Haze makes the following points about Judge Pauffley's judgement on the Hampstead child abuse case:
1. Justice Pauffley (above) placed a great deal of emphasis on the conduct of Mr Abraham Christie (mother's boyfriend) and not on the father's record of domestic violence resulting in a separation from his wife and a non-molestation order.

Ricky dearman, the father.
Pauffley refers to Ricky Dearman, the father, as "the father whom they love" while calling Abraham Christie "evil" and accusing him and the mother of torture.

Abraham Christie (left)

Abraham Christie (left)
2. Pauffley did not discuss the film made by the Irish chap, without Abraham C present or any duress, where the girl volunteered more information - including her fears about the "bad police" telling her father that they, the children, had reported the father's crime; and her fears about her father coming to kill them, as he had threatened to do.

3. If the children were coached, what's the point of embellishing the account with details about 'Big Sex Wednesday' or the length of a black dildo which the boy estimated with his hands, sex in a disabled toilet, a girl who moved to another school to become the "star of the show," shoes made from baby skin with a hexagram motif... All very elaborate, if purely for spite.

Jason Swift. In 1985, 14-year-old Jason Swift was killed by a child-abuse gang. Jason is believed to have lived in Islington council's Conewood Street children's home. (Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London). Sidney Cooke, Leslie Bailey, Robert Oliver, and Lennie Smith, were imprisoned in 1989 for the manslaughter of Jason Swift. Cooke and his gang had sexually tortured and prostituted a number of boys. The gang is believed to have killed at least nine children.[2] Cooke was sentenced to 19 years in prison. In 1998, Cooke was let out of prison eight years early. There have been allegations that very powerful people have been involved in a child-abuse ring connected to Islington children's homes.( Jersey child abuse link to Islington, London)
Haze continues:
4. The judge's evidence was centered on Detective Sergeant Fernandez and Detective Constable Martin having a cursory glace around the vestry of Christ Church, including the drawers where the priest’s vestments were stored, searching for material to assist in their inquiries.
Haze continues:
4. The judge's evidence was centered on Detective Sergeant Fernandez and Detective Constable Martin having a cursory glace around the vestry of Christ Church, including the drawers where the priest’s vestments were stored, searching for material to assist in their inquiries.
"They found nothing of interest to the inquiry."
They did not raid an address in Islington where the children alleged victims were taken.

Dr. Deborah Hodes, a community pediatrician in the London borough of Camden.
5. The judge dismissed out of hand the evidence of the medical expert (above), whom she calls "over-dogmatic" with a "scientific prejudice" because with no medical background or expertise, Pauffley decided that anal scarring was the result of a "normal varient."
Who would you trust, a doctor who is an authority on child sexual abuse or a woman who is serving the paedophile establishment?

Ella draper, the children's mother.

Ella draper, the children's mother.
6. Dr Hodes said that, 'the current evidence is that prolonged reflex anal dilatation (the finding in P) is associated with anal abuse' and cited the Royal College of Paediatrics 2008 Review.
She stated that both children have physical signs of sexual abuse that support their allegations; they have symptoms of post traumatic stress; and it is her opinion the extensive and detailed accounts given by both children, repeated to different professionals, contain details of sexual acts that such young children would need to have had some sort of direct experience.

The children
7. Pauffley's summary said; 'Neither child has been sexually abused by any of the following – Ricky Dearman, teachers at Christchurch Primary School Hampstead, the parents of students at that school, the priest at the adjacent church, teachers at any of the Hampstead or Highgate schools, members of the Metropolitan Police, social workers employed by the London Borough of Camden, officers of Cafcass oranyone else mentioned by Ms Draper or Mr Christie.'

8. But it has been admitted that Scotland Yard has been covering up sadistic and satanic, serial child sex abuse and murders for the greater part of the 20th Century.

