Copeland's Conservative candidate Trudy Harrison (centre) with her daughters Gabi, Savannah Francesca, and Rosie. dailymail.
There was a by-election in Copeland, in the UK, on 23 February 2017.
SKWAWKBOX reports that fake postal votes may have been used to rig the Copeland by-election.
New information deepens doubts over #Copeland by-election
"Sky News reported at two minutes to midnight that the number of postal votes was already known."
There were said to be 9,000 postal votes.
"The figure of 9,000 is broadly in line with that reported for the 2015 general election."

On 23 February 2017, the BBC's David Dimbleby reported that Labour had won Copeland.
However, on 24 February some extra postal votes mysteriously arrived.
It was then announced that the Conservative Party had won the Copeland by-election.
There was a by-election in Copeland, in the UK, on 23 February 2017.
SKWAWKBOX reports that fake postal votes may have been used to rig the Copeland by-election.
New information deepens doubts over #Copeland by-election
"Sky News reported at two minutes to midnight that the number of postal votes was already known."
There were said to be 9,000 postal votes.
"The figure of 9,000 is broadly in line with that reported for the 2015 general election."

On 23 February 2017, the BBC's David Dimbleby reported that Labour had won Copeland.
However, on 24 February some extra postal votes mysteriously arrived.
It was then announced that the Conservative Party had won the Copeland by-election.

Copeland by-election.
This information suggests that the by-election in Copeland in the UK may have been rigged.
Officially, the Conservative Party won the by-election.

Sellafield in Copeland. 116 UK nuclear workers in the UK have died from accidents and cancer - dailymail. Radioactive particles across Europe.
Copeland is associated with various nuclear facilities, including Sellafield.
The Labour Party candidate in Copeland had been an active Remain (in the EU) campaigner.[10]
Applied IF Limited points out that the election rules say that:
Applied IF Limited points out that the election rules say that:
Valid votes and rejected votes must add up to the number of issued votes (minus any postal votes sent out but not returned).

"The absence of key information on the number of ballots issued (by post or in person), the number of postal votes not returned and the number of rejected (which is not the same as ‘spoiled) ballots means that a prima facie case exists that the election was not conducted lawfully...
"Applied IF insists that it can already conclude that the election was not conducted lawfully..."
Continued here: by-election in Copeland in the UK may have been rigged

