
The police investigation into Sir Cliff Richard has "increased significantly in size" since its inception and involves "more than one allegation".
Sir Cliff Richard police probe

In 1992, a Mr Charlie Ronce, reportedly 'a liar and fantasist', convinced the editor of a tabloid newspaper that Sir Cliff Richard had become a Satanist at a ceremony in 1957.

Young Cliff Richard (Harry Web) top left.
Harry's father got a job with Thorn Electrical Industries (EMI) "a key member of Britain's military intelligence establishment."

Young Cliff (Harry Web) top right

Cliff Richard with Winston Churchill's close friend Lord Boothby, who reportedly was involved with child sex rings for the elite.. JIMMY SAVILE, THE KRAY TWINS...
In 1959, Cliff's group landed an EMI recording contract.
EMI, a key member of Britain's military intelligence establishment, has been linked to mind control.
Savile, EMI, mk ultra, eric woolfson, darren burn
When people are mind-controlled they are given several personalities, such as sex slave, ardent Christian, assassin...

In My Life, My Way, Cliff writes:
"It was as if I was becoming a different character - almost like the mild mannered Clark Kent ...
"The moment I put on the pink jacket ... I was Cliff ... and when I came off the stage I went back to being a shy little boy..."
In 1965, Cliff travelled to the USA to make music with Billy Sherrill in Nashville, Tennessee.

Tony Blair's friend Cliff Richard (left) with Sir Jimmy Savile, who allegedly supplied young boys to the elite for sex.
6. "At a big London railway station in the spring of 1970, a plastic carrier bag was found in the regular search for bombs before the station closed for the night.
"The contents were an odd assortment of letters and photos, which seemed to have been taken at a kinky party attended by some well-known figures in entertainment.
"One in particular showed a pop singer who masquerades under a Christian persona; dressed in women’s underwear he was pictured with young boys.
"The bag was duly taken to the station office and, as a senior rail worker wrote out a report for the lost property office, two MI5 men and a special branch officer arrived and demanded the photos."
T Stokes
In 1976, Cliff became a "rock" artist.
Cliff Richard and Jimmy Savile.
Sir Jimmy Savile had links to Israel and high-ranking members of the Israeli Government and military.

Cliff is friend of Tony Blair.

1. Cliff Richard
Tom Driberg, rent boys, Aleister Crowley, the KGB and . / MYSTERIOUS MICK JAGGER
Above we see Lord Boothby, gangster Ronnie Kray and Ronnie's friend Leslie Holt.
Lord Boothby and Ronnie Kray.

Above, we see Tom Driberg and Lord Boothby
Lord Boothby and Ronnie Kray.
Cliff Richard keeps dangerous company.
Historian Tony Tony Gosling writes that the UK child abuse scandal raises disturbing questions about the UK's top people.

Tony Gosling
Among the points made:
1. It has become clear that organizations like the NSPCC (National Society for the Protection of Children) have actually been the perfect 'hiding place' for nests of abusers.
The NSPCC also runs the national Childline support phone service for the abused which some believe may also have been compromised.

2. Sir Peter Wanless was chosen by UK Home Secretary Theresa May to head an inquiry into the police losing evidence of child abuse.
Wanless is the chief executive of the NSPCC.
Previously, Wanless was permanent secretary to cabinet minister Michael Portillo.
There are the persistent rumours about Wanless' close friend and confidant Michael Portillo being allegedly involved in a Westminster sex scandal himself.

Michael Portillo and Malcolm Rifkind.
The TruthNews website reported:
"Sir Malcolm Rifkind known as 'Malcolm the p***' is chairman of the British parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC), which oversees MI5, MI6 and GCHQ - the most important position in the UK intelligence community."
Sir Malcolm Rifkind is the cousin of Sir Leon Brittan.

Cliff Richard has been spotted in Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, in Florida
How safe is Florida?

Roger Dean Kiser-Founder of "The Whitehouse Boys" (
In Florida, at the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys, children were sexually abused, tortured and murdered.
Florida School for Boys / US CHILDREN RAPED

Green Isle Boys Ranch
Young boys were reportedly raped at the Green Isle Boys Ranch which operated in Clermont Florida.
Green Isle Boys Ranch was run by a large organisation called Bridges of America.
Sexual Abuse Allegations Lead to Shut Down of Green Isle ... / Bridges of America

Melvin Floyd Sembler, former United States Ambassador to Italy, founded Straight Inc., which ran drug treatment centres for children.
According to Dr. Bruce K. Alexander of Simon Fraser University: "I believe that Straight's treatment can be fairly compared with 'brainwashing'..."
Mel Sembler's Unauthorized Biography
"This was torture - there was deliberate degrading and humiliating treatment, sexual abuse..."
Melvin Sembler's Legacy of Abusing Children

Paul Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive. Paul was kidnapped by the US military and tortured and mind-controlled to turn him into a sex slave.
1. Reportedly, there are "pedophile farms and ranches like .... Green Isle Ranch in Central Florida - operated by ... Bridges of America...
"Rick Scott, Charlie Crist, Jeb Bush and his father and brother have taken money from Mel Sembler (founder of Straight, Inc.,) who is the grand daddy of organized children's abuse facilities...
"'Officials' work so hard to lie and cover up the sex abuse reports of children in these so called facilities like Dozier School; Green Isle Boys Ranch; and, YSI (Youth Services International)."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014


Donald Wiseman worked for military intelligence.
In 1942 he became senior intelligence officer of the Mediterranean Allied Tactical Air Forces.
Wiseman worked with the Christian Crusaders organisation.
He was leader of the class at Finchley, which included Cliff Richard.[14]
Donald Wiseman
Wiseman worked with the Christian Crusaders organisation.
He was leader of the class at Finchley, which included Cliff Richard.[14]
Donald Wiseman

"A Scripture Union Scotland worker was caught with thousands of child abuse images and videos while he was employed at the Christian charity's Bible camp for youngsters."
Bible camp worker found with thousands of child abuse ..
Sir Cliff Richard has appeared on stage with Billy Graham.
Among the paying public were hundreds of children from Christian organisations, one of whom now claims to have been sexually assaulted by Cliff Richard......
Bible camp worker found with thousands of child abuse ..
Sir Cliff Richard has appeared on stage with Billy Graham.
Among the paying public were hundreds of children from Christian organisations, one of whom now claims to have been sexually assaulted by Cliff Richard......
Billy Graham was reportedly recruited by the CIA.

Sir Cliff Richard with Jane Krivine, former director of the Hampstead and Highgate Festival.
1. According to South Yorkshire's Chief Constable David Crompton:
Sir Cliff Richard police probe

In 1992, a Mr Charlie Ronce, reportedly 'a liar and fantasist', convinced the editor of a tabloid newspaper that Sir Cliff Richard had become a Satanist at a ceremony in 1957.
Ronce introduced one of the newspaper's reporters to 67-year old Reggie Painter, supposedly a former High Priest of the Willesden Satanist Chapter, who claimed to have presided over the ceremony in Highgate cemetery (next to Hampstead).
Within hours of the story being printed Sir Cliff's lawyers started legal proceedings for libel and thousands of copies of the newspaper were recalled and pulped.

Cliff Richard with Yuri Geller who has been linked to MOSSAD-CIA MIND CONTROL.
2. Harry Webb, aka Cliff Richard, was born in India, a top recruiting ground for MI5.
His mother, Dorothy Marie Dazely, came from a military family.
His father, Rodger Webb, used to cane young Harry.

