Monday 29 July 2024

Huw Edwards, John Lennon ...

The Sun
Ex-BBC presenter Huw Edwards charged with making 37 indecent images of children,

At 29 July 2024 at 20:11 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just reposting/paraphrasing these items from a yea ago…

Huw Edwards joins Merthyr Tydfil historic synagogue’s Jewish heritage project

Huw Edwards’ wife, Vicky Flind, is Jewish?

According to media reports, Huw Edwards and wife Vicky Flind named their children Daniel, Samuel, Amos, Hannah, and Rebecca.

Even in the case of devout Christians with High Church credentials, it might be considered remarkable to alight on no fewer than FIVE name with such a Jewish/Hebrew flavour, one after the other(?)

If, of course, one of the spouses were Jewish, then it would be a different story, and not nearly so unusual.

At 29 July 2024 at 22:11 Anonymous Anonymous said...

Revealed: how the BBC used MI5 to vet thousands of staff

“Confidential papers … have revealed that the BBC allowed MI5 to investigate the backgrounds and political affiliations of thousands of its employees, including newsreaders …”

* Did the BBC-MI5 partnership ever truly end?

What information is/was contained in the hypothetical BBC-MI5 vetting and ‘control’ files on Huw Edwards?

Edwards was a top newsreader who could be 100% counted on to ‘toe the BBC-MI5 line and stay on-message’ because of what his ‘control file’ documented?

At 29 July 2024 at 21:54 Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘The plan for no countries, no religion, no possessions’

(* And no traditional marriage, no genders, no childhood, no innocence, no nuclear families, no cash, no savings, no job security, no home ownership, no private vehicles, no commercial air travel, no free movement, no non-GMO food, no free internet, no free speech, no right to protest, no jury trials, no presumption of innocence, no body autonomy, etc etc)

John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’ “[is] the unofficial anthem of the New World Order. When … performed at the 2012 London Olympics, it made some sense because Lennon was from there.

“However, [in the case of the 2024 París Olympics], it made no sense until one understands …[the] lyrics:

Imagine there’s no countries

It isn’t hard to do

Nothing to kill or die for

And no religion, too
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can

“No countries, no religion, and no possessions.

“This is exactly the ultimate goal of the [elite], championed by organizations such as the World Economic Forum.

“This is why António Guterres, the United Nations Secretary-General, was sitting right next to Macron.

“They want to erase France (and all other countries) for a single world government …”


At 30 July 2024 at 02:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

BBC is the West London substation of MI5. They are a rabbit warren of spooks, paid for by license payors, none of whom asked the BBC to be a spying channel.


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