Friday 22 December 2023

UK government censorship network

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'UK Column News Israel-UK':

- useful chart from UK column news -

diagram of the UK government censorship network



At 23 December 2023 at 12:50 , Blogger llifthrasir said...

The curious thing is that that part is part of the Greater Israel plan, Bibis pipedream he promised to realize. First settle the Palestinians there, then bomb the place to pieces, claiming they still keep resisting or finding some other lame excuse that Israel needs to control the Palestinians. I guess his time is almost up. So he needed WW III to get all those nations and territories. Janet Ossebaard on the cabal shows what the UN has really been up to. Confirmed by a docu i am watching on yt about Congo. Meanwhile all these people are members of WEF'/WHO and FreeMasons or Shriners. Are we being played?? Harari shortens our lifespan more and more. Saying out loud most of us are useless. Before he gave ordinary people 200 years before going extinct, AI taking over.


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