Young Cliff Richard (Harry Web) top left.
In 1948, Harry and his family moved to London.

Young Cliff (Harry Web) top right
By the 1950s Harry Webb was renamed Cliff Richard and was trying to become the UK's Elvis Presley.
Harry was involved with the entrepreneur Harry Greatorex, Norrie Paramor, the TV producer Jack Good, and members of the Kosher Nostra.

Cliff Richard with Winston Churchill's close friend Lord Boothby, who reportedly was involved with child sex rings for the elite.. JIMMY SAVILE, THE KRAY TWINS...
In 1959, Cliff's group landed an EMI recording contract.
Savile, EMI, mk ultra, eric woolfson, darren burn
When people are mind-controlled they are given several personalities, such as sex slave, ardent Christian, assassin...

In My Life, My Way, Cliff writes:
"It was as if I was becoming a different character - almost like the mild mannered Clark Kent ...
"The moment I put on the pink jacket ... I was Cliff ... and when I came off the stage I went back to being a shy little boy..."
In 1965, Cliff travelled to the USA to make music with Billy Sherrill in Nashville, Tennessee.
Cliff appeared on The Ed Sullivan Show.
3. In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up to study the 'breaking point' of humans.

Billy Graham
In 1964, Cliff became an active Christian.
3. In 1921, in London, the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations was set up to study the 'breaking point' of humans.

Kurt Lewin
In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute, at Tavistock Square in London.
He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached )

In 1932, Kurt Lewin, a German-Jewish psychologist, became the director of the Tavistock Institute, at Tavistock Square in London.
He studied the use of terror to achieve mind control. (Cached )

Sir Cliff Richard reportedly owned a company, Blacknight Ltd, which was registered at Tavistock Square, where the 7/7 bombings took place.
Full list of current and 6 past directors / Thecolemanexperience - Mossad's links to Filthy Britain
Sir Cliff Richard reportedly owned a company, Blacknight Ltd, which was registered at Tavistock Square, where the 7/7 bombings took place.
Full list of current and 6 past directors / Thecolemanexperience - Mossad's links to Filthy Britain

4. Billy Graham, who has Jewish roots, and whose conversion techniques are akin to mind control, seems to have had a strong influence on Cliff Richard.

Billy Graham
In 1964, Cliff became an active Christian.
He made appearances with the Billy Graham crusades.
Billy Graham is linked to the CIA and CIA brainwashing.
"In 1992 ... Billy Graham said that we should 'embrace' this 'New World Order'."
(Christianity & The NWO Part II /

Billy Graham is linked to the CIA and CIA brainwashing.
"In 1992 ... Billy Graham said that we should 'embrace' this 'New World Order'."
(Christianity & The NWO Part II /
Kathleen Sullivan "was raped by Billy Graham". Website for this image "Mind-control survivor Kathleen Sullivan has written an astounding book..."Sullivan says she was abused and raped by ... Billy Graham, among others." (Mind Control, Slavery, and the New World Order)
"When Billy Graham's family migrated to Turtle Island, they arrived with the name Frank, being related to Jakob Frank; then they changed to a Scottish name, Graham.
"Billy Graham's daughters lived in Israel and his son fought for Israel in the 6-day war."
( :: View topic - MK ULTRA/CIA/Freemasonry..Was It ...)
"Mind-control survivor K. Sullivan says she was abused and raped by Billy Graham, among others."
(Mind Control, Slavery, and the New World Order)

Billy Graham and Cliff Richard. "We know that Billy Graham is serviced by ... sex slaves." Mind Control
"Billy Graham has been built up to be the most respected and popular person in America.

Undetectable Total Mind Control.

They conned the public.
Billy Graham told the American people that we need to embrace the New World Order.
The Deception of Billy Graham / Fritz Springmeier
"When Billy Graham had his 1954 Crusade, large sums of the money came directly from people in the 'Illuminati', the Whitneys, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, and Chase Manhattan."
Undetectable Total Mind Control .... / Fritz Springmeier
As a youth, Billy Graham was turned down for membership in a local youth group because he was "too worldly".[10]
Billy Graham is linked to the CIA and CIA brainwashing.
"In The Deadly Deception, by Jim Shaw, an ex-33rd degree mason, ... Shaw relates how Graham was present at his ceremony initiating him into the 33rd degree. Only freemasons are allowed to attend these ceremonies."
(The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO Part II/Http://

When Cliff did his Wellington gig he opened the concert by telling the crowd, "Good evening Auckland''.
"Sir Cliff... allegedly once lived with the black male calypso singer Cy Grant...

Lord Boothby and a young Cliff Richard
"Sir Cliff has never once replied to any criticism that he allegedly entered the profession as a male prostitute, although rumours persist that many performers have refused to share a stage with him in the past.
"The Metropolitan police have security cameras trained on the Chelsea army barracks and have also allegedly complained unofficially of Cliff Richard’s car number constantly being flagged up on numerous occasions as Sir Cliff was rumoured to be trying to chat up the soldiers."

Sir Cliff's grandfather was a bigamist.

In 1949 Cliff's father (above) obtained employment in the credit control office of Thorn Electrical Industries (EMI), which reputedly had connections to MI5.
"When Billy Graham's family migrated to Turtle Island, they arrived with the name Frank, being related to Jakob Frank; then they changed to a Scottish name, Graham.
"Billy Graham's daughters lived in Israel and his son fought for Israel in the 6-day war."
( :: View topic - MK ULTRA/CIA/Freemasonry..Was It ...)
"Mind-control survivor K. Sullivan says she was abused and raped by Billy Graham, among others."
(Mind Control, Slavery, and the New World Order)

Billy Graham and Cliff Richard. "We know that Billy Graham is serviced by ... sex slaves." Mind Control
"Who wants to find out they have been deceived?"
The Deception of Billy Graham / Fritz Springmeier

Billy Boys
"In 1952, in Paris, Billy Graham and another evangelist had dinner with two prostitutes and each one took one of them home.
"See Frady, Marshall. Billy Graham, A Parable of American Righteousness. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., p.169-170.

The film Expresso Bongo, which starred Sir Cliff Richard
"In 1954, the man who ran security for the Sacramento Crusade saw a high-priced hooker sneak into Billy Graham’s room prior to him going out for the Crusade.
"Billy Graham and this high priced hooker were alone together in the room."
"Billy Graham and this high priced hooker were alone together in the room."

They conned the public.
Billy Graham told the American people that we need to embrace the New World Order.
The Deception of Billy Graham / Fritz Springmeier
"When Billy Graham had his 1954 Crusade, large sums of the money came directly from people in the 'Illuminati', the Whitneys, the Vanderbilts, the Rockefellers, and Chase Manhattan."

Billy and his dear friend Cliff.
"Billy Graham’s family when they originally came over to this nation were of the Frank family which is related to Jakob Frank...
"Billy Graham’s daughters have lived in Israel, and Billy Graham’s son fought with the Israeli army in the Six-Day War...

"Billy Graham is part of the people who implement the Monarch program (which was a joint Illuminati/CIA total mind control program).
"We know that he is serviced by Monarch sexual slaves (their kitten alters).

