Friday 12 September 2014


Let us not be fooled by the lies about 9 11, Ukraine, ISIS or anything else.

Fortunately, there are whistleblowers, such as Martin Gilbert.

Martin Gilbert

Aberdeen Asset Management is the largest fund manager in Europe, managing £350 billion.

It operates across 33 offices in 25 countries.

Martin Gilbert, the boss of Aberdeen Asset Management says that an independent Scotland will be a 'big success'.

He dismisses suggestions that a Yes vote will harm the economy.

Martin Gilbert is of course correct.

The shitty American company ASDA (owned by Walmart) threatens the people of Scotland with higher prices, if they vote for independence.

It has been pointed out that Aldi and Lidl operate in over 35 Country's with different currencies and tax systems and yet still manage to sell food in the UK 10% cheaper than ASDA.

Only a fool would shop in Asda.


Martin Gilbert says that a currency union with the UK is 'highly likely'.

He also says that if London was to refuse a currency union, a refusal by Scotland to share the London government's debt would be a shrewd move.

Sir Angus Grossart, chairman of Noble Grossart merchant bank, is also a whistleblower.

Grossart suggested in the Financial Times that the impact of the referendum on the markets had been "severely overstated".

The top economist John Kay (above) writes in the Financial Times:

Would an independent Scotland be economically viable? 

Not an issue. Scotland ... is the richest UK region outside London and the southeast.

How does the economy differ from that of the rest of the UK? 

Scotland remains strong in ... insurance and asset management. Tourism, and premium food and drink - whisky but also products such as Aberdeen Angus beef and seafood - are important. And the North Sea oil industry has helped establish a strong energy services sector.
John Kay writes in the Financial Times:

Who would then be lender of last resort?

Royal Bank of Scotland ... might redomicile its head office to London - where the critical executive functions are already located.

(RBS is already owned by the London government, and 90% of its customers are outside Scotland. RBS says it is not planning to move its Scottish staff and Scottish operations to London.)

Scotland’s budgetary position? 

An independent Scotland would surely inherit a pro rata share of the UK’s budget deficit and outstanding debt (although the government in Westminster will remain guarantor of the existing debt)...

Would an independent Scotland emulate the economic dynamism of some (but not all) other small European states? ...

(Did the Scots invent most things?)

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At 12 September 2014 at 02:25 , Blogger Unknown said...

If Scotland doesn't have its own currency then its not independent.

At 12 September 2014 at 02:50 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now empty ur pockets for the FOOLey family of goons

At 12 September 2014 at 04:27 , Blogger Anon said...

Ireland started off with sterling and then eventually switched to its own currency. Scotland might do the same.

Meanwhile, an independent Scotland will be independent enough to get rid of Trident, increase pensions, and develop the oil industry on the West coast.

Austria shares a currency with France.

But the Austrians would claim that they are sufficiently independent to stay out of wars and sufficiently independent to enjoy a very 'Austrian' style of life.

At 12 September 2014 at 04:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't be fooled by the lies
The constant lies will fool most people who do not understand that they are having there opinions manipulated. The UK papers are full of fake stories about British women going to Syria to fight with ISIS. It is such rubbish. Imagine someone who only speaks English and is used to western food and life style going to Syria. Please where is ISIS? They have taken the bogus story of Samantha Lewthwaite the White widow and multiplied by a hundred. There is the story of Sally Jones a mother of two from Kent who has supposed to have joined ISIS. All the papers have the photo of her holding a gun dressed like a nun. The photo is as fake as the story. They have taken the image from the book Divorcing Jack and replaced the face

At 12 September 2014 at 04:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 12 September 2014 at 06:28 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Even the Vatican has unquestionably accepted the official 9-11 story and is now fully under "Israel's" apron-strings

At 12 September 2014 at 08:33 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What interests me over the coming week is now that the lies and propaganda onslaught has begun in earnest will the Scots demonstrate a backbone and vote yes, or will they run crying to nanny Westminster and vote no? I expect the latter, but will be impressed if the dig their heels in and give Cameron the middle finger.

At 16 September 2014 at 14:11 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd say that David Dimbleby has a faulty understanding of the meaning of the word "negotiate", after watching him interview Alex Salmond today. He(as a good imperialist) seems to think that it means; England gets whatever it wants and Scotland gets whatever England sees fit to give them. In short: a diktat, instead of a mutually advantageous agreement.

This arrogance of the English elite is the best reason to say bye-bye to them and good riddance.


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