Thursday 25 February 2016


In February 2016, we learn that Neil Bantleman's sex abuse acquittal has been overturned by Indonesia's Supreme Court.

In its decision, the high court also ordered both Bantleman and an Indonesian teaching assistant to serve 11 years in prison instead of the 10 years they initially received for sexually abusing three young children

Ferdinant Tjiong (left) and Neil Bantleman. Photo: Michael Bachelard

On 14 August 2015, teacher Neil Bantleman, who is both British and Canadian, and Indonesian teaching assistant Ferdinand Tjiong, were set free from an Indonesian prison.

Indonesia frees international school teachers

The Jakarta High Court, by a decision of two judges to one, decided that they should be freed.

2 Guru JIS Bebas dari Penjara

Back in April 2015, they had been jailed for sexually abusing small children at the Jakarta Intercultural School (aka Jakarta International School).

They had been sentenced to 10 years in prison and fined 100 million rupiah ($7,600).

Neil Bantleman's lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea

Neil Bantleman's lawyer, Hotman Paris Hutapea, revealed that the sentences had been overturned by the higher court because of a lack of proof of wrongdoing.

In March 2012, Hotman was reported to the Jakarta Police for allegedly physically abusing actress Meriam Bellina.

In 2005, Hotman spoke out on an Australian current affairs TV show.

He said: "I'm not Mr Clean ... There is no lawyer in the world is clean."

Hotman Paris Hutapea.

On 28 July 2015, David Cameron was in Jakarta.

Above we see David Cameron with the Indonesian actress and singer Maudy Ayunda who was showing him around a street market in Jakarta.

Above we see someone who is supposed to be 'Maudy'.


Found guilty: Ferdinant Tjiong (left) and Neil Bantleman. Photo: Michael Bachelard

In Indonesia, Neil Bantleman, who is both British and Canadian, was given a ten year jail sentence for sexually abusing boys at the Jakarta International School, the school once attended by Barack Obama.

Obama at the Jakarta International School

The US government said it was 'deeply disappointed' and warned it could damage Indonesia's reputation.

The prosecution said that the testimony of the young boys is the truth and that their claims are backed up by evidence from medical examinations.


DW and TH, the mothers of two 'victims of sexual abuse' at the Jakarta International School, say that they received various threats.

DW, mother of AL, aged 6 years, says she often got phonecalls containing death threats. 

A conversation on her cell phone was tapped. 

TH says she was followed by a car containing two men dressed in black.

DW has moved to Singapore. 

Three young boys made statements about sexual abuse at JIS, the Jakarta International School.

According to the police transcripts there were secret underground rooms on the school grounds and  one of the teachers, Neil Bantleman, used a drug to anaesthetise one boy prior to abuse.

Jakarta School Rape Scandal: Claims Emerge of 'Secret ...

Jean and William Vahey

In the early 1990s, The Jakarta International School employed William Vahey.

William Vahey may have been working for the CIA and its friends. 

William Vahey, an American, drugged and sexually abused large numbers of boys in the many international schools in which he taught.

Spooky teachers abusing kids at international schools / CIA-MOSSAD PEDOPHILE RING AT JIS?

The Wall Street Journal tells us more about Bantleman and his friends:

"Statements to police by a 6-year-old alleged rape victim and his mother assert that the boy was attacked by staff members in 'secret rooms' at the Jakarta International School and was partially anesthetized by a 'magic stone' that a suspect conjured from thin air.

"The police documents, which were reviewed by The Wall Street Journal, identify eight other boys who were allegedly abused earlier this year by staff members at the prestigious school.

"The statements allege that the attacks took place during the school day in a glass-walled office, restrooms, an open kitchen area and two secret, windowless rooms that the accusers say have since been 'hidden.'"

Jakarta School Rape Scandal: Claims Emerge of 'Secret ...

The evidence in the case comes largely from three young boys who say they were regularly taken from their classes during the school day and anally raped by large groups of up to six people at a time.

One of the boys alleges that school deputy principal, American Elsa Donohue, mixed a blue-coloured drink to drug the children, then videotaped sex attacks.

Read more:

Horace Mann boys 1958 Soccer Champions -1958

On June 6, 2012, the New York Times Magazine published an article by former student Amos Kamil, class of 1982, describing multiple instances of sexual abuse of students by teachers at the Horace Mann school. 

Those who have attended Horace Mann include:

The CIA's Roy Cohn who ran a pedophile ring (Roy Cohn)

The CIA's James Schlesinger.

John Mulholland taught industrial arts at the Horace Mann School.

The very same day that Allen Dulles approved Project MKULTRA (mind control and sexual abuse of children), Sidney Gottlieb went to see John Mulholland.

John Mulholland went to work for the CIA and MK ULTRA.

The Sphinx and the Spy: The Clandestine World of John Mulholland

The charity Colonia Dignidad (above) was set up in Chile by a 'Jewish Nazi' called Paul Schäfer Schneider. 

Colonia Dignidad was used by the CIA and its allies to torture and mind control large numbers of children. 

