Former actress Amanda Bynes (above) says she has been mind-controlled, via a microchip in her brain.
Amanda says of her father: "He's the one that ordered them to microchip me."

The butterfly is a symbol of CIA mind control used to produce sex slaves for the elite, and assassins.
Amanda (above) has written a series of tweets describing alleged sexual abuse from her father Rick.
Amanda Bynes Says Microchip in Her Brain.
Amanda is Jewish.

A young Jewish girl from France has joined ISIS.
Jewish teen among dozens of French girls joining jihad in Syria

Samra and Sabina
In April 2014, two Bosnian girls from Austria, Samra Kesinovic, 17, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, travelled to Syria to join ISIS.
Once they arrived in Syria it is believed the girls were married off to Chechen gangsters working for ISIS.
These Chechens are believed to be mercenaries recruited by the CIA and its friends.
Police in Austria say that the girls' Facebook accounts were taken over and manipulated.
In the UK, schools are a chief recruiting ground for the security services.
Six former pupils of London's posh Holland Park School have joined ISIS in Syria.
The intelligence agencies grab children and torture them.

Lily Gaubert (centre) whose photo was used to represent Sandy Hook 'victim' Allison Wyatt
15-year-old Adèle is from the south of France.
According to an article in the Economist, some of jihadis may have worked for the French police or the army and some may be non-Muslims.
In Algeria, the Armed Islamic Group (GIA) was the creation of French and Algerian intelligence.

Professor James Tracy points out that on 8 October 2012, the US government had a plan for a drill involving a 'Sandy-Hook-style' shooting.
Jewish teen among dozens of French girls joining jihad in Syria

Samra and Sabina
In April 2014, two Bosnian girls from Austria, Samra Kesinovic, 17, and her friend Sabina Selimovic, 15, travelled to Syria to join ISIS.
Once they arrived in Syria it is believed the girls were married off to Chechen gangsters working for ISIS.
These Chechens are believed to be mercenaries recruited by the CIA and its friends.
Police in Austria say that the girls' Facebook accounts were taken over and manipulated.
Six former pupils of London's posh Holland Park School have joined ISIS in Syria.
The intelligence agencies grab children and torture them.

Lily Gaubert (centre) whose photo was used to represent Sandy Hook 'victim' Allison Wyatt
She has a Facebook page in which she presents herself as being a normal teenager.
In 2014, she disappeared.
Now, there is a Facebook page for Adele under the name Oum Hawwa, a jihadi who has gone off to Syria to fight for ISIS.
Now, there is a Facebook page for Adele under the name Oum Hawwa, a jihadi who has gone off to Syria to fight for ISIS.
Adèle has become Oum Hawwa.
70% of the French ISIS members "are non-believers; few have much knowledge of the Koran or Arabic, and many come from middle-class families."
French jihadists

France supplies the largest single contingent of European jihadis linked to ISIS. Almost a fifth are female.

Bernard Bajolet, head of France's DGSE external intelligence agency. At least one of his men reportedly works for al Qaeda in Syria.
France supplies the largest single contingent of European jihadis linked to ISIS. Almost a fifth are female.
According to an article in the Economist, some of jihadis may have worked for the French police or the army and some may be non-Muslims.
"Of the 130 families who have contacted an early-warning centre ... 70% (of the French ISIS) are non-believers, few have much knowledge of the Koran or Arabic, and many come from middle-class families."
French jihadists
France has a history of using 'double-agents' in Algeria.
French jihadists
France has a history of using 'double-agents' in Algeria.
Adèle is quite likely being used by French intelligence.
Lily Gaubert's mother discovered that Lily's photo had been used to represent Sandy Hook 'victim' Allison Wyatt.
Lily Gaubert's mother wrote on her Facebook page:
Dearest family and friends:
Saturday afternoon I was made aware that a photo I took on August 14, 2009, of Lily on her first day of kindergarten, was found on multiple Facebook pages (8 that I know of at this time…3:30 a.m.) devoted to the horrific events in Connecticut.
Written below the photo was, “R.I.P. to this little 6 year old angel who got killed in this horrible tragedy” and similar captions.
This photo, MY PHOTO, of MY CHILD (this sweet, beautiful, alive and well child!), was taken from my Flickr page without my knowledge or consent...
- Cathy Gaubert
Dearest family and friends:
Saturday afternoon I was made aware that a photo I took on August 14, 2009, of Lily on her first day of kindergarten, was found on multiple Facebook pages (8 that I know of at this time…3:30 a.m.) devoted to the horrific events in Connecticut.
Written below the photo was, “R.I.P. to this little 6 year old angel who got killed in this horrible tragedy” and similar captions.
This photo, MY PHOTO, of MY CHILD (this sweet, beautiful, alive and well child!), was taken from my Flickr page without my knowledge or consent...
- Cathy Gaubert

