Monday 11 July 2016


Theresa May with her parents.

Theresa May is to be the UK's Prime Minister.

Tory leadership contest: Theresa May.

How spooky is Theresa?

The village of Sonning, west of London, was home to Uri Geller for 35 years.

Theresa May lives in Sonning.

Theresa May is the cabinet minister responsible for MI5, and responsible for dealing with the child abuse crisis.


Geller with former UK prime minister Edward Heath, who has reportedly been linked to pedophile rings, allegedly linked to Mossad.

Boris Johnson has a house in Sonning.


Sonning is on the edge of Reading, which is linked to Jo Cox and Brendan Cox.


Mossad's Uri Geller with former cabinet minister Michael Portillo.

Uri Geller has been photograpphed with a number of people linked to alleged child abuse rings.

Uri Geller is related to Clement Freud.


Uri Geller and Lord Greville Janner, former President of the Board of British Jews, former vice president of the World Jewish Congress, and former member of the Boy Scouts Association.Greville Janner, VIP child abuse, mysterious death

Theresa May "has never looked like hitting David Cameron's target of cutting net migration to below 100,000."


Theresa May did not not tell the Cabinet "she had relaxed border checks for some European migrants in 2011."



The spooks reportedly recruit immigrants for their Operation Gladio activities.

Two years ago Michael Gove briefed The Times that Theresa May's Home Office was failing to 'drain the swamp' of extremists, after it had emerged there was a 'Trojan Horse' plot to Islamicise secular state schools in Birmingham.


In 1981, Theresa may's father was killed in a car crash. Theresa's mother, died a year later.



A police whistleblower claims that Theresa May IGNORED child sex abuse ring warnings

Harry Bunker, 72, claimed Theresa May failed to reply when he wrote to allege two senior South ­Yorkshire Police officers protected paedophile pals during the 1970s

Police whistleblower claims Theresa May IGNORED child sex abuse ...

"The government's child sex abuse inquiry was thrown into crisis after Fiona Woolf became the second senior legal figure to quit as chair over her links to the Westminster political establishment.

"Woolf’s departure raises questions about the judgment of the home secretary, Theresa May, just months after retired judge Lady Butler-Sloss stepped down over similar concerns."

Baroness Butler-Sloss and Dame Fiona Woolf

An Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse was established by Theresa May, on 7 July 2014.

The inquiry was intended to investigate why pedophile rings seemed to be exempt from capture.

The Inquiry apologized after vital testimony from victims of child sexual abuse was “instantly and permanently deleted” from their servers.

Govt Conveniently Deleted Entire Database of Evidence

Theresa may has been accused of perpetuating the cover-up of child sex abuse at Kincora Boys' Home in east Belfast.

Kincora: Theresa May accused over sex abuse

Theresa May's husband may not have links to G4S.

Theresa May, above, wants to be the Prime Minister of the UK.

Above we see Theresa May, Britain's Home Secretary, holding up a poster saying "I am a Jew."

Theresa May is the cabinet minister responsible for the security service MI5, the police and the inquiry into child sexual abuse.

Theresa May has said: 'Without its Jews, Britain would not be Britain.' 

She may be thinking of British Jews such as humourist Jonathan Miller, Labour Party leader Ed Miliband, Linda McCartney, cricketer Fred Trueman, Helena Bonham Carter, Elizabeth Taylor or Peter Sellers.

Cabinet Minister Eric Pickles and Teresa May.

Theresa May may be thinking of the succession of Jewish Home Secretaries who allowed in vast numbers of immigrants.

She may have been thinking of Ghislaine Maxwell, the Kray twins, Sir Keith Joseph, Greville Janner and Leon Brittan, whose names have been linked to child abuse inquiries.

She may have been thinking of Victor Rothschild, who allegedly gave away Britain's nuclear secrets to Israel, Sir David Manning, who helped get Britain into the Iraq War, or Denis McShane who was exposed as a crooked Zionist member of parliament.

Theresa May may be thinking of the philosopher Leo Strauss, who lived for a while in Cambridge. 

Strauss believed that in order to control the ignorant masses, the elite should use: DECEPTION, RELIGIOUS FERVOUR and PERPETUAL WAR.