SKWAWKBOX asks if a BBC video supports the #Copeland 'suspect count' allegations
On the evening of the by-election, the BBC's David Dimbleby, and other experts, stated that they were hearing that it was 'looking very much like Labour had held Copeland.'
The BBC's Tom Bateman told studio host Andrew Neil:
"Even the trays here, where the votes are normally piled in, have been kept empty."
Labels: Applied IF Limited, by-election, conservative, Copeland, Cumbria, labour, postal votes, rigged, Sellafield, SKWAWKBOX
I think the shameless vote-rigging started with the Scottish Independence vote. I just cannot believe the Scots would vote for continued subjugation under British Crown rule.
Then it was the General Election where the Lib Dems who enabled Tory austerity and cruelty were wiped out, but the hated Tories returned with a majority? That does not compute! I think the US was involved in that and that's why the numbers don't match.
Then there was Brexit, which I believe was rigged but they underestimated the size of the Leave camp so didn't rig it enough. A clean vote would have been 75-80% Leave, easily.
Unless we go back to ballot papers and proper vote counting no election result is safe from now on ever.
ringing the alarm?
Interesting comment on this link from an Aussie person:
"In the 1920s it was common practice for people who fell on hard times to put their children into Barnardos until they could reclaim them. All too often those children were told their parents didn't want them and they were sent to the 'colonies'. The parents were told that their children had died. My mother (born 1921) lived under the threat that they might be sent to such an orphanage - and knew what might happen. A close friend (born 19430 was put into care at birth and was later adopted. When she went to find her birth mother, she was told there was no record of her. That particular 'charity' has destroyed all its records. Australia has made its apologies - but it is time that the UK government also deals with its complicity in what was, in effect, the trafficking of young, vulnerable children into sexual and physical slavery."
Lawyer for Julian Assange... Lawyer for Keith Vaz...
The mysterious Mark Stephens?
Not the 1st whiff of sulphur re election fraud yet what do we hear re the conclusion of so called investigations ?
Whatever happened to the #ToryElectionFraud investigation?
Friday 29 July 2016 11.23 BST Last modified on Friday 17 February 2017 11.39 GMT
Nearly 20 police forces are investigating the allegations over Conservative spending, with some successfully applying to the courts for extra time to look into the issue.
The Electoral Commission has not yet stated in public if it will widen its inquiries as the Conservatives have asked, but the Labour MP Cat Smith is being investigated over her election expenses return.
Is Peoples Champion Tom Watson taking a bung to help Moseley's so called charity in its quest to silence the press and the public ? In effect the swansong of accountability & dissent.
Clearly not just the Tories are rotten to the core and devoid of principle.
Where is Moseley getting the money from ?
Labour’s deputy leader, Tom Watson, has received half a million pounds in donations from Max Mosley in less than a year, official records show.
The latest register of MPs’ interests reveals that Watson registered a donation worth £300,000 from the former boss of Formula One this month. It was made via the party to support Watson’s office as deputy leader and shadow culture secretary.
That followed a £200,000 donation from Mosley last June for a similar purpose. Mosley had previously donated £40,000 to support Watson’s bid to become the party’s deputy leader in 2015.
“I’m proud to call Max Mosley a friend and I’m delighted he has made a financial contribution to Labour,” Watson said. “His generous donation will help the party develop strong policies for our next manifesto.”
The pair share an interest in press regulation, with Mosley a victim of a newspaper sting involving images of him at a sex party, and Watson having supported a full implementation of the Leveson recommendations. The Mosley-funded group Impress, which was set up in the wake of those recommendations, received recognition as a state-backed press regulator last October.
Max Mosley has denied money to fund press regulator Impress was put together by his father and 1930s fascist leader Oswald Mosley.
The former motor racing boss said he inherited the money from Oswald, adding his father received it from his father with the cash passed down through the years.
The Independent Press Regulation Trust agreed to a £3.8 million four-year funding deal for Impress and said this money has been guaranteed by the Alexander Mosley Charitable Trust.
This was set up by Mosley, a victim of a newspaper sting involving images of him at a sex party, with Impress also receiving a “generous” donation from writer JK Rowling.
Ref „rigged election / rigged vote“
We have an international movement (the usual suspects??) to introduce “digital voting”. This according rules and regulations issued mainly by the European Community and the US government.
The PDF-links on this page
are referring to the organizations which are pulling the strings.
The entire political process of introducing “digital voting” is handled in a concealed way, with MSM in “mute mode”, in order to remain “under the Radar of the general public”.
Here in Switzerland, despite being “non-aligned”, we seem to be in the advance party of this action plan, see
Following, one of the “convincing” official explanations for pushing this agenda
At first “Berne” stated that the patients of nursing homes (of which a large section can certainly be called senile), should preferably vote “on-line”. Then, probably after a few persons called in “asking questions”, the scheme was altered to “mobile ballot-boxes”.
This despite the fact that every politically mature citizen is getting the voting papers sent by mail and the administrations of the nursing homes are obliged and willing to forward the mail of their patients.
Also expats are expected to vote on-line, who exactly is checking these results??
When international organizations are pushing an agenda to render the election and voting process absolutely non-verifiable, then the citizens should get highly alerted.
“The system” is obviously in high gear, to abolish voting with paper ballots and a with a halfway independent supervision of the counting process, with rotating citizens called-up by the political communities.
I approached a politician of the “nationalistic” political party SVP on the subject, he was fully aware of the implications but very vague on the steps SVP would take to inform the citizenry and their supporters!!
PS one of the past very important votes on “restricting mass immigration” was massively rejected?? in the French speaking areas, areas which are forerunners on digital voting.
New information deepens doubts over #Copeland by-election
It's sad that vote rigging can be empirically confirmed yet nothing will ever be done about it. And no one will ever be held accountable. What will it take for the truth to win out?
CIA / OSS / BIS / Bilderberg / EU Hmmmm ?
The Contradiction of Neutrality and International Finance: The Presidency of Thomas H. McKittrick at the Bank for International Settlements in Basle, Switzerland 1940-46
Profits of War = Debt & Usury
My god you are so ill informed it's unbelievable!
All Scottish people I know well enough to discuss this with, barring one, all voted to stay in the UK based on the promise that this would be the better enabler for them to remain as part of the EU. Not rigged, just lead down a path that didn't work out due to the shock Brexit result.
In the general election many people returned to their natural voting habits,switching back to Tory from their previous protest vote of Lib Dem 5 years earlier. Problem was that Labour didn't vote in the numbers possible so they were beaten, mainly because they were disillusioned with the Milliband leadership.
Regarding Brexit, where on earth did you get those "facts" from? I barely know anyone you voted leave (or that will at least admit it) so this would interest me. Oh, and if it was rigged, they rig it afterwards when the results are in to make sure they win.
Can I ask, are you a white collar worker over 50 living in the South of England? If not, I'll go with a retired (65+) blue collar worker, possibly a minor) from a hugely underfunded and under employed town like Doncaster?
There is secret hidden evidence in America that some individuals and organisations have indicated that exists to suggest the extremely large amounts of money is pumped into Britain on a yearly basis from the American Government.Basically this money is used to buy a British Government...it is not in the interest of America to have a British Government that is left wing!!please take this into consideration as part of a bigger picture...Nuclear issues concern the American Government....look at Iran...Syria...and yes its true the Russians built Iranian reactors....
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