Friday 23 August 2024

HARRIS - Kosher Nostra - ISRAEL

“… [The] DNC platform [recognizes] America's ‘ironclad’ commitment to Israel.

“The Harris/Walz ticket, reads the platform, is dedicated ‘to Israel’s security, its qualitative military edge, its right to defend itself …"

“As antiwar activist and author Norman Solomon has noted, Harris ‘has toed President Biden’s war line, while at times voicing sympathy for the victims of the Gaza war that’s made possible by policies that she supports.

“‘Her words of compassion have yet to translate into opposing the pipeline of weapons and ammunition to the Israeli military as it keeps slaughtering Palestinian civilians’ …


At 23 August 2024 at 14:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'I Want to Believe' Dept -

one of the most moving USA political speeches in quite some time

beautiful words anyway

RFK Jr on Donald Trump, 23 August 2024 -

"But we are aligned with each other on other key issues like ending the forever wars, ending the childhood disease epidemics, securing the border, protecting freedom of speech, unraveling the corporate capture of our regulatory agencies, getting the US intelligence agencies out of the business of propagandizing and censoring and surveilling Americans and interfering with our elections."

"Suspending my candidacy is a heartrending decision for me. But I'm convinced that it's the best hope or ending the Ukraine War and ending the chronic disease epidemic that is eroding our nation's vitality from the inside and for finally protecting free speech."

"I feel a moral obligation to use this opportunity to save millions of American children above all things."

The 'I Want to Believe' meme


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