Monday 8 September 2014


The BBC's Andrew Marr (above) reportedly works for MI5, and so his views on 'who is running the World' are interesting.

In the current edition of Prospect magazine, Andrew Marr briefly refers to pedophile rings within governments.

Marr notes a big decline in trust in the politicians and parliament.

He tells us that the chief executives of the big global companies, the Lords of Money, are running the show.

Marr does not mention how many of these top people are friends of Israel, or friends of pedophile rings or friends of the CIA

Marr fails to mention the idea that MI5 and its friends run the top pedophile rings.

Marr makes no mention of Bilderberg.

Andrew Marr.

Former MI5 boss Stella Rimington "sacked Andrew Marr from the general INSET graduate trainee course (1980) because he dared to ask her 'girlfriend' (new recruit on course) to dance.

"Marr never graduated to become an officer like his comrade-in-arms, Richard Tomlinson.

"He has been used and run as an MI5 agent, ever since."

mi5-mi6 royal arch masons

Andrew Marr and someone who is not his wife.

Andrew Marr has written a novel entitled Head Of State: "a darkly comic Westminster thriller with lashings of corruption, murder and sex."

A quote from the novel:

"'I'm going to grind you into the dust.

"I’m going to have you weeping. 

"'And after that I’m going to f*** you,' she said, turning on her heel and leading him up a spiral staircase to the rooftop."

Marr's novel is set in 2017 when 'Hillary Clinton is US president.'

In 2008, Marr was granted a ‘super-injunction’ by the High Court to prevent reporting of an affair Marr had had with a female journalist - or any disclosure that an injunction existed.

In the current edition of Prospect magazine, Andrew Marr refers to the following:

1. In the UK, the percentage of those who trust the government is only 17% (British Social Attitudes Study 2013)

2. 'Mafia-gilded' traders, in microseconds, can remove $1000 billion dollars from financial markets.

No longer British.

3. Foreigners have bought up Britain's nuclear power stations, airports, car industry etc.

4. There are low UK tax bills for the foreign owned Google, Starbucks, Amazon and Boots the chemist.

5. If the UK leaves the European Union, British businesses could be more at the mercy of US and Chinese companies.

6. Certain bosses of the big global corporations oppose the YES campaign for Scottish independence.

"Marr points to a growth in support for independent and non-traditional parties as evidence of a ‘new politics’, and most significantly, he observes the forthcoming referendum in Scotland has generated ‘a better-informed and more vigorously active political debate than at any time in his lifetime’."

Andrew Marr asks Who Runs Britain?



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At 8 September 2014 at 14:41 , Blogger hirundine said...

Who is running the world? .... Why the same people who have run it for the last 300 years or so. The people change, either die or are replaced. But the same families run the show. They are addicted to wealth, they believe nothing should stand in the way of that and they are demonic. .... 'nuff said?

At 8 September 2014 at 21:17 , Anonymous Greg Bacon said...

'Mafia-gilded' traders

Yes, the ones who wear those Wyatt Earp hats and those funny looking curls.

At 9 September 2014 at 00:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the jewish family rockefeller ( rockenfelder ) openly admit to being the worlds rulers, with rothschild of course.

At 9 September 2014 at 02:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Is this the same A Marr people are refering to in the comments on
johnscarlettblogspot etc

At 9 September 2014 at 03:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Warning or threat ? Once again Agent Cameron demonstrates his idiocy.

Bloomberg report

Cameron Warns of Terrorist Threat If Scotland Backs Independence
By Thomas Penny Sep 6, 2014 12:00 AM GMT

Scotland will be more vulnerable to terrorist attacks in a “very dangerous and insecure world” if it votes for independence on Sept. 18, U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron said.

Being part of a union gives Scots the protective benefits of being part of a larger country, Cameron told reporters at the end of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s summit in Newport, Wales, yesterday.

At 9 September 2014 at 14:36 , Anonymous Anyoldiron said...

RE the alleged "stolen Seas". On the 23rd of March 1999 Scotland handed over jurisdiction of 6,000 square miles of North Sea to Westminster. The remarkable thing about this transaction is the fact that it occurred without the knowledge or consent of the people of Scotland. In fact it was a Labour government led by Tony Blair that ordered this bizarre act of treachery towards the people of Scotland and it was a senior Scottish Labour politician, Henry McLeish that sanctioned it. What is even worse is the fact that the whole affair was conducted in secret at committee level denying the House of Commons or the Scottish Parliament an opportunity to properly debate the issue. (A great deal more on this of course)

At 9 September 2014 at 16:03 , Blogger LizzieLongLegs said...

Thanks actually quite funny (if it wasn't so sad.)


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