was the model for James Bond's boss.

Ian Fleming - the classic heterosexual? / JAMES BOND; IAN FLEMING / ROALD DAHL, SATANISM AND MI6
Knight married Lois (Lois Mary Coplestone)
However, his sexual interest was in the men who came to his house.
Knight recruited Tom Driberg as an agent for MI5.
Maxwell Knight : Biography - Spartacus Educational.
Driberg was a gay friend of the Kray Twins who ran a pedophile ring for top people.
Driberg was a Satanist and friend of Aleister Crowley.
(Sex: Tom Driberg, rent boys, Aleister Crowley, the KGB. / Tom Driberg : Biography - Spartacus Educational / JIMMY SAVILE, THE KRAY TWINS, CLIFF RICHARD.)

Knight recruited Joan Miller (above) as an agent of MI5.
While still married to Lois, Knight became close friends with Joan.
When both Lois and Joan had left him, Knight married Susi (Susan Barnes).
Maxwell-Knight was a friend of Aleister Crowley.
(Black magic, spies and child abuse)
Crowley worked for MI5.
(The Great Beast / Aleister Crowley Was A British Intel Agent)
Crowley has been described as a heroin-addicted Satan worshiper.
In the doctrine of Aleister Crowley from 'MAGICK in Theory and Practice', Crowley wrote:
"The bloody sacrifice, though more dangerous, is more efficacious; and for nearly all purposes human sacrifice is the best.
"The animal should therefore be killed within the Circle, or the Triangle, as the case may be, so that its energy cannot escape...
"For the highest spiritual working one must accordingly choose that victim which contains the greatest and purest force.
"A male child of perfect innocence and high intelligence is the most satisfactory and suitable victim."
(Aliester Crowley--33 degree Mason Who Knew about Human Sacrifice)

Jeff Wells quotes the following:
"There is an international cult that believes that the path to illumination and spiritual liberation is through the rape, torture and sacrifice of children.
"The cult is highly organised and protected by a network of middle- and upper-class professionals, who are either cult members, or access the 'services' of the cult (eg child porn/prostitution, rendering them vulnerable to blackmail).
"The cult is modelled on Crowley's writings, as is evidenced by the internal pseudo-Masonic 'degree' structure, the existence of OTO-like 'chapters', and the doctrine of 'strength', 'master/slave' and ritualised rape."
( / /

According to author Paul Bogdanor, in his book Kasztner's Crime:
A Jew called Rudolph Kasztner helped Hitler's Third Reich murder almost half-a-million Jewish men, women and children.
In 1942, Kasztner was running the Budapest Aid and Rescue Committee which was supposed to help Jews escape from the Third Reich.
The committee claimed to have saved up to 25,000 Jews who had been smuggled into Hungary from Nazi-controlled countries such as Poland.

Kasztner, 1957.
Hungary came under German rule in early 1944.
Kasztner made a deal with SS officer Adolf Eichmann to lure Jews to their deaths.
Kasztner helped Eichmann to deport Jews to Auschwitz.
Kasztner arranged for 1,684 VIPs, including his own family and friends, to escape Nazi control.
However, Kasztner helped Eichmann to deport almost 8000,000 'ordinary' Jews to Auschwitz.
After the war Kasztner gave evidence at the Nuremberg Trials in defence of high-ranking Nazi war criminals.

Aharon Shear-Yashuv
Tony Ryals alerted us to the following:
Aharon Shear-Yashuv is the son of a Nazi.
Aharon's father was in the Waffen-SS.
Aharon now lives in Jerusalem.
Aharon has been a senior rabbi in the Israeli armed forces.
Nazi-descended Jews living in Israel ....
Shear-Yashuv was born in Munich and was the daughter of a Wehrmacht soldier
She now lives in Israel.

Gerda and Kurt Tuchler
Mildenstein was the head of the SS Office for Jewish Affairs (prior to Adolf Eichmann).

How can one explain the Nazi-Zionist alliance?
At the top of the pyramid of power, we find that the elites, whether nominally Jewish, Christian, Hindu or Moslem, all share the same Mafia-Fascist philosophy and are all quite happy to work together.

According to Israel Shahak, "Jewish physicians, tax collectors and bailiffs could be relied upon by a king, nobleman, pope or bishop...
"Jewish rabbis and rich Jews were part of the governing class.
"Together they oppressed the masses, Jew and non-Jewish."
Makow - Jewish Elite.

