Friday 22 December 2023

Goodbye Israel - Vangelis · Conquest of Paradise

The right side of history | Rabeea Eid | ربيع عيد | Vangelis · Conquest of Paradise

The right side of history. Vangelis · Conquest of


At 22 December 2023 at 10:36 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

‘Zelensky wants a repressive, mono-ethnic, state that treats minorities as second-class’ — ex-Zelensky aide Aleksey Arestovich

Arestovich slams Ukraine as a country ‘where freedoms are suppressed’ and predicts a continuing mass desertion from the army

Ex-Zelensky aide Aleksey Arestovich “declared the nationalist Ukrainian project ‘dead’, stating that Kiev is unable to find people willing to fight for it.”

“People of cultures other than Ukrainian, be they Russian or something else, do not want to fight for a monoethnic Ukraine because Kiev discriminates against them, [he said].

“[He added that] the same is true for people who live in territories under Russian control, which Kiev wants to take back by force.

“Ukraine ‘has nothing to offer to the residents of Donbass and Crimea, except for a second-rate citizen status,’ he said.

“Meanwhile, Ukrainians who support the monoethnic project may have other issues with the government, be it a grudge over an unfair economic system or lack of political liberties.  

“‘We live in a country of prohibitions, a country where freedoms are suppressed … where you are caught and forced into the army. Who would want to fight for such a nation?” Arestovich asked.”

“He claimed that 30% to 70% of troops on the front line refuse to go into combat and seek opportunities to desert …”

At 22 December 2023 at 10:40 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Britain has the SECOND highest rate of cocaine use in the world — behind Australia

At 22 December 2023 at 11:34 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


New interview with Tara Reade, who alleges she was sexually assaulted by Joe Biden in 1993 and has filed a formal complaint with the US Department of Justice (DOJ) Inspector General.

“We have to look at how politicized the intelligence community has become …

“They pull your bank accounts, they look at every transaction. They pull your social media. Your private conversations with family … FaceTime, Twitter (or X as it’s called now), Gmail — everything. They do this through a secret court called FISA (the United States Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court).”

New evidence supporting credibility of Tara Reade’s allegation against Joe Biden emerges

At 22 December 2023 at 13:57 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rachel Reeves compares the transformation of the Labour Party with the Chanukah story

“Rachel Reeves has compared the ‘dark times’ in her party under … Jeremy Corbyn with the ‘light’ … under both her and Keir Starmer’s stewardship …

“… [She] told the event at Westminster Synagogue:

“‘… Four years ago was a dark time for our party … That we are here today owes much to the people in this room …’”

Whether Keir Starmer’s ‘de facto deputy’ is merely a Christian Zionist, or is crypto Jewish, or with Jewish ancestry, is unclear.

For what it’s worth, Reeves is at pains to insist that she is ‘NOT’ Jewish.

“Reeves has found faith later in life and been baptised into the Church of England. She attends church regularly …,” according to a puff piece in the spooky Sunday Times.

Is Reeves’ Church of England church (assuming that it actually exists, and that she does, in fact, “attend regularly”) a peculiar one that prioritises Jewish holidays, obedience to the Mossad and the genocide of Palestinians?

Do tell us more, Rachel! Such an extraordinary church deserves to be more widely known.

At 22 December 2023 at 14:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

London rabbi found with 1,694 'horrific' child abuse images sentenced

“Yuval Keren, 56, was handed a 20 month jail sentence suspended for two years… after the National Crime Agency found 1,694 indecent images of children on devices at his Pinner home in July 2022.

“Of those, 189 images were rated as Category A, the most extreme type of child abuse images.

“Keren, previously a rabbi at Southgate Progressive Synagogue, had images dating back to 2010, suggesting he accessed them for thirteen years …

“He pleaded guilty to all charges …

“Alongside the suspended jail sentence, he was handed 40 hours rehabilitation, 180 hours unpaid work, 10 years on the Sex Offenders Register and a 5 year Sexual Harm Prevention Order.”

At 22 December 2023 at 18:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

GLENN GREENWALD: ‘Democrats’ weaponizing of the legal system against Trump is an assault on democratic values’

“A state court in Colorado full of Democratic Party-appointed judges [has decided] that Trump is ineligible to appear on the Colorado Republican presidential primary ballot.

