Monday 2 September 2024

Harold Wilson and the Labour government of the sixties and seventies.


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'The Alternative for Germany AfD':

Yes that is interesting. I've noticed recently a disparaging in forums of Harold Wilson and the Labour government of the sixties and seventies. 

It was pro nationally owned utilities and it was old fashioned liberal which would be considered conservative now.

But he kept the UK out of the Vietnam war and brought in the open university.

Although there were some economic problems and inflation and labour relations strife they weren't insurmountable.

We still made things and sold them abroad and Conservative and Labour governments had brought the national debt down from around 250% in 1945 to 39% in 1979 a true economic miracle --

Until the Thatcherite fanatics destroyed our industry and pushed up the debt again by borrowing for the various election booms -

So by 2015 it was 1.5 trillion pounds. 

This new government compared is no different to any Tory policy since 1975 when the Conservative party died and became the Irish word for outlaw - Tory again



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