Monday 29 January 2024

Jews DNA



At 29 January 2024 at 04:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rebel Jew Ron Unz - one of the 10 or so leading Jews who are Holocaust deniers - pens an interesting article on Jewish genetics per recent research, in a similar direction with the above.

Key points Unz makes -

Palestinians have the closest genetics to the peoples of ancient Judaea and Palestine, much more than 'Jews'

Jews have significantly hybrid genetics, on two accounts

- Jews in general show a heritage of 'Jewish' males taking non-Jewish wives
-- the European, more white-skin 'Ashkenazic' Jews show extensive inter-marriage between Jewish males and Italian and Germanic females, leading to blue-eyed Jews etc
-- Sephardic and other darker-skinned Jews show significant inter-marriage taking wives from other peoples

- Jewish genetics, unlike those of Palestinians, show significant assimilation of some huge group of converts to Judaism
- Evidence no longer points so much to the Khazars, a Turkic people, as there are minimal Turkic genes amongst Jews, reports Run Unz, citing genetic studies
- A likely candidate for ancient mass Jewish converts are the Phoenician / Carthaginian peoples, also commercial peoples like Jews, and having both of their ancient societies destroyed, Carthage by Rome and Phoenicia by the Greeks, creating a diaspora similar to Jews and alongside them ... this was long ago suggested by H G Wells as the reason for 'why so many Jews' despite the Roman victories over Judaea

In ancient times Jews in fact were proselytising and seeking converts, Jews and their converts becoming perhaps as much as 7 or 8 per cent of the ancient Roman empire, not even counting the Christians, reports Unz

Unz, a Jew himself, also writes re the Holocaust:
"During the years 1948-1959, Eisenhower, Churchill, and de Gaulle published their memoirs and histories, which totaled more than 7,000 pages ... Yet no one reading those 7,000 pages of text would have ever suspected that any Holocaust had even occurred ... All three of those top leaders knew perfectly well that the Holocaust was merely a hoax, a ridiculous concoction of wartime propaganda."

This is in contrast to other rebel Jews such as Canadian-Polish Jew Henry Makow, who argue that millions of religious non-Zionist Jews seemed to disappear in the 1940s, and this disappearance points to mass killing of Jews as being authentic, however much some details are wrong

At 29 January 2024 at 05:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i always suspected this

At 29 January 2024 at 07:29 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, this is why the term 'anti-semitic' can be applied to Israelis......

At 29 January 2024 at 08:20 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re Spooky Starmer

The first possibility is that there is no centre to him.

In which case, Starmer is an empty vessel, for whom the whims of his spooky gurus / handlers / blackmailers / sponsors — and perhaps crude electoral calculations about staying in power for power’s sake — triumph over anything as ‘trivial’ as core beliefs.

Or, there *IS* a centre to him. We just are forbidden to see it.

Which would make Starmer no less dangerous.

Because in that case, the incessant PR games Starmer likes to play — cosplaying a Leftie one day, a Rightwinger the next; a Black Lives Matter Social-Justice Warrior one day, an anti-Trade Unionist the next; a Jewish man one day, an Atheist the next — are the wrappings over a tremendous secret. That of his true & actual identity.

- Is Starmer ‘officially’ Jewish, following an undisclosed secret conversion or undisclosed ancestor? Or does he ‘merely’ identify as such? Or is his apparent Jewishness purely an act to gull the ‘Jewish plebs’ and ingratiate himself with the Jewish Zionist elite?

- Are Starmer and his wife Israeli as well as British passport holders & Dual Citizens (which is their legal entitlement under Israel’s ‘Law of Return’)?

- Is he a Mossad asset? Or does he just ‘coincidentally’ make political and policy decisions like one?

- Is he more of a ‘One Nation Conservative’? More of an orthodox Marxist? More of a Cultural Marxist? Or an ideology vacuum, open to the highest bidder or most effective blackmailer?

- What is the precise nature and scope of his sickeningly close alliance with the Rothschild and Mossad lieutenant, Lord Mandelson? Is there a blackmail element? A sexual component? Or is Starmer ‘using’ Mandelson in the pursuit of power? Or is it a true meeting of minds and kindred spirits?

Whatever the answers to these questions and more, one thing is clear. Starmer doesn’t want ‘the plebs’ to know who he really is, or what is true agenda is.

Either because he *doesn’t have* any core identity or purpose, beyond attaining power for power’s sake (and maintaining it at any cost). A contemptible ‘nothing’ of a man.

Or because Starmer *does have* a core identity and agenda. And much of the UK electorate would run a million miles from him, if only they knew & understood what that was.

It comes down to this.

Starmer desperately wants to attain the position of Leader of a G8 nuclear power at the heart of the the SIS-Mossad-CIA nexus, the Rothschild Zionist global empire, the Five Eyes, the Special Relationship, NATO, Europe, the WHO, and related organisations that shape the (new) world order.

As to the ‘why’ — Starmer’s total opaqueness and downright secrecy make only educated guesses possible.


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