The children
7. Pauffley's summary said; 'Neither child has been sexually abused by any of the following – Ricky Dearman, teachers at Christchurch Primary School Hampstead, the parents of students at that school, the priest at the adjacent church, teachers at any of the Hampstead or Highgate schools, members of the Metropolitan Police, social workers employed by the London Borough of Camden, officers of Cafcass oranyone else mentioned by Ms Draper or Mr Christie.'

8. But it has been admitted that Scotland Yard has been covering up sadistic and satanic, serial child sex abuse and murders for the greater part of the 20th Century.
What makes you think they are going to stop now?
Theresa May says it is endemic in society and worse than we can imagine, in our youth clubs, churches and schools... except for Hampstead, where the children claimed they were subjected to multiple rape and infant sacrifice in a cult led by their father.

Video: Ella and Abe speaking about Pauffley and the Hampstead WhistleblowerKids..
Abraham tells us Judge Pauffley is "Israeli"
James writes:
"While making frank claims against the mother's partner, both children independently expressed the fear that their father would kill them.
"One was scared; one had nightmares about it.
"Two different experiences that speak the same truth.
"They cannot win on this because they are trying to say they are totally coached, completely coerced yet they are making several (in my opinion minor) claims against the mother's partner.
"The poor judge is asking us to believe that the children were utterly under the spell of Abraham etc yet why did that spell not extend to getting them to shut up about about the troubles in Morocco. You cannot be serious, it makes no sense. It is impossible."

Judge Pauffley made her judgement with - "no attendance of those she is now trying to scapegoat, nor attendance of the children, and with no independent witnesses"
Sabine writes:
SatanicJudicialAbuse - Pauffley Judgement
"Her Ladyship's judgement is one of a political nature to sway public opinion such that she will get away with handing custody to the father with a criminal past and two non-molestation orders, while the mother had a residence order in place, when Barnet Police took her children.
"If Mr Christie was the guilty abuser, why did he take the children to the Police?"
James writes:
"While making frank claims against the mother's partner, both children independently expressed the fear that their father would kill them.
"One was scared; one had nightmares about it.
"Two different experiences that speak the same truth.
"They cannot win on this because they are trying to say they are totally coached, completely coerced yet they are making several (in my opinion minor) claims against the mother's partner.
"The poor judge is asking us to believe that the children were utterly under the spell of Abraham etc yet why did that spell not extend to getting them to shut up about about the troubles in Morocco. You cannot be serious, it makes no sense. It is impossible."
Judge Pauffley made her judgement with - "no attendance of those she is now trying to scapegoat, nor attendance of the children, and with no independent witnesses"
Sabine writes:
SatanicJudicialAbuse - Pauffley Judgement
"Her Ladyship's judgement is one of a political nature to sway public opinion such that she will get away with handing custody to the father with a criminal past and two non-molestation orders, while the mother had a residence order in place, when Barnet Police took her children.
"If Mr Christie was the guilty abuser, why did he take the children to the Police?"
Some people think that Judge Pauffley's ruling on the Hampstead incident is somewhat biased.
AkhaldanSolo writes:
"This 'judge' squarely rested ALL blame on the Mother and her partner AC, as well as the entire 'online community' that followed the matter in it's entirety...
"Ms. Pauffley's ruling looks to be similar to the rants provided by ... 'Ricky Dearman'...
"Not a single mention of RD domestic abuse issues and logged police complaints against him.
"Not one mention of the First Degree Sodomy charges Mr. Christie would be facing if he were guilty of the anal scarring in Victim P.
"Not a single mention of police misconduct in trying to apprehend the mother illegally.
"No mention of how the police videos left the possession of the police, no mention of the validity of the retractions and the ominous police approach to these retractions, nay their whole approach to this entire investigation.
"This off-the-cuff ruling from justice Pauffley seems more a poor attempt at quelling public dissent than protecting any children from abuse."
Anonymous writes:
"So another four million people concerned about child abuse go on the 'authorities' list of suspected paedophiles? No tactic will be too low or devious for an Establishment feeling under siege."
Anonymous writes:
To Parents Who Have Had Children Removed By The State: Were ‘Psychiatrists’ Claire Sturge or Danya Glaser, or ‘psychotherapists’ Dr Judith Freedman and/or Mr John Lawrence Involved In Your Case?.
"If she hadn't acquitted the father so quickly I might have thought she was making an effort to give a truthful verdict, but because she immediately condemned the mother and the mother's partner, who uploaded the videos in the first place. My question is why would they upload that if they were the perpetrators?"
"Well what do you know... Look who was involved in Hollie Greig case... Anna Paullfrey no less."
Press Release and summary of events at RCJ 2nd March2012