Professor James Tracy points out that on 8 October 2012, the US government had a plan for a drill involving a 'Sandy-Hook-style' shooting.
drill-site-activation-call-down-exercise-plan (PDF)
The actual Sandy Hook 'school shooting' took place on 14 December 2012.

Spooky Attorney General Eric Holder and Connecticut Governor Malloy
The newly discovered Federal Emergency Management-Department of Homeland Security document reveals the plan for the 'Mass Casualty Drill.'
FEMA/DHS Plan for 'Mass Death of Children at a school'
The plan, created on 8 October 2012, refers to the 'Mass Death of Children at a School By Firearms', followed by a 'Suicide or Apprehension of [an] Unknown Shooter.'
The date for the drill is marked '14 December 2012' on the document’s cover page.
On page 12 the event is scheduled for 13 December 2012.
The International Movie Data Base lists ABC News coverage of the Sandy Hook event, complete with “cast” including Kaitlin Roig, Paul Vance and Barack Obama, lists a broadcast date of 12 December 2012.
CONTINUED HERE: FEMA/DHS Plan for 'Mass Death of Children at a school'

Fake page for Sondra.
Sondra Arquiett (aka Sondra Prince) was arrested in 2010 on charges of possessing cocaine and intent to supply.

How much of Elliot Rodger's Facebook page is fake?
Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said that Elliot Rodger had made videos on YouTube and posts on Facebook which made certain threats.[6][4]

How much of the Lanza Facebook pages are fake?

21 Yr. Old Mass Murderer.
The actual Sandy Hook 'school shooting' took place on 14 December 2012.

Spooky Attorney General Eric Holder and Connecticut Governor Malloy
The newly discovered Federal Emergency Management-Department of Homeland Security document reveals the plan for the 'Mass Casualty Drill.'
FEMA/DHS Plan for 'Mass Death of Children at a school'
The plan, created on 8 October 2012, refers to the 'Mass Death of Children at a School By Firearms', followed by a 'Suicide or Apprehension of [an] Unknown Shooter.'
The date for the drill is marked '14 December 2012' on the document’s cover page.
On page 12 the event is scheduled for 13 December 2012.
The International Movie Data Base lists ABC News coverage of the Sandy Hook event, complete with “cast” including Kaitlin Roig, Paul Vance and Barack Obama, lists a broadcast date of 12 December 2012.
CONTINUED HERE: FEMA/DHS Plan for 'Mass Death of Children at a school'

The US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) is facing a lawsuit after setting up a fake Facebook account (above).
The fake Facebook account contained photos and other personal data from a New York woman's cellphone, used after her arrest.
The woman is Sondra Prince.
The DEA has very close links to the CIA.

Fake page for Sondra.
Sondra Arquiett (aka Sondra Prince) was arrested in 2010 on charges of possessing cocaine and intent to supply.

How much of Elliot Rodger's Facebook page is fake?
Santa Barbara County Sheriff Bill Brown said that Elliot Rodger had made videos on YouTube and posts on Facebook which made certain threats.[6][4]

How much of the Lanza Facebook pages are fake?
Adam LANZA is Ryan Lanza.

