Scott Chirashi (above) had his heart ripped out by an individual or by a gang.
Scott lived in Alva in Scotland, not so very far from Kirckaldy, where the body of young Mikaeel Kular was found butchered.
Alva (red dot), almost next door to Dunblane.
According to the official version, Scott's mother knifed Scott to death and cut out his heart.
A judge ruled that Farai Chirashi, 32, was insane when she killed her five-year-old
son, Scott.
The judge acquitted her of murder and ordered her to be detained in a secure mental hospital without limit of time.

Mikaeel and Rosdeep.
Rosdeep, the mother of Mikaeel Kular did not face a murder trial.
"Some local people claimed the decision to avoid a murder trial had been taken to protect the police and social services, whose failings were never heard in court as a result...
"Five thousand local residents have signed a petition protesting at the failure of prosecutors to pursue a murder charge..."

Caylee Anthony
R Kae comments:
"To me, this really carries the same stink as the Caylee Anthony murder.

Caylee Anthony
R Kae comments:
"To me, this really carries the same stink as the Caylee Anthony murder.
"Partying mom is purported to be the lone killer, but the air of a cult surrounds it.
"In the Anthony case there was the suspicious guy who "found" the body in the woods.
"The dad of the murdering mom who was a creepy cop.
"Like a cult that was maybe ritually torturing the kid, who accidentally died, so the mom becomes the scapegoat? I dunno."
Scott Chirashi's body was found at his home in Alva.
Scott was killed at his home in Alva, Clackmannanshire, on December 4 or 5 2014.
Scott, his mother and sister had lived in Alva for at least seven years but had only moved to their new home earlier in 2014 after Chirashi and her husband Tichakunda Chiriseri split up.
Scott's parents were reportedly members of Alva Baptist Church.
The Stirling-based Agape For All Nations Ministries Internationals church is headed by Dr Joseph Masocha, from Zimbabwe, who claims he is a prophet 'annointed by God'.
Masocha has carried out exorcisms in his back garden.

Alva is almost next door to DUNBLANE, which is linked to a top child abuse ring and the murders of 16 young childrend.
The unofficial story is that Thomas Hamilton was supplying pornography and young boys to top people, including policemen and politicians; and Thomas Hamilton may have been murdered, to shut him up.

Mikaeel and Rosdeep.
On 25 August 2014, we learnt that Rosdeep Adekoya, who pleaded guilty to killing her son Mikaeel, may be out of jail in seven years time.
Rosdeep was involved with a top gangster and with cocaine.
And possibly with a pedophile ring; and possibly with the security services?

"Mikaeel and his twin sister were twice taken into foster care by social workers in Fife, but were handed back to their mother.
"Authorities were repeatedly warned about her neglect, including that she was leaving them home alone while she partied for days at a time with drug dealers."
Mohammed Omar Abdi and Rosdeep Kular.
In May 2013, Mohammed Omar Abdi, a Pakistani originally from Kenya, was arrested after a major drug seizure in the Edinburgh area.

In May 2013, Mohammed Omar Abdi, a Pakistani originally from Kenya, was arrested after a major drug seizure in the Edinburgh area.
Abdi's father Omar is an Imam at the Edinburgh Central Mosque.
Abdi was released on bail and then shot dead.
Ali Hussein Mohammed was arrested in Kenya in connection with the killing of Abdi.
Samantha Lewthwaite stayed at the home of a Musa Hussein Abdi.

On 25 July 2014, we learnt that Rosdeep Adekoya had admitted the 'culpable homicide' of her young son Mikaeel Kular.

