Saturday 6 September 2014


Akrotiri, by the sea

I meet 'John', 'an officer in the SAS', at the The Swan Akrotiri.

Our host provides us with lountza (smoked pork), halloumi, Cyprus sausage, black olives, tomato, pitta bread, tzatziki and some Keo beer.

John explains that he is on a mission which will be completed by 18 September.

I ask if it is a rescue mission and if it will be dangerous.

"Well," says John, "We are going to rescue some bloke called Spud who is already here on Cyprus. 

"So it's not dangerous."

John relates that a film crew will capture the moment that a Chinook helicopter lands and SAS troops rush towards a building in order to rescue the 'captive'.

Akrotiri, not Syria.

"The following morning, the released man will be welcomed to RAF Akrotiri," says John.

"It will be more successful than the special forces mission to capture Osama Bin Laden."

I ask if Jihadi John will be captured.

"He will not be a priority," says John with a grin.

We order some more beers.

Michael A. Aquino; 13th Baron of Rachane (Clan Campbell), Argyll, Scotland, United Kingdom; Lt. Colonel, Psychological Operations, 1st Special Forces Regiment, U.S. Army (Ret.); Priest of Set. Directory Page - Barony of Rachane

"The bloke will be flown back to the UK," says John. 

"David Cameron will then explain that in a dangerous and insecure world Scotland needs the SAS and needs to remain a part of the United Kingdom."


Oops! They Hoaxed it Again!

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At 6 September 2014 at 01:00 , Anonymous Greg Bacon said...

I'm surprised that 'al CIA Duh' hasn't already attacked Scotland so the Rothschilds can keep their colony in its place.

At 6 September 2014 at 03:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At 6 September 2014 at 05:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Monsters to Destroy" - If they don't exist, We'll create them for the purpose of murder, mayhem and money

At 8 September 2014 at 04:17 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 9 September 2014 at 02:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just re Obama & The Raffles, wee bit more here, looks like a staged op :

Also, re Scotland, the Speculative Society :

(Remember that Robbie the Pict brought them and masonry up in one of his court appearances. Robbie is now involved with Lockerbie)

Lastly Boris Johnson refers to Scotland becoming independent as "decapitation" :



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