"Amazing how she can come to all these conclusions with out the slightest wiff of investigation into most of her claims and of course contrary to all the evidence - such it seems is our evil judiciary which refuses to consider the cries of the children whom the medical profession have clearly shown were subject to the abuse they have testified to.
"According to the judge it would appear AC and the mother are responsible for the findings of the medical experts with regard to the rectal examinations which of course is completely inconsistent with the kids testimony.
"And just what medical evidence did she rely upon to come to her conclusions?
"None as far as I can see the medical evidence appears to be ignored.
"Welcome to the United Satanic Kingdom.
"Time for Mum to begin an appeal against the dame's decision."

"The Metropolitan police's sex crime unit, Sapphire, announced a restructuring after a detective admitted 13 counts of misconduct, for failing to investigate 10 rapes and three sexual assault cases. Another Sapphire detective is under investigation for similar offences. Sapphire has already been restructured before, in 2009, after police had failed to stop multiple rapists John Worboys and Kirk Reid." The evil of Jimmy Savile was not his alone - The Guardian
"PAUFFLEY wrote: 'Moreover, senseless assumptions would seem to have been made by Mr Christie and the mother if, in fact, the children had touched the dog and were 'touching each other.'
"'To believe that children who demonstrate curiosity about and touch their own, the dog’s
and their sibling’s genital areas must have, or probably have, been sexually abused is
plainly ridiculous...'
"So this nutty judge thinks it is normal for children to molest each other and dogs - that it's not a sign of abuse ?
"Nowhere in her entire opinion does she mention that the children gave detailed identifying descriptions of the naked bodies and private parts of their abusers - such tattoos etc.
and their sibling’s genital areas must have, or probably have, been sexually abused is
plainly ridiculous...'
"So this nutty judge thinks it is normal for children to molest each other and dogs - that it's not a sign of abuse ?
"Nowhere in her entire opinion does she mention that the children gave detailed identifying descriptions of the naked bodies and private parts of their abusers - such tattoos etc.
"She writes, 'at Mr Christie’s and Ms Draper's instigation, they were able to 'speak to camera' about the stories concocted during the brainstorming. The obvious purpose of the film clips was to provide ‘proof.’ It was part of a deliberate plan by Mr Christie and Ms Draper. The children do as they are told. They do so forthrightly, without inhibition and with apparent conviction.'
"The crazy judge thinks that Mr Christie told the children to fabricate descriptions of tattoos and birth marks as 'proof' - when that would actually DISPROVE the allegations - unless Christie had somehow managed to guess what all the kids teachers looked like naked so as to provide the children with the 'proof'.
"Did anybody examine the bodies of these accused person? She also failed to mention that the children had spoken with their father via Skype prior to their retraction. And she failed to note the suspicious closing of the school and church websites.
"Sad. An outrageously dishonest opinion. The judge needs to be put on a watchlist."
Anonymous writes:
"Paulfry writes, 'Evidence cannot be evaluated and assessed in separate compartments.
"The crazy judge thinks that Mr Christie told the children to fabricate descriptions of tattoos and birth marks as 'proof' - when that would actually DISPROVE the allegations - unless Christie had somehow managed to guess what all the kids teachers looked like naked so as to provide the children with the 'proof'.
"Did anybody examine the bodies of these accused person? She also failed to mention that the children had spoken with their father via Skype prior to their retraction. And she failed to note the suspicious closing of the school and church websites.
"Sad. An outrageously dishonest opinion. The judge needs to be put on a watchlist."
Anonymous writes:
"Paulfry writes, 'Evidence cannot be evaluated and assessed in separate compartments.
"'A judge in these difficult cases must have regard to the relevance of each piece of evidence to
other evidence and to exercise an overview of the totality of the evidence in order to
come to the conclusion whether the case put forward by the local authority has been
made out to the required standard of proof.'
other evidence and to exercise an overview of the totality of the evidence in order to
come to the conclusion whether the case put forward by the local authority has been
made out to the required standard of proof.'
"The Judge pretends that deciding facts entails choosing between two 'all or nothing' packages. So rather than weighing each allegation of the children and determining if even one of them is true, she neatly rejects them all."
Judge Pauffley refers to the UK's Cleveland child abuse inquiry.
The 1987 Cleveland child abuse scandal involved 'falsely accused' adults.
The 1987 Cleveland child abuse scandal involved 'falsely accused' adults.
We now know that the majority of the children had been sexually abused and that many were forced to return to the homes they were abused in.
The Butler-Sloss inquiry into the Cleveland case heard evidence from an American 'child abuse expert' called Ralph Underwager.
He spoke out on behalf of the 'falsely accused' adults.
Underwager reportedly works for the CIA.