Mikaeel Kular, aged 3.
Rosdeep Kular's lover Mohamed Abdi was murdered on 26th May 2013.
"I know the guy got murdered.
"He lived at 2 Hawkhill close and his flat mate got killed 2 months earlier.
"He got murdered because the police raided 2 Hawkhill close and he was going to give evidence in 1 months time against the gang bringing the stuff into the country.
"He used to use private hire taxis to do his drug running and would pay them massive amounts for trips down souf.
"I know some drivers that got offered, should we say."
3 year old boy goes missing from house overnight - Page 25 - David Icke
Tribute to Mikaeel Kular
"The date Mikaeel Kular was reported missing was Thursday, January 16th.
"The occultists' favourite, the full moon, was the 16th."
Mohammed Omar Abdi and Rosdeep Kular
As we wrote above, in May 2013, Mohammed Omar Abdi, a Pakistani originally from Kenya, was arrested after a major drug seizure in the Edinburgh area.
'Drug gang shot victim for talking to the police'
Abdi's father Omar is an Imam at the Edinburgh Central Mosque.
Abdi was released on bail and then shot dead.
Abdi's associates reportedly shot him.
Abdi's home in Edinburgh's Gracemount area was vandalised before his murder.
Ali Hussein Mohammed was arrested in Kenya in connection with the killing of Abdi.
Samantha lewthwaite, who stayed at the home of Musa Hussein Abdi
Abdi seems to be a common surname in Kenya.
In Kenyan, Musa Hussein Abdi worked for al Qaeda.
Mohamed Ahmed Abdi is a suspect in the Kenyan mall attack.
Al Qaeda is suspected of being run by the Western security services, and financed by the drugs trade.
Mikaeel Kular lived in Muirhouse in Edinburgh.
The writer Irvine Welsh spent his childhood in Muirhouse.
Apparently, Irvine Welsh knew all about the Sir Jimmy Savile, 'who supplied boys and girls to the elite'.
The character Freddy Royle, in Irvine Welsh’s 1996 novel Ecstasy, would appear to be based on Savile.
Jimmy Savile reportedly abused children both at Haut de la Garenne on the island of Jersey and in Fife.
Mikael Kular's body was found in Kirkcaldy in Fife.
The Sunday Herald had it confirmed by a very senior source in British intelligence that at least one high-profile former Labour Cabinet minister is among Operation Ore (child abuse) suspects.
Pedophile - Rense
Reportedly, the security services run, and protect, the pedophile rings.
When he lived in Fife, Mikaeel Kular (above) was put into foster care, because of concerns for his welfare.
Ziggy Ford and her husband cared for Mikaeel, but Mikaeel was returned to his mother after social workers thought she could cope.
Mikaeel Kular 'was put into foster care '
(Moors Murderer Ian Brady brags of Scottish gangland links.) (Donal MacIntyre - erutufonnofuture)
One of the Kray twins and a boy who died very young.
Arthur Thompson was an associate of the Kray twins.
The Kray twins ran a pedophile ring for top people.

Rosdeep admits that in January 2014, in Edinburgh, she punched her three-year-old son to death.
Mikaeel was well known to social services.
Mikaeel attended a nursery school.
Read more:
Mikaeel attended a nursery school.
Read more:
There may be more to the story than meets the eye.

Mikaeel Kular, aged 3.
Rosdeep Kular's lover Mohamed Abdi was murdered on 26th May 2013.
"I know the guy got murdered.
"He lived at 2 Hawkhill close and his flat mate got killed 2 months earlier.
"He got murdered because the police raided 2 Hawkhill close and he was going to give evidence in 1 months time against the gang bringing the stuff into the country.
"He used to use private hire taxis to do his drug running and would pay them massive amounts for trips down souf.
"I know some drivers that got offered, should we say."
3 year old boy goes missing from house overnight - Page 25 - David Icke

"The date Mikaeel Kular was reported missing was Thursday, January 16th.
"The occultists' favourite, the full moon, was the 16th."

As we wrote above, in May 2013, Mohammed Omar Abdi, a Pakistani originally from Kenya, was arrested after a major drug seizure in the Edinburgh area.
'Drug gang shot victim for talking to the police'
Abdi's father Omar is an Imam at the Edinburgh Central Mosque.
Abdi was released on bail and then shot dead.
Abdi's associates reportedly shot him.

Abdi's home in Edinburgh's Gracemount area was vandalised before his murder.
Ali Hussein Mohammed was arrested in Kenya in connection with the killing of Abdi.

Abdi seems to be a common surname in Kenya.
In Kenyan, Musa Hussein Abdi worked for al Qaeda.
Mohamed Ahmed Abdi is a suspect in the Kenyan mall attack.
Al Qaeda is suspected of being run by the Western security services, and financed by the drugs trade.

