Retired Indian Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar, suggests that, thanks to the Paris operation, we have just seen the brutal enactment by the UN of the 'New World Order' we have all long feared, with Russia formally abandoning its previously claimed respect for national sovereignties, as the UN unanimously declares an open season of bloodshed upon millions of people, where any 'great power' has an open licence to bomb and kill in the Middle East because of 'Islamic State ISIS'.
As M K Bhadrakumar points out, UN Resolution 2249 passed after the Paris attacks, endorsed unanimously led by USA - Russia - China - Britain - France, invites any and all countries to feel free to attack & invade Syria & Iraq, ignoring those countries' own governments ...
(As James R points out: The actual text of the Resolution makes it clear that the resolution only applies to territory under ISIS control. Therefore the forces that have been trying to overthrow the Syrian Government and destroy Syria will not be able to use this resolution to openly attack the Syrian Army or allies forces.)
Turkey has already attack operations on Syria ...
And Israel is now given full international 'legal' licence to attack inside Syria & Iraq.

As Bhadrakumar asks, "What about the legitimate governments of Iraq and Syria, which are UN member countries too?

As Bhadrakumar asks, "What about the legitimate governments of Iraq and Syria, which are UN member countries too?
"The R 2249 simply ignores them as inconsequential entities. This is an appalling stance.
"Russia, which has been shouting from the roof top regarding the sanctity of the principle of national sovereignty to berate the US-led coalition, simply made a U-turn.
"Crass opportunism, pragmatism, tradeoff, diplomacy – call it what you will, but a core principle in inter-state conduct upheld under the UN Charter has been given the pass.
"Is this any different from the rape of Abyssiniya when the League of Nations was alive? ... Clearly, R 2249 opens a Pandora’s box ...
"Russia lost the moral high ground it was painstakingly climbing ..."
So Russia, which was invited by Assad into Syria to protect it, has now signed on to giving Turkey & Israel & Saudi & Qatar & UK & France & others, the right to 'legally' bomb & attack Syria as they have long been doing via their support for their 'Islamic State' covert vehicle.

James R writes:
The broad thrust of what you are saying is correct but the details seem to be slightly off.
So Russia, which was invited by Assad into Syria to protect it, has now signed on to giving Turkey & Israel & Saudi & Qatar & UK & France & others, the right to 'legally' bomb & attack Syria as they have long been doing via their support for their 'Islamic State' covert vehicle.