American Ambassador in Berlin William Dodd wrote:
"One evening my wife visited Baron Eberhard von Oppenheim, who lives splendidly and quietly near us. Many German Nazis were present.
"It is said that Oppenheim gave the Nazi party 200,000 marks, and that he had received a special party dispensation, declaring him to be an Aryan."
Hitler's Secret Backers -

'Hitler was descended from Jews and Africans' DNA tests reveal
One of the chief philosophers of the current elite is Leo Strauss.
Strauss admired both Zionism and elements of the Nazi philosophy.
"Leo Strauss wanted to be a German, part of the remaking of Germany against the decadence... of liberal culture... But he also furthered a political Zionism, an analogue to his sympathy for the German national revolution as an alternative to the liberal culture he despised..."
Shadings: “They consider me a 'Nazi' here” – Leo Strauss.

Both the Nazis and the Zionists are told to believe in a Master Race or Chosen People.
The rich elite, whether Nazi or Zionist or Communist Chinese or Hindu, tend to favour 'Authoritarianism'.
Some of the 'working class' also support 'Authoritarianism'.
Think about attitudes on:
Crime and Punishment

Prince Bernhard, who reportedly was a member of the Nazi Party, would meet his Zionist friends at Bilderberg meetings.
Leo Strauss, who died in 1973, believed that in order to control the ignorant masses, the elite should tell lies.
Strauss believed that "those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right - the right of the superior to rule over the inferior."
Rulers need to go in for "perpetual deception."
Rulers need to press the right buttons on:
Crime and Punishment

Hans Eysenck, Professor of Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry,King's College, London studied political attitudes.
Where do YOU fit on... | Gather
The leaders of Nazi Germany and the leaders of Israel could both be considered to be 'Tough-Minded'.
Eysenck referred to "Radicalism", "Conservatism", "Tough-Mindedness" and "Tender-Mindedess".
Eysenck saw 'tender-minded' ideologies as 'democratic' and 'friendly to human freedoms', while tough-minded ideologies were aggressive and authoritarian.
Eysenck criticised the luxurious lifestyles of certain leaders who pretended to promote 'equality' while leaving the majority of their people poor.
Milton Rokeach and his colleagues used content analysis on works exemplifying nazism (written by Adolf Hitler), communism (written byV.I. Lenin), capitalism (by Barry Goldwater) and socialism (written by various socialist authors).
In excerpts from...
Socialists (socialism) - Equality ranked 2nd
Hitler (nazism) - Freedom ranked 16th, Equality ranked 17th
Goldwater (capitalism) - Equality ranked 16th
Lenin (communism) - Freedom ranked 17th
Where do YOU fit on... | Gather

"Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo.[3] [4] [5] [6]
"Hitler himself personally supported Zionism.[7] [8]
"During the 1930's, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine."
Nazi Support of Zionism

German historian Volker Koop says that the S.S. kidnapped thousands of children from occupied lands and murdered those that racial "experts" back in the Reich deemed "unfit for Germanisation". Nazi-scheme-kidnap
"There is detailed evidence that some Zionists collaborated with the Nazis, that Zionists sabotaged anti-Nazi boycotts, and that Zionists interfered with efforts to rescue victims of Nazi oppression.
"When facts first emerged in the 1950s about Zionist-Nazi collusion, it caused considerable scandal in Israel...
"Popular American playwright and fervent Zionist Ben Hecht wrote the first book on the subject, “Perfidy,” relating the history of a Hungarian Zionist leader who arranged for his family and several hundred prominent Jews 'to escape' while facilitating the movement of the rest of Hungarian Jews to Nazi concentration camps."
Denying Nazi-Zionist Collusion » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts ...

Hitler preferred boys.
"In “The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine” (containing an afterword by ADL head Abe Foxman), pro-Israel writer Edwin Black reports that in 1933 Zionist leaders concluded a secret pact with the Third Reich that transferred 60,000 Jews and $100,000 to Palestine, Zionists promising in return that they would halt the worldwide boycott “that threatened to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.”
"Author-researcher Lenni Brenner wrote of Zionist-Nazi collusion in “Zionism in the Age of Dictators,” of which the London Times stated: “Brenner is able to cite numerous cases where Zionists collaborated with anti-Semitic regimes, including Hitler’s.”

"Thyssen was arrested by the Vichy government and sent to aconcentration camp." Fritz Thyssen
"Brenner’s second book on the topic, “51 Documents, Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis,” includes a 1940 letter from underground Zionist terrorist leader Avraham Stern proposing that Jewish militias would fight on Germany’s side in exchange for Nazi help in creating an “historic Jewish state.”
"In “What Price Israel,” American Council for Judaism member Alfred Lilienthal describes FDR’s efforts to set up a program to rescue refugees, only to find Zionists sabotaging it. Roosevelt explained: “The Zionist movement knows that Palestine is, and will be for some time, a remittance society. They know that they can raise vast sums for Palestine by saying to donors, ‘There is no other place this poor Jew can go.’”
"When New York attorney Morris Ernst joined this refugee effort, he was shocked: “I was thrown out of parlors of friends of mine who very frankly said ‘Morris, this is treason. You are undermining the Zionist movement.’” Ernst wrote that he found a fanatical movement of men “little concerned about human blood if it is not their own.”

