The Israeli firm ICTS has been linked to 8 terror incidents. ICTS runs the security at the Charles de Gaulle airport, from which MS804 took off.
'Leaked data' indicates that Flight MS804 was on fire before it crashed, as smoke alarms were sounding for almost three minutes before it began its rapid descent.
The Aviation Herald
The Aviation Herald
Smoke was detected in the avionics (electronics).
The final two alerts from the plane indicate faults with the the flight control unit used by the pilot to input instructions into the flight computer and the computer that controls the plane's spoilers and elevator computers.
There was smoke and heat on a window near the co-pilot according to CNN aviation analyst David Soucie.
The EgyptAir flight MS804 could have been downed by a smuggled Lockerbie-style timed bomb.
EgyptAir flight 'downed by timed bomb'
EgyptAir flight 'downed by timed bomb'

In April 2016, Paul Ryan was in Israel, inspecting Israel's missiles.
Paul Ryan

On 20 May 2016, Moshe Yaalon, the Israeli Defense Minister, resigned.
He said that Israel is being taken over by "extremist and dangerous elements."
Israel's ex-defense minister: 'Extremist and dangerous elements'

Israel shot down this passenger airline.
In early May 2016, Israel's Major General Yair Golan compared recent trends in Israel to events in Nazi-era Germany.
Top IDF officer Yair Golan compares modern Israel to 1930s Germany.
In 1973, Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114 was shot down by Israel.
Libyan Arab Airlines Flight 114

Plane Explosion .
EgyptAir flight MS804
"An Israeli newspaper quoted witnesses as saying they saw a fireball in the sky around the time the plane disappeared."
EgyptAir flight MS804
"An Israeli newspaper quoted witnesses as saying they saw a fireball in the sky around the time the plane disappeared."
"A defence ministry source said authorities were also investigating an account from the captain of a merchant ship who reported seeing a 'flame in the sky' in the area."
"A defence ministry source said authorities were also investigating an account from the captain of a merchant ship who reported seeing a 'flame in the sky' in the area."

AIRPORT SECURITY. Security at the Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport 'is provided by the Israeli Firm ICTS'.
EgyptAir flight MS804
John Goglia, a former US National Transportation Safety Board member, said early indications point to a bomb.
"Given the fact that (the pilot) made those abrupt turns without broadcasting any maydays would indicate to me that something catastrophic like a device happened."

EgyptAir flight MS804
A relatively small quantity of explosive, planted in the right place, can destroy an airliner in flight.
A strike by a surface-to-air missile, launched from a ship, is also one possible cause.
EgyptAir flight MS804
The USA and its allies were holding a naval drill in the approximate area where the Egypt Air MS804 came down.

In October 2015, a Russian passenger plane that took off from an Egyptian Red Sea resort crashed in the Sinai, killing all 224 people aboard. Russia said it was brought down by a bomb.
Israel Claims Intercept Success.
Did a missile or a bomb bring down Egypt Air MS804?

1. Security at the Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport 'is provided by the Israeli Firm ICTS'.
ICTS has been linked to airport security on 9 11 and to airport security when numerous other terror incidents have occurred.
Goon Squad: Egypt Air Flight 804: Paris' Charles De Gaulle Airport
The Disappearance of Egypt Air Flight 804. / Phoenix Express 2016 Commences - Navy / Exercise Phoenix Express gets under way in Greece | Naval Today
2. The USA and its allies were holding a naval drill in the approximate area where the Egypt Air MS804 came down.
The Disappearance of Egypt Air Flight 804. / Phoenix Express 2016 Commences - Navy / Exercise Phoenix Express gets under way in Greece | Naval Today
3. The spooky friends of Donald Trump are blaming Moslems for the Egypt Air incident on 19 May 2016.
4. Donald trump is blaming 'terrorists' for the 19 May incident.

