Licio Gelli
The most powerful criminal organization in the world is said to be the 'Ndrangheta.
It earns around 72 billion U.S. dollars per year.
Its current activities in the USA include drug trafficking and arms smuggling.
Its original base was Calabria, in Italy.
But, who controls the 'Ndrangheta?
The parents of former CIA boss Leon Panetta, Carmelo Frank Panetta and Carmelina Prochilo, both come from Siderno.

A 'Ndrangheta port in Italy will host the transfer of Syria's chemical weapons.
(gap in Berlin Wall)
Ulysses Panetta , who was arrested September 2012 as part of the operation that bears his name, is considered the head of the Milan 'Ndrangheta.
There is a visible and an invisible 'Ndrangheta.
The 'visible' members are the gangsters.
The 'invisible' members are 'respectable' top people.

Licio Gelli
The P2 masonic lodge was a secret government running Italy, with the help of the CIA, and reportedly the Rockefellers and Rothschilds.
Licio Gelli is said to have been a close friend of Israel's Mossad.

At the top of the pyramid, rich Nazis are in alliance with rich Jews and even rich Moslems.
"Gelli was a double agent for the CIA and the KGB.
"He assisted many former Nazi high officials in their escape from Europe to Central America.
"He had close ties with the Italian Mafia...
"Gelli’s secret lodge consisted of extremely important people, including armed forces commanders, secret service chiefs, head of Italy’s financial police, 30 generals, eight admirals, newspaper editors, television and top business executives and key bankers...

"The central figure in Europe and South America that linked the CIA, Masonic Lodge, Vatican, ex-Nazis and several South American governments, the Italian government and several international banks was Licio Gelli.
"He, with Klaus Barbie and Heinrich Rupp, met with Ronald R. Rewald in Uruguay to arrange for the Argentine purchase of the French-made Exocet missile, used in the Falkland Island attack to kill British soldiers...
"Gelli worked both sides.
"He helped to found the Red Brigade, spied on Communist partisans and worked for the Nazis at the same time, a double agent...

Licio Gelli is a Knight of Malta.
"He was responsible for the murder and torture of hundreds of Yugoslavian partisans...
"The P-2 Masonic Lodge was supplied with a sum of $10 million a month by the CIA...
"He was even a guest of honor at the 1981 inauguration of President Ronald Reagan.
"He was a close friend of Pope Paul VI, Juan Peron of Argentina, Libyan Dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi, and many high officials in the Italian and American governments – he is also reported to have had some financial dealings with the George Bush for President campaign.
"Licio Gelli was an ardent Nazi and a perfect asset of the CIA."

Bologna Bombing 1980 - 'the work of Gelli and the CIA'
The Economist - 26 April 2014
Organised crime in Italy: From toe to top
An intriguing new theory on the high command of the ’Ndrangheta
FROM modest beginnings as the local mafia of Calabria, at the toe of the Italian boot, the ’Ndrangheta has spread far and wide. It has penetrated Italy’s financial and industrial heartlands, Lombardy and Piedmont, more than any other organised-crime group. It has a dominant position in the transatlantic cocaine trade, building on alliances with Colombian and then Mexican mobsters. One study put its turnover in 2013 at over €50 billion ($69 billion).
But who controls the ’Ndrangheta? The question is central to one of Italy’s longest-running mafia trials, which is expected to end shortly after almost three years. The trial arose from an investigation code-named “Operation Goal” that led in 2010 to more than 40 arrests. Among the accused are members of the most notorious families in Reggio di Calabria. One, Pasquale Condello, is known as Il supremo.
The prosecutor, Giuseppe Lombardo, argues that neither Mr Condello nor any other known or alleged mobster is truly supreme; they take their cues from an “invisible” ’Ndrangheta from the outwardly respectable middle class. In February Mr Lombardo altered the charges to reflect this, inviting the judges to express their view of his case in their written judgment.