Jack Moyer (above) came to Japan in 1951 as 'a scientist' with the U.S. Air Force.

On 20 March 2014, it was reported that The American School in Japan (ASIJ) had admitted that teacher Jack Moyer sexually abused students while employed by the school between 1963 and 2000.

John Mark Karr (above), an American schoolteacher, was involved in child pornography crimes in the United States.

However, spooky John Mark Karr was able to escape from the USA and get jobs at three elite international schools in Bangkok.

Eventually Karr was arrested by Thai police on 'sex charges'.

One of the most famous cases of alleged CIA child abuse, including Satanic Ritual abuse, involved the McMartin Pre-School in the USA.

The Mcmartin Pre-School had secret underground tunnels.

Archaeological Investigations of the McMartin Preschool site ...


Robert Finnegan was editor of the Jakarta Post at the time of the first Bali Bomb.

Finnegan clashed with Ralph Boyce, the then U.S. ambassador to Indonesia, and got sacked. Reportedly, Finnegan had produced evidence linking the Bali Bombing to the security services.

The Bali Bomb, Ralph Boyce and Robert Finnegan

"Finnegan said that while he was with the Jakarta Post, he became aware that Boyce, while ambassador in Jakarta, used the services of two known local procurers of child prostitutes and sex slaves.

"They were both Indonesian nationals, one was a CIA asset operating as a businessman and the other was a journalist."



"In Jakarta one phone call can summon a broker, who presents a photographic menu of youngsters for delivery to homes or hotels for less than $50."

Jefri at Sekolah Bisa.

There are a number of International Schools in Jakarta. The British International school (BIS) in Jakarta, in Indonesia, set up the Sekolah BISA, a small free school for slum children.

Above we see the house in which Obama lived, when he was a child in Jakarta.

Obama attended the Jakarta International School.

There have been suggestions that Obama's mother worked for the CIA and that Obama has been mind-controlled.

Mossad has a large presence in Jakarta, but it is not clear which international school attracts the children of its agents.


Some 'kidnapped' children.
Indonesian children were kidnapped by the military.

Many of the children were brainwashed.

Many of the generals involved in the kidnapping were trained at Fort Bragg and Fort Benning in the USA.



St Paul's choir school.


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At 14 August 2015 at 09:31 , Blogger rubbell said...

Canada seems to think this is something to celebrate. Look how easy these nation state identities are to besmirch. I also love the duel national, what a heavenly convenience.

At 14 August 2015 at 11:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John Mark Karr also famously confessed to the Jon Benet Ramsey killing in 2006, but was cleared.

Some more strangeness, from a 2010 article "John Mark Karr Re-Emerges to Form a JonBenet Cult":

'Police in Seattle and San Francisco are also looking for him — or, perhaps, her, because Karr claims he has had a sex change operation in the past two years and now goes by the name of Alexis Valoran Reich, or, occasionally, "Delia Alexis Reich."

Or perhaps that's just a ruse, Karr posing as a woman to avoid being recognized. A Facebook page, recently removed, showed him as a woman in his profile picture, and he has reportedly been taking hormones in preparation for a sex-change operation.

The accusation this time is that Karr, 46, a reputed pedophile who married a 13-year-old and later a 16-year-old in the 1980s, has been trying to create a cult of JonBenet Ramsey lookalikes he is calling "the Immaculates" — blond girls as young as 4 years old with small feet — and has been threatening harm to one of the girls, whom he used to recruit others and who escaped from his influence.


But if Karr is caught, the charge against him will be only for cyberstalking because he has had little personal contact with his alleged victims,according to Robin Sax, a former sex crimes prosecutor and pro bono attorney for Spiegel.

The search for Karr has painted a disturbing picture that chillingly mirrors that of cult killer Charles Manson. Sax says the investigation so far has revealed that "Reich" has as many as 30 "minions" — or followers — who provide him with food, money and computers so that he can travel, survive, communicate with them and remain a phantom. She says those "minions" are also his recruiters for "the Immaculates."'


At 14 August 2015 at 17:34 , Blogger molly said...

Someone who I trust has said that there is a corridor of pedophiles going through NC and Tenn. I am noticing certain other things go along with pedophelia.i.e. In the 60s, NC had the most KKK of any other state. Duke University in Durham NC was named as one of the mind control institutions by Cathy O'Brian.The man who set up the Branch Davidian Compound that was later destroyed by our govt. was from the foothills of NC. When the girls turned 12 David Koresh started having sex with them. Some of my neighbors in the appalachian mountains were members.Cathy O'Brian says country music is controlled by MKUltra people.Lots of military bases in NC besides Fort Bragg.Charlote NC is HQ of banking. NC is 4th largest employer of big pharma corporations. Also HQ of some Big Big Pharmaceutical corporations. I am positive from what a former employee of the huge state mental institution in Butner, NC says about the detailed record keeping and massive use of a new psychotropic drug that it is being used for drug experimentation.This drug cost $1,000 a month in the late 80s. So now it must be sky high. The person who worked there said he saw healthy young black men develop heart and liver problems who were taking it.This drug begins with a C....unable to google it. Anyone who works in psych would know it.

