'MI6 agent' Paul Joseph Watson says the Hampstead child sex videos are almost certainly a hoax.
Watson is turning out to be a top disinformation agent?

Has the HAMPSTEAD SCHOOL got new staff?
"I clicked on the school web link to see if it was back up, and it was, but it was a completely new website: new design, new domain name, and... new staff!
"I was able to look at various info on this new site and according to what it said most if not all staff had been replaced, including the head teacher.
"I didn't save any of the info because as I was able to access the site normally I assumed it would stay up.
"Half an hour later when I wanted to check one of the names, access was disabled again and I haven't been able to view it since.
"From today they seem to have a new log on screen saying the site is 'invitation only'...
"We dance with the skulls in the church" .

"Fewer than one in seven child sex abuse cases probed by Britain's largest police force have led to criminal charges, figures have revealed.
"Scotland Yard investigated 7,205 reports of serious attacks on under-16s between 2010 and October last year - just 989 of which (14 per cent) ended with a person being prosecuted."
"Scotland Yard investigated 7,205 reports of serious attacks on under-16s between 2010 and October last year - just 989 of which (14 per cent) ended with a person being prosecuted."
The CIA and its friends in MI6 do not want us to know about the mind control of children.
Labels: Christchurch school, Hampstead, Paul Joseph Watson
Is a contrary position an indicator of being an ' MI6 agent'? There are many, who 'could' report on this story. Their silence may be because they - at least - initially share, or are considering, PJW's position. Why not comment on those who surprisingly keep quiet? PJW was at least honest, and although increasingly - for me - likely to be in the wrong. MI - what? So if these videos and docs come out as authentic - as they increasingly appear to be - what suspected purpose could spooks achieve? On your hypothesis they have used infowars to be rare publicist (primarily this site). No way does one PJW article fall into any credible - spooky - motive. Unless you have more evidence...
HSBC Bank : Secret Origins to 26/11 Mumbai Attacks
#SwissLeaks what the media has termed it is a trove of secret documents from HSBC’s Swiss private banking arm that reveals names of account holders and their balances for the year 2006-07. They come from over 200 countries, the total balance over $100 billion. But nowhere has the HSBC Swiss list touched off a more raging political debate than in India.
For years, when banks have been caught laundering drug money, they have claimed that they did not know, that they were but victims of sneaky drug dealers and a few corrupt employees. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that a considerable portion of the global banking system is explicitly dedicated to handling the enormous volume of cash produced daily by dope traffickers.
Contrary to popular opinion, it is not “demand” from the world’s population which creates the mind destroying drug trade. Rather, it is the world financial oligarchy, looking for massive profits and the destruction of the minds of the population it is determined to dominate, which organized the drug trade. The case of HSBC underscores that point. Serving as the central bank of this global apparatus, is HSBC.
Role of Secret Societies
Freemasonry is a highly secretive society, making it an ideal vehicle for global drugs and arms trafficking. According to 33rd Degree Mason Manly Hall, “Freemasonry is a fraternity within a fraternity – an outer organization concealing an inner brotherhood of the elect…the one visible and the other invisible. The visible society is a splendid camaraderie of ‘free and accepted’ men enjoined to devote themselves to ethical, educational, fraternal, patriotic and humanitarian concerns. The invisible society is a secret and most august fraternity whose members are dedicated to the service of an arcanum arcandrum (sacred secret).”
Read the rest:
www.hampsteadschool.org.uk and www.christchurchschool.co.uk are two completely different establishments.
There is so much disinformation out there. Some alternative media has been infiltrated, or always was working for the "other side" I honesty don't know. Just research as much information as you can. Belinda Mckenzie of Mckenzie friends rented out part of her property to ex-MI5 whistleblowers? David Shalyer and Annie Machon. Aangirfan yourselves ran a story in 2008 saying that Shayler was a disinfo agent. Sabine Mcneill says her "unincorporated association" with Belinda Mckenzie has now terminated. Why? The Mckenzie Friends are not a charity, they charge these families fees for "lay" advice.
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The CACHE is here: http://pastebin.com/pCtcpQ6G
I'm lookin'@ the info, as: 'Galyna Upson' listed with Mark here:
Estate dealers, said the CACHE - seems true - here:
Paul Watson is legitimate. He is merely questioning the case as any good journalist would. The concerned parties should try contacting him with full documentation/updates. Alex Jones is on the side of abused children not the State. He has done more than most to expose the CPS abuses in the US.
July 2014 - Christ Church achieved Silver School Games award. Part of our school improvement plan includes a target to achieve Gold School Games award over 2014/15 academic year.
