Wednesday 10 April 2024

Israel's culture of rape and child abuse

Psychopaths? Brits? Germans? 

Israel's culture of rape and child abuse

 April 9, 2024 “We Israelis are the biggest Holocaust deniers ..."

The Zionist Cabal carries out the false flag events and then blames Muslims, and others? Osama bin Laden's brother, Salem, worked for the CIA - in Iran-Contra. The terrorists often turn out to have Jewish origins.

In 2015 18-month old baby Ali Dawbsheh, was burnt alive by Jewish terrorists  

From the article in Mondoweiss

Malka Leifer. A former ultra-Orthodox Jewish school Principal sentenced to fifteen years for child sex abuse.

It has been reported that a growing sector of Israeli society rape Israelis, they rape tourists, they abuse and rape children, they rape their own evacuees. How these predators (especially in the IOF) react to Palestinians that have routinely been dehumanised and reduced to legitimate targets for an inherent predatory sadism is naturally expected to be a hundred times worse. And it is.

Palestinian prisoners that had been stripped naked and were tortured allegedly became entertainment for the Israeli spectators that were brought in by the IOF to watch the sadistic process. They were given permission to film the torture on their mobile phones.

In 2010 a report was submitted to the UN Special Rapporteur on Torture. It involved the Zionist sexual assault or threatened sexual assault of Palestinian children


At 10 April 2024 at 05:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

IDF completes road across width of Gaza, ‘as part of Israeli plan to remain in Gaza and replace 1.5 million Palestinians’

“The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has finished building a new road which runs across northern Gaza from east to west …

“… [Some] experts fear it will used as a barrier, preventing Palestinians from returning to their homes in the north.

“Others said it appeared to be part of an Israeli plan to remain in Gaza [indefinitely] …

“Khaled Elgindy, a senior fellow at the US-based Middle East Institute, [said:]

“‘It appears that the Israeli military will remain in Gaza indefinitely’ …

“‘By dividing Gaza in half, Israel will control not only what goes in and out of Gaza, but also movement within Gaza’ …

“‘This includes quite possibly preventing the 1.5 million displaced Palestinians in the south from returning to their homes in the north.’”

At 10 April 2024 at 06:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

David Cameron refuses to answer questions on Gaza and Israel

‘He has chosen to enable and support six months of atrocities and mass killing’

“The Foreign Secretary David Cameron has refused to answer questions about Gaza and Israel during an interview …

“… [BBC journalist] Lucy Hockings attempted to ask Cameron about Gaza and Israel following the deaths of seven humanitarian workers from World Central Kitchen – including three British citizens – in an Israeli airstrike …

“However, Cameron replied that he wouldn’t be answering any questions about either Gaza or Israel …

“Maggie Chapman MSP said: ‘… He has helped to enable six months of grotesque atrocities and mass killing.

“‘He has seen what is happening and has chosen to arm and support it every step of the way …’”


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