Monday 22 May 2023

Depleted Uranium Cloud


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post 'UKRAINE DU - INCREASED URANIUM IN AIR IN UK ':

And now the radioactive cloud from Ukraine is reported as drifting over Britain, after crossing Poland and Denmark, following the explosion of Ukraine stockpiles of depleted uranium munitions

John Helmer - in his newest article, which cites Christopher Busby - shows this map of European air currents. Note the curve leading from Ukraine, up thru Poland and Denmark, and then looping southwards again to cross England


And as noted in the above Simplicius article, the European Commission public map of radiation levels in Europe is suddenly and 'mysteriously' not functional and in perpetual 'loading' mode

Anonymous has left this comment on 'UKRAINE DU - INCREASED URANIUM IN AIR IN UK ':

Christopher Busby has long argued that the effects of radiation even from ordinary nuclear power plants is much worse than generally perceived, and may be causing hundreds of thousands of cancer deaths, not generally thought to be linked to nuclear activity.

Others, however, are sceptical, given that cancers are widespread generally - not just near nuclear power plants etc - and might also be a result of modern poisonous chemicals in food, air, water etc.

Busby would counter that decades of 'nuclear testing' as well as Chernobyl, Fukushima and depleted uranium weapons in wars, have dumped nuclear material generally around the world.

This tho runs into the increasingly-common dissident view that 'nuclear weapons do not exist', with Hiroshima and Nagasaki arguably chemical firebombings like Tokyo or Dresden, and 'mushroom clouds' in videos being standard chemical explosions

Busby is rather senior now (born 1945) and doesn't write so much, but some of his key material is available from a few years ago:

article by Busby in 2016

video with Busby from 2016


At 22 May 2023 at 18:06 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

16 May 2023 John Pilger warned about DU as dangerous. He relates his experiences in Iraq where children were playing in the war wreckage that were contaminated. It's worse for children. US war veterans wives had birth deformities. There IS evidence it causes cancer. Virus and bacteria (the smaller the more affected) will mutate. Birds flying through the contaminated air are more likely to get avian influenza and/or die.

At 22 May 2023 at 19:22 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Turkey needs check levels also, like during Chernobyl. In Iraq War 2003? US set off so much DU, it backwashed into down town London where it set off rad alarms. At first thought a dirty nuke had been detonated. Upon testing ? It was from IRAQ courtesy of Air AMERICA bombings. Article was in UKTelegraph at the time

At 22 May 2023 at 21:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

PEOPLE in the UK are less likely to believe in God than the people of almost any other country in the world, a new study suggests.

At 22 May 2023 at 22:09 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Peter Thiel is latest billionaire said to have met with Jeffrey Epstein

At 22 May 2023 at 22:30 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Zelenskyy presented a ‘blasphemous’ gift to Pope Francis at meeting

“Zelenskyy, who has been busy persecuting Christians at home, saw it fit to present the pope with what's being described as a ‘painting’ titled ‘Loss of 2022-58’, ostensibly meant to signify the killing of children during the conflict …

“[But] as many are rightly pointing out, it's a blasphemous ‘icon’ of the Mother of God with a black void where the Savior should be …

“None of this is surprising coming from Zelenskyy, but most are not aware of how he's persecuting Orthodox Christians in his country …”

“Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, who met with Pope Francis on Saturday, presented the pontiff with gifts that are offensive to Christian believers, the il Fatto Quotidiano newspaper wrote.

“The controversial item is an icon of Virgin Mary holding the [Infant] Jesus, who is depicted only as a black outline.”

At 22 May 2023 at 22:35 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ukraine peace plans are ‘absolutely wrong’ – UK

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that a ceasefire right now would not lead to “a just and lasting peace”


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