Israel has successfully tested a maritime missile ... dubbing it the “Iron Dome of the Sea,” the navy announced on ... The Tamir-Adir system, which the IDF said can shoot down ...
5. Goon Squad reminds us that ICTS France was re-awarded the contract with Aéroports de Paris at Charles de Gaulle and Orly airports
"ICTS provided 'security' to all airports used by the 9/11 thugs...
"ICTS also provided 'security' for the 'shoe and underwear bombers'...
"ICTS is owned by an Israeli, Ezra Harel. Most of its personnel are ex-Shin Bet officers."
6. French intelligence warned of ISIS (CIA-MOSSAD-NATO) attacks just before the EgyptAir Flight MS804 came down.
Egypt Air Crash: ‘Religion of Peace’ Strikes Again? - … #EgyptAir
Paul Joseph Watson writes that "suspicion focuses on the pilot, and on potential jihadists who worked at Paris airport."
Paul Joseph Watson writes that "suspicion focuses on the pilot, and on potential jihadists who worked at Paris airport."

"ICTS provided 'security' to all airports used by the 9/11 thugs...
"ICTS also provided 'security' for the 'shoe and underwear bombers'...
"ICTS is owned by an Israeli, Ezra Harel. Most of its personnel are ex-Shin Bet officers."
6. French intelligence warned of ISIS (CIA-MOSSAD-NATO) attacks just before the EgyptAir Flight MS804 came down.
Labels: drill, Egypt Air, ICTS, Infowars, ISIS, Israel, missile, MS804, naval exercise, Paul Joseph Watson, Trump, Yaalon
I'm with this see
Questions on the link-Islam or otherwise? 'Blaming Moslems' ought to be accurate and proportional. If at all? Not so quick on the “M this, and M that”. OK, if... to be described - carefully done? Remembering, those holding M faith but not for violence, might be listening? How might they feel or respond? Perhaps alienated rather than supporting and learning from certain, otherwise useful, broadcasters/websites? We all need, all the allies, we can get. Yes, got the Koran says this and that – which obv. isn't interpreted, that way but thus-ways, by millions and… So who 'we' talking about? More particular, less general thinking and expression, needed. Yes, where there's evidence. False-flags or street-life? But carefully does it.
Excellent information you're putting out there Aangirfan ... you are beacons of light in the darkness ... love ya xx
"...and on potential jihadists who worked at Paris airport."
Right, 'jihadists' named Ariel, Shlomo and Ehud.
Watson will one day hyperventilate himself to death.
Israeli ICTS 'Airport Security' firm, history of major 'terrorism' incidents (at least 7 so far)
1982 - ICTS founded by 'former' Israeli Shin Bet (internal state security) agents with Israeli airline security
1989 - ICTS exposed as Mossad by Spain's leading El Pais newspaper
1992 - ICTS runs security in Amsterdam where in October El Al plane takes off with apparently volatile cargo, perhaps chemical weapons, quickly crashes into immigrant apartment tower, hundeds killed
2001 - ICTS runs security at US airports for 'aeroplanes hijacked to hit NY twin towers' 11 September 2001 New York WTC demolition '9-11'
2001 - ICTS runs security at Paris airport boarding Christmas-time 'shoe bomber' Richard Reid a 'British Muslim'
2009 - ICTS still running airport security in Amsterdam where, Christmas-time again, ICTS shepherds Nigerian ‘Underwear Bomber’ Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab onto the aeroplane
2014 - ICTS still running airport security in Amsterdam where it boards Malaysia flight MH-17 brought down over Ukraine killing all aboard
2016 - ICTS running airport security in Brussels for 22 March Brussels bombings at Zaventem airport
2016 - ICTS still running airport security in Paris, now for Egypt Flight 804 brought down over Mediterranean 19 May killing all aboard again
[Amending earlier post - actually at least 8 ICTS-related 'terrorism' incidents, 1 more added here]
Israeli ICTS 'Airport Security' firm, history of major 'terrorism' incidents (at least 8 so far)
1982 - ICTS founded by 'former' Israeli Shin Bet (internal state security) agents with Israeli airline security
1989 - ICTS exposed as Mossad by Spain's leading El Pais newspaper
1992 - ICTS runs security in Amsterdam where in October El Al plane takes off with apparently volatile cargo, perhaps chemical weapons, quickly crashes into immigrant apartment tower, hundeds killed
