Monday 18 September 2023

Chechen leader Kadyrov


The bloodthirsty Chechen leader, 46, was rumoured to have been in a 'critically ill' state after he was reportedly rushed from Moscow to his regional capital Grozny to deal with severe kidney problems


At 18 September 2023 at 20:45 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Russell Brand: Masonic/Satanic hand signs

“Here is Russell Brand, a controlled opposition pawn, showing off various Masonic/Satanic hand signs and symbols.”

At 18 September 2023 at 21:16 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A 'Pied Piper' to misdirect the semi awakened

His … involvement in mind control

Russell Brand wrote a “book about the Pied Piper … [a] fairytale character who [steals] children and makes them disappear …

“[The book] features a character that … [looks like] Russell Brand …

“He also played the role of the 'Child Catcher' during the Olympics a few years ago … The Child Catcher in that movie literally cages children from the streets …

“He previously dated socialite Jemima Khan who owned the white dog that is in the logo for his 'Trews' series on Youtube. The Dog in his logo has a '33' around its neck [denoting] the 33 degrees in Freemasonry …

“… Russell was married for a while to Katy Perry …

“During an appearance at [an] Oscars ceremony a few years ago, Russell and Katy were interviewed and Katy made some comments that Russell apparently didn't like — he flashed up a small sign that had a pentagram on it and the word 'OBEY' — which she saw momentarily and then her personality totally shifted and she became docile …

“[Russell Brand] may himself have been through trauma-based mind control and thus may not even be fully aware of his involvement in all of this.

“… [The] personality is fractured into sub personalities who are unaware of each other — so the victim can appear to be completely 'normal' in one moment, and then [switch] to a different personality entirely in the next …”


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