Saturday 7 October 2023

Chatham House - Ukraine - Craig Murray

Ukraine - Holodomor

Unknown commented -


Why Bill Gates, George Soros, and other globalist imperialists want all this death

“Chatham House’s principal funding comes from the UK, US, Canadian, German, Swiss, Japanese, Swedish and Norwegian governments, the World Bank and the EU, and from corporate ‘philanthropists’ including IKEA, Bill Gates, George Soros, Carnegie Foundation, Ford Foundation, BP, Chevron, Shell, and ExxonMobil. I could go on …

“So Chatham House is a pretty infallible guide as to what those who control western ‘democracies’ are thinking. And when it comes to Ukraine, what they are thinking is terrifying …

“Chatham House has released a report which ‘makes the case for dramatically increased Western military assistance to Ukraine’ …

“Ukraine has now banned Russian as an official language, banned all Russian speaking newspapers, banned the pro-Russian political parties, banned teaching in Russian in schools, banned Russian books in libraries and banned the Russian Orthodox Church. Yet Russian is the first language of about 40% of the population.

“Is the plan that the total war will result in such genocide that Russian speakers in Ukraine will be no more? Will they all be ethnically cleansed? …

“Remember that list above of who pays for Chatham House and who wants all this death.

“I can see how it benefits them …”


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