Jimmy Swaggert would disguise himself with sun glasses...
Billy Graham said that he "often attends love-ins and rock festivals incognito by putting on a false mustache and beard."
Chicago Daily News, Dec. 29, 1969.
Billy Graham said that he "often attends love-ins and rock festivals incognito by putting on a false mustache and beard."
Chicago Daily News, Dec. 29, 1969.
Undetectable Total Mind Control .... / Fritz Springmeier
Billy Graham is linked to the CIA and CIA brainwashing.
"In The Deadly Deception, by Jim Shaw, an ex-33rd degree mason, ... Shaw relates how Graham was present at his ceremony initiating him into the 33rd degree. Only freemasons are allowed to attend these ceremonies."
(The Unholy Alliance - Christianity & The NWO Part II/Http://

5. What kind of person is Sir Cliff Richard?
How much of the gossip is fantasy?

How much of the gossip is fantasy?

Cilla Black (above) is 'Positive' Cliff Richard Is Innocent

Boy George

Boy George
In 2010 there was "shock as Sir Cliff Richard tours with Boy George"
"Sir Cliff Richard is to go on a 12-city tour of Germany with Boy George, who was jailed last year for assaulting a male escort."
"Sir Cliff Richard is to go on a 12-city tour of Germany with Boy George, who was jailed last year for assaulting a male escort."
Boy George was sentenced to 15 months in jail for falsely imprisoning a male escort by handcuffing him to a wall and beating him with a metal chain.

"Sir Cliff... allegedly once lived with the black male calypso singer Cy Grant...
"Sir Cliff ... was also named by the Kray twins as one of Lord Boothbys 'bum-boys'...
"The Krays were well known for controlling a large number of pretty boys who were lent or rented out to homosexuals in the entertainment and political worlds."
"When Cy grant died in 2010 a man was escorted away from the funeral claiming loudly that he and cliff Richard were abusing young lads..."
"The Krays were well known for controlling a large number of pretty boys who were lent or rented out to homosexuals in the entertainment and political worlds."

Lord Boothby and a young Cliff Richard
"Sir Cliff has never once replied to any criticism that he allegedly entered the profession as a male prostitute, although rumours persist that many performers have refused to share a stage with him in the past.
"The Metropolitan police have security cameras trained on the Chelsea army barracks and have also allegedly complained unofficially of Cliff Richard’s car number constantly being flagged up on numerous occasions as Sir Cliff was rumoured to be trying to chat up the soldiers."

Cliff and his mother.
Sir Cliff's grandfather was a bigamist.

In 1949 Cliff's father (above) obtained employment in the credit control office of Thorn Electrical Industries (EMI), which reputedly had connections to MI5.

Cliff Richard's friend Jill Dando was murdered.

Cliff Richard was a friend of Jimmy Savile.

Tony Blair's friend Cliff Richard (left) with Sir Jimmy Savile, who allegedly supplied young boys to the elite for sex.
6. "At a big London railway station in the spring of 1970, a plastic carrier bag was found in the regular search for bombs before the station closed for the night.
"The contents were an odd assortment of letters and photos, which seemed to have been taken at a kinky party attended by some well-known figures in entertainment.
"One in particular showed a pop singer who masquerades under a Christian persona; dressed in women’s underwear he was pictured with young boys.
"The bag was duly taken to the station office and, as a senior rail worker wrote out a report for the lost property office, two MI5 men and a special branch officer arrived and demanded the photos."
T Stokes

In 1986, Richard was involved in a five-car crash in West London.

Cliff has a Portuguese home is near to where Madeleine McCann disappeared,
In 1995 Cliff became Sir Cliff Richard, joining other famous knights such as Sir Jimmy Savile, Sir Cyril Smith and Sir Bob Geldof.
In 2009, Cliff said: "I was the only one who didn't spit or swear or sleep around. I didn't do drugs. I didn't get drunk. I didn't indulge in soulless sex."[63]

Cliff and boys from Brazil
Cliff Richard is a lifelong bachelor.[69]
For many years he shared his main home with Bill Latham.[80][81]

Cliff has a Portuguese home is near to where Madeleine McCann disappeared,
In 1995 Cliff became Sir Cliff Richard, joining other famous knights such as Sir Jimmy Savile, Sir Cyril Smith and Sir Bob Geldof.
In 2009, Cliff said: "I was the only one who didn't spit or swear or sleep around. I didn't do drugs. I didn't get drunk. I didn't indulge in soulless sex."[63]

Cliff and boys from Brazil
Cliff Richard is a lifelong bachelor.[69]
For many years he shared his main home with Bill Latham.[80][81]
Cliff has spoken of his friendship with John McElynn, an American former missionary whom Richard met in 2001 on a visit to New York.[86]
In 2008, Cliff said: "John now spends most of his time looking after my properties, which means I don't have to. John and I have over time struck up a close friendship. He has also become a companion, which is great because I don't like living alone, even now."[71]

Cliff has escaped from corrupt England, where pop stars allegedly visited a child brothel called Elm Guest House.
In 2010, Cliff confirmed that he is no longer a resident of the United Kingdom and had been granted citizenship by Barbados.
He still has a house in Sunningdale, Berkshire, in the UK.[94]

For over 40 years Cliff has been an active supporter of Tearfund, a Christian charity.
Cliff has made a number of overseas visits to see their work in such countries as Uganda, Bangladesh and Brazil.

7. Pop star Cliff Richard was a close friend of the BBC journalist Jill Dando.
In 1999, Jill Dando was murdered by a professional hitman outside her home in Gowan Avenue in London.

Jill rarely visited her home in Gowan Avenue.
Only a handful of close friends and relatives could have known she would be there on that particular day.

Reportedly, Jill was investigating a pedophile ring involving the top people.
Cliff Richard was interviewed by the police investigating the shooting.
Why was Cliff Richard interviewed by Jill Dando murder police...

Kate's doctor Alan Farthing and the murdered BBC presenter Jill Dando
Alan Farthing was part of the medical team responsible for the birth of Kate and William's new baby, Prince George.
Alan Farthing is the Queen's Gynaecologist.
Alan Farthing was the fiance of the BBC TV presenter Jill Dando.
Cliff Richard was a close friend and confidante of Jill Dando.

Savile and William's mother Diana.
Jill Dando's BBC colleague Nick Ross is married to Sarah Caplan the cousin of Jimmy Savile's friend Esther Rantzen.
Caplan and Rantzen founded the controversial charity called Childline.
There has been speculation that the murder of Jill Dando is linked to "a VIP paedophile ring which was operating within the BBC and in the Elm Guest House and various children's homes."
More here: Jill Dando, Jimmy Savile, BBC paedophiles, Cliff ...

Lord Longford.
8. In the 1970s, Lord Longford, friend of the child killer Myra Hindley, compiled a self-funded report into pornography.
Lord Longford invited Sir Jimmy Savile and Cliff Richard to join him on a wide-ranging tour of sex industry establishments, including strip clubs in Copenhagen.
Cliff Richard, Jimmy Savile, Lord Longford, Myra Hindley
Former UK prime minister John Major and Cliff Richard.

9. Cliff Richard is close friends with 'war criminal' Tony Blair.

Tony Blair has spent time at Cliff's villa (above) in Barbados.

