Sunday 28 July 2024

Israel attacked the soccer field?


The boss of the USA.

According to Mark Lowen, BBC News, Jerusalem 28 July 2024

 Israel seized the Golan Heights from Syria in 1967 and annexed it in 1981. 

Israel has launched air strikes and missiles into southern Lebanon and beyond.

The strikes since October have killed more than 450 people in Lebanon

(Apparently, on 27 July 2024, an Israeli rocket killed 11 children on Majdal Shams soccer field in the Golan Heights. 

There is a belief that Israel attacked the soccer field in the Golan Heights, and, the railway system in France, in order to blame Iran.

Eleven killed in rocket attack on football pitch in occupied Golan Heights (in a northern Druze town)

'The US-based Axios news website cited an unnamed United States official as saying that Hezbollah officials have told the United Nations that what hit the football pitch was an Israeli projectile.'

 Hezbollah says it did not fire the deadly rocket.

'Israeli troops are still stretched in Gaza. Opening up another military front as their munitions run low could simply be unfeasible.

'Netanyahu, whose popularity at home is plummeting, is doing all he can for his political survival. Critics claim he is prolonging the war in Gaza by adding ever more stringent demands on Hamas for a ceasefire deal, knowing that once the fighting stops there, he could face an early election and the end of his career.

'The fear is that weakened and under pressure from far-right bellicose ministers, he may now be tempted to expand the fight into Lebanon in part for domestic political aims.'

IDF field hospital for ISIS on the Golan Heights. 

The  Israeli hospital above was for ISIS which was run by the Israelis.


At 29 July 2024 at 12:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 29 July 2024 at 12:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 29 July 2024 at 12:26 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 29 July 2024 at 12:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

At 29 July 2024 at 12:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 29 July 2024 at 12:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


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