She may be thinking of Bernard Lewis who helped to invent the idea of a clash of civilisations.

Bernard Lewis helped to invent the West's new enemy, known as 'Islam'.

Allegedly, a British spy called Hempher and a crypto Jew called Wahhab set up the Wahhabi Islamist sect in order to wreck the Moslem world.


Theresa May may be forgetting that in 1940, the Jewish Stern Gang proposed intervening in World War II on the side of Nazi Germany.


She may be forgetting that in 1947, Jews attempted to BOMB THE BRITISH PARLIAMENT.

Theresa May should be sacked because of her 'cover up' of child abuse rings involving her own Conservative party.

Theresa May's child abuse inquiry shame: Counting the days since Home Secretary promised victims justice

Conservative Party members of the Monday Club had trips to Holland.

Holton Park Girls

Theresa May attended St Juliana's Roman Catholic Convent School for Girls in Oxfordshire.

She later gained a place at Holton Park Girls' grammar school.

Holton Park school occupied the manor house and extensive grounds of the historic Holton Park estate, near Wheatley, from 1949 to 1971.

One of Theresa May's favourite bits of Freemason music. Kitten-heeled Theresa

In the third term of her finals year at Oxford University, Theresa May took on the presidency of the Edmund Burke Society and came up with a series of motions for debate, including "That this House thanks Heaven for little girls".

Theresa May – what lies beyond the public image?

Fiona Cunningham

Fiona Cunningham is Theresa May's devoted spin doctor. 

"For two years, Fiona has been in a close relationship with her colleague Charles Farr, 54, a former spy chief who runs the Office for Security and Counter-Terrorism in the Home Office."


Theresa May at the CST dinner with Gerald Ronson and Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis. CST provides 'security' to Jewish institutions.

"In 2016, the UK government is committed to provide £13.4 million for security measures in the Jewish community in the coming year, Theresa May announced."

Theresa May is a Friend of Israel.


"Using the excuse of terrorism - whose main victim is considered thought - Theresa May's Home Office is making a law which attacks free expression in this country as it has never been attacked before.

"In a consultation paper attached to the Bill, all kinds of institutions, from nursery schools (yes really, see paragraph 107) to universities, are warned that they must be on the lookout for ‘extremists’"

Theresa May is part of the military-industrial complex.

Theresa May vows to build new Trident.

Fake photo of Theresa May

"In the run-up to the 2015 election, one of the handicaps David Cameron had ... was the fact that net migration to the UK was three times as high as he had promised it would be...

"Theresa May was the cabinet minister actually entrusted with bringing migration down."

Article Pulled By Telegraph After Pressure From Mossad or whoever.

"Theresa May is to Westminster what Cersei Lannister is to Westeros in Game of Thrones: no one who challenges her survives undamaged, while the welfare of the realm is of secondary concern...

"David Laws’ memoirs paint a vivid picture of a secretive, rigid, controlling, even vengeful minister, so unpleasant to colleagues that a dread of meetings with her was something that cabinet members from both parties could bond over."

Article Pulled By Telegraph After Pressure From Mossad or whoever.

A Theresa May lookalike.

Theresa May and parents.

Theresa May was born Theresa Mary Brasier on 1 October 1956 in Eastbourne, in Sussex.

Theresa May's parents married on 16 June 1955.

Theresa May's father, Hubert Brasier, was then aged 37.

Hubert was an Anglican vicar, his address being the Chaplain's House, All Saints HospitalEastbourne.

"Back in the 1950's, I remember ... Dr Bodkin ADAMS, whom my late mother knew from All Saints hospital, who was a mass killer of patients..."

Comment here: The Eastbourne Story - YouTube


Theresa May likes Walk Like a Man

Aleister Crowley, the occultist, attended Eastbourne College and later edited a chess column for the Eastbourne Gazette.[161]


The pianist Russ Conway was a resident of Eastbourne for many years[152]

Gordon Rideout

Canon Gordon Rideout was the vicar of All Saints Church in Eastbourne for 25 years.

Clergyman Canon Gordon Rideout was chaplain at Moira House School, Eastbourne, until 2003, and chairman of governors at Bishop Bell C of E School in Eastbourne until November 2011.