In 2008, Cliff said: "John now spends most of his time looking after my properties, which means I don't have to. John and I have over time struck up a close friendship. He has also become a companion, which is great because I don't like living alone, even now."[71]

Cliff has escaped from corrupt England, where pop stars allegedly visited a child brothel called Elm Guest House.
In 2010, Cliff confirmed that he is no longer a resident of the United Kingdom and had been granted citizenship by Barbados.
He still has a house in Sunningdale, Berkshire, in the UK.[94]

For over 40 years Cliff has been an active supporter of Tearfund, a Christian charity.
Cliff has made a number of overseas visits to see their work in such countries as Uganda, Bangladesh and Brazil.

In 1999, Jill Dando was murdered by a professional hitman outside her home in Gowan Avenue in London.
She was murdered by a man of Mediterranean/Israeli appearance.

Jill Dando and Cliff Richard
Jill rarely visited her home in Gowan Avenue.
Only a handful of close friends and relatives could have known she would be there on that particular day.

Reportedly, Jill was investigating a pedophile ring involving the top people.
Cliff Richard was interviewed by the police investigating the shooting.
Why was Cliff Richard interviewed by Jill Dando murder police...

Kate's doctor Alan Farthing and the murdered BBC presenter Jill Dando
Alan Farthing was part of the medical team responsible for the birth of Kate and William's new baby, Prince George.
Alan Farthing is the Queen's Gynaecologist.
Alan Farthing was the fiance of the BBC TV presenter Jill Dando.
Cliff Richard was a close friend and confidante of Jill Dando.

Savile and William's mother Diana.
Jill Dando's BBC colleague Nick Ross is married to Sarah Caplan the cousin of Jimmy Savile's friend Esther Rantzen.
Caplan and Rantzen founded the controversial charity called Childline.
There has been speculation that the murder of Jill Dando is linked to "a VIP paedophile ring which was operating within the BBC and in the Elm Guest House and various children's homes."
More here: Jill Dando, Jimmy Savile, BBC paedophiles, Cliff ...

Lord Longford.
8. In the 1970s, Lord Longford, friend of the child killer Myra Hindley, compiled a self-funded report into pornography.
Lord Longford invited Sir Jimmy Savile and Cliff Richard to join him on a wide-ranging tour of sex industry establishments, including strip clubs in Copenhagen.
Cliff Richard, Jimmy Savile, Lord Longford, Myra Hindley

Former UK prime minister John Major and Cliff Richard.
The Longford Report, in 1972, was a best-seller.
It contained a long account of sex and sadism in a boys' boarding school:
‘Sometimes the prefects did a lot of the whipping; at other times they made the third-year boys do it as well, or the second-year boys whip the first years and the first years whip each other.’
It contained a long account of sex and sadism in a boys' boarding school:
‘Sometimes the prefects did a lot of the whipping; at other times they made the third-year boys do it as well, or the second-year boys whip the first years and the first years whip each other.’

Cliff Richard and Tony Blair

So, who is Cliff Richard working for?

Is this a clue?

Cliff Richard and Jimmy Savile.
Sir Jimmy Savile had links to Israel and high-ranking members of the Israeli Government and military.

Media Connect Missing Children to Elm Guest House.
Sir Cliff has been linked to the boy-brothel, the Elm Guest House.

Was Princess Diana murdered because she knew too much about the top pedophile rings?

Some people believe that the security services run the pedophile rings.
Sir Cliff has been linked to the boy-brothel, the Elm Guest House.

Was Princess Diana murdered because she knew too much about the top pedophile rings?

Some people believe that the security services run the pedophile rings.
The London police and the UK security services reportedly have links to Israel.
Thecolemanexperience - Mossad's links to Filthy Britain
London police unit, SCO19, were reportedly trained by the Israeli police force.
Thecolemanexperience - Mossad's links to Filthy Britain
London police unit, SCO19, were reportedly trained by the Israeli police force.

There seems to be a connection between the Kosher Nostra and pedophile rings.
Margaret (Oppenheimer) Hodge, MP, reportedly helped cover up the Islington child abuse ring, yet was made Children’s Minister by Israeli-loving Tony Blair.
Hodge’s nephew, Phillip, was with the McCann’s in Praia de Luz when Madeleine disappeared.
Sir Cliff Richard lives not far from Praia de Luz.

Jeffrey Epstein paid under-age girls for sex.
He is linked to Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell - daughter 'Mossad agent' Robert Maxwell, Ehud Barak, Bill Clinton, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Lord Mandelson...
Jeffrey Epstein "was once presented with three 12-year-olds from France as a birthday gift."

Sir Cliff Richard's villa in Barbados.
10. Cliff Richard, who is said to be worth $75 Million, has a villa on Barbados.
Jeffrey Epstein has his own private Caribbean island, Little St James.
Hodge’s nephew, Phillip, was with the McCann’s in Praia de Luz when Madeleine disappeared.
Sir Cliff Richard lives not far from Praia de Luz.

Jeffrey Epstein paid under-age girls for sex.
He is linked to Prince Andrew, Ghislaine Maxwell - daughter 'Mossad agent' Robert Maxwell, Ehud Barak, Bill Clinton, Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, Lord Mandelson...
Jeffrey Epstein "was once presented with three 12-year-olds from France as a birthday gift."

Sir Cliff Richard's villa in Barbados.
10. Cliff Richard, who is said to be worth $75 Million, has a villa on Barbados.
Among the people who enjoy staying on Barbados are Simon Cowell, Andrew Lloyd Webber and Elton John.
Ian Fleming used to bring his gay friends to Jamaica.
A UNICEF study warns of pedophile rings operating in Barbados.

Cliff Richard in Israel
Cliff Richard loves Israel.
The daughter of Cliff's close friend Billy Graham is going to Israel "next week as a part of the Christians in Solidarity with Israel trip."
American Evangelical Christian Leaders Plan Solidarity Trip to Israel

During the investigation into the UK government adviser Peter Righton, correspondence was uncovered relating to a top pedophile ring in Gozo and Malta.
Sweden and Norway were also mentioned in the letters.
That evidence of the abuse carried out in Gozo and Malta is stored at the West Mercia Police HQ.
McKelvie says: "We still don’t know who gave the order to shut down the original police investigation...

A UNICEF study warns of pedophile rings operating in Barbados.
Cliff Richard in Israel
Cliff Richard loves Israel.
The daughter of Cliff's close friend Billy Graham is going to Israel "next week as a part of the Christians in Solidarity with Israel trip."
American Evangelical Christian Leaders Plan Solidarity Trip to Israel

Cliff Richard. A 'humble' ambassador for Valletta, Malta.
The Cliff Richard police officers, who searched his home, may be disciplined over an alleged 'witch hunt'.

Boys from Gozo
A pedophile ring for top British people operated on the island of Gozo (Malta).
The Cliff Richard police officers, who searched his home, may be disciplined over an alleged 'witch hunt'.

Boys from Gozo
A pedophile ring for top British people operated on the island of Gozo (Malta).
According to a leaked 1993 report, by the Hereford and Worcester Social Services Department:
An elite pedophile ring was involved in "the organised abuse of young boys" and the "trade" in young boys on Malta and Gozo.
The "elite paedophile ring" included over 20 prominent members of the British parliament, the judiciary and religious figures.

Cliff Richard (Times of Malta)
The report was leaked by Peter McKelvie, the former child protection manager, who wrote the 1993 report.

