Butler-Sloss protected the notorious child abuser Bishop Peter Ball (above), the former Bishop of Lewes and Bishop of Gloucester.
Baroness Butler-Sloss hid bishop's sex abuse - Telegraph.co.uk
Butler-Sloss was once in charge of an investigation into child abuse by Church of England priests.
She hid from her report the revelations about child sex abuse by Bishop Ball.
Phil Johnson was one of those abused. He says he was "pressured to agree to exclude information about the bishop from the report".

Ball could have links to top pedophiles who operated in East Sussex and London.
This followed an investigation by Sussex police.
Vincent S. aged 10 yrs, from Grafton Children's Home, was taken to Elm Guest House (above) and to a house in Bexhill, in East Sussex.
He lived at Cross-in-Hand, near Heathfield, for five years before moving to Asia, and was suspected of having had sex with up to 300 underage boys.
Adrian and Lee Johns and siblings. SABOTAGE OF WHISTLEBLOWER'S CAR? Adrian Johns died in a mysterious fire in Brighton.
Cabinet Ministers.
Christopher Hunnisett
Peter Bick lived in Bexhill in East Sussex.
On 23 April 2012, a former altar boy, Christopher Hunnisett, 28, appeared in court accused of murdering Peter Bick, 57, as part of a campaign of hate against paedophiles.
Bick is believed to have been a friend of Prince Philip.
Police found Peter Bick, 57, dead in his flat on January 11 201.

Peter Bick
Hunnisett had 'paedophile hit list', court told - Bexhill News.
Phil Johnson was one of those abused. He says he was "pressured to agree to exclude information about the bishop from the report".

Ball could have links to top pedophiles who operated in East Sussex and London.

Ball and Prince
Eventually, on 27 March 2014, Peter Ball, the former bishop of Gloucester and Lewes, was charged with sexually assaulting young boys.
This followed an investigation by Sussex police.
The police investigated allegations of sexual offences by Ball against 19 young men and boys, in East Sussex and elsewhere between the 1970s and the early 1980s.
Two of the boys were 12 and 13 when the alleged offending occurred in the late 1970s.

Back in November 2012 Ball was arrested at his home address in Somerset, a property owned by Prince Charles's Duchy of Cornwall.
Back in 2012, the police decided not to interview Ball and not to prosecute.
Stingemore (centre)
John Stingemore lived in Bexhill in East Sussex.
John Stingemore was deputy head of Grafton Close children's home which supplied boys for the boy brothel known as Elm Guest House.
Sussex Police received a complaint about a sexual assault by Sir Jimmy Savile in Worthing in Sussex.
Nicholas Rabet ran a children's activity centre in Sussex.
He lived at Cross-in-Hand, near Heathfield, for five years before moving to Asia, and was suspected of having had sex with up to 300 underage boys.

Adrian Johns, former resident of Bryn Alyn children's home, died in a 1992 fire aged 32 in Brighton, East Sussex. Verdict - unlawful killing.
Christopher Hunnisett
Peter Bick lived in Bexhill in East Sussex.
On 23 April 2012, a former altar boy, Christopher Hunnisett, 28, appeared in court accused of murdering Peter Bick, 57, as part of a campaign of hate against paedophiles.
Bick is believed to have been a friend of Prince Philip.
Police found Peter Bick, 57, dead in his flat on January 11 201.

Peter Bick
Hunnisett handed himself in at Hastings Police Station, admitting the crime.
Hunnisett was involved in a sexual relationship with Bick.
Bick shared a love of carriage racing with Prince Philip.