Sephardic Jews in Morocco. The roots of the Ashkenazi Jews "are Turkic/Mongolian and not Semitic".
"In “The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the Holocaust,” Israeli historian Tom Segev quotes Zionist leader and future Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion: “If I knew that it was possible to save all the Jewish children of Germany by transporting them to England, but only half of them by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the second.”
"Segev writes that Ben-Gurion worried that ‘the human conscience’ might cause various countries to open their doors to Jewish refugees from Germany and saw this as a threat, warning: ‘Zionism is in danger’”...
"In 2002 the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reported that the Israeli military was specifically studying Nazi Warsaw Ghetto strategies for use in the Palestinian Occupied Territories."
Denying Nazi-Zionist Collusion » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts ...
Frank McDonough has written: The Gestapo: The Myth And Reality Of Hitler's Secret Police.
The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality
According to McDonough:
Many of the Germans who joined the Gestapo had been detectives in the pre-Nazi German police force.
After World War II ended, 40% of the Gestapo were re-employed in the police force, eventually receiving full state pensions.
Most of the top people in the Gestapo were middle-class law graduates, some with doctorates.

Leopold von Mildenstein in Palestine in 1933.
In 1933, Mildenstein traveled to Palestine in the company of the Tuchlers.
Mildenstein continued his friendship with the Tuchlers after the war.[5][6]

Filmmaker Arnon Goldfinger and Edda von Mildenstein
In 2011, Arnon Goldfinger describes his discoveries about his grandparents in a documentary entitled The Flat.
At The Electronic Intifada, we read that the Nazis and the Zionists worked together to support the idea of a homeland for the Jews.
"Although never specified or discussed in The Flat, the Nazi government had in fact been approached about this matter by the Zionist Federation of Germany, of which Kurt Tuchler was an active member..."

Filmmaker Arnon Goldfinger and Edda von Mildenstein
In 2011, Arnon Goldfinger describes his discoveries about his grandparents in a documentary entitled The Flat.
At The Electronic Intifada, we read that the Nazis and the Zionists worked together to support the idea of a homeland for the Jews.
"Although never specified or discussed in The Flat, the Nazi government had in fact been approached about this matter by the Zionist Federation of Germany, of which Kurt Tuchler was an active member..."

How can one explain the Nazi-Zionist alliance?
At the top of the pyramid of power, we find that the elites, whether nominally Jewish, Christian, Hindu or Moslem, all share the same Mafia-Fascist philosophy and are all quite happy to work together.

According to Israel Shahak, "Jewish physicians, tax collectors and bailiffs could be relied upon by a king, nobleman, pope or bishop...
"Jewish rabbis and rich Jews were part of the governing class.
"Together they oppressed the masses, Jew and non-Jewish."
Makow - Jewish Elite.

American Ambassador in Berlin William Dodd wrote:
"One evening my wife visited Baron Eberhard von Oppenheim, who lives splendidly and quietly near us. Many German Nazis were present.
"It is said that Oppenheim gave the Nazi party 200,000 marks, and that he had received a special party dispensation, declaring him to be an Aryan."
Hitler's Secret Backers -

'Hitler was descended from Jews and Africans' DNA tests reveal
One of the chief philosophers of the current elite is Leo Strauss.
Strauss admired both Zionism and elements of the Nazi philosophy.
"Leo Strauss wanted to be a German, part of the remaking of Germany against the decadence... of liberal culture... But he also furthered a political Zionism, an analogue to his sympathy for the German national revolution as an alternative to the liberal culture he despised..."
Shadings: “They consider me a 'Nazi' here” – Leo Strauss.

Both the Nazis and the Zionists are told to believe in a Master Race or Chosen People.
The rich elite, whether Nazi or Zionist or Communist Chinese or Hindu, tend to favour 'Authoritarianism'.
Some of the 'working class' also support 'Authoritarianism'.
Think about attitudes on:
Crime and Punishment

Prince Bernhard, who reportedly was a member of the Nazi Party, would meet his Zionist friends at Bilderberg meetings.
Leo Strauss, who died in 1973, believed that in order to control the ignorant masses, the elite should tell lies.
Strauss believed that "those who are fit to rule are those who realize there is no morality and that there is only one natural right - the right of the superior to rule over the inferior."
Rulers need to go in for "perpetual deception."
Rulers need to press the right buttons on:
Crime and Punishment