Peter Righton
During the investigation into the UK government adviser Peter Righton, correspondence was uncovered relating to a top pedophile ring in Gozo and Malta.
Sweden and Norway were also mentioned in the letters.
That evidence of the abuse carried out in Gozo and Malta is stored at the West Mercia Police HQ.
There are seven boxes of evidence of a powerful paedophile network.


McKelvie says: "We still don’t know who gave the order to shut down the original police investigation...
"The decision to shut it down is likely to have been taken by Michael Howard and/or Virginia Bottomley.
"Howard was Home Secretary at the time, with overall responsibility for policing, and Bottomley was Health Secretary, with overall responsibility for children’s homes and social work"
Evidence of 'organised abuse' and 'trade' of young boys in Gozo resurfaces

Above we see Cliff and John McElynn

Above we see a Jill Dando murder suspect
Above we see Alan Farthing, Jill Dando's partner.
Above, we see Cliff Richard on the child-abuse island of Jersey. / Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London.
Evidence of 'organised abuse' and 'trade' of young boys in Gozo resurfaces

Above we see a Jill Dando murder suspect / Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London.

Above we see Cliff in Sri Lanka.

UK government adviser Peter Righton is said to have visited the Bryn Estyn children's care home in Wrexham, which was used as a boy brothel by the elite.
Paedophile at centre of historical abuse inquiry 'visited children's homes around ... / aangirfan: Bryn Estyn .

Cliff Richard's home (above) is in Sunningdale, in Berkshire.

Above, we see Cliff Richard in the TV soap called Coronation Street.
Above, we see Davy Jones in Coronation Street.

Above, we see Davy Jones and the organiser of pedophile rings, Sir Jimmy Savile.
Paedophile at centre of historical abuse inquiry 'visited children's homes around ... / aangirfan: Bryn Estyn .

Cliff Richard's home (above) is in Sunningdale, in Berkshire.
Barry George, at 14, attended the publicly-funded Heathermount boarding school in Sunningdale, Berkshire, for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties.
CyberSalon / Barry George
Barry George was falsely blamed for the murder of Cliff Richard's friend Jill Dando, who was reportedly investigating top pedophile rings.

Above we see Cliff Richard at St Johns School, in Berkshire.

CyberSalon / Barry George
Barry George was falsely blamed for the murder of Cliff Richard's friend Jill Dando, who was reportedly investigating top pedophile rings.

Above we see Cliff Richard at St Johns School, in Berkshire.
Above, we see Cliff Richard on the child-abuse island of Jersey.

Above, we see Cliff Richard in the TV soap called Coronation Street.
Above, we see Davy Jones in Coronation Street.

Above, we see Davy Jones and the organiser of pedophile rings, Sir Jimmy Savile.

Cliff is friend of Tony Blair.

Cliff Richard and Lord Boothby
11. The 'friends' of the rent-boy-loving Lord Boothby included:
2. The pedophile Jewish gangsters called the Kray Twins, who ran a pedophile ring.
In 1969, Ronnie Kray wrote: "John, I had a very nice letter from Cliff Richard."
3. The rent-boy-loving MI5/KGB agent Tom Driberg
4. And the 'gay Jew' Winston Churchill, who like holidays in Morocco.

Above we see Lord Boothby, gangster Ronnie Kray and Ronnie's friend Leslie Holt.
Lord Boothby and Ronnie Kray.

Lord Boothby and Ronnie Kray.
According to biographer Francis Wheen: Driberg was a regular at Ronnie Kray’s flat, where 'rough, but compliant East End lads were served like so many canapes'.
The Kray Twins were linked to:
1. The American Mafia
2. Christine Keeler, who helped bring down the government.
3. And presumably to Mossad and its friends.
Cliff Richard keeps dangerous company.
Historian Tony Tony Gosling writes that the UK child abuse scandal raises disturbing questions about the UK's top people.

Tony Gosling
Among the points made:
1. It has become clear that organizations like the NSPCC (National Society for the Protection of Children) have actually been the perfect 'hiding place' for nests of abusers.
The NSPCC also runs the national Childline support phone service for the abused which some believe may also have been compromised.

Theresa May
Wanless is the chief executive of the NSPCC.
Previously, Wanless was permanent secretary to cabinet minister Michael Portillo.
There are the persistent rumours about Wanless' close friend and confidant Michael Portillo being allegedly involved in a Westminster sex scandal himself.

Cliff Richard pictured with pupils during a surprise visit to Binley Park School, Coventry, while performing at Coventry Theatre in 1976
3. Rumours circulated in 1994 that Portillo and another government Secretary of State, Peter Lilley, had got sexually involved with gay footballer, Justin Fashanu.
Fashanu reportedly threatening to “bring down the government” by leaking evidence of these affairs to the Daily Express.
When MI5 allegedly threatened Fashanu, Tory MP Stephen Milligan, a part-time journalist, is said to have weighed in on the footballer's behalf.
Within days, however, Milligan was found hanged in his London flat, naked, with an orange in his mouth in an apparent suicide, made to look like he was a sexual deviant. Several years later Fashanu was also tragically found hanged, this time in a garage in Shoreditch, London.
Judy Garland and the UK's Kray Twins (Another Nickel In The Machine - 2).
4. Brussels has also been the scene of the most horrendous child abuse.
Back in 1996, the arrest of Marc Dutroux in Belgium eventually led, eight years later, to his 2004 trial for the murder of four young girls he had imprisoned as sex slaves for the rich and powerful.
The Dutroux scandal has many of the characteristics of the Westminster scandal: A judicial cover-up, initial reluctance of the press to take it seriously, persistent police inaction and diligent police officers being inexplicably removed from the case.

Senator Stuart Syvret
5. Exactly the same perversions of the course of justice have been seen in several child abuse inquiries in the UK, including the Jersey inquiry where campaigning Senator Stuart Syvret and police chief Lenny Harper were both removed from their posts.
Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London...
3. Rumours circulated in 1994 that Portillo and another government Secretary of State, Peter Lilley, had got sexually involved with gay footballer, Justin Fashanu.
Fashanu reportedly threatening to “bring down the government” by leaking evidence of these affairs to the Daily Express.
When MI5 allegedly threatened Fashanu, Tory MP Stephen Milligan, a part-time journalist, is said to have weighed in on the footballer's behalf.
Within days, however, Milligan was found hanged in his London flat, naked, with an orange in his mouth in an apparent suicide, made to look like he was a sexual deviant. Several years later Fashanu was also tragically found hanged, this time in a garage in Shoreditch, London.
Judy Garland and the UK's Kray Twins (Another Nickel In The Machine - 2).
Back in 1996, the arrest of Marc Dutroux in Belgium eventually led, eight years later, to his 2004 trial for the murder of four young girls he had imprisoned as sex slaves for the rich and powerful.
The Dutroux scandal has many of the characteristics of the Westminster scandal: A judicial cover-up, initial reluctance of the press to take it seriously, persistent police inaction and diligent police officers being inexplicably removed from the case.

Senator Stuart Syvret
Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London...
Cliff Richard lent his house in Barbados to Tony Blair, friend of Jimmy Savile and Margaret Hodge.

Michael Portillo and Malcolm Rifkind.
The TruthNews website reported:
"Sir Malcolm Rifkind known as 'Malcolm the p***' is chairman of the British parliamentary Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC), which oversees MI5, MI6 and GCHQ - the most important position in the UK intelligence community."
Sir Malcolm Rifkind is the cousin of Sir Leon Brittan.