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New video interview with advisor of mother, sabine mcneill shows her in tears and suffering stress and disruption of her life great analysis of situation in last 10 mins .http://chrisspivey.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/13.jpg
P.J. Watson has changed sides? there you go....
Beware of putting too much stock into Cathy O'Brien. There is little doubt that she is a real MK Ultra but MK's are notoriously unreliable informants because of so much damage. Also, Cathy is reprogrammed - her husband Mark Phillips is CIA and rumored to be her new controller.
MK Ultras all start breaking down after a number of years and begin recovering memories. We found that the Agency apparently reprograms them to talk jibberish along with recalling real memories - the politicians who turn into lizards are also Cathy's theme. I believe it was Tavistock or MI5 which dreamed up the lizards to confuse everyone. The abuse Cathy talks about is likely real but she is not quoteworthy due to her stories such as Kissinger, Hillary Clinton and others who she claims abused her and then morphed into physical lizards.....
If the Hampstead videos are a fake per Watson, how does he explain this below? In 2012, a pedophile was caught at Hampstead molesting a little girl and pretty much let go. Such a coincidence....
And this pedophile priest was at Hampstead:
Wait till we release more evidence, you silly shills / trolls...
I agree. Tavistock makes sure that the mind controlled kids spout some nonsense along with the truth. As you say, some of what the kids say is accurate.
- Aangirfan
we are with you Sabine.
To those who have been victims of courts and state, would it make sense that a policy has been adopted, in that when the individual is up against a decision by a member of the establishment, the establishment shall always close ranks and must always win?
Would it make sense the establishment is never wrong except that is to pay lip service or grant a minor victory to feign success for the public?
This would explain the madness and corruption which allows the establishment to play with individuals (and families) like they were toys, a matter which drives the individual to becoming completely absorbed is a battle which the authorities already decided from the start regardless of process?
Would it make sense that they do so to justify their often exorbitant salaries?
Would it make sense that the establishment fills its ranks with evil people who feed off the anxiety, frustration and despair of the individuals in their grasp whom they persecute?
Would it make sense that the establishment has a satanic agenda?
Explains my experience of the UK establishment structure.
Some call it socialism.
About time someone called out that horrible cretin Paul Watson, time and again he's spewed lies in defence of the status quo.
lots of sleuthing inc re estate agents here http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=289414&page=87
One thing seems fairly certain: the alternative media has not been affected in a good way by recent goings-on re Hampstead, as far as their credibility is concerned, whether by design or accident.
yes we are much respect
sick sick sick noses in troughs as they know the public sector is near bust.
Paul Joseph Watson and Bill Hicks, I mean, Alex Jones, are both CIA jesuit order spooks. Bill Hicks, I mean, Alex Jones, will say anything to cause disinformation. And so will PJW.
I believe the children. Not the CIA spies.
May the Lord Jesus bless the children.
Sabine McNeill, aka Ursula Kurjo, aka Sabine Ursula McNeill, aka Sabine Kurjo McNeill. Why so many names and websites? Something very odd about all of this.
All he says is "its a hoax" but gives no reasons for thinking that. The names and places are all real and those of us that have tried to look further into it find that both the school and churches websites have suddenly been taken off line, as someone else posted you can still access them via archive.org but the silence of mainstream media speaks volumes. I don't know why anyone who has or loves a child is not fighting for the truth on this
Im also with you but more importantly the kids and all the kids that are and have been abused. I think people are scared to get involved for sake of their own children perhaps or because its easier to be in denial about these horrific things, the trolls and shills matter not. Your doing something that needs to be done, your both a good hearted and brave person dont let them get you down.
I found this video very enlightening also thanks for sharing: http://mckenzie-friends.co.uk/2015/01/02/why-ian-josephs-advises-mothers-not-to-report-the-crimes-of-abusive-fathers-you-lose-your-children/
Yes we are, ignore the shills, you are doing something of incredible value its just the average person has no idea.
Also I found this video enlightening thanks for sharing, stay safe
Watson repeatedly says "certainly a hoax" without one shred of evidence.
Fake alternative media has a bump-and-run approach to put scandals into the past - there is always something more sensational the next day on different topics - so nothing gets done and the scandal gets forgotten.
Watson is suspect and this isn't the first time he has sneered at 'conspiracy theorists' - he called Woolwich a real event, called Sandy Hook real, pretends Alex Jones isn't Bill Hicks, etc.
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Check if there is a waybackmachine page you can copy
Ha! Nothing odd at all.
You could play that whole "many names" game with almost anybody who has a long name, or any woman who took her husband's surname when she was married.
McNeill is obviously her married name. Kurjo is her surname at birth. Sabine is her first name. Ursula is her middle name.
See? Quite simple and not mysterious at all.
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