Hans Eysenck, Professor of Psychology at the Institute of Psychiatry,King's College, London studied political attitudes.
Where do YOU fit on... | Gather
The leaders of Nazi Germany and the leaders of Israel could both be considered to be 'Tough-Minded'.
Eysenck referred to "Radicalism", "Conservatism", "Tough-Mindedness" and "Tender-Mindedess".
Eysenck saw 'tender-minded' ideologies as 'democratic' and 'friendly to human freedoms', while tough-minded ideologies were aggressive and authoritarian.
Eysenck criticised the luxurious lifestyles of certain leaders who pretended to promote 'equality' while leaving the majority of their people poor.
Milton Rokeach and his colleagues used content analysis on works exemplifying nazism (written by Adolf Hitler), communism (written byV.I. Lenin), capitalism (by Barry Goldwater) and socialism (written by various socialist authors).
In excerpts from...
Socialists (socialism) - Equality ranked 2nd
Hitler (nazism) - Freedom ranked 16th, Equality ranked 17th
Goldwater (capitalism) - Equality ranked 16th
Lenin (communism) - Freedom ranked 17th
Where do YOU fit on... | Gather

"Zionism was supported by the German SS and Gestapo.[3] [4] [5] [6]
"Hitler himself personally supported Zionism.[7] [8]
"During the 1930's, in cooperation with the German authorities, Zionist groups organized a network of some 40 camps throughout Germany where prospective settlers were trained for their new lives in Palestine."
Nazi Support of Zionism

German historian Volker Koop says that the S.S. kidnapped thousands of children from occupied lands and murdered those that racial "experts" back in the Reich deemed "unfit for Germanisation". Nazi-scheme-kidnap
"There is detailed evidence that some Zionists collaborated with the Nazis, that Zionists sabotaged anti-Nazi boycotts, and that Zionists interfered with efforts to rescue victims of Nazi oppression.
"When facts first emerged in the 1950s about Zionist-Nazi collusion, it caused considerable scandal in Israel...
"Popular American playwright and fervent Zionist Ben Hecht wrote the first book on the subject, “Perfidy,” relating the history of a Hungarian Zionist leader who arranged for his family and several hundred prominent Jews 'to escape' while facilitating the movement of the rest of Hungarian Jews to Nazi concentration camps."
Denying Nazi-Zionist Collusion » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts ...

Hitler preferred boys.
"In “The Transfer Agreement: The Dramatic Story of the Pact between the Third Reich and Jewish Palestine” (containing an afterword by ADL head Abe Foxman), pro-Israel writer Edwin Black reports that in 1933 Zionist leaders concluded a secret pact with the Third Reich that transferred 60,000 Jews and $100,000 to Palestine, Zionists promising in return that they would halt the worldwide boycott “that threatened to topple the Hitler regime in its first year.”
"Author-researcher Lenni Brenner wrote of Zionist-Nazi collusion in “Zionism in the Age of Dictators,” of which the London Times stated: “Brenner is able to cite numerous cases where Zionists collaborated with anti-Semitic regimes, including Hitler’s.”

"Thyssen was arrested by the Vichy government and sent to aconcentration camp." Fritz Thyssen
"Brenner’s second book on the topic, “51 Documents, Zionist Collaboration with the Nazis,” includes a 1940 letter from underground Zionist terrorist leader Avraham Stern proposing that Jewish militias would fight on Germany’s side in exchange for Nazi help in creating an “historic Jewish state.”
"In “What Price Israel,” American Council for Judaism member Alfred Lilienthal describes FDR’s efforts to set up a program to rescue refugees, only to find Zionists sabotaging it. Roosevelt explained: “The Zionist movement knows that Palestine is, and will be for some time, a remittance society. They know that they can raise vast sums for Palestine by saying to donors, ‘There is no other place this poor Jew can go.’”
"When New York attorney Morris Ernst joined this refugee effort, he was shocked: “I was thrown out of parlors of friends of mine who very frankly said ‘Morris, this is treason. You are undermining the Zionist movement.’” Ernst wrote that he found a fanatical movement of men “little concerned about human blood if it is not their own.”

Sephardic Jews in Morocco. The roots of the Ashkenazi Jews "are Turkic/Mongolian and not Semitic".
"In “The Seventh Million: The Israelis and the Holocaust,” Israeli historian Tom Segev quotes Zionist leader and future Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion: “If I knew that it was possible to save all the Jewish children of Germany by transporting them to England, but only half of them by transporting them to Palestine, I would choose the second.”
"Segev writes that Ben-Gurion worried that ‘the human conscience’ might cause various countries to open their doors to Jewish refugees from Germany and saw this as a threat, warning: ‘Zionism is in danger’”...
"In 2002 the Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reported that the Israeli military was specifically studying Nazi Warsaw Ghetto strategies for use in the Palestinian Occupied Territories."
Denying Nazi-Zionist Collusion » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts ...
Frank McDonough has written: The Gestapo: The Myth And Reality Of Hitler's Secret Police.
The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality
According to McDonough:
Many of the Germans who joined the Gestapo had been detectives in the pre-Nazi German police force.
After World War II ended, 40% of the Gestapo were re-employed in the police force, eventually receiving full state pensions.
Most of the top people in the Gestapo were middle-class law graduates, some with doctorates.