The earliest hint of a hidden ’Ndrangheta emerged in 2007, during an investigation overseen by Mr Lombardo into how the group tried to profit from the construction of a new motorway. Eavesdropping on a trade unionist, Sebastiano Altomonte, police heard him describe his contacts with ’Ndrangheta leaders and explain to his wife that they were split between “the visible and the invisible, which was born a couple of years ago”. He was among the “invisibles”, he said. It was previously believed that a co-ordinating body, the Provincia, was the ’Ndrangheta’s high command; it also has an assembly called the Crimine (“Crime”), believed to meet once a year during the pilgrimage to a sanctuary in the Aspromonte uplands.
As the judges who convicted Mr Altomonte and others noted, his remarks open up “an entirely new scenario” in which there exists a separate (and perhaps higher) level of ’Ndrangheta leadership previously unknown to investigators. The police began a painstaking process of revisiting old cases and reinterrogating state witnesses (known as pentiti). Some pentiti acknowledged the existence of a hidden level; others did not. But, says Mr Lombardo, that was to be expected: according to Mr Altomonte, even some bosses are unaware of the ’Ndrangheta’s invisible arm.
Not all the evidence in support of his view has been presented in court; what has been is tenuous yet intriguing. One pentito described a Fellini-esque visit with a top ’Ndrangheta man to an office like a notary’s in the posh Rome district of Parioli. He spoke of a “kind of confessional” in the corridor where he had to wait and a plaque bearing odd letters matching one in the home of his clan’s boss.
The Local - 24 April 2014
Italy plans global network to fight mafia
The Italian government has announced plans to open offices around the world to coordinate the fight against the mafia, in addition to upping efforts to tackle organized crime at home.
The three-part plan announced by Interior Minister Angelino Alfano and Alessandro Pansa, head of the Italian police, targets the ‘Ndrangheta mafia. Based in Italy’s southern Calabria region, the ‘Ndrangheta has grown increasingly powerful by reinvesting drug trafficking profits into the clean economy.
In recognition of the mafia’s global network, the Italian government will open up five regional offices to crack down on the criminal underworld. They will be located in New York, Paris, Bucharest, Tehran and one in Brazil, Gazzetta del Sud reported on Thursday.
The government will also focus attention on the Italian regions where the mafia has reinvested its profits into the clean economy. They include the regions of Lombardy and Lazio, in addition to others in central and northern Italy.
In the third phase of the operation, 800 officers from various police forces will work in the heartland of the ‘Ndrangheta mafia in Calabria. They will focus particularly on criminal contracts and mafia assets, Gazzetta del Sud said.
Outlining the plans, the interior minister said he would “not make a truce with the most dangerous organized crime [groups], which today count 160 in addition to 4,389 affiliates.”
The ‘Ndrangheta mafia is described by Europol, the EU’s security agency, as one of the world’s most powerful crime syndicates. According to a study published last month, the Calabrian mafia had a turnover of €53 billion last year, equal to 3.5 percent of Italy’s GDP.
'Ndrangheta Boss: Pasquale Condello
A prosecutor described him as "The new face of the Calabrian mafia which deals with politicians and high finance". Their goal is to infiltrate legal financial circles in order to invest illegally gained funds with a aim of dominating price wars and creating monopolies.
Pasquale "Il Supremo" Condello, born in Reggio Calabria on September 24 1950, is the most respected boss of the 'Ndrangheta. At the age of 24 he was one of the shooters in the high profile killing of mafia boss Antonio "uncle Tony" Macri from Siderno. "They both had their faces covered", said one eyewitness "Before they left, one of them who saw he was still breathing got out of the car and put two more bursts of submachine-gunfire into his chest and head". Macri, a close friend of Corleone boss Michele Navarra, was one of the six capobastone (bosses) who organized the mafia in Calabria and overseas. With Frank Costello (Francesco Castiglia) and Albert Anastasia (Umberto Anastasio) he paved the way for fellow Calabrians in the American and Canadian mafia. The murder in 1975 unleashed a bloody gang war that cost some 300 lives.