The writer Irvine Welsh spent his childhood in Muirhouse.

The character Freddy Royle, in Irvine Welsh’s 1996 novel Ecstasy, would appear to be based on Savile.

Mikael Kular's body was found in Kirkcaldy in Fife.

Rosdeep and Mikaeel gritting his teeth.
Pedophile - Rense

Ziggy Ford and her husband cared for Mikaeel, but Mikaeel was returned to his mother after social workers thought she could cope.
Mikaeel Kular 'was put into foster care '

The mystery of Mikaeel Kular (above) may remind some people of the mystery of John Kilbride.

John Kilbride.
John Kilbride 'was murdered by Ian Brady.'
Ian Brady worked for the top Scottish drugs gangster Arthur Thompson.
Arthur Thompson worked for the British security service MI5.

Arthur Thompson was an associate of the Kray twins.
The Kray twins ran a pedophile ring for top people.

Rosdeep Kular with drugs gangster Mohammed Abdi, who was presumably known to MI5.
Ian Brady "implies he may have ... buried bodies at the Campsie Fells near Glasgow."
(CHILD KILLERS PROTECTED. Body of boy, 3, found in a burnt out car after his grandfather failed to repay debt to Italian mafia)
Here we see Mikaeel Kular looking drugged?
Social workers in Fife were in regular contact with Mikaeel's family before he died.
The police and social services failed Baby Peter.
The Elm Guest House boy brothel was regulary visited by police, social workers and politicians who enjoyed the company of the young boys.
Elm guest house; missing boys; Leon Brittan; Warwick Spinks
Rosdeep Kular has three children by her husband Omotoso Adekunle Adekoya - two sons Tarun, nine, and David, seven, and daughter Renuka, five.
She has twins by a Pakistani called Zahid Saeed - son Mikaeel, three (centre) and daughter Ashika, three.
Here we see Ashika, but not Mikaeel.
Mikaeel Kular comes from a part of Edinburgh associated with a famous pedophile ring.
Dana Fowley was just five when her mother allowed the ring to repeatedly rape her.
Interview: Dana Fowley, Rape victim - Carluke Gazette
Ian Brady "implies he may have ... buried bodies at the Campsie Fells near Glasgow."
(CHILD KILLERS PROTECTED. Body of boy, 3, found in a burnt out car after his grandfather failed to repay debt to Italian mafia)

Social workers in Fife were in regular contact with Mikaeel's family before he died.

Elm guest house; missing boys; Leon Brittan; Warwick Spinks
11-year-old Moira Anderson was last seen boarding a bus in Coatbridge, near Glasgow, Scotland.
According to The Sunday Times (Pressure on police to release paedophile dossier), 23 April 2006, Strathclyde Police have a dossier listing members of a child-abuse ring.
The dossier is said to implicate senior public figures, including senior police officers and members of the Crown Office and former Scottish Office.
11-year-old Moira Anderson was last seen boarding a bus in Coatbridge, near Glasgow, Scotland.
According to The Sunday Times (Pressure on police to release paedophile dossier), 23 April 2006, Strathclyde Police have a dossier listing members of a child-abuse ring.
The dossier is said to implicate senior public figures, including senior police officers and members of the Crown Office and former Scottish Office.

She has twins by a Pakistani called Zahid Saeed - son Mikaeel, three (centre) and daughter Ashika, three.

Here we see Ashika, but not Mikaeel.

Here we see Rosdeep in Kirkcaldy, in Fife, north of Edinburgh.

Dana Fowley was just five when her mother allowed the ring to repeatedly rape her.
Interview: Dana Fowley, Rape victim - Carluke Gazette

MikaeelKular. Gordon Brown has apparently made NO comment.
In Kirkcaldy, in Fife, forensics officers checked a wooded area "where they appeared to investigate an unidentified blue van, which was parked on the cordoned-off track and flanked by police vehicles."
Mention of twins and bodies in woods could suggest Satanic Ritual Abuse.
A Dutch boy was murdered in February 2013. He was Moroccan by ethnicity, and also had a twin sister.
Mikaeel's body was found in woodland, after he went missing the previous day. -ritual-murder