According to Frank McDonough in The Gestapo: The Myth And Reality Of Hitler's Secret Police:
The Gestapo tortures included waterboarding, electric wires tied to sexual organs and forms of crucifiction.
The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality
These are the tortures that are currently used by the US military.
Many of the top Nazis were sadistic homosexuals.
The Gestapo smashed people to pulp.
"In a dungeon, a terrified, naked prisoner would be handcuffed to an iron bar hung on chains from the ceiling.
"A guard then shoved him off in a slow arc and, at each return, another guard smashed his buttocks with a crowbar...
"The blows continued until only a mass of bleeding pulp remained...
"In the end a sack of bones and flayed flesh and fat was swept along the concrete floor and dragged away."
Many of the victims of the Gestapo were Christians.
There were groups of working-class teenagers, 'the Pirates', 'the Navajos' and 'the Raving Dudes', who opposed the Hitler Youth.
In 1944, in Cologne, the Gestapo publicly hanged 13 young members of these teenage groups.
Himmler, who was partly Jewish, was the boss of the Gestapo, as well as the boss of the SS.
Hugh Thomas' 2001 book The Unlikely Death of Heinrich Himmler provides evidence that the 'Himler' who died in British custody in 1945 was not the real Himmler.
There is evidence that Himler was allowed to escape.
MI6's Kim Philby and Anthony Blunt, both of whom had links to Victor Rothschild, were reportedly involved in a cover-up.

The 'body of Heinrich Himmler', 1945.
Himmler had Jewish connections.
Himmler had Jewish connections.
Reportedly, Himmler's grandfather was Jewish.
Himmler neice, Catharine Himmler, married an Israeli
Himmler's SS cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in British-run Palestine.
Himmler neice, Catharine Himmler, married an Israeli
Himmler's SS cooperated with the Haganah, the Zionist underground military organization in British-run Palestine.
(The Zionists are in bed with the Nazis)
The Gestapo's Eichmann was Jewish.
We should not forget that the top people who run al Qaeda, ISIS and Saudi Arabia are reportedly crypto-Jews.
Osama bin Laden - 'crypto-Jew'.
The Gestapo's Eichmann was Jewish.
We should not forget that the top people who run al Qaeda, ISIS and Saudi Arabia are reportedly crypto-Jews.

Osama bin Laden - 'crypto-Jew'.
According to Frank McDonough in The Gestapo: The Myth And Reality Of Hitler's Secret Police:
The Gestapo tortures included waterboarding, electric wires tied to sexual organs and forms of crucifiction.
The Gestapo: The Myth and Reality
These are the tortures that are currently used by the US military.
Many of the top Nazis were sadistic homosexuals.
The Gestapo smashed people to pulp.
"In a dungeon, a terrified, naked prisoner would be handcuffed to an iron bar hung on chains from the ceiling.
"A guard then shoved him off in a slow arc and, at each return, another guard smashed his buttocks with a crowbar...
"The blows continued until only a mass of bleeding pulp remained...
"In the end a sack of bones and flayed flesh and fat was swept along the concrete floor and dragged away."
Many of the victims of the Gestapo were Christians.
There were groups of working-class teenagers, 'the Pirates', 'the Navajos' and 'the Raving Dudes', who opposed the Hitler Youth.
In 1944, in Cologne, the Gestapo publicly hanged 13 young members of these teenage groups.

Outside a courthouse in Omaha, Will Brown, after being mutilated and burned. Brown was almost certainly innocent of the crime of which he had been accused. Cached . EXECUTED KID WAS INNOCENT
According to Frank McDonough in The Gestapo: The Myth And Reality Of Hitler's Secret Police:
After World War II, many thousands of members of the Gestapo escaped punishment.
There was no major trial of the members of the Gestapo.
Dr Werner Best, the head of Gestapo administration, spent only a few short years in jail and then got himself a top job with a top German company.
Reportedly, 297 former Gestapo officers became senior police officials in post-war Germany.
In post-war Germany, about half of the former Gestapo officers became civil servants, and most of the very top Gestapo officials returned to their jobs as lawyers.

Adolf Eichmann (centre)
Adolf Eichmann organised the transport network that took Jews to concentration camps.
After the war Eichmann was taken into custody by the Americans.
(Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad - Daily Telegraph 16 August 2012)
However, Eichmann was able to retire to Argentina.

Eichmann in Argentina.
Israel was alerted to Eichmann's presence in Argentina in 1957, by Fritz Bauer, a Jewish prosecutor in Germany.
Bauer had been tipped off by Lothar Hermann, a Jew in Argentina, whose daughter, Sylvia, had become friends with Eichmann's son.
Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad
Bauer alerted the Israeli authorities.
But Mossad closed the case!
(Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad)
(Josef Mengele was living under his own name in the Americas, but he was able 'to go underground in 1959', after the authorities were tipped off.)