Clergyman Canon Gordon Rideout was a serial sex offender who preyed on young children across the south of England.

In 2013, Rideout, 74, was jailed for 10 years at Lewes Crown Court after being convicted of two attempted rapes and 34 indecent assaults on 16 boys and girls

In the 1970s Canon Gordon Rideout was taken to a military court on child sex-abuse charges.

At that time Rideout was chaplain on a military base.


In 2013, Rev Robert Coles, of Eastbourne, was jailed for eight years for sex offences against young boys.

Rev Roy Cotton, who abused at least ten boys from Eastbourne, had a conviction for assaulting a choirboy when he was ordained in 1966.

Dr John Bodkin Adams

Dr John Bodkin Adams lived in Eastbourne.

Dr Adams was reportedly part of a large ring of top gay men.

Dr. Adams, 'probably the richest doctor in England' had as his patients Lord Burghley, Admiral Robert Prendergast, the 10th Duke of Devonshire, and Eastbourne's Chief Constable Richard Walker.

In the spring of 1956, Lady Dorothy Macmillan's brother, the Duke of Devonshire 'dropped dead' in front of his doctor, Dr. John Bodkin Adams .

Dr Adams was arrested in connection with the deaths of a number of his patients.

Former Attorney General Hartley Shawcross. His first wife, Alberta Shyvers, took her own life in 1943. sussexexpress.

During the Adams committal hearing in January 1957, Hartley Shawcross was seen dining with Adams's suspected lover, Sir Roland Gwynne (Mayor of Eastbourne from 1929 to 1931), and the Lord Chief Justice, Rayner Goddard, at a hotel in Lewes, near Eastbourne.

There is suspicion of a cover-up.

Dr Adams was aquitted.

Lady Dorothy Macmillan, wife of former UK prime minister Harold Macmillan. Lady Dorothy was the daughter of the 9th Duke of Devonshire

Reportedly, Harold Macmillan, the UK's Conservative Party Prime Minister from 1957-1963, was expelled from the top private school called Eton for 'homosexual perversion'.

Harold macmillan was tutored for Oxford by Ronald Knox.

Macmillan fell in love with Ronald knox.

Macmillan (right)

Macmillan "under pressure" married Dorothy.

Dorothy had many affairs, including one with the bisexual Lord Boothby.

UK Government asset Lord Goodman , a powerful British Jew, protected people like Tom Driberg MP, Sir Anthony Blunt and Lord Boothby "who were regularly seen at parties with rent boys and arrested at public toilets."

Eliza Manningham-Buller, former head of the UK security service MI5

John Bodkin Adams was 'a member of the homosexual underground' and close to Sir Anthony Blunt and Lord Goodman.

The police acquired a memorandum belonging to a Daily Mail journalist, concerning stories of homosexuality between "a police officer, a magistrate, and a doctor".

The doctor was said to be Adams.

The 'magistrate' was Sir Roland Gwynne, Mayor of Eastbourne from 1929 to 1931 and brother of Rupert Gwynne, MP for Eastbourne from 1910 to 1924.

The 'police officer' was the Deputy Chief Constable of Eastbourne, Alexander Seekings.

160 of Bodkin Adams's patients had died mysteriously, 132 of them writing the doctor into their wills.

Harold Macmillan

"Harold Macmillan, and the then Attorney General, Reginald Manningham-Buller, were both related to one of Dr Adams' likely victims....

"A homosexual relationship existed between Adams and a powerful local politician, who had protected him for over thirty years."

Reginald Manningham-Buller's daughter Eliza Manningham-Buller was active in MI5 from 1974-2007, and became boss of MI5 in 2002.

She was active at the time of the Lockerbie bombing.

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At 18 January 2015 at 11:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

google the name annie bedichek, and be surprised!

At 18 January 2015 at 11:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 18 January 2015 at 11:44 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 18 January 2015 at 12:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Im sorry, the statue of the monk and the Indian boy looks pedophilic to me. No doubt the "saint" had fun with Native American kids....

