Tuesday 2 July 2024

Your brain doesn’t detect reality. It creates it. | Lisa Feldman Barrett


At 2 July 2024 at 03:18 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keir Starmer ‘plans to finish work by 6pm on Fridays’



Shabbat (the Sabbath) is the Jewish day of rest. It runs from Friday evenings to Saturday evenings every week …

“Jewish law requires Jews to refrain from various acts of ‘work’ on Shabbat.

“The prohibited acts of ‘work’ include travelling (other than by foot), cooking, writing, carrying, switching on and off electricity [and] using a telephone …

“Those who strictly observe Shabbat will therefore not work on Shabbat in any circumstances …

“Once Shabbat has begun, those that observe it strictly cannot work or travel, and so some Jewish staff will need to leave work early on Fridays …”


At 2 July 2024 at 03:47 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unsealed: Jeffrey Epstein’s grand jury records now viewable online

“More than 150 transcript pages of previously sealed grand jury testimony about serial sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein are now available online, thanks to legislation passed early this year …

“The transcripts have long been shielded from public perusal due to state limitations on exposing grand jury evidence.

“Gov. Ron DeSantis signed legislation in February that created a narrow exemption to those limits to unseal Epstein’s records on July 1 …”




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