"Only when Bauer insisted did Isser Harel, director of the Israeli spy agency Mossad, dispatch an agent to Argentina to verify the claim.
"Even then there was a delay of four months - in the 1950s the Israeli security... devoted not a single officer exclusively to the business of Nazi hunting."
The Mossad agent met Hermann and insisted on being given fingerprint and identity card evidence; this was not possible.
Mossad closed the case for a second time.

Zvi Aharoni aka Hermann Arndt
In 1959 Bauer travelled to Israel to complain.
In 1960, Mossad sent an agent, Zvi Aharoni, to Argentina.
'Eichmann' was whisked off to Israel and put on trial.

Josef Mengele (above), Klaus Barbie and Adolf Eichmann were among the many Nazis who were allowed to escape. Mengele reportedly went to work for the CIA.
Aharoni then moved to Brazil to hunt for Mengele.
A tip-off led him to a farm 25 miles north of Sao Paulo, where he saw Mengele 'face to face'.
"Instead of organising another snatch team, however, he was recalled to help with the search for a young Jewish boy who had been kidnapped."

"Eichmann had Jewish friends, was employed by Jews as an oil and kerosene salesman, had Jewish relatives by marriage." (A portrait of Eichmann as an ordinary man - The New York Times)
In 1939, Adolf Eichmann desribed himself as a Zionist. (Adolf Eichmann Was a Crypto-Jewish Zionist Nazi)
Adolph Eichmann went to Palestine in 1937 to negotiate a homeland for the Jews.
Reportedly, "he had been assured of CIA protection for life, and the CIA were furious when Israel went back on an agreement and kidnapped him from Argentina in 1960." (Holocaust Conference)

Hitler is said to have retired to Argentina.
On 12th March 2010, we learnt that Germany is fighting to keep its Eichmann files secret.
Eichmann helped organise 'the Holocaust'.
Documents about Eichmann are bound by a 50-year secrecy order.

In his book The Order of the SS (1981), Professor Frederic Reider explains how the Nazi Third Reich and Zionist Haganah worked together to encourage Jews to move to Palestine. (National Medical Association).
"At the time when Eichmann took over the Sub-department IV B4 in the R.S.H.A., which had been established to settle the Jewish question, he (Eichmann) was not himself anti-Semitic.
"His functions led him to collaborate closely with the World Zionist Organisation and to make contact with the leaders of the secret Zionist organisation, Haganah.
"He even went himself to Palestine in 1937, in the company of Oberscharfuhrer S.S. Sergeant Hagen, the successor to Leopold von Midenstein, to examine the problem....
"By the end of 1939, 150,000 Austrian Jews had left, by choice, to go to live in Palestine, as had also 120,000 German Jews and 78,000 from Bohemia/Moravia.
This emigration had been organised by the S.D., with Haganah’s approval, and was carried out clandestinely by boat, despite the draconian measures taken by Britain to stop it..."

Eichman also had the Madagascar Plan, whereby a national Jewish homeland would be set up in Madagascar.
Himmler and Heydrich approved, and on 18th June 1940 Hitler himself told Mussolini 'an Israeli state might be set up in Madagascar'.
The project came to nothing. (National Medical Association)
Jewish historian David Cesarani, in Eichmann: His Life and Crimes, states that as a child Eichmann was persecuted because he looked Jewish.
Eichmann's stepmother had Jewish relations and Eichman associated with Jews.
Eichmann learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration. (eichmann was jewish hurricane katrina was a regional)

Himler's 'double'.
KEV BOYLE has written: Speaking in Code and the Absurdity of 'Anti-Semitism'
Some quotes:
"The dominant class of Jews are not semites at all.
"They are ethnically Russian.
"Semitic and African Jews are second-class citizens in Israel.
African non-Jews are being consigned to concentration camps.
"Furthermore, 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' describe anti-semitism as being 'indispensible to us for management of our lesser brethren'. (in Protocol no. 9, verse 2)
"'Our lesser Brethren' are obviously the vast majority of ordinary innocent Jewish people who are not involved in the psychopathic machinations of the Judeo/Masonic (non-Jewish) elite...
"What most people hate, when they begin to understand what is going on, is psychopathic lying murderers.
"People like Tony Blair, who is not Jewish...
"Talmudic Judaism teaches its inductees that such psychopathy is a virtue.
"It teaches that Jews are the ONLY humans. The rest of us are 'goyim' (cattle) and non-human..."
According to Frank McDonough in The Gestapo: The Myth And Reality Of Hitler's Secret Police:
After World War II, many thousands of members of the Gestapo escaped punishment.
There was no major trial of the members of the Gestapo.
Dr Werner Best, the head of Gestapo administration, spent only a few short years in jail and then got himself a top job with a top German company.
Reportedly, 297 former Gestapo officers became senior police officials in post-war Germany.
In post-war Germany, about half of the former Gestapo officers became civil servants, and most of the very top Gestapo officials returned to their jobs as lawyers.

