Tuesday 19 December 2023

They give the order for our extermination.


Unknown commented on "'Jewish law is specific'"

Ukrainian troops being sent to needless death, are publicly begging for international Human Rights Court intervention against the slaughter for no purpose, speaking of 'genocide' of Ukrainians

From an AFU (Armed Forces Ukraine) channel:

"We are being exterminated by our own command.

Mountains of corpses of our brothers.

It is useless to appeal to the country's authorities! They give the order for our extermination. They will not punish themselves.

It is necessary to reach the Hague International Court.

What is happening now is a crime against one's own people. Genocide of Ukrainians. I can't call it anything else."


photo, Zelensky in front of a cemetery of Ukraine war dead


At 19 December 2023 at 08:59 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

St Andrews House in Edinburgh has removed it's Ukraine flag from the flagpole at the front of the building.

We could have a Palestinian one raised and one for Israel too. Wouldn't want to take sides after all.

Don't imagine Humza Jewsuf would do such a thing though. Much better idea to raise taxes on the Scottish people instead.

SNP have decided to raise taxes in nice timing for Christmas.

Yo ho ho. But Free Palestine (apart from Bethlehem), it's shut down for Christmas.

At 19 December 2023 at 10:31 , Anonymous Anonymous said...



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