Monday 18 December 2023

Amschel Mayor James Rothschild

Amschel Mayor James Rothschild

In August 1996 it was reported that Amschel Rothschild had died in mysterious circumstances. 

"French police have determined that Amschel Rothschild, heir to the fabulous Rothschild banking fortune, was murdered, according to well-placed European sources...

"A Spotlight inquiry has established that Rothschild, 41, a billionaire investment banker and a noted sportsman in excellent health, was discovered lifeless on the floor of the bathroom of his suite at the luxurious Bristol Hotel in Paris on July 8 at 7:32 pm...

"'Murdoch sent a hotline fax to his 600-odd editors and news managers around the world, ordering them to report Amschel's death as a heart attack, if at all,' said British broadcast reporter Ian Gooding. 'No one around here has ever seen such pressure to kill a front-page story. But in the end, the cover-up was complete.'"

Four years after the death of Amschel, Raphael de Rothschild died of a heroin overdose in New York. 

Unknown commented

Amschel Rothschild, the ‘suicided’ victim:

Like his daughter Alice Rothschild Goldsmith after him, poor Amschel was a trustee of Lord Jacob Rothschild’s ‘Rothschild Foundation’, “which has supported many projects in Israel, including the building of the Supreme Court and Knesset in Jerusalem.”

Would the ‘suicided’ businessman be pleased or horrified to know that his daughter Alice has apparently overcome the trauma of her childhood to set up in a village linked to scores of ‘occult’ incidents involving animal sacrifices and repeated desecration of its ancient Christian church?

Re: ‘allegedly suicided’ Amschel Rothschild ' - the report I read years ago said the bath rail that he was tied too was too weak to have supported the weight of a human body. 

This article supports what I read.. that he was too 'nice' & did not hve the killer instinct. 

Quote: "People used the word "gentle" to describe Amschel Mayor James Rothschild. He was the only son of Victor Rothschild's second marriage to Theresa Mayor, and heir to the Rothschild dynasty after his older half-brother Jacob. 

Amschel's obituary stated: "Where his father was of large and pugnacious build, Amschel Rothschild was tall, thin and strikingly graceful [after his mother]. His bushy head of hair ... emphasized large, sad brown eyes. 

He was precise, almost obsessively tidy, enjoyed making difficult cocktails and revisiting old jokes. He loved his farm, his children, restoring old outhouses, extending his lawns, going to bed early." 

Amschel was regularly billed as the heir presumptive to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, left, (who died last November at age 91) for the chairmanship (Sir Evelyn's children being still too young to be candidates), though newspaper reports would be sniffy about his prospects; they implied his profile was too low, that with his gentle manner, he was too "nice", that he lacked the killer instinct." 

On July 8 1996 he was found dead in the bathroom of his suite at the Bristol Hotel in Paris. According to the official story, he had committed suicide by hanging himself with the belt of his bathrobe. Thanks to the now defunct "The Spotlight," we have the truth."


At 18 December 2023 at 00:28 , Blogger Anon said...

At 18 December 2023 at 00:07 , Anonymous
Anonymous said...

Re: ‘allegedly suicided’ Amschel Rothschild ' - the report I read years ago said the bath rail that he was tied too was too weak to have supported the weight of a human body. This article supports what I read.. that he was too 'nice' & did not have the killer instinct. Quote: "People used the word "gentle" to describe Amschel Mayor James Rothschild. He was the only son of Victor Rothschild's second marriage to Theresa Mayor, and heir to the Rothschild dynasty after his older half-brother Jacob. Amschel's obituary stated: "Where his father was of large and pugnacious build, Amschel Rothschild was tall, thin and strikingly graceful [after his mother]. His bushy head of hair ... emphasized large, sad brown eyes. He was precise, almost obsessively tidy, enjoyed making difficult cocktails and revisiting old jokes. He loved his farm, his children, restoring old outhouses, extending his lawns, going to bed early." Amschel was regularly billed as the heir presumptive to Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, left, (who died last November at age 91) for the chairmanship (Sir Evelyn's children being still too young to be candidates), though newspaper reports would be sniffy about his prospects; they implied his profile was too low, that with his gentle manner, he was too "nice", that he lacked the killer instinct." On July 8 1996 he was found dead in the bathroom of his suite at the Bristol Hotel in Paris. According to the official story, he had committed suicide by hanging himself with the belt of his bathrobe. Thanks to the now defunct "The Spotlight," we have the truth."

At 18 December 2023 at 05:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dissident writer John Helmer also of Jewish heritage

John Helmer, born 1946 in Australia and living in Russia for some decades, long has had interesting comments on Russia-related topics, including recently the Ukraine tragedy.

Helmer is critical of Israel and sympathetic to Palestinians, and has been writing sharply about how Russia seems to be doing too little to help the Gazans.

Helmer's latest article is auto-biographical, and we learn he is also of Jewish heritage. He is descended from a Danish soldier named Helmer who was in the Napoleonic wars, who fell in love with a Jewish woman in Łowicz, Poland, in 1806.

John Helmer's grandfather was a rabbi. "My grandfather did not officiate at an established synagogue in his town. Instead, he was known as a practitioner of the occult arts, a specialist in the mystical literature of the rabbis known as the Kabbala, and an interpreter his neighbours used to consult on the Talmud."

Helmer describes his father as a brutal man who beat him as a child, until young John Helmer threatened to kill him.

At ages 12-13, Helmer studied with a well-known German rabbi in Australia, Herman Sanger, preparing for Helmer's Jewish coming-of-age 'bar mitzvah'.

As a student, Helmer wrote a student newspaper article critical of Judaism, with the idea that it is a religion where "The Jews were worshipping themselves." And after he published this essay, "From then on, I was ostracised in the Jewish community."

Helmer writes that, "On April 3, 1988, my sister Cypra Helmer was murdered ... The murderers were members of a Christian cult calling itself The Family." Helmer recounts his battle with Australian authorities over how her death was treated - inquest denied.

Helmer is troubled by the negatives of religion as he has experienced it, writing that, "When believers run amok like their mascots and golems, the outcome is every kind of race war, genocide, or holocaust."


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