Adolf Eichmann (centre)
Adolf Eichmann organised the transport network that took Jews to concentration camps.
After the war Eichmann was taken into custody by the Americans.
(Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad - Daily Telegraph 16 August 2012)
However, Eichmann was able to retire to Argentina.
Eichmann in Argentina.
Israel was alerted to Eichmann's presence in Argentina in 1957, by Fritz Bauer, a Jewish prosecutor in Germany.
Bauer had been tipped off by Lothar Hermann, a Jew in Argentina, whose daughter, Sylvia, had become friends with Eichmann's son.
Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad
Bauer alerted the Israeli authorities.
But Mossad closed the case!
(Zvi Aharoni and Yaakov Meidad)
(Josef Mengele was living under his own name in the Americas, but he was able 'to go underground in 1959', after the authorities were tipped off.)
"Only when Bauer insisted did Isser Harel, director of the Israeli spy agency Mossad, dispatch an agent to Argentina to verify the claim.
"Even then there was a delay of four months - in the 1950s the Israeli security... devoted not a single officer exclusively to the business of Nazi hunting."
The Mossad agent met Hermann and insisted on being given fingerprint and identity card evidence; this was not possible.
Mossad closed the case for a second time.

In 1959 Bauer travelled to Israel to complain.
In 1960, Mossad sent an agent, Zvi Aharoni, to Argentina.
'Eichmann' was whisked off to Israel and put on trial.

Josef Mengele (above), Klaus Barbie and Adolf Eichmann were among the many Nazis who were allowed to escape. Mengele reportedly went to work for the CIA.
Aharoni then moved to Brazil to hunt for Mengele.
A tip-off led him to a farm 25 miles north of Sao Paulo, where he saw Mengele 'face to face'.
"Instead of organising another snatch team, however, he was recalled to help with the search for a young Jewish boy who had been kidnapped."

"Eichmann had Jewish friends, was employed by Jews as an oil and kerosene salesman, had Jewish relatives by marriage." (A portrait of Eichmann as an ordinary man - The New York Times)
In 1939, Adolf Eichmann desribed himself as a Zionist. (Adolf Eichmann Was a Crypto-Jewish Zionist Nazi)
Adolph Eichmann went to Palestine in 1937 to negotiate a homeland for the Jews.
Reportedly, "he had been assured of CIA protection for life, and the CIA were furious when Israel went back on an agreement and kidnapped him from Argentina in 1960." (Holocaust Conference)

Hitler is said to have retired to Argentina.
On 12th March 2010, we learnt that Germany is fighting to keep its Eichmann files secret.
Eichmann helped organise 'the Holocaust'.
Documents about Eichmann are bound by a 50-year secrecy order.

In his book The Order of the SS (1981), Professor Frederic Reider explains how the Nazi Third Reich and Zionist Haganah worked together to encourage Jews to move to Palestine. (National Medical Association).
"At the time when Eichmann took over the Sub-department IV B4 in the R.S.H.A., which had been established to settle the Jewish question, he (Eichmann) was not himself anti-Semitic.
"His functions led him to collaborate closely with the World Zionist Organisation and to make contact with the leaders of the secret Zionist organisation, Haganah.
"He even went himself to Palestine in 1937, in the company of Oberscharfuhrer S.S. Sergeant Hagen, the successor to Leopold von Midenstein, to examine the problem....
"By the end of 1939, 150,000 Austrian Jews had left, by choice, to go to live in Palestine, as had also 120,000 German Jews and 78,000 from Bohemia/Moravia.
This emigration had been organised by the S.D., with Haganah’s approval, and was carried out clandestinely by boat, despite the draconian measures taken by Britain to stop it..."
Eichman also had the Madagascar Plan, whereby a national Jewish homeland would be set up in Madagascar.
Himmler and Heydrich approved, and on 18th June 1940 Hitler himself told Mussolini 'an Israeli state might be set up in Madagascar'.
The project came to nothing. (National Medical Association)
Jewish historian David Cesarani, in Eichmann: His Life and Crimes, states that as a child Eichmann was persecuted because he looked Jewish.
Eichmann's stepmother had Jewish relations and Eichman associated with Jews.
Eichmann learned Hebrew, visited Palestine and worked closely with Zionists preparing Jews for emigration. (eichmann was jewish hurricane katrina was a regional)