At 18 January 2015 at 13:42 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hällo Aang. As a mainstream senior journalist you should manage the following info better than me (Anon)...

Houston, we got a bigger problem.

Another NASA Scientist Has Been Killed – making a total of 74 Scientist dead in 2 years.

NASA Scientist Alberto Behar died in a plane crash on Friday in Los Angeles

At 18 January 2015 at 15:01 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Israel Attacks Lebanese Convoy Killing some Top Staffers.
May we this Day see the end of the Talmudist Squatter Entity.

At 18 January 2015 at 17:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think we know by now the UK and US governments serve the interest of those pretending to be Jews.

At 18 January 2015 at 21:58 , Blogger aferrismoon said...

Unfortunately May's placard-holding contribution will be photoshopped out for the benefit of some of the more orthodox Jewish communities.

C'est la vie


At 19 January 2015 at 00:25 , Blogger Anon said...

We convent-school girls are not mainstream.

We will look into NASA.

Many thanks.

- Aangirfan

At 19 January 2015 at 00:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the thing is the talmud says its ok to go child shopping as its called now, not pedophilia.
and teresa may cant go against that this is why people like peter tatchell constantly ask for no age limit for sex with little boys

At 19 January 2015 at 01:02 , Blogger Anon said...

The Pope hopes to make the monk, Father Junipero Serraa, a saint. Serraa's compatriots brought Christianity and genocide to California.

At 19 January 2015 at 01:03 , Blogger Anon said...

I've added this to the text.

Many thanks!

- Aangirfan

At 19 January 2015 at 02:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another good piece - thanks.
We no longer even have a British government worthy of the name or an independent media. We have a puppet regime run by the CIA and the the Israelis, enforced through a power-hungry MI5. We have been subjected to 10 days of Israeli propaganda through the British government and their propaganda wing, on the basis of an alleged crime that happened in a foreign country.
Netanyahu is being given top billing for his 'anti-semitism' scare stories in the press while the Chief Rabbi gets the prime slot on the Today programme this morning - with a pathetically tame interview, even by Justin Webb's standards. Has there been a coup?
Mrs May in particular is a disgrace. I came to conclusion some time ago that she had been brainwashed by the security services - little else could explain her bizarre pronouncements. Cameron is merely the wretched coward and a fool that all thinking people always knew he was.
One thing is clear - this government must be kicked out in May. And I suspect part of the reason for this flurry of activity by the government's handlers against the British people is because they know it.

At 19 January 2015 at 02:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Perhaps she's thinking of Harold Shipman, the most prolific serial killer & rapist ever brought to trial in the UK... 250 victims minimum...

At 19 January 2015 at 09:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dead Bankers, Dead Scientists, Dead Directors... What IS going on?

Latest Director to be killed/murdered/suicide(ed?) David Crowley just finished deirecting this film about a Police State replete with RFID (3 pattern upside down triangle) and Guillotines:

Gray State Trailer:

Gun-enthusiast, his dietitian wife and their five-year-old daughter lay dead from murder-suicide in their suburban home for WEEKS before neighbors discovered them.
(NO mention of directorial debut on MailOnline)

At 19 January 2015 at 09:56 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe the most shocking NASA leaks, the Gary McKinnon case and his finds of exo-agents or non terrestrial officers?

This is a non-sequitur.

At 19 January 2015 at 14:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I did and i wasn't. Please explain?

At 19 January 2015 at 19:04 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why? She's a Jew isn't she? Check out her mother in May's bio.

At 20 January 2015 at 06:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Poogle recorded your IP for that search.

It's an unusual term to search for.

I dunnow. Nothing is as it seams.

Be vigilant x

At 16 September 2015 at 07:25 , Blogger al spense said...

Shipman was a psy-op.

At 6 October 2015 at 11:14 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Prove it.
He was, however, Tribe.