21 Yr. Old Mass Murderer.
Controversial blogger arrested for second time
Halstead Gazette
Labels: Adèle, Amanda Bynes, Breivik, CIA, Elliot Rodger, Holland Park, Jewish, microchip, mind control, Mossad, Sabina, Samra, Sandy Hook
Walt and El Grupo
By A. Nolen
Was Walt Disney the first American victim of FDR’s illegal spy network?
Last night I watched an old Disney cartoon called “The Golden Touch,” which is a retelling of the famous Greek myth about King Midas. This cartoon has a message: if you hoard gold, you’re not only stupid, but also immoral.
“The Golden Touch” makes a special effort to ridicule the idea that ‘Gold is Money’ by conspicuously showing ‘In Gold I Trust’ signs plastered all over the foolish King Midas’s palace. The phrase ‘In God We Trust’ has been used on American coins and dollar bills since 1864.
...Walt Disney released “The Golden Touch” at an interesting time: the cartoon came out in March 1935, about a year after Franklin Delano Roosevelt passed his 1934 Gold Reserve Act, which was proving wildly unpopular amongst the public. The act was the last in a series of unpopular gold laws:
So many people were outraged by FDR’s gold policy that by 1934 FDR had an epic PR battle on his hands. Franklin would need to use everything at his disposal to bend public will.
...“The Golden Touch” was a very secretive project that Disney was sensitive about and wanted to oversee himself. The cartoon was also a flop and...was unprofitable for Disney.
“The Golden Touch” itself was part of a larger propaganda campaign supporting FDR’s gold policy, which involved Good Housekeeping magazine, as well as other prominent media outlets...
“The Golden Touch” was clearly useful to FDR and his friends, but Walt Disney was not amused at being left to pay for the commercial flop. It could be that Disney was reluctant to dabble in propaganda again after getting his fingers burned on Midas…
Fast forward five years to 1940. Disney had just released to the public his personal masterpiece, Fantasia... Most critics loved it, except one in particular, Dorothy Thompson, who had switched her political allegiance to FDR one month before her review of Fantasia. (TIME called her the most influential women in the USA after Eleanor Roosevelt, FDR’s wife.) Dorothy Thompson tried to destroy Fantasia in her Herald Tribune review by claiming the film was ‘Nazi’! She painted Disney in colors which signaled to FDR’s well-monied supporters that Disney Studios should be shunned and shamed.
Ms. Thompson’s wild accusations of Nazism and ‘misuse’ of classical music, as well as her preoccupation with culture wars, remind me of Herbert Marcuse’s work and the ‘Frankfurt School’ political theorists. In two years’ time FDR would employ Marcuse as part of his personal propaganda and intelligence apparatus, the OSS...
Were Walt Disney and his masterwork Fantasia the first victims of FDR’s WWII propaganda machine? Did Walt Disney, who was possibly reluctant to cooperate with FDR after “The Golden Touch”, find himself on the receiving end of Franklin’s media bitch-bulldog?
William Boyd of The Guardian says that William Stephenson, the British spy and FDR’s co-conspirator in forming the OSS, used his position as head of the British Security Coordination (BSC) in New York to influence reporting at Thompson’s employer, the Herald Tribune– influence that was well entrenched by late 1940 when Thompson wrote her take-down of Fantasia.
But Dorothy Thompson’s attacks were not the only FDR-aligned catastrophe to hit Disney before he agreed to become Franklin’s ambassador to South America.
Fantasia was not a financial success and after 1940 Disney Studios was in need of money. On top of that, they were hit by a strike on May 29th 1941, which was lead by secret Communist Party member and Soviet spy Herbert Sorrell. (Bear in mind that FDR and Stalin were allies at this time, and secret FDR collaboration with the Soviet NKGB had started at around the time of the Disney strikes. ‘Wild Bill’ Donovan would ‘legitimize’ this informal relationship between the NKGB and the OSS in 1944.) Perhaps all FDR had to do in 1941 was make a phone call?
Read the rest:
"Might I also suggest if one wishes to investigate this appalling topic further, a visit to the archives of Aangirfan (LINK) is more than anyone needs to understand the institutionalized depth of this perversion that is being promoted to the unsuspecting populace. It is up to us to fight back and protect what is ours."
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