James R writes:
The broad thrust of what you are saying is correct but the details seem to be slightly off.
The actual text of the Resolution makes it clear that the resolution only applies to territory under ISIL control.
Therefore the forces that have been trying to overthrow the Syrian Government and destroy Syria will not be able to use this resolution to openly attack Syrian Army or allies forces.
It may well be used to sneak further into northern Syria, to justify Turkish incursions all over the place but it is not a licence for Israel or anyone else to attack the Syrian government.
Labels: M K Bhadrakumar, New World Order, Paris Attack, Russia, Syria, UN
it seems that pictures of Ait belhoucen posted by Daily mail belong to woman who live in morocco, she explained how her pictures ended up in press
The broad thrust of what you are saying is correct but the details seem to be slightly off. The actual text of the Resolution makes it clear that the resolution only applies to territory under ISIL control.
Therefore the forces that have been trying to overthrow the Syrian Government and destroy Syria will not be able to use this resolution to openly attack Syrian Army or allies forces.
It may well be used to sneak further into northern Syria, to justify Turkish incursions all over the place but it is not a licence for Israel or anyone else to attack the Syrian government.
The text is here.
“5. Calls upon Member States that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures, in compliance with international law, in particular with the United Nations Charter, as well as international human rights, refugee and humanitarian law, on the territory under the control of ISIL also known as Da’esh, in Syria and Iraq, to redouble and coordinate their efforts to prevent and suppress terrorist acts committed specifically by ISIL also known as Da’esh as well as ANF, and all other individuals, groups, undertakings, and entities associated with Al-Qaida, and other terrorist groups, as designated by the United Nations Security Council, and as may further be agreed by the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) and endorsed by the UN Security Council, pursuant to the statement of the International Syria Support Group (ISSG) of 14 November, and to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria;
Thanks Aangirfan, sorry for being a pedant.
I would consider my myself a pacifist in most ways. I recently saw a clip of a black and white film shot during WW1 where there was some pacifists who had locked themselves in a church. There was loads of men and women attacking the church ripping it to bits going mad to get in. They had batons and clubs. God knows what happened to the pacifists when they got in. People are so easily manipulated by ruling class.
Hermann Goering, German military commander and Hitler’s designated successor
“Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country.
Assad confirms Russian plane "shot down over Sinai"
Asked to comment on the deadly attacks which took place in Paris earlier this month, the president once again sent his condolences, condemning the “horrible crime” and noting that Syrians like few others can understand the terror of seeing “innocents being killed without any reason and for nothing….We’ve been suffering from that for the past five years.”
Assad emphasized that “we feel for the French as we feel for the Lebanese a few days before that, and for the Russians regarding the airplane that’s been shot down over Sinai, and for the Yemenis.” At the same time, the president voiced his hope that the Western world would find compassion for the victims of terror from all these attacks, and not “only for the French.”
The goal has always been "The Greater Israel Project", extending Israel's borders from the Euphrates to the Sinai, which includes the exact areas of Syria that are "ISIS terrotories".
Thanks Aangirfan and James R
Retired Indian Ambassador M K Bhadrakumar has a new follow-up article, where he says that United Nations Resolution 2249 "has undercut the Assad government" with its allowance of effectively uncontrolled foreign invasions & carve-up of Syrian territory, parts of Syria already being seized by foreign powers.
After Russia approved UN resolution 2249 allowing any foreign country whatsoever, including Turkey & Israel, to attack 'ISIS-held territory' in Syria and Iraq:
(1) Turkey backed by the US has begun to openly seize control of Northern Syria territory
(2) Britain's Cameron is now getting ready to launch an invasion of Syria
(3) Britain, Germany & the US are co-ordinating to talk France out of collaborating with Russia's Putin
(4) The Nato powers have announced that sanctions against Russia, which were expected to be dropped, will now suddenly be re-imposed for another 6 months & perhaps forever until Putin yields up East Ukraine to Western desires
Did Putin sell out both Syria & even his own Russia to the West? Or was he just manifestly & egregiously stupid in kissing up to the West & expecting favours in return?
Veterans Today analysts continue to insist as well, that it was most likely an Israeli missile that shot down the Russian passenger plane in Sinai, & that Putin was catering to the West by going along with the 'bomb planted in plane' story that was quickly launched by USA, UK & their Qatari & Israeli allies, even tho Putin knows that story is fake.
And on top of all that, the U.N. General Assembly's human rights committee adopted on 19 Nov. a Saudi-drafted, Qatar-co-sponsored resolution condemning Iranian & Russian intervention in Syria, 115 votes in favor, 15 against & 51 abstentions.
Published September 2000
'Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces and Resources for a New Century': A report of The Project for a New American Century
"Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent SOME CATASTROPHIC AND CATALYZING EVENT – like a new Pearl Harbor."
Published October 2003, The Nation magazine
'Is Syria Next?'
"[In 2002] the 'Axis of Evil' was expanded to include Syria, largely because Syria–a member of the 1991 coalition against Saddam Hussein–refused to support a pre-emptive war against Iraq...
"In an eerie replay of the buildup to the war on Iraq, the demonization of Syria has swelled to a chorus in Washington...
"[A] 1996 document, 'A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm,' [was] drafted by a team of advisers to Benjamin Netanyahu in his run for prime minister of Israel. The authors included...Bush advisers Richard Perle and Douglas Feith.
'Syria challenges Israel on Lebanese soil,' they wrote, calling for 'striking Syrian military targets in Lebanon, and should that prove insufficient, striking at select targets in Syria proper.'"
2249: double eleven, seven x seven.
Makes sense.
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