The UK government chose Lady Elizabeth Butler-Sloss, aged 80, to chair the inquiry into the handling of child abuse allegations by various UK institutions.
Devon peer to lead huge child abuse probe

2. Elizabeth Butler-Sloss is the daughter of Sir Cecil Havers and is very much part of the Establishment.
3. Until June 2007, she chaired the inquest into the death of Lady Diana, Princess of Wales, and appeared to be part of a cover-up.
Elizabeth Butler-Sloss chaired the Cleveland child abuse inquiry, which some people saw as being part of a cover-up.
5. Lady Butler-Sloss granted life-long anonymity to the killers of toddler James Bulger

6. Lady Butler-Sloss is the sister of the late Sir Michael Havers, who was Lord Chancellor (top legal man) at the time of the Kincora Boys Home child abuse cover-up.5. Lady Butler-Sloss granted life-long anonymity to the killers of toddler James Bulger

Havers reportedly tried to silence 'the child abuse whistleblower' Tory MP Geoffrey Dickens.
I was warned off asking Brittan what he knew.
Havers opposed the prosecution of child abuser Sir Peter Hayman.
Many of Aangirfan's posts on child abuse are being disappeared by Google, and by various forums.
Labels: Abraham Christie, Alisa, Butler-Sloss, Cleveland, cover-up, Ella Draper, Gabriel, Hampstead, Pauffley, Peter Cook, Ricky Dearman, Sabine
Jehova's Witnesses and child abuse
EXCELLENT compilation - as always!
I've emailed the Judge with this: http://whistleblowerkids.uk/2015/03/20/satanicjudicialabuse-sja-pauffley-judgement-in-the-whistleblowerkids-interest/
I also published http://whistleblowerkids.uk/the-judgement-19-03-15/
Long live the internet battle getting people to decide: which side are you on?
She is an irrelevance.
Given the extreme dishonesty of the media coverage this matter is receiving, might it be worthwhile for someone to discreetly and politely attempt to contact Dr. Hodes at her place of work and to plead with her to say something? If she is unwilling, drop immediately. But it would certainly be enlightening to hear her opinion on the judgement as it is worth remembering, Dr.Hodes maintained that the children had suffered sexual abuse consistent with her physical findings AFTER the retraction police interviews. Going so far as to refer specifically to an academic paper that found that retractions are not uncommon and should not be accepted at face value because this study said that 16% of known and proven victims had retracted when the accused was a close relative. It seems therefore inconceivable that Dr. Hodes would agree with the description in the Judgement that the allegations were baseless. Her opinion was very clear and her credentials are beyond impeccable. She has a senior position at a venerable institution and her findings have nothing whatsoever to do with what was posted on the internet on this case. .
I would love to know what was the evidentiary basis for the at face value psychotic claim that people were watching these videos for pornographic reasons? Where is the substantiation? Seriously. Because in the document I have the claim is not supported by any evidence.
What sort of a Judge makes findings that have no evidentiary basis? What sort of Officer of the Court makes claims that have no evidentiary basis?
This is surely a breach of the most basic principles of Law sitting right there on page one.
It is total illogic total BS because at the time of the medical examinations the children made frank accusations against the mother's partner, (not the mother), there literally was not a word of criticism of the mother so the Mail headline and the Judgement were transparently outrageous. The claims are made concurrently so the very idea that they are directed or dishonest at this time does not stand up for a second.
The other thing that the poor Judge does bot even begin to address is the fact that while making frank claims against the mother's partner, both children independently expressed the fear that their father would kill them. One was scared, one had nightmares about it. Two different experiences that speak the same truth. They cannot win on this because they are trying to say they are totally coached, completely coerced yet they are making several (in my opinion minor) claims against the mother's partner.
The poor judge is asking us to believe that the children were utterly under the spell of A etc yet why did that spell not extend to getting them to shut up about about the troubles in Morocco. You cannot be serious, it makes no sense. It is impossible.
I bet you Tavistock runs the cult.
