Wednesday 14 August 2024

Afghans Try to Flee Kabul Hanging Onto U.S. Military Jet

Afghan retreat with fake everything. Watch the guy sitting on the plane at the back texting his pal!

Bit like the American retreat from Afghanistan from a couple of years ago. A siege like drama with helicopter rescues off the roof for the seal of authentication. The hoardes at the metaphorical door with the last evacuees dangling from helicopter in the 'nick' of time.

Ho Chi Minh or Saigon was a Hollywood production to be shown through the decades as proof of a hasty departure.

American adventures in Vietnam was another genocidal menu to be dined on for a decade. Bombs dropped means money earned for some. The conflict cannot be considered without acknowledging the Secret War and Operation Menu that was meant to be against the Htet and supply lines in Cambodia and Laos. Operation Menu so called because it was bombs for breakfast, bombs for lunch and bombs for dinner.

I've seen first hand what these clowns have done in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia. Personally, I don't believe the war in Vietnam had anything to do with fighting Communism. Rather, it was an opportunity to make money, destroy a region, genocide innocent men, women and children and smash things to destruction for the fun of it.


The peoples of South East Asia were largely devout Buddhist and peaceful - why waste an opportunity to murder them. It's the American way. The narrative is America lost the war in Vietnam. It didn't it won a resounding victory of 100 - 0.

Too many just don't understand war and its nature. It's not about winning in the conventional sense. That type of objective is as old fashioned as believing we live in a functioning democracy.

Now, apply this thinking.......war is an opportunity to smash countries to smithereens, murder as many humans as possible and get away with it, destroy infrastructure and leave people destitute likewise.
The guns, planes, boats, bombs are all free because they are paid for by taxes and the canon fodder that is fighting are 100% expendable. Oh, nearly forgot the arms industry and the profits are also 100% straight into the bank accounts of those that started the war in the first place.

America 100 - Everyone else 0

And the winner is.........


At 14 August 2024 at 05:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Look closely at the aircraft. It's a model and even shows signs at the front of being an inflatable.

At 14 August 2024 at 08:41 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lol. Yeah I know. I'd love to know how a plane flies without engines????? Must be the world's fattest glider lol.

For the real 'nerdy types', near the end there are two helicopters hanging around the airfield at different spots. When slowed down to 0.25 speed they are spotted.

Saigon was roughly the same tripe.


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