At 15 August 2015 at 14:31 , Blogger Greg Pearson said...

At 25 February 2016 at 11:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 25 February 2016 at 11:39 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

Despite many attempts I am unable for reasons unknown to post this info re Chris Tarrant at the coleman website it would be appreciated if someone could do that for me.

Circa 1977 ( approx ) Tarrant visited Lodge Farm Middle School Redditch Studley Rd, Redditch B98 7HH where he & others filmed a program called "Good Health" Boys in the year above myself were filmed naked in the showers causing considerable disquiet amongst we pupils. Some of the footage was later broadcast. Oddly there now appears to be scant internet results re this incident or the program ?

Good Health, a health education programme made by ATV/Central

ITV Schools (full name: Independent Television for Schools and Colleges) was the educational television service set up in 1957 by the Independent Television Authority, broadcasting learning programmes for children ages 5 to 18 across ITV-affiliated stations. It was an example of public service broadcasting on a commercial television network (as opposed to the public BBC and their service BBC Schools).

Where might that footage reside ?

East Midlands Television Centre in Nottingham began operation in September 1983.[18] but was officially opened by H.R.H Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip in March 1984.[19] The studio was eventually sold in 2004 to the University of Nottingham as an independent facility and as the home of the Media Archive for Central England, where most of ATV's and Central's programmes are archived.

At 25 February 2016 at 11:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 25 February 2016 at 13:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The vile CBC covering up this crime and spinning their usual lies is not 'Canada'.
I don't believe that the UK is celebrating the BBC being exonerated in the Jimmy Savile crimes, but the BBC wants me to.

At 26 February 2016 at 08:41 , Blogger Anon said...

Tony Ryals25 February 2016 at 20:53

I posted this way over 12 hours ago on my wolfblitzzer0. and when I google the words and names in the title I STILL can't find it on Google.

9/11,Guatemala,Uri Roitman:U.S.State Department,Embassy Allows Dangerous Israeli Criminal To Issue Guatemala Passports Around World!

While the U.S. government pays hundreds of millions of dollars to Israel racists and apartheidists to 'secure' our U.S. border with Mexico Israeli government in Guatemala where Uri Roitman suspect in the mass murder of innocent Mayan people in the 1980's is a VIP at the Israeli Embassy in Guatemala and no doubt well known to the U.S.Embassy here as well.And the Florida State Department is directly implicated in this dangerous fraud by knowingly allowing this dangerous arms trafficker to traffic in blank passports issued for Guatemala which could be given to terrorists or financial criminals such as himself.

Techniques and Security Systems Tss USA, Inc. in Miami FL ... › U.S. › Florida › Miami

Traducir esta página
10 may. 2012 - ... Systems Services. Techniques and Security Systems Tss USA,Inc. filed as a Domestic for Profit Corporation in the State of Florida on Thursday, May 10, 2012 and is approximately four years old, according to public records filed withFlorida Department of State. ... Hugo R. Roitman. Hugo's current roles ...

The Florida Department of State, through the Division of corporations details that the Techniques and Security and Systems TSS USA, INC. company, was created on 10 may 2012 by Hugo Rodolfo Roitman Braier and Jorge Ignacio Dinermann Caimi, who appears as President, according to details so the modification made on 29 October 2012, as stated in the contract.

The historical bonds of(convicted ex Guatemala President-General) Perez Molina with Israeli military intelligence,(explains) the presence of Roitman in contracts of the Government(of the PatrioticParty)....

(This quote below is from Zionists who run a bar called No Se in Antigua,Gutemala and must have posted it by accident then removed it but Goepfert was a Chicago Tribune journalist and also I Zionist who probably wishes he didn't write the Israeli JEEP AS WELL.:

''I actually saw him,(Guatemala's former President General Otto Perez Molina),in action once: he was pointing a fifty-millimeter machinegun at me from the back of an Israeli jeep on the streets of Nebaj back in the early 1980s, when I had sneaked in behind army lines. Even then he was demanding, strict, and highly disciplined with both himself and his troops — a level of discipline I most appreciated because he didn’t shoot me. Rather, he gave me a pass to the other Ixil towns of Chajul and Cotzal. But that isn’t why I’m defending him against Casas-Zamora’s argument.'' - quote from Paul Goepfert,

Anomalías en contrato suben riesgo de trata - Prensa Libre

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Oct 22, 2015

Anomalies identified in the emission of more of (Guatemalan) passports(in Florida and around the world by Israeli Guatemala Embassy agent Uri Roitman) and the way as the service has been(OPERATED BY HIM), resulted in the loss of the continuous numbering in these documents (AND HAS INCREASED) the risk that they are(OR HAVE BEEN) used for trafficking of persons, among other illicit purposes, consider deputies and analysts.

At 26 February 2016 at 10:46 , Blogger valen mutheroffa said...

Very interesting anon.
Sadly none of your links work or are unooglable


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