Wednesday 14 August 2024

Jayson Gillham dedicated a piece of music to journalists killed in Gaza.


The Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (MSO) has cancelled an acclaimed pianist's upcoming recital after comments he made on the Israel-Gaza war.


At 14 August 2024 at 01:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So why DID Ukraine’s prime minister meet privately in London with Lord Rothschild?

“In mid-summer 2017, [the] then Prime Minister of Ukraine, Volodymyr Groysman, flew to London on a working visit …

“He held a private meeting with [Lord]Jacob Rothschild.

“Volodymyr Groysman's meeting with … Rothschild took place in one of London's closed establishments — the ‘5 Hertford Street’ club, of which Jacob Rothschild [was] an honorary member …

“… [It] is unlikely that it was just to smoke a cigar and have a glass of elite cognac.”

“The Rothschilds' interest in Ukraine is related to the companies ‘Roshen’ and ‘PrivatBank’.

“They also constantly monitor the laws on land resources, which are being finalized in Ukraine …

“After the presidential elections, Petro Poroshenko hired the investment company ‘Rothschild & ICU’ to sell his assets.

“And after the unpleasant story with the Panama archive, the Ukrainian president, having not found a buyer for his assets, transferred a stake from the ‘Roshen’ corporation to an offshore managed by ‘Rothschild Trust’.

“In Petro Poroshenko's declaration, it was indicated that out of foreign banks, he chose ‘Rothschild Bank’, where some of his assets are placed.

“The Rothschild family entered the Ukrainian banking sector quite successfully.

“… [The] nationalized ‘PrivatBank’ reported in the spring of 2017 that the bank was negotiating the restructuring of former owners' loans, providing additional collateral, and restoring the value of problematic loans with several structures, including the financial holding company ‘Rothschild & Co’.

“It is possible that this topic was also discussed at the meeting of Groysman and Rothschild in London …

“We should also not forget the fact that in 2015, most of Ukraine's external debts were purchased by the American investment fund ‘Franklin Templeton’ on behalf of the Rothschild family.

“Over the years, [it was rumoured that the Rothschilds] took this step at the request of the U.S. government so that Putin's entourage would not buy Ukraine's debts.

“But Ukraine will still have to repay these debts to the Rothschilds in the near future.

“The only commodity that Ukraine will offer will be land resources …”

At 14 August 2024 at 01:25 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Trump flew to campaign events on Jeffrey Epstein’s plane last weekend

‘Trump’s use of the plane is likely to add to public scrutiny surrounding his relationship with Epstein’

“Former President Donald Trump’s campaign flew in a blue Gulfstream jet formerly owned by sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, using it to travel to several campaign fundraisers over the weekend …

“Trump, enroute on his own private plane to a campaign event in Bozeman, Montana last week, unexpectedly landed in Billings because of mechanical problems, a campaign spokeswoman said.

“He and part of his staff then flew on a small charter to Bozeman for a rally Friday night.

“The next day, he switched to another larger Gulfstream with a serial number that matches a plane once owned by Epstein, his former neighbor in Palm Beach …

“Trump’s use of the plane is likely to add to public scrutiny surrounding his relationship with Epstein …

“… [A] decal with the words ‘Trump 2024’ was placed on Epstein’s old plane for the trip …

“After Bozeman, Trump used Epstein’s old plane to travel Saturday to a fundraiser in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, and then to Aspen and Denver …

“Trump was in the same social circles as Epstein, and flew on Epstein’s planes six times from 1993 to 1997 …

“There are numerous photographs of Trump and Epstein together in the 1990s …”


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