Wednesday 10 April 2024


Iain Hook, British UN aid worker murdered by the Israelis.

Jewish British-Israeli Jonathan Cook:

'The murder of foreigners has been central to Israel’s occupation playbook for decades – and helps explain what Israel hopes to achieve with its current slaughter of Palestinians in Gaza.

In the early 2000s, Israel was on another of its rampages, wrecking Gaza and the West Bank ...

Shocked by the brutality, a group of foreign volunteers, a significant number of them Jewish, ventured into these areas.

Evidence suggests Israeli soldiers received authorisation to execute activists such as Rachel Corrie and Tom Hurndall; James Miller, a filmmaker; and even United Nations official Iain Hook. 

This rapid spate of killings – and the maiming of many other activists – had the intended effect.

A series of “freedom flotillas” tried to reach Gaza’s coast from 2008 onwards, the largest led by the Mavi Marmara. Israeli naval commandos stormed the ship illegally in international waters in 2010, killing 10 foreign aid workers and human rights activists on board and injuring another 30. The flotillas petered out.

Israel has always had four prongs to its strategy towards the Palestinians.

The first is to incrementally isolate the Palestinians from the international community.

The second is to make Palestinians dependent on the Israeli military’s goodwill, and create conditions so precarious that Palestinians try to vacate their historic homeland

Third, Israel has crushed any attempt by outsiders – especially the media and human rights monitors – to scrutinise its activities

And fourth, Israel has needed to erode humanitarian protections enshrined in international law to stop atrocities against civilians

The people of Gaza are on their own. The West, rather than their saviour, is now fully complicit not only in Israel’s blockade of Gaza but in its starvation too. Every Palestinian in Gaza now faces a death sentence.

Political conversation in the West is still mired in delusional talk, rather than how to stop an accelerating genocide.'


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