Thursday 1 August 2024

Southport ‘attacker’ named as Axel Rudakubana

Axel Rudakubana is not a Muslim.

Mental problems? 


Rudakubana - the prosecution said the suspect had an “autism spectrum disorder diagnosis”, and that he had been “unwilling to leave the house and communicate with family for a period of time”.

Did the killer/s wear a face mask?

'Colin Parry, owner of Masters Vehicle Body Repairs, which is next to where the workshop was being held, told BBC 5Live he was first aware of a commotion because a young man in a face mask was refusing to pay a taxi driver.'


At 30 July 2024 at 23:24 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Short video of Southport mosque/police attack by alleged 'Far Right'.

It has the hallmarks of the cenotaph fake/bussed in agitators. A bussed in group of supposed EDL basically jostling around a bit in front of a few Poalis. It looks fake as f@#£. In order for the seal of authentication to be warranted - just set fire to an old police van.

Same old, same old. The media has been really going for the migrant bad/Islam bad and asking is the immigration crisis out of control? Yeah it has been for at least 2 decades - so why are you asking now????

Again totally contrived 'race baiting' rubbish. All of a sudden 3-4 buses of Tommy Robinson chanting bald clowns can just turn up without any intervention from Poalis or stopping the buses and turning them back. An easily accomplished feat which was achieved during the COVID pandemic, I seem to recall. Buses were met en-route to events and easily turned around.

Therefore, it begs the question why the bald 'agent provacateurs' (Police) weren't stopped. Maybe it was because it was their plans and a media presence on site for the big occasions likewise.

Question everything or at the very least the motives.


At 1 August 2024 at 10:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Starmer’s rolling out Blair’s facial recognition tech idea in the wake of this.

Indeed they never let a crisis go to waste.

At 1 August 2024 at 12:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1 August 2024 at 12:42 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1 August 2024 at 12:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1 August 2024 at 12:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1 August 2024 at 12:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1 August 2024 at 12:54 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1 August 2024 at 14:27 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1 August 2024 at 14:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 1 August 2024 at 15:46 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RE: John Lennon ( )


Illusionist Uri Geller says he was buyer of John Lennon’s glasses for £40,000

‘Glasses are a passage into our soul’

“[Uri Geller] has revealed he is the buyer behind a pair of John Lennon’s round glasses at auction, which sold for £40,000 on Wednesday …

“[Geller said:] ‘John Lennon and I were very good friends …

“‘Glasses are a passage into our soul …’

“The glasses will be displayed prominently in the John Lennon section of his museum in Tel Aviv …”


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