Himler's 'double'.
KEV BOYLE has written: Speaking in Code and the Absurdity of 'Anti-Semitism'
Some quotes:
"The dominant class of Jews are not semites at all.
"They are ethnically Russian.
"Semitic and African Jews are second-class citizens in Israel.
African non-Jews are being consigned to concentration camps.
"Furthermore, 'The Protocols of the Elders of Zion' describe anti-semitism as being 'indispensible to us for management of our lesser brethren'. (in Protocol no. 9, verse 2)
"'Our lesser Brethren' are obviously the vast majority of ordinary innocent Jewish people who are not involved in the psychopathic machinations of the Judeo/Masonic (non-Jewish) elite...
"What most people hate, when they begin to understand what is going on, is psychopathic lying murderers.
"People like Tony Blair, who is not Jewish...
"Talmudic Judaism teaches its inductees that such psychopathy is a virtue.
"It teaches that Jews are the ONLY humans. The rest of us are 'goyim' (cattle) and non-human..."
Labels: BBC, Camberley, Crowley, Gwladys, Haw-Haw, Joan Miller, Maxwell Knight, Nazis, Philby, Roosevelt, Rothschild, Uncle Max, Zionists
Background on North Korea-Iran Missile Deal
Article by 'Oded Granot
Tel Aviv MA'ARIV
in Hebrew, 14 Apr 95 pp 8-12
Dont you thin k there is a likeness between Crowley and Victor Rothschild ?
Also todays world does make logic if the Zionist own/influence
99% of the worlds central banks and control countries were there is a perceived democracy as we also know they own the political global theater well 99% whats stopping them , or more to the point who is stopping them
or is there a timeline of events that has to take place a procedure ?
The history of spies in Europe is interesting and important.
Today Putin and Trump had a phone call.
Corporate media in both nations spun it the same and were cautiously positive, as were the spokespeople for Putin and Trump.
They had a lovely dance and chat about Syria and stopping terrorism there. Pure theatre. People who think these two are not playing for the same team, are exhibiting identical behavior as those who still deny 911 truth, clinging to comfortable fantasy. Reality sucks.
Whatever resistance to the NWO may still exist, it certainly does not include Russia. God help Syria.
Odd how the blogs who promote Putin as the hero are ignoring this like the plague.
Oh, yeah almost forgot, Putin has agreed to participate in a bogus discussion panel being chaired by Meghan Kelly, one of the more vile press bimbos.
It takes two to tango and they do: TrumPutin.
The far right parties in Europe have ties with Putin and his kleptocratic inner circle.
Check out:
check out:
The Scam of Fascism couldn't be bigger.. Even Italians Mussolini was a MI5 Agent!
Mussolini was a British Agent
So, if Hitler was an Agent, Mussolini an Agent - the Puppet Show was orchestras out of Jewish Britain!
Yellow badges are being implemented around the world
Micha Kat - born 1963 - writes in Dutch about what he says are establishment and judiciary-protected paedophiles in the Netherlands ... some previous mentions of him here:
Micha Kat is now in Northern Ireland facing court-ordered extradition back to the Netherlands on criminal charges
In the Netherlands, some believe Micha Kat is brave and courageous
Others have mixed views, thinking he gives too much credibility to suspect sources, and that he is too emotional, a loose cannon, with excessive personal aggression against others
Some others think Micha Kat may be part of a complex intelligence agency programme, going 'over the top' to discredit real evidence of factual paedophile cases
Much as is suspected of another Dutchman, Joel van der Reijden of ISGP, who supplies quite a lot of factual info on the Marc Dutroux paedophile dossier ... but uses Dutroux factoids as the cheese in his mousetrap, claiming most more recent paedophile accusations are fake and false, plus lying about 9-11 etc ... van der Reijden perhaps giving governments info on any victims who contact him
In English on Micha Kat:
"Micha Kat claims that many prominent members of the Dutch government, as well as journalists and others, are involved in pedophile networks and ritual child sacrifice
"Kat is currently living in Northern Ireland, wanted in the Netherlands for inciting violence. A Northern Ireland court will decide in September if he will be sent to the Netherlands for trial
"Kat has previously been convicted of making bomb threats, vandalism and slander, including threatening the editor-in-chief of the Dutch public broadcaster NOS and a journalist for De Telegraaf."
Counter-point praising Micha Kat as 'another Julian Assange' ... a bit funny in that 10 years ago, Bibi Netanyahu described Assange as an asset of Israel, Assange also admitted as intel faker by Zbigniew Brzezinski
Details on how Assange & Snowden are likely fake and helping to entrap real dissidents, Assange maybe never really 'living at the London Ecuador embassy' etc
As noted here earlier, Mussolini had a Jewish mistress of several decades, Margherita Sarfatti (1880-1961) née Grassini, her family that of wealthy Venice bankers, her Jewish father also a close friend of Pope Pius X
Vatican - Jesuits - Freemasons - Jewish groups
All linked it seems
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