'Marjorie Robertson'
According to the Daily Mash (which some compare to the Onion):
According to the Daily Mash (which some compare to the Onion):
Fans of Sir Cliff say that a 1976 pop song, Devil Woman, was about Marjorie Robertson, an alleged Satanist.
Devil Woman is real, say Cliff Richard fans
'Senior fan' Jane Thompson said: "Devil Woman is not the product of some songwriter’s imagination, she is a real person.
'Senior fan' Jane Thompson said: "Devil Woman is not the product of some songwriter’s imagination, she is a real person.
"She was born Marjorie Robertson in Yeovil in 1954.
"By the age of 21 she had become a full-time satanist and Lucifer’s most trusted minion in the South West...
"Since 1976 we have been engaged in a secret battle for the soul of Britain...
"And now Devil Woman has escalated this conflict once again with these baseless accusations. We must hope and pray that the police and judicial system are able to resist Marjorie Robertson’s powerful sexuality."
"Since 1976 we have been engaged in a secret battle for the soul of Britain...
"And now Devil Woman has escalated this conflict once again with these baseless accusations. We must hope and pray that the police and judicial system are able to resist Marjorie Robertson’s powerful sexuality."

Cliff Richard has been spotted in Las Olas Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, in Florida
How safe is Florida?

Roger Dean Kiser-Founder of "The Whitehouse Boys" (
In Florida, at the Arthur G. Dozier School for Boys, children were sexually abused, tortured and murdered.
Florida School for Boys / US CHILDREN RAPED

Green Isle Boys Ranch
Young boys were reportedly raped at the Green Isle Boys Ranch which operated in Clermont Florida.
Green Isle Boys Ranch was run by a large organisation called Bridges of America.
Sexual Abuse Allegations Lead to Shut Down of Green Isle ... / Bridges of America

Melvin Floyd Sembler, former United States Ambassador to Italy, founded Straight Inc., which ran drug treatment centres for children.
According to Dr. Bruce K. Alexander of Simon Fraser University: "I believe that Straight's treatment can be fairly compared with 'brainwashing'..."
Mel Sembler's Unauthorized Biography
"This was torture - there was deliberate degrading and humiliating treatment, sexual abuse..."
Melvin Sembler's Legacy of Abusing Children

Paul Bonacci in front of the ranch where, reportedly, Johnny Gosch, and other boys were held captive. Paul was kidnapped by the US military and tortured and mind-controlled to turn him into a sex slave.
1. Reportedly, there are "pedophile farms and ranches like .... Green Isle Ranch in Central Florida - operated by ... Bridges of America...
"Rick Scott, Charlie Crist, Jeb Bush and his father and brother have taken money from Mel Sembler (founder of Straight, Inc.,) who is the grand daddy of organized children's abuse facilities...
"'Officials' work so hard to lie and cover up the sex abuse reports of children in these so called facilities like Dozier School; Green Isle Boys Ranch; and, YSI (Youth Services International)."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014

According to the former Nebraska senator John DeCamp, the charityCovenant House was used to acquire children for the purposes of child abuse. COVENANT HOUSE
2. "Researchers say ... the Green Isle Boys Ranch was owned by the Don Brown Family who control numbers of Florida Department of Corrections vendors under various Bridges of American corporations...
"The locals around the old Green Isle Ranch have claimed for years to have heard about boys being taken by well connected men to Lake Louisa State Park’s cabins on Lake Dixie..."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014

Throughout the UK, children's care homes have reportedly been used as child brothels by the security services. CHILD ABUSE; EARLS SCHOOL; KINCORA ...
3. "APRIL 7, 2014 - Last week, Governor Rick Scott held a fundraiser at the home of Pinellas County based developer Mel Sembler.
"Over the course of the past two decades Sembler, his family and his companies have donated over a $1,000,000 to the coffers of various Florida Republicans or the RPOF...
"In 1976 Mel Sembler founded Straight, Inc. which evolved into a nationwide ring of houses of horror - sex abuse of the children."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014
2. "Researchers say ... the Green Isle Boys Ranch was owned by the Don Brown Family who control numbers of Florida Department of Corrections vendors under various Bridges of American corporations...
"The locals around the old Green Isle Ranch have claimed for years to have heard about boys being taken by well connected men to Lake Louisa State Park’s cabins on Lake Dixie..."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014

Throughout the UK, children's care homes have reportedly been used as child brothels by the security services. CHILD ABUSE; EARLS SCHOOL; KINCORA ...
3. "APRIL 7, 2014 - Last week, Governor Rick Scott held a fundraiser at the home of Pinellas County based developer Mel Sembler.
"Over the course of the past two decades Sembler, his family and his companies have donated over a $1,000,000 to the coffers of various Florida Republicans or the RPOF...
"In 1976 Mel Sembler founded Straight, Inc. which evolved into a nationwide ring of houses of horror - sex abuse of the children."
Dozier Second Grave Site Theory Gains Traction April 15, 2014
Cliff Richard on the Island of Jersey.