They run this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Urantia_Book
Who control the hippy mentality types.
The shills on the Icke forum are revelling in this, spewing out classic system shill language like "loons" and "satanic panic".
That thread is dead as far as usefulness and objectivity goes and so should that entire forum be as a consequence.
Everyone should take note of the shills' usernames for future reference.
Thank you for your great blog.
Satan's worship in Mexico
How many different ways are there to say this:
'Justice' Pauffley just called 4 million people idiots (that is, take away a couple hundred thousand detractors).
'Justice' Pauffley has just told 4 million people that they DO NOT have discernment or logic.
'Justice' Pauffley just told 4 million people that they CANNOT make decisions that govern 'other' peoples jurisdictions.
Basically, 'Justice' Pauffley just gave YOU ALL a great big middle finger.
Abraham tells us Judge Pauffley is "Israeli":
"Tricky Demon" as Abraham refers to Papa was represented by June Venters QC whom I believe likewise to be Jewish:
In the following (p12):
she asks:
"Given the recent revelations about Jimmy Savile, what options would have been available to the police had he still been alive in order to have instigated a prosecution against him? Had he been convicted of any criminal offences arising from any convictions what likely sentence would he have received?"
Interesting question, I recall her client "Tricky Demon" may have convictions.
Is "Tricky Demon" likewise Jewish?
You have heard it said you can't believe what you read in the papers!!!
"Mother who tortured her two children"!!!
Her Wiki page is quite bare, I could have sworn I once found and posted her background which contained links/work in Israel. Maybe I am thinking of another Judge. I messaged Anonymous about this case asking if they are in touch with proceedings, for what it's worth.
"The Middle Temple is the western part of "The Temple", the headquarters of the Knights Templar until they were dissolved in 1312; the Temple Church still stands as a "peculiar" (extra-diocesan) church of the Inner and Middle Temples."
Check out this character:
Nice one sabine
I think the fact that this story was nowhere near the media UNTIL this judge spoke out, says all that needs to be said really.
i cant get my head around this case as i suppose many cant , on twitter the many campaigners stayed silent until the judgement then came across as very smug saying no real campaigners for children would ever show their faces it did make me think that yes that was wrong these kids lives will be forever there on the internet and that itself is abuse or them ,, however it still doesnt answer questions that they have been abused the acts are there by whom is the question . and why havent the accused gone to places to show their tattoos , birthmarks etc
keep going sabine !!!
basically she called us all paedophiles plus also the needle blog agrees 100 percent so sanctimonius!!
Yes, Anon - I heard that and wondered what were the facts?
Mrs Injustice Pauffley dissected every aspect of Mr C's interview of the children to prove he coached them but did not afford the same scrutiny to DC Martin's interview on Sept 17th when he practically told the children it was all a figment of their imagination based on the Mask of Zorro! He then went on to brow-beat them about AC, ignoring their original claims.
Justice Pauffley placed a great deal of emphasis on Mr C's previous conduct and not the father's record of domestic violence resulting in a separation from his wife and non-molestation order. Pauffley refers to R.D. as "the father whom they love" while calling AC "evil" and accusing him and their mother, who they have never accused, of torture.
Pauffley did not discuss the film made by the Irish chap, without AC present or any duress, where the girl volunteered more information, including her fears about the "bad police" telling her father they had reported the crime and him coming to kill them, as he had threatened to do.
If the children were coached, what's the point of embellishing the fabrication with details about 'Big Sex Wednesday' or the length of a black dildo which the boy estimated with his hands, sex in a disabled toilet, a girl who moved to another school to become the "star of the show," shoes made from baby skin with a hexagram motif... All very elaborate, if purely for spite.
