Thursday 19 November 2015


Is Europe being destabilised? Is there a psy-op?

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At 20 November 2015 at 01:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is there a psyop? Hell, yes. Its opening salve, or inaugurating ritual, if you like, was on 31 August 1997. (IMHO a far more significant date/event than 911). It's been ongoing and intensifying since then.

At 20 November 2015 at 08:47 , Blogger Michael K. said...

That persuasive video is psyop propaganda. It does nothing but douse a raging fire with kerosene at any rate, and it seems to rely heavily on RT branded clips, if not exclusively. It gray propaganda, emanating from an unofficial source, but it is attempting to justify the emergence of an anti-muslim fascist Europe, probably complete with Likud party clones in every country.

At 20 November 2015 at 09:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

lets say it is a psyops and that the plan is to dis-stabilize Europe by bringing in non whites, muslims well people from other countries and religious back ground to populate and dilute the Europeans. Well there is an Achilles heal in our over lords philosophy -They believe they come from a super race or super religion and they look on us gentiles as sub human and that mixing all these sub humans it will create chaos - but we don't think like that, i have mixed with all the waves of immigration from west Indians, Asians, Africans, south Americans, and eastern Europeans and have found that we can get on, we don't hate each other and that they bring something to us what we lack. My family has all married from the new wave of Britannia, Iranian, Colombian, North Cypress, Nigerian and my family is better for it. If we mix well there plan falls apart.. We must try to understand that their philosophy is warped is degenerate and is full of loop holes....

At 21 November 2015 at 05:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So Trump feeds the fire of racial bigotry with his border control and Muslim registration tirades. That fits with the refugee psyop. So Trump is in the game of the evil ones pretending to be a truth sayer.

At 21 November 2015 at 05:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Diana. And James Holb's Birthday is Dec 13. Think of Sandy Hook, Aurora, The Dark Knight movie map, ALanzas official death certificate date, The Paris Shooting Date. 13 and 31.

At 21 November 2015 at 15:34 , Blogger Michael K. said...

And Trump thinks it heroic for Russia to "bomb the hell out of ISIS", which is to say bombing the hell out of Syria (" there are no moderate rebels"), which in turn scares people away, creating more refugees. ISIS is dug in and well hidden, because they are being ably led and supplied, so bombs without friendly locals to give away ISIS positions to the army is of marginal effect. It is more of the same, as if more bombing is what is lacking in this situation. It is an expression of hatred for human life that makes what ISIS does look rational and proportional to those effected by the bombs. Inseminate with bombs and terrorists are born. Great if you want it to all get so much worse.

At 21 November 2015 at 15:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said at 9:04. Variety is the spice of life. Shiva Naipaul makes the point in 'North of South: African Journey' about how limiting Indian culture with its extended family preoccupation.

At 21 November 2015 at 16:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I meant James Holmes Birthday Dec 13, Day before Sandy Hook Dec 14.

At 22 November 2015 at 09:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great point.



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