Friday 2 August 2024

AXEL is an actor!

AXEL is an actor!

Southend is about the clash of civilisations.

In the UK, a succession of Jewish Home Secretaries allowed in vast numbers of immigrants.

The Jewish philosopher Leo Strauss believed that in order to control the ignorant masses, the elite should use: DECEPTION, RELIGIOUS FERVOUR and PERPETUAL WAR.

Bernard Lewis, a Jew, helped to invent the idea of a clash of civilisations.

Bernard Lewis helped to invent the West's new enemy, known as 'Islam'.

Allegedly, a British spy called Hempher and a crypto Jew called Wahhab set up the Wahhabi Islamist sect in order to wreck the Moslem world.


At 2 August 2024 at 15:49 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Starmer’s live facial recognition plan would usher in national ID, campaigners say

PM accused of ignoring civil rights and aping autocracies

“Civil liberties campaigners have said that a proposal made by Keir Starmer on Thursday to expand the use of live facial recognition technology would amount to the effective introduction of a national ID card system based on people’s faces.

“Silkie Carlo, the director of Big Brother Watch, said …: ‘Expanding live facial recognition means millions of innocent Britons being subjected to automated ID checks.

“‘These are the surveillance tactics of China and Russia …’ …

“Live facial recognition … is capable of scanning more than 100 faces a minute for identification …

“… [The] new prime minister said [police forces needed to … engage] in a ‘wider deployment of facial recognition technology’ ….

“Earlier this year Met officials … [said] it had helped make one arrest every two hours.”

“The first step (thesis) is to create a problem.

“The second step (antithesis) is to generate a reaction, or opposition, to the problem (fear, panic and hysteria).

“The third step (synthesis) is to offer the solution to the problem created by step one: A change which would have been impossible to impose upon the people without the proper psychological conditioning that is now achieved in stages one and two.”

At 2 August 2024 at 16:15 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

MARK JOHNSON: ‘Starmer reveals his authoritarian streak’

“… [The] last Labour government had a chequered history on civil liberties …

“The so-called war on terror materially changed British society and made us all less free as a result…

“[Last] night Starmer … revealed his authoritarian streak …

“… [The] new Prime Minister pledged a ‘wider deployment of facial recognition’ surveillance ….

“… [Facial] recognition turns us all into walking ID cards.

“This form of digital surveillance scans the faces of crowds of people indiscriminately, checking us, identifying us, tracking us …

“This is the technology of the Chinese Communist Party and the Kremlin … making the concept of privacy a thing of the past …”

At 2 August 2024 at 17:10 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TOM SLATER: ‘Keir Starmer’s two-tier tyranny’

‘His call for social-media firms to tackle ‘misinformation’ is a thinly veiled call for censorship’

“After the riots, comes the crackdown.

“… [Keir Starmer] called for criminal behaviour orders to be used to restrict known agitators’ movements and for sinister, facial-recognition technology to be rolled out by forces across the country …

“He also called on social-media firms to do more to tackle ‘misinformation’, a thinly veiled call for censorship.

“Starmer was typically weasel-worded about what he wants the social-media firms to do, suggesting ‘there’s a balance to be struck’ on content moderation …

“… [As] bad as the Tories were on the free speech and civil liberties front, things will only get worse.

“Starmer … sees dissent as dangerous and citizens as needing to be monitored and managed.

“… [We] can expect more ‘liberal’ authoritarianism from this barrister, turned chief prosecutor, turned technocrat-in-chief.

“It’s in his DNA.”

At 2 August 2024 at 17:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘The UK, its democracy and its freedoms are in grave danger’

“[We have long warned] that Keir Starmer — the ‘long-time servant of the security state‘ — would drag the UK towards a police state if he got into power.

“In so-called ‘opposition’, Starmer … [colluded] with the Tories:

- to defeat an attempt to overturn anti-protest legislation,

- [to] block measures to protect journalists from state persecution, and

- to pass laws to prevent public bodies acting against apartheid …”

“… [In addition, he] supported Israel’s right to starve Palestinians … [and] …

- [imposed] … Friends of Apartheid in parliamentary candidate selections …”

“As Director of Public Prosecutions, Starmer flew in fury to Washington DC to grovel to the US government after Theresa May blocked the extradition of autistic hacker Gary McKinnon, which he had promised to secure for the US …

- [And] his department was deeply involved in attempts to extradite Wikileaks journalist Julian Assange …”

“[Now Starmer has announced] sweeping new powers for police to monitor the public’s movements using facial recognition technology … and to impose restrictions on an individual’s right to take part in protest.

“The measures include the re-creation of the ‘National Police Unit’ that Thatcher used to break the miners …

“And he made clear … that he intends to … pressure social media companies to collude even further in the state’s spying on communications …

“The UK, its democracy and its freedoms are in grave danger.”

At 2 August 2024 at 20:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘New book lifts the lid on Bill Gates and Jeffrey Epstein's relationship’

‘In emails between Epstein and MIT employees, there were references to Gates visiting Epstein's residences, and Epstein arranging for ‘Big Macs’ which one of the people said referred to young girls’

‘Billionaire, Nerd, Savior, King’ by Anupreeta Das is set to be released August 13’

“Their first meeting was in the summer of 2011 after Epstein pitched Gates a health-based fund for billionaires.

“The introduction came through Epstein friend, neurosurgeon Melanie Walker, and Boris Nikolic, the former chief advisor on science and technology to Gates. 

“Epstein would later name Nikolic as executor of his will days before ‘committing suicide’ [sic] …

“As the talks progressed, Epstein roped in JP Morgan to manage a 'very high profile' group of donors each worth at least $100million.

“Reports at the time said that Gates flew on Epstein's plane and had at least six meetings with him including dinners at the pedophile's New York townhouse ..

“One Epstein victim, a Polish model, met Gates at his Microsoft office in Seattle …

“… Das writes that Gates 'chose not to listen' to warnings about Epstein as the pedophile 'could offer him something that was worth putting (his) image risk aside for' …

“[When Epstein died in 2019 the] reports about Gates were deeply unflattering, including how he turned to Epstein for advice about his 'toxic' marriage …

“One of the most embarrassing episodes to come out of Gates's friendship with Epstein was his affair with Mila Antonova, a Russian …

“Epstein also met Antonova, paid for her to attend a software coding course, and let her stay at one of his apartments in New York.

“Reports have claimed that in 2017, Epstein emailed Gates and asked to be reimbursed for the cost of the course.

“According to the Wall St Journal, the 'tone of the message was that Epstein knew about the affair and could expose it' …

“… [MIT] launched an investigation amid claims that Epstein directed a $2million donation to the college on behalf of Gates.

“Das writes that the money was used to seek other donations with donors being told that the money was really from Gates.

“… Das writes: 'Gates was often mentioned in the thousands of emails that lawyers reviewed between Epstein and MIT employees.

“‘There were references to Gates visiting Epstein's residences, and Epstein arranging for ‘Big Macs’ which one of the people said referred to Epstein's interest in young girls …

“… [After] the divorce, Melinda French Gates said that she made it 'very clear' to her former husband that he should never again meet with Epstein after she went to his house in 2013 …

“Melinda said: '… He was abhorrent, he was evil personified …’”

At 2 August 2024 at 22:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we surprised by any of this? I do suggest the editor note the geographical locations of SouthPORT and SouthEND - they are about 250 miles apart!!


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