Cliff Richard - Knight of Malta.
Labels: Billy Graham, CIA, Cliff Richard, Crusaders, EMI, Hampstead, MI5, MI6, mind control, Mossad, Norfolk Broads, Yuri geller
Gladio the glue that conjoins all of the above.
Paedophilia = covert control via blackmail & treats for the sickos presented as "leaders" & role models.
Mujahid Kamran, 21 Sep 2015
We describe Operation Gladio in various countries, from its illegal inception in 1945, and its evolution from stay-behind armies meant to resist a Soviet invasion of Western European countries to its bloody interference in the internal affairs of European and non-European countries on the pretext of countering Communist influence in these nations. Terrorism carried out by Gladio units in several European and non-European countries is described. Subversion in some countries, taken as illustrative examples, is dealt with in some detail. This was Gladio in the pre 9/11 period where its goal was to influence the internal politics of countries in such a manner as to prevent Socialists and Communists from being elected to power or to eliminate leadership that was either neutral in the Cold War or critical of U.S. foreign policy (Part I).
The World Order has no religious, political or economic program except World Slavery. Only by subduing all potential opposition can the parasite guarantee his position of lodging on the host. The World Order sets up countless groups to promote any type of idea, and then sets up other groups to fanatically oppose them, but the masters have no dedication to anything except slavery. As R.E. McMaster wrote in The Reaper, “The goal of international communism is not to destroy Western international debt capitalism. The goal of international communism is to enslave mankind at the behest of Western international debt capitalism.” This is all you can ever know about the present world situation, and it is all you need to know.
Cottrell remarks [23] that the Strategy of Tension functioned at three basic levels. At the first level it was involved in guerilla street fights. “It was intended to stiffen loyalties in those countries considered at the greatest risk of falling under the sway of the Soviet Union.” At the second level it involved coups or other methods of replacing popularly elected governments and replacing them with puppets or more pliable regimes. At the third level it carried out assassinations of important people who stood in the way of achievement of NATO goals.
There is a horrific list of false flag operations and assassinations carried out under Operation Gladio. The public of the countries where these false flag operations were carried out, were given the impression, through controlled media and government statements, that these were carried out by left wing elements. After 9/11 the left wing elements were replaced by Muslim extremists to the extent that terrorism and Muslim extremism have become synonymous. Such is the power of modern governments.
of course
Gladio Attack ? - Liverpool FC vs Juventus 29th May 1985 Heysel
Cottrell (p 307) has remarked that Supermarket Massacres is a misnomer because restaurants and shops, including Jewish jeweler shops, were also attacked. He states that the public reaction was so strong that NATO authorities were taken aback. The Belgian parliament unanimously rejected the explanation of the police authorities according to which these were carried out by criminal elements as absurd. The Belgians began thinking of moving out of NATO.
Cottrell has described the horrendous loss of life at the Heysel football stadium as a Gladio operation. He mentions that the request of both, the Juventus and the Liverpool management to change the stadium was rejected despite the fact that both managements felt that the Heysel stadium was too run down and decrepit to be the stage of such a huge event. He describes it in the following words [50]:
On 29th May 1985, television pictures flashed around the world and told the story of a bloody massacre at Heysel football stadium in the Flemish-dominated outskirts of Brussels, long a dominion of neo-Nazi thugs and skinheads. An encounter between the European titans Liverpool and Juventus finished in one of the worst riots in the history of the game, leaving the bodies of 39 Italian fans crushed to death on the terraces and dozens more injured. What happened at Heysel that day bore all the signs of a deliberately incited, designer riot. But now as the football world mourned it was time to beckon on the usual scapegoats. Kneejerk reactions placed the blame squarely on Liverpool supporters. Margaret Thatcher, who intrinsically despised anything tainted by socialist Merseyside, led the charge. British football was instantly banished from Europe, while Liverpool FC found itself the subject of odium for years to come over alleged behavior of its supporters. There was some general muttering about the inadequacy of Belgian crowd control, but almost no one except Liverpool chief executive Peter Robinson noted the disturbing background to the catastrophe.
Peter Robinson noted several things. Firstly, in violation of the usual precautions, all tickets had been sold by Belgian sources. That increased the probability of violence. Secondly the police contingent had been downgraded. The usual gendarmes were, surprisingly, replaced by Rijkswacht, an elite military police outfit controlled directly by the Ministry of Defense. Then the local people pointed out that just before the match started there was a sudden influx of a large contingent of skinheads, some of whom were, it appeared already familiar with the military police and were seen exchanging smiles with them. The military police is usually brought in for VIPs, but as Cottrell notes:
“But other eyewitnesses noted how the senior commanders apparently not only expected the phalanx of skinheads, but were sufficiently acquainted with their leadership to get into ‘smiling conversations’. One ordinary gendarme I found told me as he surveyed the shambles: ’This could only have been made to happen. Those people (the rival fans) were shunted so close together that it was like preparing a match for gunpowder. Then our skinheads were let into the ground and that is when the trouble started.’ He shook his head and went on: ‘It’s like Brabant, Nivelles.”
Cottrell who was a member of the European Parliament at that time points out that when his Brussels office tried to locate that gendarmerie officer a week later, they were told that no such officer existed or had ever served in the Gendarmerie!
What was the purpose and effect of this violence? Wilfried Martens’s government seemed to have become unpopular and the left seemed to be doing better. Since he was a staunch NATO supporter, it was felt that he should continue in power. Cottrell writes (p 310):
“Here was an utterly cynical diversion designed to focus the country’s voters away from the missiles affair, the growing pension crisis, and accelerating economic woes, and of course, the rival attractions of the Left. Stupefied Belgians – preoccupied above all with one uniting passion that holds the fragile country together, namely the national game – could think of nothing else but the tragedy. A semi-ruined soccer stadium, close to skinhead and neo-Nazi territory, skimmed of virtually any security precautions despite a high likelihood of friction between the protagonists, came straight out of Gladio central scripting. In a country where families were mown down while doing their shopping, children tortured to death in dark cellars or chased through woods by ravenous dogs, Heysel fitted the black landscape of designer atrocities.”
Pedophilia, drug running, prostitution, kickbacks, corruption, all these at the highest places, and murder and mayhem, were all part of a larger design to control , terrorize and brutalize a small country which had allowed NATO to headquarter itself there. Anyone attempting to expose those involved in these hideous pursuits would be dead, no matter how highly placed. Many a time Gladio operations were brought into play as a diversionary tactic designed to focus attention away from exposure of the deep criminals of national and international standing! Corruption in arms sales was particularly prominent as it involved huge sums of money. Arms and ammunition was transported from Belgian ports to Iraq to prolong the Iran-Iraq war and of course to make enormous profits. This was in violation of the UN sanctions but it was carried out with the approval of Thatcher, Bush and Reagan administrations.
Ironically Cliff is filmed here seemingly singing from behind bars.
24 March 1969; Dutch KRO television channel, The Wauw Show ...................... "Cliff Richard & The Shadows-Don't Forget To Catch Me",
Billy Graham - key figure in global fascism & how US people were duped into supporting it with fanatic fervor
Billy Graham's roots go back to US neo-Nazis of 1930s-40s, led by a Christian clergyman, Abraham Vereide, parallel to the Bush family etc financing Hitler ... after 1945 Vereide's Christian-Nazi group gave the US oligarchy a top-quality plan to slowly re-constitute the Nazi machine with USA as base
Key items in Vereide's clever new 'Nazi in USA' programme, re-launched under the friendly-sounding theme of the 'Washington DC Christian prayer breakfast meeting':
- Replace swastika with tried & true Christian cross, making full use of lack of strong traditional ritual religious institutions in Protestant USA, filling the gap with special new Christian-fascist machine
- Replace Hitler-Goebbels Nuremburg rallies with emotionally-similar events now led by media-supported, Bible-thumping Christian preachers groomed for skill in rhetorical manipulation, headed by Billy Graham ... mass meetings gradually evolving into television-centred 'tele-evangelist' culture, whilst friend of many US Presidents Graham remains dean of this operation for decades
- Tie in Washington political leaders, Congressmen etc, into harmless-sounding 'Christian prayer breakfast meeting' framework where they receive oligarch service instructions, the 'prayer breakfasts' tied to the new wave of media-pumped political-religious revival preachers led by Billy Graham
