Monday 8 September 2014



A chance to improve things?


A chance to renegotiate?

What is the case against Scottish independence?

Sir James Savile writes:

1. We know that the Rothschilds want big countries (like Greater Israel) to be broken up.

The Rothschilds want an independent Palestine, and an independent Scotland.

Let's oppose the Rothschilds.

Rosie the Riveter.

2. We know that Wales does not deserve to be independent 'because of MI5's use of the Bryn Estyn children's home as a boy brothel.'

We know that Northern Ireland does not deserve to be independent 'because of MI5's use of Kincora as a boy brothel.'

We know that Quebec does not deserve to be independent because the CIA's Dr Ewen Cameron was allowed to carry out experiments on children in Canada.

We know that Scotland does not deserve to be independent because of the control of the Lockerbie incident by the CIA and its friends.

We know that we have to let MI5 and its friends continue to run our affairs.

3. Scottish independence is opposed by the EU's Jose Manuel Barroso, the USA's Barack Obama, Tony Blair and the BBC.

And they can all be trusted.

4. Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond opposed NATO's bombing of Yugoslavia and opposed the invasion of Iraq.

We don't want Alex Salmond running Scotland's affairs.

Brave Scotland now is the time for freedom: Vote Yes

Documentary - Britain and the Kings of Arabia

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At 8 September 2014 at 02:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 September 2014 at 02:51 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pay attention to what she says at 1:33

Woman who found the ISIS execution video!

At 8 September 2014 at 03:40 , Anonymous sovereigntea said...

Apologies off topic

Daily Mail propagandists keep digging their own hole. LOL.

They announce today that the FBI are coming to arrest up to a dozen of the West Midlands backers of mythical headchopper Jihad John.

Lets hope that the scary nasty teworwists dont read the Daily Mail who have just blown the operastion with their advance warning of the op.

What utter BS !

Jihadi John to be unmasked 'within days': Identity of masked executioner to be revealed as FBI prepares to arrest 12 of his British associates

British and American authorities say they know identity of hostage killer
FBI team flown into Britain last month is now closing in on 12 suspects in UK
Believed to have provided money, contacts and helped him travel to Syria
Suspects include several from West Midlands already known to services

Read more:

At 8 September 2014 at 04:18 , Blogger shirlz007 said...

I love you Aanirfan! I HONESTLY DO! We are ALL so lucky to have ya!

In regards to 'psychic' stuff.... theres a concept/theory called 'synchronicity'... AND IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME IN REGARDS TO ME PERSONALLY... AND YOU'R POSTS!!!

Peace out

At 8 September 2014 at 04:19 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 8 September 2014 at 12:38 , Blogger Stephen Gash said...

The seas were stolen from England prior to 1999 not the other way round. The previous North Sea border was arbitrarily drawn up on a line of latitude for administrative convenience simply because of the Union. Naturally, as the UK always does, it favoured Scotland. Devolution demanded that the border be redrawn to conform with international law more closely.

However, in the Solway Firth the border was moved south because Cumbria County Council refused applications for wind farms off the Cumberland coast. So the border was moved south by Scots-led Labour to bring planning under the control of the Scottish government. This means that even the wind farm off Maryport is under Scottish control. One thing that happened was Scottish fisherman came into previously protected mussel beds and hoovered them all up.

The sooner England gets independence from the laughably named Union the better. This will enable proper scrutiny of the North Sea and Solway Firth borders to make them rigidly conform with international law.

At 8 September 2014 at 12:41 , Blogger Stephen Gash said...

Amongst English nationalists like me, Andrew Marr is regarded as profoundly anti-English and like most Scots is eager to see England broken up and erased from the map. He once said he doesn't live in England he lives in London. Come independence he'll be among the first Anglophobic Scots kicked back over the border.


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