2001 - ICTS runs security at US airports for 'aeroplanes hijacked to hit NY twin towers' 11 September 2001 New York WTC demolition '9-11'
2001 - ICTS runs security at Paris airport boarding Christmas-time 'shoe bomber' Richard Reid a 'British Muslim'
2005 - ICTS runs security for London bus networks for July 'suicide bombings' near ICTS Tavistock House headquarters
2009 - ICTS still running airport security in Amsterdam where, Christmas-time again, ICTS shepherds Nigerian ‘Underwear Bomber’ Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab onto the aeroplane
2014 - ICTS still running airport security in Amsterdam where it boards Malaysia flight MH-17 brought down over Ukraine killing all aboard
2016 - ICTS running airport security in Brussels for 22 March Brussels bombings at Zaventem airport
2016 - ICTS still running airport security in Paris, now for Egypt Flight 804 brought down over Mediterranean 19 May killing all aboard again
EgyptAir Flight 804: Update 5
The satellite imagery = All details are known … but are not provided to you on purpose so the false war on terror can be continued and expanded and France can extend its martial law nationwide.
+ update about the New York Times their "missing" quote
and more at
See Jim Stone's take on that. IMO 99% hes damm rite.
The plane allegedly took off from Paris at 21.09 GMT, that's 23.09 Paris time. 23.09 is 11.09. The alleged only British passenger, who worked for a gold mine, is named Osman.In the UK, if the police believe a person's life is in danger, they issue an Osman warning.
The aviation and general security services firm ICTS handles security operations at Brussels airport, the scene of a bomb attack yesterday morning.
ICTS was established in 1982 by former members of Shin Bet, Israel's internal security agency and El Al airline security agents, and has a major presence around the world in airport security including operations in the Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Italy, Portugal, Japan and Russia. ICTS uses the security system employed in Israel, whereby passengers are profiled to assess the degree to which they pose a potential threat on the basis of a number of indicators, including age, name, origin and behavior during questioning.
Chairman of the Supervisory Board at ICTS is Menachem J. Atzmon. Atzmon is a former Likud party member who was indicted and convicted in 1996 in a fraud and embezzlement case relating to the misappropriation of funds raised by charities. Atzmon is also the CEO of the port authority of Rostock in Germany.
This will not, however, be the first time that ICTS has come under scrutiny for possible security lapses leading to a 'Muslim terror attack'.
The young knicker bomber. Groomed, sheep-dipped and expended, to bring 'terror' to your doorstep.
As the provider of security services to Amsterdam's Schiphol airport and United Airlines and US Airways, the firm's security system was criticized for somehow allowing erstwhile 'underwear bomber', Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, to "slip through" and board Northwest Airlines Flight 253 to Detroit with explosive materials on Christmas day 2009.
The Christmas knicker bomber, as he came to be known, was not your usual disgruntled Arab or lowly Muslim acolyte. He was the son of Nigerian banking mogul and former Nigerian government minister Alhaji Umaru Mutallab, one of the richest men in Africa. We're talking one of the African colonial elite here, an African version of the British 'old boy's network'. While in London, his son, the knicker bomber, lived in a ₤4 million apartment in Mansfield Street, in the city's West End. He also enjoyed access to visas for several different countries, including the US. SOTT
EgyptAir Flight 804: Update 17
“JewsNews” Strikes Back…
EgyptAir Flight 804: Update 16
From the alleged ACARS messages for flight 804 (image), more specifically the last two of the seven … it can practically be guaranteed that indeed the airplane was taken over by an outside party to the events – i.e. remote hijacking. “Heading”, “speed”, “altitude” “spoiler and elevator control” are what you would expect to be lost control over when your aircraft is being piloted remotely by a hostile person or group of persons.
Remember: No photos from the wreckage/debris after two days (and it has been found allegedly when the press is to be believed) means there is/was NO CRASH of flight 804 at all and, thus, it is exactly as Ehab Mohy el-Deen said: “They just vanished” (landed off-target).