At 9 February 2016 at 04:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As well as the UK's Amy Winehouse- her Jewish dad said she was off the drugs for 2 years- then she "suddenly" goes back on them and dies at 27 (club 27). Also what about Peaches Geldof's weird death? Supposed to be a 'drugs overdose'. But I've known people who have been on Heroin (& other dope) for years. Why is it that well known drug addict celebrities- "suddenly die"?
Also Robin Williams "alleged suicide", either Mr Williams was real selfish (which I doubt he was) or murdered by the Israeli "Shabak" (an arm of Mossad) , for daring to doing an expose documentary, about the appalling conditions of the Palestinians, along with Joan Rivers (real Jewish name Joanna Molinsky), then she too, dies around a couple weeks after Mr Williams !
Also recently, UKIP, Leader, Mr Nigel Farage, had his car mechanically tampered with, in Brussels and I don't necessarily think it is the Sunni Muslim radicals either. I wouldn't be surprised the Jews were behind this "failed" assassination attempt on Mr Farage's life either!

At 28 June 2016 at 16:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have told you a few days ago a tip. "She" has glabella and a receding fronthead, "she" has the middlefinger longer than the index finger, "she" has wider shoulders than hips. If you don't know what that means I can no longer help you.
You would be surprised with Cameron and "wife". Wake up people!

At 29 June 2016 at 02:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Cameron looks more feminine than his wife, ure rite.

At 29 June 2016 at 02:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theresa (maybe actually "she" is Terrence?) looks like in/famous Quentin Crisp....

At 29 June 2016 at 03:00 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am convinced Terry May is a man!! Did you see the state o her fakes that Junkie George was meant 2 have been staring at??
& her gait is wider than the 1 keeping us peasants outta buck palace!

P.s. Fab blog! 💋

At 29 June 2016 at 10:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'We convent-school girls are not mainstream.'

Thanks be to God.


At 29 June 2016 at 12:38 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

terence will make a lovely prime minister maybe one of the greats.she hurt my arm once in an arm wrestling match the brute.
the last time i met it him her was at a city of london shindig near temple church, very eye opening wide shut.
had a lovely time with terry may and boris johnsons Indian Sikh jewish princess Marina Wheeler.
britain is stronger with a chosenite backbone
israel is under threat oded yinon is running out of steam,we need a strong man in place for the coming aḥarit ha-yamim, אחרית הימים)

At 29 June 2016 at 14:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It’s Time for the Elites to Rise Up Against the Ignorant Masses...

At 30 June 2016 at 03:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think May is being shoe-horned in as PM.

She's "done well" covering up establishment child abuse ...

At 1 July 2016 at 09:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1 July 2016 at 09:08 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carrying the Calvary cross in one hand (the right hand) and the boy in the other hand (the left hand or the sexual deviation path)...How many mystics had burn in the fire of temptation in the jungles of the lost continents?

At 1 July 2016 at 09:12 , Anonymous brabantian said...

Theresa May is fond of snooping & surveillance, & of legislation to make that snooping easier

Artist Eric Drass - also a computer bloke long discussing surveillance issues - has made a joke Theresa May Twitter robot

If you engage the TheresaMayBot in any way ... the bot will respond & put you as confirmed on one of the 'official' UK gov Theresa May 'lists'

At 1 July 2016 at 10:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA A group of people, pretending to have a semite heritage (But they are not)* is running an hidden circle on international scale to undermine most western countries and hit the values of its populace...

Meanwhile gullible goym 'hint' at dubious sex of one of those conspiracy assets.

*See: Bible.

More News @ 9:11 PM

At 1 July 2016 at 16:21 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Jeremy Corbyn preparing to call for Tony Blair to be investigated for war crimes"

Before Corbyn can make a statement next Wednesday morning (6 July), I fear they plan to take him out, one way or another.

If Corbyn - or anyone who knows him personally - reads this, you must tell Corbyn that it is *very important* that he makes an immediate announcement that he is good health; that he is looking forward to making a statement on the Chilcott Inquiry report next Wednesday 6 June; and he must give a detailed outline of precisely what this statement is going to include.

Corbyn's statement should be made to a sizable public audience *immediately*. Failing that, a statement made to numerous people (advise at least 10) may suffice. It is NOT enough for Corbyn to simply type or record this declaration of health/intent and hold it on a computer, cloud, email, memory stick, or audio/visual capture device. The declaration must be given to at least 10 people *in person*. The people to whom the declaration of health/intent is given must be able to immediately confirm that they have heard and understood.