Kirkcaldy in Fife.
A Dutch boy was murdered in February 2013. He was Moroccan by ethnicity, and also had a twin sister.
Mikaeel's body was found in woodland, after he went missing the previous day. -ritual-murder
On 1 September 2002, it was reported that five young children in Fife, one aged five, had told police of Satanic ritual abuse.
Five men were investigated by the police.
"A teenage witness claims she saw Mikaeel, wearing a green jumper, playing inside his city home with his twin sister on 13 January 2014."
"But other neighbours have said Mikaeel has not been seen since the start of the year.
Khalida Hussain, 30, who lives just 20 yards from Mikaeel’s house, said: “We last saw him out playing here about a week before Christmas.” / Mikaeel Kular.
Rosdeep with drugs gangster Mohammed Omar Abdi, 25, who was killed in a gang gun battle in Edinburgh in 2013. Abdi is the son of a senior Muslim cleric
Rosdeep Kular's mother is currently married to Dr Bangarpet Krishnaswamy, 69, a doctor originally from Bangalore, who also develops properties in Scotland.
Dr Bangarpet Krishnaswamy is the director of East Neuk Healthcare, which owns a 40-bed nursing home in Anstruther, Fife.
Rosdeep ran a mobile health and beauty studio and has also been listed as a director at an IT company.
Rosdeep has links to groups promoting parties and disc jockies.
Read more:
A report into Sir Jimmy Savile’s sex abuse revealed he had struck in Fife.
New Fife claim over Jimmy Savile sex abuse
Crime writer Val McDermid comes from Kirkcaldy in Fife.
Val McDermid has stated that Vance, a TV celebrity with a secret lust for torture, murder and under-age girls who featured in the Wire in the Blood and two later books, is based on her direct personal experience of interviewing Jimmy Savile.[2]
Paedophile able to offend again and again - Kirkintilloch Herald / ukpaedos-exposed ... kirkcaldy
If you Google: "Mikaeel Kular pedophile ring", you will find that little comes up. Expect a cover-up, now that Kirkcaldy has been mentioned.
Mikaeel’s mother, Rosdeep, worked as a 'beauty therapist'.
Some sources say she is of Indian origin and some sources say she is of Pakistani origin.
She was married to Omotoso Adekunle Adekoya and the couple originally lived in Fife.
Glenrothes in Fife
They married in Glenrothes in 2004 before moving to Edinburgh and had two sons Tarun, nine, and David, seven, and daughter Renuka, five.
The couple split and Rosdeep moved back to Kirkcaldy before she met another man and gave birth to twins, Mikaeel Zayn Kular and Ashika Miskinah Rosie Kular.
She gave birth to Mikaeel and twin sister Ashika in 2010 but no father is named on the birth certificate. / Mikaeel Kular missing: Police search for three-year-old boy in ...
One neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: "We heard that there had been trouble in the stair in the morning.
"I’m not sure what went on but a man ran out wearing a hoody shortly before the police came.
"My daughter was watching from the window and said that a man wearing a dark hoody ran out the building, but she didn’t know what had happened inside.”
Mikael has a twin sister.
Twins are often used by the security services in mind control operations designed to produce sex slaves.
Anonymous comments:
Without disputing anything you've written here it occurs to me that Mikaeel wasn't actually the point of the exercise. I'm thinking that that unfortunate lot would fall to his twin sister.
According to the sundry books on MKULTRA / SRA that I've read it seems it's invariably the lot of twins that one be sacrificed in order to more rigidly embed the programming of the other. Doubtless the act would also carry some variety of occult significance but only of the dog and pony variety, ie. it's 'magick' being nothing more than a trick designed to further delude the foolish.
Either way, I have Mikaeel's sister, Akisha, pegged as 'girl most likely to suffer the unspeakable'. God pity her.

Kirkcaldy is about 25 miles from Edinburgh, where Rosdeep and her children have their home.
Mikaeel may have died in 2013?
"Teachers at Flora Stevenson primary school nursery, Edinburgh, last saw Mikaeel at the end of term, 19 December 2013.
"A teenage witness claims she saw Mikaeel, wearing a green jumper, playing inside his city home with his twin sister on 13 January 2014."
"But other neighbours have said Mikaeel has not been seen since the start of the year.
Khalida Hussain, 30, who lives just 20 yards from Mikaeel’s house, said: “We last saw him out playing here about a week before Christmas.”

