Royal Free Hospital in Hampstead to be investigated

Hampstead, Finchley, St John's Wood and Highgate.
In 2002, it was reported that Doctor Timothy Healy, from Finchley near Hampstead in London, was a member of a "paedophile ring of professionals".
In 2002, it was reported that Doctor Timothy Healy, from Finchley near Hampstead in London, was a member of a "paedophile ring of professionals".
Healy drugged and then sexually assault dozens of boy patients, two as young as 11.
He filmed much of the abuse.
Some of the boys were part of Healy's medical practice while others he befriended as a medical officer to the Army Cadet Corps.
12 years for GP who drugged and abused patients - Telegraph

Sean Williams
In 1993, in Finchley in London, seven-year-old Sean Williams was snatched after going for a bike ride.
At the time of the murder, Hatch was on parole for a previous child sex attack. He had a string of convictions for assaulting young boys
prison murder of notorious child sex killer

The funeral of seven-year-old Sean Williams.
12 years for GP who drugged and abused patients - Telegraph
Sean Williams
In 1993, in Finchley in London, seven-year-old Sean Williams was snatched after going for a bike ride.
Colin Hatch was found guilty of the sex murder of Sean Williams, who was strangled to death.
At the time of the murder, Hatch was on parole for a previous child sex attack. He had a string of convictions for assaulting young boys
prison murder of notorious child sex killer
The funeral of seven-year-old Sean Williams.
In August 2014, it was reported that an independent inquiry has been launched into Haringey Council’s handling of a paedophile case at Highgate Wood School.
Inquiry to be launched into 1980s paedophilia at school

Ian Frost
Inquiry to be launched into 1980s paedophilia at school
Ian Frost
In 2011, it was reported that, in the UK, Ian Frost and three other men had admitted running an international paedophile ring that distributed millions of indecent images and films of children to over 40 countries around the world.
Highgate Pagans calling on fierce Goddesses to protect their children from a hidden evil
In 2014, there was a report on Witches Vs. Paedophiles! The Battle For Highgate Woods
"When a convicted pedophile moved back into the area around Highgate woods, which is frequented by many young children, a local Pagan parent organized a ‘Protection Rite’ – a ritual calling on ancient Gods and Goddesses and the spirits of the sacred grove to protect children playing in the woods...
"As the pagan community have used these beautiful woods for gatherings and ceremonies for years, now we can come together and use our magic for good, to help with protective magic for the children," said Carrie Kirkpatrick, local Pagan parent and organizer of the ritual."

In 2014, there was a report on Witches Vs. Paedophiles! The Battle For Highgate Woods
"When a convicted pedophile moved back into the area around Highgate woods, which is frequented by many young children, a local Pagan parent organized a ‘Protection Rite’ – a ritual calling on ancient Gods and Goddesses and the spirits of the sacred grove to protect children playing in the woods...
"As the pagan community have used these beautiful woods for gatherings and ceremonies for years, now we can come together and use our magic for good, to help with protective magic for the children," said Carrie Kirkpatrick, local Pagan parent and organizer of the ritual."
Highgate Cemetery near Highgate woods in London
Child abuse gangs are a problem worldwide.
Child abuse gangs are a problem worldwide.
Perry Dunlop, the former police officer from Cornwall, Ontario, blew the whistle on the sexual abuse of minors in that city.
"Despite being decorated and respected, he faced years of cover-ups and reprisals for his persistence and dedication in bringing the issue to public light.
"He finally succeeded in having an inquiry called into the handling of the whole matter, but it was a Pyrrhic victory: the inquiry was too limited to really get to the bottom of things."
"He finally succeeded in having an inquiry called into the handling of the whole matter, but it was a Pyrrhic victory: the inquiry was too limited to really get to the bottom of things."
Many thanks to the people who supplied the links.
Labels: Cornwall, Finchley, Hampstead, Highgate Pagans, Highgate Wood School, Ian Frost, Jimmy Savile, Perry Dunlop, Sean Williams, Timothy Healy
If as some are claiming that there is no substance to the allegations of the children then why do you have 3 government shills working almost 24/7 on the Icke board?this in itself indicates something is very wrong.
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It also occurred to me that the two kids attended Tavistock for some "therapy"anyone know when that was?I have a theory that Tavistock may have implanted the more outrageous aspects of the story in the minds of the children to discredit the rest of their testimony ie the ritual abuse by the father and school.They have scrambled reality and fiction to implant doubt in the minds of the public,,for example cooking babies in mcDonalds for example
Gary Glitter jailed for 16 years
Start at 30min https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=wwe6P7H7ptM
It is rumoured that the royal free hospital has interlinking underground tunnels http://underground-history.co.uk/shelters.php
Anonymous wrote to us: "It appears that my use of the Theresa May Je Suis Juif photo that you had earlier used in a different way is the slight that was perceived."
Aangirfan writes: No slight was ever perceived.
I did not know that anyone had used the photo.
Perhaps someone is impersonating us.
- Aangirfan
Does Tavistock have anything to do with Howard Bloom,s (author of the Lucifer Principle)paleopsychological project mindfire? spooky London School of Economics professors ,MIT lecturers ,BBC broadcasters,Harvard,Tel Aviv scientists and Hampstead residents all under 1 banner/roof? and Bloom was Michael Jacksons publicist?? spookier than spooky..what do you think?http://howardbloom.net/the-international-paleopsychology-project/
Serial paedophile William Vahey lived in Belsize Pk in Hampstead when arrested http://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2014/apr/29/william-vahey-abuse-inquiry-parents
Serial paedophile teacher William Vahey lived in Belsize Park in hampstead
Someone independent from the police should interview these convicted pedophiles in the area to get a wider scope of what they believe is happening in the area. I'm sure one or two of them might spill some tea.
Vahey was born in 1949 at West Point, New York, to a decorated World War II pilot father. Source:DELETEPEDIA
Also, I'd like to give you insights into DELETEPEDIA. I always look at history of edited wikipedia (top right - View history) and check the entries with most deletions. So i get the info someone won't you to read, as:
In addition to teaching, he also coached basketball and led school trips to Bahrain, Turkey, Africa, Costa Rica, Nepal, Panama and Jordan.
Always check previous revisions on wikipedia. Cheers.
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