Monday 18 September 2023



Anonymous -


Former BBC news presenter Emily Maitlis — whose interview with Prince Andrew helped to divert attention away from the many other VIP ‘enablers’ of Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell — was once famously photographed fondling Epstein’s close friend Lord Mandelson while gazing adoringly.

Echoing her flirtations with Mandelson, Ms. Maitlis in her memoirs also describes flirting with Russell Brand.

“‘He has me at hello,’ she trills approvingly, noting his 'tight leather trousers and white shirt, whose buttons have been flung apart insouciantly to reveal a more than adequate amount of chest hair'.

“When asked by Brand to pose for a photograph, she gushes: 'Of course I do not mind. A photo! Of me! For Twitter! With Russell Brand!'

“She adds: 'See, I am grubbily keen already and he's only been in the room one minute.'

While Maitlis, Mandelson, Epstein and Maxwell are all Jewish, it is unclear if the same applies to Jonathan Ross’s close friend — and the other object of Maitlis’ affections — Russell Brand.


At 19 September 2023 at 00:05 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"While Maitlis, Mandelson, Epstein and Maxwell are all Jewish, it is unclear if the same applies to Jonathan Ross’s close friend — and the other object of Maitlis’ affections — Russell Brand"

Nah, he's Goy. For no apparent reason the powers that be (on this occasion) decided to 'sponsor a Goy'.

A bit like 'take your daughter to work day'. If it looks like a duck and quacks - it's a Jew.

Russell Brand has had a seemless run at everything he has done. I remember him from his MTV days 'smashed out his face' at festivals interviewing folk.

If yer 'oan telly - nowaday', chances are you are sponsored to death. Brand has always been actor. He studied his trade at Italia Conti Academy like many others.

His list of ex-girlfriends (the known-knowns) are very well quoted A Listers too.

You don't break-in to those circles by chance. You move freely like Brand does because his status is evidently higher than we're lead to be believe. Bit like Saville.

A short video of Brand and his pal Yuval Noah Hari.


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