- Do a reverse-Hitler & this time use Jewish-Zionist mafias as key enablers of oligarchs, who will be given holy glow via association with Bible origins as well as Holocaust victim immunity ... 'Hitler would have won if he kept the Jews on his side' as Bush US Homeland Security Chief & rabbi's son Michael Chertoff & other Jews have said
- Get the military complex totally into Christian-Zionist-fascist war machine, with near-complete Bible fanatic takeover of such institutions as US Air Force Colorado officers training academy
- Get tens of millions of lower-class less-education TV-watching US citizens submissive because under thumb of TV preachers, caught up in 'Jesus is coming soon' mania, people hearing that 'wars in the Middle East are good news about the return of Jesus & you going to heaven'
Interesting, though I must point out one factual inaccuracy.
British clubs were not banned from Europe, only English ones were. Scottish clubs carried on competing in European competition whilst the English clubs were banned.
Graham is incorrect version surname from Abraham (Agraham).
Sephardic Tony B. and Andrew is and bi:
Cameron is sephardic family surname.
From unfavourable social deprivation, education and policing to City of Culture 2017!! What is it about Kingston upon Hull? (Read Related news links also) (Scroll down to Links with Hull) (Scroll down to page 3)
John Coleman wrote about Tavistock and Kurt Lewin.
" In 1917 he published a piece of work titled “The war landscape” in which he anticipated terms such as “Feldkräfte” and “Lebensraum”. "
Kurt Tsadek Lewin - a biographical sketch
The same sector had both Italian and English Fans. Problems occurred. Police couldn't set up anything feasible. The sector had a huge no-mans-zone where thugs, flying fireworks and stones were the only appearing in the fog.
On the left corner a wall cracked due to pressure of hundred of humans, causing the fatalities.
What's Driffield got?,-0.9704959,9z (Shows the geography of the area between Driffield, Bridlington, Scarborough and surrounding villages)
Past/Present Deputy Lieutenents of East Yorkshire (Scroll down to the table titled Operation Algebra - Suspected Paedophiles - West Yorkshire Constabulary)
Curious tales of East Yorkshire - Windmill Hill / Moot Hill also known locally as Hangmans Hill. Why? Luckily a surgery just around the corner.,-0.4410594,16z
Cliff Children & Religion.
Get On Board Little Children (2002 Remastered Version)
A relation of mine who is a west London senior policeman said that the area where jill dando was killed is smothered in cameras, as soon as they got images of a dark swarthy looking man and began to blow up the images, the enquiry was closed and a patsy barry George was arrested, it was said to be a mossad hit. Cliff Richard was said by an ex rent boy David Lambert who now runs a gay massage business in Bury st Edmunds, to have attended satanic rituals with cliff richard and greville janner was there too, believe me he is no Christian and completely under the control of mossad.
Great article! Imagien when these folks has direct access to star war technology - which is the case targeting civilian population in Europe & elsewhere. Which is happening to me as from this year approx. mid of January. Torture is one objective while death by cancer or 'accidents' is the main one. Not joking. Meet the bosses who run this place called *concave* Earth (we are inside) & we cannot get out.
The Police and organizations were totally culpable. An old stadium with opposite fans in the same sector. Do not remember the political situation, but I saw similarities with recent thugs fights in Marseille. Totally inactive French Police, hopefully these fights made them more vigilant for next matches.
Was the french police in a semi-inactive status, due to the various issues in France?
They had to face many french citizens manifesting anger against new job's laws.
We have been close to another Heysel IMHO. Just imagine 500 of those russians thugs into a stadium, instead of a few groups in Marseille.
French police was lucky, yet not on par with the responsibility they had to face. Hope they have been warned now.
Serving the people
Has he moved outside the family business?
Dr Thomas Jaconelli - GMC Registration No 7147870
Facebook intro :
Work - NHS Doctor (Emergency Medicine ST2)
Education - Studied Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery HYMS
From - Scarborough, North Yorkshire
'The enquiry was closed' is becoming quite a recurrent theme.
What chance of a group of mid and low level police people taking a stand, and saying 'No it bloody well isn't !" ?
Just powerful material all the way Aangirfan on every level. The past few days have provided a bevy of wealth of information that is flowing like a sieve seemingly inadvertently from the mouths of the abusers themselves on various media outlets. With the combination of your work and careful examination of the patterns just within the past three or four articles alone can you piece together an overwhelming amount of information that crystallizes the fact that there is an international organized child trafficking ritual/sexual abuse ring with a long term goal of usurping every avenue of society.
I just have to say thank you for so much inspiration to keep the fight alive for the harm done to the victims and the devastation this 'industry' has had on society.
The Hampstead Children: Cliff Richard;Tavistock;Freud;McCann; - Worldwide Ring
God Bless and God Speed
"It is now an undeniable fact that the UK establishment has, for decades, been run by people who tortured and killed children for entertainment, for political power, and just because they could."
The cognitive dissonance that statement produces in the majority of the population has provided the cloak of invisibility that has kept these people in power and their actions unpunished for all these years. When faced with an undeniable proof of any part of this, people’s shock was easily comforted by soothing assurances that the person was only one, that no one around him had been aware, that this would be taken care of. The idea of a society of torturing murderers, openly known to each other, controlling not just the UK but embedded in the upper echelons of many (if not all) countries was the stuff of conspiracy websites, those prolific disseminators of unbelievable truths well mixed with repellant bigotry and obvious falsehoods, presented as a whole to discredit all ingredients. Human trafficking is the largest criminal industry in the world. It is far less reasonable to believe it is conducted without the full knowledge and co-operation of those in power, but the power of deeply anti-social behaviour is how unwilling anyone is to believe another human is capable of it."
i lived on the corner of Gowan avenue and Munster road in Fulham in a drelict squat ex-offlicence at the time of Jills murder and a few of my friends knew Barry George...the nearest cameras would be 15min walk away on Fulham Road or Lillie Road ..i was surprised i was never visited by Police as locals knew abput the squat etc and previous tennants had been the anarcho traveller bunch known as the (special)brew crew..definete known trouble makers...poor old Barry was a fantasist who insisted on trtying to help the Police so as to gain some kind of local kudos and instead got stuffed up like a kipper and still no compensation..other mates in Fulham confirm everything you say about Cliff and more..thanks for the many reveals and unpeels ..truth is stranger than fiction..the castle is collapsing from the screams...peace and love 1&All x
This is an excellent article. But, who in the 'huddled masses' even wants to consider these things? What with the Bible quoting and Xmas carols and prayers in stadiums. Would anyone believe that saintly B Graham was a Jewish 33* Freemason? That his buddies were in the 33* Mason Norman Vincent Peale Marble Collegiate Church, and Allan Dulles, a promoter of NWO?
>>Check out = and download "BRAIN" to connect all the psychopaths who run their crusade.
I've not heard this mentioned but Cliff Richards is/was a member of the Jehovah's witnesses. My present flatmate in London was a Jehovah's witness as a child and remembers seeing both Cliff Richard and one of his shadows, guitarist Hank Marvin, attending a big yearly meeting of theirs sometime in the mid 1970's.
Also cliff attended his niece's wedding in 2010 at the Kingdom Hall of the JW's in Norwich in 2010.
What is it Sir Greg Knight wants to be silent about?
Possible Reply:
Was it Dr Simon Fradd, Joint Deputy General Practice Committee, Chairman GPC-BMA "that played the card"
Political Services:
As I understand it Cliff had a bible study with the JW's but didn't get baptised, instead opting for a different brand of Christianity. Hank Marvin did become a JW and still is. I think Cliff's Mum also became a JW which might explain his attendance at his niece's wedding.
Sorry if I am repeating information already covered, but any thoughts on the idea that the BBC 'stunt' with the helicopters over Cliff's home and the subsequent media coverage (currently being talked about by traumatised Cliff) was actually a stunt designed to make sure that any chances of a trial in the future would be scuppered?
My thoughts exactly.
John Coatman MBE – Crusaders/ Urban Saints Youth Group Leader charged with buggery of a 14-yr old.
Life long bachelor Coatman was a leader of Cliff Richard's (patron) Crusaders/Urban Saints youth group
Mr Coatman joined youth group the Croydon Crusaders, now known as Urban Saints, in 1949 aged eight and rose to represent the club on a national and international level.
Since retiring he has dedicated his time to the youth club and has worked with more than 100,000 young people leading expeditions to Austria, a project which has secured European Union funding, and on countless Duke of Edinburgh Award trips.
John Coatman's brother was Robert William Coatman, MBE
ONE of Croydon’s longest-serving councillors, Mayor of Croydon in 1977-78, also served as a magistrate at Croydon Magistrates’ Court for 21 years from 1976.
beachhutman on twitter today, before it goes viral? Dreamer.
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