Manchester and Salford Police's Chief Constable, W J Richards (centre), with Jimmy Savile.
Labels: Adrian Johns, Bishop Peter Ball, Butler-Sloss, Elm Guest House, Jimmy Savile, Peter Bick, Stingemore, Sussex
Goddard inquiry: Outrage as bishop jailed for sex offences given public funding for legal team
30 July 2016
A disgraced bishop jailed for a string of sex offences has been given public funding for a legal team at the Government’s child sex abuse inquiry, The Telegraph can disclose.
The decision to pay for lawyers, costing taxpayers up to £200 an hour, to defend the reputation of Peter Ball, the former Bishop of Gloucester and of Lewes, has outraged his victims.
Ball is the first convicted sex offender to be granted taxpayer funds, setting a precedent that could pave the way for dozens of paedophiles to get the same deal.
He received the legal funding because he “may be subject to explicit criticism by the inquiry”.
A lawyer close to the inquiry said: “I was really surprised Ball was given funding. The issue is about how he was allowed to get away with it by the Church not about his offending. He has already been investigated and pleaded guilty.”
Nov 6 2016
Christ's Hospital School - Three former members of staff arrested for sex abuse against 9 pupils at the school - no names provided.
Bailed until Dec 15 2016
Royal family-linked Christ Hospital School where Queen Elizabeth is patron - another former CH teacher who had been arrested for csa was a good friend of Prince Andrew - teacher Richard McDonald
Richard McDonald was a teacher at Christ's Hospital School at the same as those 3 who have recently been charged.
The Christian school is in the diocese formerly overseen by paedophile bishop of Lewes Peter Ball who is serving a 32-month sentence for abusing 18 young men between 1977 and 1992.
Some students were sent from Christ Hospital School to paedophile Bishop Peter Ball for punishment.
Other establishment schools also sent students to Ball. Ian Beer of Harrow, who wrote a letter of support for Bishop Peter Ball also sent students (from 3 different schools) to Ball.
St Benedict's Laurence Soper, was chaplain at Harrow School from 1981 to 1991
Soper appeared at Isleworth Crown Court on 19 Sept 2016 on charges of indecent assault and buggery
The Tablet
The Tablet
By Digital Virtue - w: www.digitalvirtue.com
Former abbot charged with historical child sex offences
Ian Beer Headmaster at Harrow School 1981–1991
Former Archbishop of Canterbury Lord Carey also wrote to police in 1993 with letters of support for the then Bishop of Gloucester Peter Ball who was being investigated for sex offences.
Several CH teachers and headmasters are linked with Gordonstoun school where csa files have gone missing
more links here:
Christ’s Hospital School – three former members of staff arrested for sex abuse against 9 pupils at the school – Some students sent to paedophile Bishop Peter Ball
Christ’s Hospital School – three former members of staff arrested for sex a...
The men were all members of the school staff at the times of the alleged offences, police said – A paedophile Ri...
Christ's Hospital School is in the diocese formerly overseen by paedophile bishop of Lewes Peter Ball who is serving a 32-month sentence for abusing 18 young men between 1977 and 1992.
Some Christ's Hospital School students were sent to paedophile bishop Peter Ball for punishmnet.
From Christ’s Hospital School Forum:
Fri Nov 08, 2013
Punishments at CH:
“I stayed with Peter Ball for a few nights due to sickness in my family.
I have since been involved, albeit slightly, with this case against him due to something he said to me. I haven’t had to go to court luckily, but several boys who were in his care have been left wounded for life sadly. The metropolitan police were contemplating paying for my ticket back to the UK to go to court, but nothing has come of that. Google him…you’ll see – he’s nothing but a downright pervert with a thing for boys.”
“Using a skeleton key and taking wine from the staffroom resulted in a few nights at the now infamous Peter Ball’s house down near the coast.
Just glad I wasn’t among the boys who are now all over the news having spent time with him and his ‘special friends’….”
Ian Beer- headmaster at Harrow – long time friend of paedophile Bishop Peter Ball. Beer sent students from three different schools to Ball.
Other establishment schools that sent boys to paedophile Bishop Peter Ball via Ian Beer of Harrow:
From Ellesmere, Harrow, Lancing, Mr Beer said he had ‘occasion to send boys to share Ball’s monastic life.
Paedophile Bishop Bell is also linked to Christ's Hospital School
In the late 40s/early 50s CH Horsham came direct under the Bishop of Chichester, a Bishop Bell, I believe.
Incidentally, when he retired he was presented with a CH Leaving Bible -- an almost unique honour
His CH Leaving Bible was presented to him in the spring of 1958, on the day after he carried out Confirmations at CH for the last time.
The confirmation service was taken by the Bishop of Lewes during the sedes vacans between bishops Bell and Wilson. This will have been the confirmation of 1959.
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