At the end of the conflict Paolo "don Paolino" De Stefano was the undisputed boss of the city of Reggio Calabria. Condello was aligned with De Stefano, the boss was the best man at his wedding. In the 1970s the crime family and others began to infiltrate the lodges of the freemasonry and they started running their affairs and political connections. After some relative peaceful years the second gang war broke out between the crime families in the city. The battle was triggered by the marriage between a Condello sister and Antonio "Nino" Imerti, the mafia boss of Villa San Giovanni (near Reggio). At the time Condello was De Stefano's underboss, but the boss had become fearful of the Condello/Imerti alliance that could challenge his powerbase. The conflict exploded in 1985, two years after the marriage, when a car bomb failed to kill Nino Imerti. By that time Condello had seen enough and ordered the hit, the old boss Don Paolino was showered with bullets on October 10 1985. The mafia war between Condello/Imerti and the gangsters still loyal to DeStefano, among them the powerful Tegano family, left 600 people dead. Practically all the crime families in the city grouped into one of the two opposing factions.
"Il Supremo" was a major player in both wars. During the battle of Reggio Condello was arrested, but disappeared after he was freed on bail. Since then he collected four life sentences for murder, mafia association, extortion, money laundering and drug related offences. The charges included the brutal murder of Lodovico Ligato, a former head of the Italian state railways, in 1987. In order to make peace the bosses, with the help of the Canadian mafia, created a federation of families in 1991. The bosses of Reggio, Piana di Gioia Tauro and Locride held regulary meetings to manage certain activities and problems.,4866422
Pittsburg Post-Gazette - 22 August 1983
Fugitive Licio Gelli still spins web
ROME (AP) - Bribes, a prison escape and a mysterious disappearance sho that Licio Gelli, the central figure in Italy's biggest postwar scandal, still is spinning a web of international intrigue.
The secret Masonic lodge Gelli headed has been linked to a wide variety of crimes including tax evasion, bribery and conspiracy to destroy Italy's constitutional government.
Since the 64-year-old Gelli was spirited out of Champ Dollon Prison in Geneva on Aug. 10, daily press reports over his possible hiding place read like UFO sightings: the south of France, a yacht anchored off Monte Carlo, a monastery in Spain or underground in Argentina, Brazil or Paraguay.
An Argentine newspaper said Gelli has been sheltered in Uruguay by followers of South Korean religious leader Rev. Sun Myung Moon.
Wherever Gelli is, Italian officials are certain there is a lot of help and millions of dollars behind him.
Gelli had a reach that reportedly stretched from the Vatican to South America.
"The flight of Gelli confirms that the Grand Master has a network of powerful friends," said Italy's Socialist Premier Bettino Craxi, who took office only a few days before the escape.
Gelli's escape from a country looked on by Italy as a model of order and efficiency has triggered charges that the Swiss ignored official Italian warnings that Gelli might try to flee.
Gelli, dubbed the "grand puppeteer" by the Italian press, is wanted in Italy on a variety of charges.
On Friday, the Swiss Supreme Court approved Italy's extradition request for him on charges of fraud, fraudulent bankruptcy and slander regarding Gelli's accusations that investigating magistrates on his trail had money stashed away in Swiss bank accounts.
However, the court ruled that Gelli could not be turned over to Italy to be tried for conspiring against the state or for espionage because of what it said was, the political nature of these offences.
Before 1981, few Italians had ever heard of Gelli.
But his name became a household word after police raided his lavish villa in Arezzo, near Florence, and discovered lists of 953 prominent Italians, including politicians, generals, publishers and industrialists.,6518237
Morning Star News - 14 Sptember 1998
Itailian fugitive buried gold in garden
AREZZO, Italy - Italian financier and former fugitive Licio Gelli had something of a golden touch when it came to geraniums and begonias: 150 ingots' worth, as it turns out.
Police found the gold bars, valued at more than $1.76 million, buried in huge terra-cotta pots brimming with flowers that decorate the terrace of Mr. Gelli's mansion in Tuscany, Italian newspapers reported Sunday.
The reports said at least some of the gold might come from a cache the Italian fascists stole from Yugoslavia during World War II.
The 79-year-old Mr. Gelli is one of Italy's more colorful characters. He headed the once-powerful and secretive P2 Masonic Lodge and was a key player in the fraudulent collapse of Italy's largest private bank.