The judge's evidence was centered on DS Fernandez and DC Martin having a cursory glace around the vestry of Christ Church, including the drawers where the priest’s vestments were stored, searching for material to assist in their inquiries. "They found nothing of interest to the inquiry." They did not raid an address in Islington where the children alleged victims were taken.
The judge dismissed out of had the evidence of the medical expert, whom she calls "over-dogmatic" with a "scientific prejudice" because with no medical background or expertise, Pauffley decided that anal scarring was the result of a "normal varient." Who would you trust, a doctor who is an authority on child sexual abuse or a woman who is serving the paedophile establishment?
Dr Hodes said that, “the current evidence is that prolonged reflex anal dilatation (the finding in P) is associated with anal abuse” and cited the Royal College of Paediatrics 2008 Review. She stated that both children have physical signs of sexual abuse that support their allegations; they have symptoms of post traumatic stress; and it is her opinion the extensive and detailed accounts given by both children, repeated to different professionals, contain details of sexual acts that such young children would need to have had some sort of direct experience.
Pauffley's summary said; "Neither child has been sexually abused by any of the following – Ricky Dearman, teachers at Christchurch Primary School Hampstead, the parents of students at that school, the priest at the adjacent church, teachers at any of the Hampstead or Highgate schools, members of the Metropolitan Police, social workers employed by the London Borough of Camden, officers of Cafcass oranyone else mentioned by Ms Draper or Mr Christie."
But it has been admitted that Scotland Yard has been covering up sadistic and satanic, serial child sex abuse and murders for the greater part of the 20th Century. What makes you think they are going to stop now? Theresa May says it is endemic in society and worse than we can imagine, in our youth clubs, churches and schools... except for Hampstead, where the children claimed they were subjected to multiple rape and infant sacrifice in a cult led by their father.
Great points Haze.
I've come very late to this case. Mainly because I am so distressed at reading about child abuse.
Apart from the sheer horror of learning anything of what many children are subject to, there is always the sickening realistic suspicion that it's being covered up/sanitised/repackaged for the public as 'nothing to see here, move along'. (I also had a very disturbing personal experience of being silenced when trying to give witness evidence in the initial stages of a recent famous case which finally resulted in a prison sentence - from that I know how profoundly corrupt and intimidating our authorities are/can be.)
Yours is the first report I've read on this particular case, aangirfan. When I read of Her Ladyship's involvement with Holly Grieg, it told me all I need to know about the cover up here.
It's beyond belief that these 'authorities' STILL think they can get away with such blatant dismissiveness.
As Theresa May said most honestly, child abuse is woven into the fabric of our society, it is deeply widespread yet covered up. And it's happening right here and now in front of our very eyes...Surely a mistrial must be sought?
If you get banned from making comments by the Daily Mail, do not continue to make comments there, especially not deeply unpleasant ones as they will block your IP address as they have done, rather hilariously to me. It's a joke really as you can still read articles but the front page refreshes automatically every second or so making it impossible for you to ever read the main page. it's a neat trick. Lucky that people leave links! I was understandably enraged by their despicable coverage of the Hampstead case, left a "go to hell you will pay for this" sort of comment (in the cosmic or karmic sense of course) and that is what they do when you make them cross.My profile was banned months ago for reasons that were unclear as I had never said anything particularly virulent at all and almost never been published there,like one comment and one response ever.
Reminds me of Bleasdale's GBH which foretold the killing of Mark Duggan and the orchestrated London riots of 2011. ("Now don't you be a young bull or you will find what bullshit is all about").Scene at the end where Lindsay Duncan's character visits her father, a High Court Judge. "Preserving the status quo daddy?" Pauffley is a lackey. No more no less.
A brilliant commentary on the Hampstead case from Brian Gerrish an inspiring and high quality individual in my opinion.
