Tuesday 23 September 2014


Tarkhan Batirashvili, of Georgian military intelligence, has become one of the main leaders of ISIS under the assumed name of Abu Omar al-Shishani. Georgia is a close friend of NATO, the USA and Israel.

The French academic Thierry Meyssan, at voltairenet.org, reveals that the top officers in ISIS (IS/ISIL) are CIA assets from China and Georgia.

This suggests to Thierry Meyssan that the CIA and its friends intend to use ISIS against China and Russia.


(Aangirfan believes that ISIS will be used by the CIA and its friends against Sweden, Finland, Ireland, Austria, Switzerland, India, Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia etc.)

According to Thierry Meyssan:

1. Back in 2007, near Sinjar in Iraq, elements of the US military came into possession of a list of ISIS members.

According to the list from Sinjar, 41% of the ISIS fighters were from Saudi Arabia (a state which works very closely with the CIA and Mossad.)

18.8% were Libyans, and only 8.2% were Syrians.

2. The CIA and its friends are now promoting non-Arabs within ISIS.

Some of the Arab leaders in ISIS have being executed and replaced with Chechens and others.

(Some of the Arabs had come to realise that ISIS is fighting for Israel and the USA)

Abu al-Khazakhi Anisah, the first Chinese CIA-asset in ISIS.

3. Since June 2014, the United States and Turkey have transported hundreds of Chinese fighters and their families to northeastern Syria.

Some of them immediately became officers.

They are mostly Uighurs, Chinese from the Peoples Republic of China.

4. The USA and its allies will move ISIS into Syria to try to topple Assad.

Ultimately, ISIS will expand its operations to Russia and to China.

John McCain and the leader of ISIS (left)

5. On 14 July 2014, Syrian Ambassador Bashar Jaafari presented a letter to the UN Security Council.

The letter provides documentary evidence that the USA's anti-Assad forces in Syria are allied to ISIS.

The letter makes clear that France and Turkey have sent weapons to Syria which have ended up in the hands of ISIS.

Thus, NATO will be able to continue to launch ISIS against Assad while pretending to fight ISIS.

Continued here: www.voltairenet.org/article185364.html

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At 23 September 2014 at 00:48 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obadiah sez they will be reduced to ashes...


and right soon.



At 23 September 2014 at 20:13 , Blogger Tony Ryals said...

I've wondered why so few have followed the story of the alleged shooting of Pennsylvania State Police officers by actor Eric Frein.Also I don't know how many with the last name Frein are not Jewish but it appears most are of German Jewish or Ashkenazi origen.Also interesting is that Eric Frein's father Michael allegedly residing in Canadensis Pennsylvania is an ex miliitary man and so is Julie Frein who offered her Arlington National Cemetary plot to Tamerlan Tsarnaev's dead body.I presume she and and her husband are the same couple I found involved with a Jewish temple. I'm wondering if actor the Eric Frein who starred in a Nazi movie and other second or third rate military thrillers before he allegedly went bonkers and shot the Pennsylvania State troopers is related to probably Jewish U.S.Air Fore's Julie Frein or not.It's become a CERY quite story although irt continues and FBI put him on their top ten list.
And what about those Afghan soldiers gone awol after they were brought into Massachussetts on September 11(only a month after a U.S.GENERAL was assassinated in Afghanistan by Afghani soldiers cause they don't seem to like us too much for some reason and caught trying to cross over to the Canadian order .Maybe they were the ones CIA,NSA Michael Hayden and his CIA terrorists were so prophetically warning us about crossing over Canadian or Mexico border soon.....

wolfblitzzer0: Actor-'Survivalist'Eric Frein,Pennsylvania State ...
1 day ago - Eric Frein,Pennsylvania State Police,Boston Marathon Bombs,Jewish Air Force Bitch Julie Frein,Tsarnaev Arlington National Cemetary Burial

At 23 September 2014 at 20:53 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

some say no ISIS are actually being targeted by US/Sunni coalition bombs; but iranian Khorasan are being hit! that's the fadhli lot who the MSM claim are connected to Iran/Al Qaeda & with foreknowledge of 9/11. LOL.

5 biggest surprises in Syria bombing
The U.S. reported that Bahrain, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar -- all Sunni states -- "participated in or supported" strikes against ISIS, which is also Sunni and violently anti-Shiite...
The United States didn't just hit ISIS, it targeted al Qaeda's Khorasan Group's "imminent" attack on America.
This news bombshell was hidden in the Pentagon's press release....

Carnegie: What Is the “Khorasan Group” and Why Is the U.S. Bombing It in Syria?
The “Khorasan Group” is a term that gained currency only in the past two weeks...
The sudden flurry of revelations about the “Khorasan Group” in the past two weeks smacks of strategic leaks and political spin. Even if the information provided is entirely correct, which it may well be, the timing can hardly be coincidental—within two weeks of the first press reports, attacks had started against Fadhli and his allies in Syria...

At 24 September 2014 at 10:55 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Operation Tomahawk The Caliph
By Pepe Escobar Sep 24, '14

The Tomahawks are finally flying again - propelled by newspeak. 42 Tomahawks fired from a Sixth Fleet destroyer parked in Mare Nostrum, plus F-22s raising hell and Hellfires spouted by drones, that's a neat mini-Shock and Awe to honor Caliph Ibrahim, aka Abu Bakr al -Baghdadi, self-declared leader of Islamic State.



At 25 September 2014 at 04:25 , Anonymous Infidel said...


117. "For the day of the Lord is near upon all the heathen." If so, then it must have come and past, unnoticed, long before the birth of Christ.


Prophecies: Imaginary And Unfulfilled
By Farrell Till



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