“In the view of these four judges, he is guilty of being an insurrectionist and thus ineligible to run for the presidency …

“… [One] need not have a law degree to detect [the] most significant error [in the legal reasoning]: Donald Trump, despite being indicted in four separate jurisdictions, has never once been charged with, let alone convicted of, the crime of insurrection …

“… [The] very same people, in politics and media, who endlessly glorify themselves as the Sole Guardians of American Democracy, [are] relying on classically anti-democratic weapons …

“Beyond this ruling, Trump has been charged with felony counts in four other cases, the first one brought by a liberal prosecutor in Manhattan; the other state case brought by the Democratic Party machine prosecutor in Atlanta and then, the two federal cases brought by a special prosecutor under the auspices of the Biden Justice Department …

“… [It is] hard to imagine a more glaring and more dangerous full frontal assault on democratic values than what … the Democratic Party is doing to prevent Trump from running or even remaining free …”

At 22 December 2023 at 18:24 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are so many Americans dying early?


“Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Robert Califf recently took to X to mourn the ‘catastrophic’ decline in US life expectancy. 

“But his post …. ignored the obvious: People are dying in abnormally high numbers … long since covid-19 waned …

“Life insurers have been consistently sounding the alarm over these unexpected or, ‘excess’, deaths, which claimed 158,000 more Americans in the first nine months of 2023 than in the same period in 2019 …

“Mortality was 26 percent higher among insured 35-to-44-year-olds, and 19 percent higher for 25-to-34-year-olds, continuing a death spike that peaked in the third quarter of 2021 at a staggering 101 percent and 79 percent above normal, respectively …

“Why is the traditionally healthiest sector of our society — young, employed, insured workers — dying at such rates? …

“Lockdowns limited access to education, social interaction and health care …

“Vaccines were given to more than 270 million people, among them babies, pregnant women and workers under employer mandates …

“The therapeutic’s ‘warp speed’, emergency use, authorization must be part of any post-pandemic analysis, in light of more than 1 million reports of possible harm to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System and a new Yale University study validating a chronic post-vaccination syndrome …”

At 22 December 2023 at 18:32 , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Reports on the Israeli pilots involved in the airstrikes that targeted hospitals and civilians in Gaza have been published by Nournews.

Tal Zahavi, pictured on the left …

Guy Isaac Alon, pictured on the right …

At 22 December 2023 at 18:52 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ukrainian officials privately admit that Russia has the upper hand and Ukraine is suffering horrific losses – BILD editor

Reality is different from public statements, the German journalist who just visited Kiev has said

“While the Ukrainian government paints a rosy picture of the conflict at press conferences, senior officials admit in private that the situation is grim, Paul Ronzheimer, a deputy editor-in-chief at the German outlet BILD, said on Friday.

“Ronzheimer had just spent three days in Ukraine, meeting with Defense Minister Rustem Umerov and other senior government and military officials, he wrote on X …

“‘Their statements match less and less the picture that is officially painted in press conferences and interviews, most recently by Zelensky’, he wrote …

“… [The] German journalist noted that everyone he spoke with said that time was on Moscow’s side and that ‘stories from the front are almost unbearable’ …

“The German journalist’s revelations match the tone of several Ukrainian MPs who spoke to The Times of London …

“In an article published on Friday, Roman Kostenko – a member of the Verkhovna Rada’s committee for national security, defense and intelligence – said a victory on the battlefield was ‘extremely unlikely’ …

“Another MP, Svyatoslav Yurash, described the fighting as ‘painful’ and said the Ukrainians should ‘hope for the best but prepare for the worst …’”

At 22 December 2023 at 21:02 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

US Congressman: Politicians are being blackmailed with sex tapes

Rep. Tim Burchett also alleges his colleagues in Congress are ‘compromised’ amid his attempts to obtain the Jeffrey Epstein flight logs

“Rep. Tim Burchett … [says that his] colleagues in Congress are being blackmailed into voting for ‘crazy stuff’ with threats of illicitly recorded sex tapes of them being released.

“He … [said] that the schemes are executed by ‘powerful people’ who ‘write the big checks’.

“‘You’re visiting — you’re out of the country or out of town or you’re in a motel or at a bar in DC — and whatever you’re into — women or men or whatever — comes up and they’re very attractive, and they’re laughing at your jokes. And you’re buying them a drink. Next thing you know, you’re in the motel room with them naked’, Burchett [said].

“Then … after some time, the hypothetical lawmaker finds themselves about to make a ‘key vote’ …

“‘And what happens? … Some well-dressed person comes out and whispers in your ear, “Hey, man, there’s tapes out on you”.

“‘Or, “Were you in a motel room or whatever with whoever?” …

“‘And they say, “You really ought not to be voting for this thing”’ …

“‘No man or no woman actually is an island, and they know what to get at. If it's women, drugs, booze, it'll find you in DC and in most elected offices’ …

“… Burchett also called some of his colleagues ‘compromised’ amid his and Sen. Marsha Blackburn's … attempts to obtain the flight logs of sex offender Jeffrey Epstein …”


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