Saturday 20 July 2024

Speaker Johnson Threatens To Arrest Lawmakers Who Disrupt Netanyahu's Congress Speech




US House of Congress Speaker Johnson Threatens To Arrest Lawmakers Who Disrupt Netanyahu's Congress Speech

Mike Johnson
$485,549 received from the pro-Israel lobby

'Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is set to address Congress at the invitation of Republicans on July 24. Several Democratic lawmakers have announced their intent to boycott the speech, citing what they say are ongoing human rights abuses and war crimes by the Israeli military (IDF) in Gaza.

230 anonymous staff members have signed a letter urging a Congressional protest or boycott ... this includes staff from Republican congressional offices.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has put the body on notice, threatening to arrest anyone who is protesting.

Johnson told an audience of the Republican Jewish Coalition:
"If anybody gets out of hand… We’re going to arrest people"

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), the country's largest Muslim civil rights organization, have called on Congressional security officers to refuse Johnson's directive.'


At 20 July 2024 at 20:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 20 July 2024 at 23:13 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Presumably he won't be arresting Netanyahu for committing genocide? I'd love to hear a judge answer the defence that 'I've hurt no-one, maybe hurt a few arrogant tosspots' feelings. I've killed no-one, I've not blown up US children, nor created any flattened ghettos. This country has invited someone who has done all those things into this country to address Capitol Hill. So as I am clearly a superior human being to a free man, surely there cannot be any question about me not remaining so myself????'

At 21 July 2024 at 00:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Keep in mind it's not the Jews controlling Mike Johnson to solicit violations of the Speech and Debate Clause of the Constitution.
Blaming Jews would be unfair.
A sacrilege

At 21 July 2024 at 03:43 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

RFK Jr - Who Really Profits from the Ukraine War?
fine short video, 3½ minutes, English subtitles also

- it's money laundering to support the weapons companies
- it's theft of Ukraine assets, richest farmland in the world
- it's poverty for Ukrainians who survive
- Blackrock the big winner owning arms companies, buying Ukraine land and assets


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