Please do not delay. God be with you & deliver you from harm.

At 11 July 2016 at 10:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most probably an MI5 job. It would also explain the suspicious resignations of Johnson, Farage and Leadsom, and the self-destruction of Gove and Cameron. MI5 must have had some embarrassing information about them.
The whole thing stinks but then so did the referendum so I'm not remotely surprised.

At 11 July 2016 at 14:57 , Anonymous brabantian said...

Yes, how did 5 leading national UK political figures ... all immediately & suddenly & surprisingly decide to quit these last few days?

So Theresa May of child-rape-non-inquiry fame as documented via Aangirfan, is the new UK prime minister as of Wednesday

Seemed so blatant in the UK, as if everyone was tapped on the shoulder and told what to do ... David Cameron out, Nigel Farage out, Boris Johnson out, Stephen Crabb out, Andrea Leadsom out ... all 'voluntary' of course, sudden & just like that

Leaving only the paedophile non-inquiry lady as new UK Prime Minister, not even facing any vote at all

A very efficient system!

At 11 July 2016 at 20:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 11 July 2016 at 23:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well if she's in favour of snooping and surveillance she'll fit hand in glove with the 2 baboons running for prez of the us.

At 12 July 2016 at 02:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Jewish cancer is all over

At 12 July 2016 at 02:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2016 at 04:42 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 July 2016 at 12:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Theresa's watch

Promoting the person who was successful in squelching any number of child abuse investigations to the top of the dunghill is the perfect denouement of the slide of John Bull to a level of depraved crony capitalism which even outdoes Brussels in the pure, in your face audacity of it all! Kincora is the new 'gold standard' of state power as mass terror. Brits should be very very frightened of this person. And no - she is not good news for your stash!

Comment from

March 2014: We reveal how governments handed £70,000 to vile pressure group the Paedophile Information Exchange.

"April: We tell how a former Elm worker claims he was raped there by an undercover police officer.

"July: The disappearance from the Home Office of 114 files relating to historic child sex abuse, from 1979 to 1999, is revealed. Home Secretary Theresa May sets up inquiry into HO. Chairman Baroness Butler-Sloss forced to step down over actions of her late brother Lord Havers, attorney general in the 1980s.

"October: Her replacement Fiona Woolf quits over links to Lord Brittan, Home Secretary in the 80s [and soon to be accused of pedophilia].

"November: Met begins Operation Midland, on Dolphin Square claims."

British cases:

"Elizabeth is the reality behind newspaper headlines and warnings from child protection agencies that young children are more at risk than ever from gangs of paedophiles. A motherly woman, Elizabeth is not easily frightened. Since she first told police that her eldest son, Charlie, was involved with, and had been sexually abused by, a satanic ring, her house in Humberside has been under siege. Several times she and her husband Tom, a crane driver, have returned home to find bizarre signs smeared in excrement and blood on doors and mirrors; or bunches of keys and clumps of pubic hair half-hidden under pieces of furniture.

"But her real concern is the damage done to Charlie. Family photographs show a grinning six-year-old with blond hair and blue eyes turning into a pale, anxious-looking, pathetically thin adolescent...

"It took a telephone call from the mother of his best friend, Kevin, to alert her to the real cause. Kevin had a running-away bag hidden in his bedroom. As well as a change of clothes, there was a piece of paper inside with his name and age (11), a physical description and the words "Scorpio 444''.

"Elizabeth searched Charlie's room and found a similar bag. Her alarm intensified when she learned that Charlie had been trying to have sex with his five-year-old brother and seemed to regard this as normal behaviour. Finally the boy broke down and began to talk.

At 19 July 2016 at 05:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Get out of town. Many people have been working to leave the eu for 20 - 30 years, thank you very much, without any Mossad influence whatsoever.
They will of course try to turn any set of circumstances to their advantage. That does not make the UK leaving the eu their creation.

At 4 May 2018 at 02:10 , Blogger Steve Butler said...

The system is being manipulated by Israel government solos ,we have no power to do anything our governments is being is controlled by powerful body of people IMF world solos ,and we heading the direction they intend us to ,not for benefit of people ,but Money and power .


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