Friday 7 April 2023


 RFK Junior has opposed US interventions , eg in Syria.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. by Gage Skidmore.jpg

RFK Jr. was nine when his uncle, JFK, was assassinated and 11 when his father was killed - now the thrice-married serial womanizer is running for President after splitting 'America's royal family' with his hardline anti-vax views

The poker-playing comedy queen who could stack RFK Jr's deck: Presidential hopeful's 'unoffendable' wife Cheryl Hines rose from 'nothing' to Hollywood fame, vocally opposes her husband's controversial policies - and even charmed Fidel Castro over lemonade


Researchers from St George's Hospital in London analysed routinely collected infection control data over a 40-week period between December 4, 2021 and September 10, 2022.


At 7 April 2023 at 08:39 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Daily Mail now has correct RFK Jr bio ages noted in their article
RFK Jr was born 17 Jan 1954
he was 9 when his uncle JFK was killed 22 Nov 1963
he was 14 when his father RFK was killed 5 Jun 1968
he was 45 when his cousin JFK Jr was killed 16 Jul 1999

RFK Jr could be the new and better Bernie Sanders
Running as a 'Democrat', the big upcoming test is what RFK Jr will say about the transgender issues, and people pushing the hormones / teen girl breast binding / sex change surgeries onto children
This is now the sharp battle line of the culture war, and not just in the USA
People will soon be saying, 'My God, What Have We Done to These Children?'


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