Just before midnight on 17 January 2014, the body of three-year-oldMikaeel Kular was found in woodland just yards from his mother Rosdeep's former home in Kirkcaldy in Fife.
Rosdeep's former house is currently occupied by Rosdeep's sister Pandeep.

Dunvegan Avenue in Kirkcaldy, where the body was found.
Rosdeep's mother Harjinder, a retired doctor, lives nearby.
Mikaeel was known to social services in Fife, which suggests problems of possible abuse.

Gordon Brown is the Member of parliament for Kirkcaldy.
Fife is a county just North of Edinburgh.
The police have made no mention of any well-connected pedophile ring.
Sex -
Fife is a county just North of Edinburgh.
The police have made no mention of any well-connected pedophile ring.
Sex -

Rosdeep Kular's mother is currently married to Dr Bangarpet Krishnaswamy, 69, a doctor originally from Bangalore, who also develops properties in Scotland.

Rosdeep ran a mobile health and beauty studio and has also been listed as a director at an IT company.
Rosdeep has links to groups promoting parties and disc jockies.
Read more:

New Fife claim over Jimmy Savile sex abuse
Crime writer Val McDermid comes from Kirkcaldy in Fife.
Val McDermid has stated that Vance, a TV celebrity with a secret lust for torture, murder and under-age girls who featured in the Wire in the Blood and two later books, is based on her direct personal experience of interviewing Jimmy Savile.[2]
Paedophile able to offend again and again - Kirkintilloch Herald / ukpaedos-exposed ... kirkcaldy
If you Google: "Mikaeel Kular pedophile ring", you will find that little comes up. Expect a cover-up, now that Kirkcaldy has been mentioned.
Mikaeeel may have died towards the end of 2013?

The family live in a block of flats
He had a faded scar on the bridge of his nose and a sore on the left hand side of his mouth.

Some sources say she is of Indian origin and some sources say she is of Pakistani origin.
She was married to Omotoso Adekunle Adekoya and the couple originally lived in Fife.

They married in Glenrothes in 2004 before moving to Edinburgh and had two sons Tarun, nine, and David, seven, and daughter Renuka, five.
The couple split and Rosdeep moved back to Kirkcaldy before she met another man and gave birth to twins, Mikaeel Zayn Kular and Ashika Miskinah Rosie Kular.
She gave birth to Mikaeel and twin sister Ashika in 2010 but no father is named on the birth certificate. / Mikaeel Kular missing: Police search for three-year-old boy in ...

Police outside the flats
One neighbour, who asked not to be named, said: "We heard that there had been trouble in the stair in the morning.
"I’m not sure what went on but a man ran out wearing a hoody shortly before the police came.
"My daughter was watching from the window and said that a man wearing a dark hoody ran out the building, but she didn’t know what had happened inside.”

The police
Twins are often used by the security services in mind control operations designed to produce sex slaves.
Without disputing anything you've written here it occurs to me that Mikaeel wasn't actually the point of the exercise. I'm thinking that that unfortunate lot would fall to his twin sister.
According to the sundry books on MKULTRA / SRA that I've read it seems it's invariably the lot of twins that one be sacrificed in order to more rigidly embed the programming of the other. Doubtless the act would also carry some variety of occult significance but only of the dog and pony variety, ie. it's 'magick' being nothing more than a trick designed to further delude the foolish.
Either way, I have Mikaeel's sister, Akisha, pegged as 'girl most likely to suffer the unspeakable'. God pity her.

Some of the children.