Hampstead Satanic Abuse Case: UK Column, 20 March, 2015.
Well here is a good example of hiding unwanted new, I only said yesterday do not let the solar eclipse over shadow the child abuse horror.
In today`s Sun newspaper they have printed on the front page a full photo of the eclipse in a smiling position, above this are the words " 4- of our journalists cleared". The smile produced by the eclipse is to represent that the newspaper is smiling because the journalists have been cleared of paying for exclusive stories. Now tell me why , hidden neatly away on page 33 of the Sun paper in the top left hand corner is reference to the arrests of 745 suspects of child abuse, teachers, police and doctors are among 264 suspected paedophiles charged in a major operation. Anyway my point is this, this article should be front page news, on page 33 its been given a paltry 1"1/2 x 3"1/4 or 40mm x 80mm. The media says it fights for truth, then why is this not on the front page? this horror is still ongoing it needs to stay in peoples minds, its country wide. Perhaps the Sun paper can use the next eclipse to smile over the fact that all people involved with satanic child abuse, no matter what their position, have been bought to justice, and the evil empire has been destroyed.
However I will not hold my breath, this cancer runs deep, time to dig it out.
We are supporting you Sabine.
Notoriuosly P-2 Lodge Berlusconi gave thousand or Euros - monthly - to these '"escorts'" so they didn't say anything during the trial that ended with a NOT GUILTY sentence.
Yes, these girls (they are tens or even hundreds) have been bribed. Some of them reside into a palace bought by Silvio B. for this very purpose.
Agreed, it seems like a rant of drunken people there.
As it stands:
A concerned mother and her partner who reported the suspected sexual abuse of her children to the police, now stand accused of "torturing" them into compliance and using "cannabis soup" to make them recount a graphic 'fantasy' about a Satanic Cult involving their father, to numerous proffessionals, simply to win a custody battle.
This 'Munchausen's Mother by proxy' would have had to go so far as to inflict anal scarring on her children to corroborate her false claims. It is such a departure from the facts and distortion of evidence, that we must ask, why have the press gone to such extremes to demonise the whistleblowers and exonerate the father?
Been there James. They have lightning editing.
Complain about a judge, magistrate, tribunal member or coroner
You can complain if you’re unhappy with a judge, magistrate, tribunal member or coroner’s:
You must make your complaint within 3 months.
Complain about a judge, magistrate, tribunal member or coroner
You can complain if you’re unhappy with a judge, magistrate, tribunal member or coroner’s:
You must make your complaint within 3 months.
Hampstead was granted to Westminster Abbey by King Ethelred, anno 986. The Knights Templars were possessed of 100 acres of arable land, and a small quantity of meadow in this parish. After the abolition of the Templars, it belonged to the Priory of St. John of Jerusalem.
In other words the judge must turn up drunk. Any other issue of misconduct and they will cover it up no matter how blatant. I have been there on blatant misconduct and they just fob joe public off. You have to be connected and clearly in this case people are, starting with the establishment namely the school, church and who knows...
My thoughts exactly.
Vid 8: Tennis Coaches
I think it would be an idea if someone put a petition on the governments actual website, if only as a statement.
This is a blog from about a year ago with a post and comments generally favorable to Pauffley. It is of interest because the basis for high praise is the judge's reliance on evidence to back up allegations, a skill she has lost apparently http://researchingreform.net/2014/02/21/judge-of-the-week-mrs-justice-pauffley/
Who let Cooke out early in 1998? Who told that person to do it? That would, it seems, provide a historical link to this decision.
She damned herself by basically stating anyone who opposes horrific child abuse of the type commonly known (dutroux, cooke, hayman) or doesn't/hasn't (wanted to) fondle a dog's winkle is an abnormal weirdo in her world- where the hell do these "people" come from????
"With more than just a little courage, Mrs Justice Pauffley has condemned the overt practice of social workers being too hasty in taking children from parents without proper evidence."