Until P2 was exposed in 1981, Mr. Gelli ran a covert, anti-communist network of people in the government, military and, probably, financial circles. The lodge was suspected of plotting to install a right-wing dictatorship in Italy.
Equally spectacular was the 1983 collapse of Banco Ambrosiano, brought down by $1.3 billion in loans made to dummy corporations in Latin America.
Mr. Gelli was convicted of complicity in the bank collapse and sentenced to 12 years and eight months in prison. But he slipped away from his mansion in Arezzo, the Villa Wanda, in May shortly after the conviction was upheld. He was arrested last week on the French Riviera and is now in a hospital in Nice.
Dynamite post. Some links don't work-
Where does the Russian Mafiya fit in? And Yehuda Krinsky?,4367528
The Ottawa Citizen - 29 March 1983
High court orders new inquest into death of Italian banker
Lonodon- Britain's high court today ordered a new inquest into the death of Italian banker Roberto Calvi, who was found hanging from scaffolding under a London bridge last June.
The court quashed a majority verdict of suicide returned by an inquest jury last July.
The Calvi family who assert that the 62-year-old banker was murdered, had appealed against the verdict, saying there was new evidence.
Calvi, president of Italy's largest private bank, the now-liquidated Banco Ambrosiano was nicknamed God's banker because of his links with a Vatican City bank.
He was found hanging under Blackfriars Bridge over London's River Thames last June 18, three days before his appeal was due to be heard against a 1981 conviction in Italy for illegally exporting currency, which had precipitated a major scandal.
He had jumped bail while awaiting the appeal against a four-year suspended jail sentence and a $12.5-million fine.
Britain's lord chief justice, Lord Lane, criticized the way the inquest had been conducted and ordered a new hearing under a different coroner.
George Carman, the Calvi family lawyer, told the court that Calvi had believed his life was in danger.
He read a sworn statement from Calvi's son Carlo noting his father had been schedule to appear in court to appeal the 1981 conviction for smuggling $20 million out of the country.
Carlo Calvi told the High Court on Monday that his father was about to "name names" when his body was found hanging under a bridge last June.
He planned to divulge the names of those who profited from $1.2 billion in loans at a hearing on his appeal against the prison sentence, his son said.
Carlo Calvi, who flew from the United States and was in the courtroom with his mother and sister, said in his statement that it would have been essential for his father to disclose the names of the people who received the money.
"It is my belief this is one of the reasons he believed his life was in danger," the statement said.
It was introduced as "fresh evidence of a significant and material nature," by the Calvi family's British lawyer, George Carman.
Carman said that a mystery man calling himself "Michaels" telephoned another lawyer for the family, Sir David Napley, from the south of France and claimed the banker was murdered by three Italians.
The informant said Calvi, who was hiding in an apartment in the Chelsea district, upriver from the Blackfriars Bridge, was taken down the Thames by boat to the bridge.
[Violent Carman - defender to paedophiles Len Fairclough, Geoffrey Prime, Jimmy Savile]
[Napley - defender of all the other paedophiles]
I know it's not the most accurate source on the Italian Mafia! But...
'Il Capo dei Capi'
... AN ABSOLUTE MATERPIECE! Sublime television... 'based' on the true story of Sicilian crime boss 'Salvatore Riina', it ties in to the mafia wars detailed above. Mentions P2 Masonic Lodge, links to high officials, communism... it was a masterpiece!
Il Capo dei Capi (The Boss of the Bosses) is a six-part Italian miniseries which debuted on Canale 5 between October and November 2007. It tells the story of Salvatore Riina, alias Totò u Curtu, a mafioso boss from Corleone, Sicily. Riina is played by Palermo-born actor, Claudio Gioè, and the series was directed by Alexis Sweet and Enzo Monteleone. The film is inspired from the eponymous book-inquiry of Giuseppe D'Avanzo and Attilio Bolzoni. The series was broadcast in the UK in Spring 2013 on the Sky Arts channel, retitled Corleone and split into 12 one-hour episodes.
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