Rosdeep Kular

Mikaeel, aged 3
Labels: Abdi, Alva, Brady, Caylee Anthony, Dunblane, Masocha, Mikaeel Kular, Samantha Lewthwaite, Savile, Scott Chirashi
Cambridge Conference: 'Paedophilia is Natural and Normal for Males'
I have been unable to find the latest Aangirfan posts on Google recently. An older version of the site comes up, and the Rebel Website, but not the latest Aangirfan. I can get it on my mobile phone via Bing, and through Norton Safe, but not on Google at the moment.
Anyway, I have just read this report about Google and it looks as though the CIA have a lot of their guys running it.
The ruling class have complete control of the media, all mainstream political parties, and they have infiltrated much of the trade unions, CND, Greenpeace, etc., to spread their propaganda, but they don't have complete control over the net yet, and they don't like it. They are trying to change this.
Just think, if we can't access sites like Paul Craig Roberts, Stephen Lendman, RT Today, Press TV,, The Real News Network, Storm Clouds Gathering, Democracy now, Aangirfan, then we will have no idea of the truth. None whatsoever! For instance, I would be clueless about the 9/11 Truth Movement and how building 7 came down in free fall although no planes hit it, or about the USA illegal wars in the Middle East, or about the US coup in the Ukraine because the US ruling elite want to steel Russia's European gas markets.
The ruling class pretend they like democracy and will use it as propaganda against every other country in the world, but they have always fought against it and tried to control it. And by controlling it they have been able to get the public to vote for policies that serve the ruling elite, rather than what is best for the rest of us.
Feudalism - where the ruling class had complete control - started to crumble after the industrial revolution because working people had more collective power with thousands crammed into factories and so they demanded more democracy. In the end working men won and women even got the vote too so the in Europe the ruling class hit back with fascism which was supported by the US and British ruling class too. Also, the US ruling class tried to organise a coup in America in the 1930's because they hated FDR's New Deal but Colonel Smedley Butler turned them in.
After the failure of fascism, which was discredited by its violent racism and wars, the ruling class invented libertarianism instead to fight off democracy. They aimed it at youngsters and tried to make it trendy by making it a bit anti war (to compete with the Vietnam anti-war movement in the 60's) and very pro/ legalised drugs (also to attract young people in the 60's).
Libertarianism is not a grassroots movement but was designed from the top down. Throw in $millions for the propaganda and off it goes. The Koch brothers fund much of it.
'Countering The Lies Of The Mainstream Media'
'German Journalist, Udo Ulfkotte, Blows Whistle On How the CIA Controls The Media'
'it's 'magick' being nothing more than a trick designed to further delude the foolish' - that's sure to be true but who or what might be the tricksters? Or none, other than and handful of human monsters.. We wonder? Hampstead and SRA or less?
Westminster Paedophile Network: Persons of Interest
To me, this really carries the same stink as the Caylee Anthony murder. Partying mom is purported to be the lone killer, but the air of a cult surrounds it. In the Anthony case there was the suspicious guy who "found" the body in the woods. The dad of the murdering mom who was a creepy cop. Like a cult that was maybe ritually torturing the kid, who accidentally died, so the mom becomes the scapegoat? I dunno.
"A SELF-proclaimed prophet is being held on suspicion of murdering his pregnant Scots wife in a hotel room in Ghana.
The body of Charmain Adusah, 41, was discovered by staff face down in a bath where it is believed she had been lying for four days...
Mr Adusah is the leader of Global Light Revival Ministries church based in Tottenham, north London and has been active as a preacher in Britain since 2010.
The wife is from Arbroath, body parts were found in the harbour yesterday.
Link and quotes are from Sunday past.
Received this 7 April in reponse to my witness statement my reporting Judge Pauffley, DC Rogers & DI CANNON for FRAUD.
Dear Drifloud,
Thank you for your e mail received in the Commissioner’s Private Office, which I acknowledge.
I am sorry to read that you have concerns regarding the conduct of Metropolitan Police officers.
I have forwarded your e mail to the Directorate of Professional Standards (DPS). They have responsibility for ensuring all complaints regarding the organisation are correctly recorded and responded to in the most appropriate manner.
The DPS will make contact with you in due course, however in the meantime you can contact them by writing to the following address:
DPS Complaints Support Team
22nd Floor
Empress State Building
Lillie Road
Yours sincerely
Very proud of you for broaching the legal aspect of this case, something very few people out there have the fortitude to do for people they do not know. Commendable, beautifully human.
Justice Denied AGAIN..
Masocha Spared Jail (16/06/2015)
2yr old Tortured & Murdered
RIP Liam xx
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