The stewardess, Samar Ezz Eldin, had a photo of a downed aircraft in the background where she is wading completely wet with a suitcase in water. This picture was on her Facebook page. Another was in Arabic. It was a prayer asking for forgiveness. The words were not properly aligned in proper sentence structure and some were missing. That has to put her at the top of the list to carry on a device. She also had a blue amulet common in Turkey as protection from 'the evil eye.'
When conspiracy is reality then by definition reality must be a conspiracy.
Paul Joseph Watson writes that "suspicion focuses on the pilot, and on potential jihadists who worked at Paris airport."
Doesn't Watson know his Yid buddies run the security at de Gaulle?
That story about a stewardess, plus a convenient photo of an aircraft plunging into the sea somewhere in the background of herself standing in the sea, was the very first theory put forward on Italian TV. It has since been dropped.
Thank you for doing the research and posting this so quickly. I was trying to find out if ICTS did the security on FLT 804 (as they did on MH17 and 9/11). There's your smoking gun.
The question now is whether the Egyptair MS804 in a hangar in Israel (havng a minor paint job done) waiting for the Euro 2016 Football Event to be sent back to France to trigger WW3?
Avigdor Leiberman is the new MOD. Nothing is ruled out
Note also, that days before, there were protests in Egypt against the treatment of Palestinians by Israeli G4S. (Israel always retaliates against criticism.) Obviously well within range of an Israeli S-A-M.
For me though, the smoking gun is that the MSM are quoting the occult magic number '66' when in fact the true toll is 69.
I am a Muslim. As a convert I am privileged to see things from both sides and one thing above all reigns supreme. The view of Islam, the supposed understanding by the majority of people in the West is utterly and irrevocably twisted and false. There is a version of Islam called "Hollywood Muslims" and it is adorned with trappings of the real thing but in fact it is just a loose concoction of out of context and sometimes invented details in a mish mash unrecognisable to real Muslims. The only thin they ever cry out is "Allah u Akbar" and they do so at the oddest of times, this talk of 72 virgins is a complete fabrication and has never been a part of Islam, just a twisted vfersion of an extinct cult which once arose. It is absolutely forbidden to kill women and children in war and anybody, including prisoners who is no longer fighting you. Killing by fire is forbidden. Rape is forbidden. Virtually everything the Takfiri fakes who make up ISIS are doing is nothing to do with Islam, except as it's blasphemous challenge. The aqctions of ISIS in fact resmble the way thyings were in the region before Islam took hold. It goes with the destruction of historical artifacts and all traces of history under a false interpretation of the ban on worship of idols. Historical monuments and tombs are not idols, but they are reminders of great history and events, places where one's spiritual battreies might be recharged. Shouting Allah u Akbar when going into battle? WHAT? Did nobody ever teach these Takfiri idiots Shahada? A true Muslim would shout the Shahada when facing death like that. The Shahada is the very first thing a Muslim says. Its intentional recitation alone denotes one as a Muslim, so why do these freaks never utter anything but the name of Allah? Blsphemy is why. Shahada goes like this. "La illaha illah Muhammaden rasullallah." We have even seen pictures of these phonies engaged in prayer...facing in entirely different directions. I thought the fact all Muslims pray towards the exact same point on earth was common knowledge but evidently the fakes of ISIS include many whose knowledge of what they're supposed to be pretending to be is about the same as the morons like Paul Joseph Watson and the cattle running happily after Trump. Good enough to convince each other. Put a tea towell over your head and shout Allah U Akbar and it's a Muslim but in the real world just morons.
Thank you for the link Aangirfan.
In my opinion it was an RF beam or rightly put it was HAARPed!
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