At least Cooke didn't re-offend in the 6 months he was free, they locked him up again once more witnesses came forward. It's Warwick Spinks early release you want to be concerned about. He was allowed to leave the country and join a paedophile ring in Prague.
An Irish Judge called Lynch, of Galway, to prove his fairness, presided over the trial of his son. For murder. He made so many remarks opposed to the son's interest, that reversal on appeal was guaranteed.
One possible explanation of the trial? Quite possible that the judge was in on a settlement of some sort, but still that would be a disgrace. Clearl a faulty judgement.
Ritual sexual abuse is not confined to the Satanic seat of power, it has filtered down through society, from the top to the bottom, to a local level. People regarded as upstanding members of the community, often in influential positions, are involved in paedophilia and their respectable public face is far removed from their sordid private lives. They are operating in our schools, churches, hospitals and even the council.
In the 1990's, senior staff members in Lambeth council were producing pornographic material of a "sadistic, bestial and paedophile" nature in the basement of the housing department, where they knew they would not be interrupted. A female member of staff disclosed how she was subjected to a rape on council premises "of horrendous proportions" which she was still suffering serious injuries from one month later. She described being raped alongside children and animals by senior figures in the council.
The findings of a report which included rape, assault and posession of indecent images of children, was never formally investigated by the police at the time or made public. Bulic Forsythe, a housing manager who told a colleague he was about to 'spill the beans' was found three days later, bludgeoned to death in his burnt out flat. The BBC's crimewatch launched an appeal for information, like they didn't already have the answers.
Bulic's daughter, who was born three months after his murder said, "It's really clear the fear that operated in the council - it seems from the report my father felt that fear," she added, he was scared that if he moved jobs "people in power could still get to him." He clashed with an individual who held a senior position and is named in the report as the head of this ring.
I believe the children have been abused by multiple people including AC through emotional and physical abuse. The way he talks on the videos with the children is really sick. Yes he is guilty no doubt, but father is also an abuser based on the way he spoke on the BBC video and the testimony from the little one about drugs and alcohol.. The mother has obviously been manipulated by AC as he took a role that really was not his place, I also believe he did bully and hurt the children I have no sympathy with him at all. But Ella was too weak and desensitised to DV to find the courage to interfere. This is a super tragic case but needs a completely new investigation. Unfortunately all the offenders (if they are) will have cleared all the evidence by now, so too late for the multiple raids that should have been done immediately after the children's first interviews. However, birthmarks and tattoos are not so easily hidden, so they should be asking to subpoena the people the children claim have markings on their bodies. If this is proven then we have a whole different ball game and the same if the marks are non existent. Why don't those people that the children described as having markings (birthmarks tattoos etc) offer themselves voluntarily for examination if they so care about the ''false allegations''? I know that is what i would do. ''Examine me and make the findings public to clear my name''
I believe the children 100% because I know what its like to be the victim of such horrid crimes against children, against the innocent. My father, too, was my monster. I will have these children, all of the children at that church and abroad in my daily prayers for the rest of my life. We can survive it, if our monsters don't kill us, and even learn to manage a somewhat normal life on the outside...but on the inside, where the memories lie, the pain is never forgotten and the scars never fade. I pray these children are well protected now. I have not had a chance to read all of the material available, because I only found out about this case early this morning on YouTube. I'm praying that they are not returned to the very people they are trying to be free of.
Ricky Dearman: Coming soon... "Polygraph Justice"
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