Fury over the PPE graveyard: Mountain of thousands of unused packs of aprons and masks are fly-tipped near New Forest nature reserve

A mountain of thousands of PPE containers were dumped near a nature reserve, leaving councillors 'horrified' and questioning whether they were discarded during the pandemic for being 'substandard'. Shocking pictures show hoards of aprons and suspected face masks left in an enormous heap in the New Forest town of Calmore, bordering Testwood Lakes Nature Reserve and AFC Totton Football Club. The unexpected discovery was uncovered at a Hampshire County Council (HCC) meeting, where it was revealed the 'large scale' littering had taken place. Committee members in attendance were left bemused at how such a huge example of fly-tipping could have gone unnoticed - and are now demanding answers.
Wont be a silent graveyard for long. Next cull is about to begin. 7 billion Useless Eaters must be taken out and the world reset so the Top Trash can live in splendor
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