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The Vineyard of the Saker
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What They Don't Tell You.cathyfox | Reports on Child Sexual Abuse -
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Vladimir Suchan: Logos politikos.
I N F R A K S H U N - Blogger.
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internet - Blogger.
thecolemanexperienceJUSTICE DENIED
Avalanche Of A Million Hearts.
The Outlaw | An Alternative View
Charles Frith - Punk Planning.
OccurrencesDomesticForeign | News, Journalism, and More.
Thirteenth Monkey
no way out
I would suggest leaving this link as most of us can still access the old blog even if it is not possible to get into from an admin side. I dug up a few old ones I mirrored.
I have also mirrored some of the older posts.
Hi Dub, Aang, Irfan.
I am going to try to do what I can helping with this tomorrow.
Speaking of religion, what happened to Fr. John? His "whitechrist" website is down. It's gone. It was shut down, no explanation. No advance notice to his readers. One would like to think Fr. John would have been considerate enough to his readers to explain his departure from the web. Perhaps have at least a little bit of respect to his readers and say good-bye in a civilized and respectful manner. But fuggedaboudit. It's too late for that. I rather enjoyed Fr. John, I must say. I'm going to miss busting his chops.
Was there some sort of Rapture and only Fr. John was worthy enough, pure enough, White enough? Now the only other poseur Russian Orthodox priest in the alternative media is the vaudeville monkey jew Kapner.
Get rid of Kapner and bring back Fr. John, that's what I say. Kapner is a broken record, so monotonous. So smirky. It smirks just as simians smirk. It's a bit much. How happy, how smirky, the vaudeville monkey jew is to share the bad news with us. Fr. John was always much more compelling, with a very wide and deep knowledge of history and theology, and every topic under the sun for that matter.
I guess because I'm an Mediterranean Italian type I prefer Mizrahi Jews over slakhal khazar Jews. If I simply must have to deal with Jews, I guess I prefer Mizrahi types. Or is it spelled, "Miznazis"? Not sure.
I bet Chechar is happy Fr. John is no longer with us. Less weight on Chechar's shoulders, so to speak.
And speaking of Miznazis, an article or two on Mussolini's 20 years of sexcapades with Margherita Sarfatti, "The Jewish Mother of Italian Fascism", would be a fun read. Or, was Mussolini a homo also? Was he having a homo love affair with Margherita's very wealthy Jew Slave/Opium Golden Circle Empire Venetian Jew father? Or, was Mussolini a bi-sexual, and getting it on with both father and daughter wealthy Sarfatti Jew Nazi Fascists who bankrolled "his" Fascist Party?
Fr. John left me before I could get a learned Fr. John sermon about the White Roman Conquering hero Mussolini vis-à-vis the Jew Sarfattis who bankrolled Mussolini's Fascist Party. Quo teneam vultus mutantem Protea nodo? Oh well,
~ Singula de nobis anni praedantur euntes ~
From : Salvatore
It is an honor to be in your links list. Really, I am unworthy. My "hits" have gone through the roof . It makes me shiver when you deliver. Humble thanks.
Thanks Aang, I must get back in the scene soon.... xx A
Much thanks for the link Aangirfan, likewise our hits are spiking... -Wxxx
Cheers Aang -
new to this 'blogging'... pissed off already! But... practise makes perfect
Thanks Aangirfan. For this and all the other things.
Thanks as well, for Occurrences, Sullen Bell, and Boy Down The Lane, and for all that you do here. And everyone else too. It's been a pleasure to have grown amongst you all. We are the world, the pushback on the elitist nonsense.
Thanks Aang for kindness and for all of these great links.
I am linking to your last Ebola article. That was an excellent find. Truly excellent life saving information. I hope we live long enough to see the victory!
You are all most welcome.
- Aangirfan
would be nice if someone could make a feed website of all these blogs.
A superb of links here, I have saved this on my Desktop. Some I already knew of, but most are new to me. I shall be checking them out over the next few days. Thanks Aangirfan.
Anyone out there know if 'Nobby' with the blog churchofnobody (listed in the above list) is back to writing anywhere on the WWW?
Please comment and pass on a link here if you know of anything.
Wxxx News is mostly inactive now... We've just had it with google and it's gate-keeping ways. Searches that used to put us near the top (and obvious ones like "pussy riot false flag" when we have a blog post by that title) no longer do so... This is apparently due to the new search protocols that rate sites by google's dubious notion of veracity. There are other issues, explained at the bottom of this post:
If you liked the Wxxx News format -particularly the "headlines of note" aggregation and analysis, let us recommend this Wordpress blog:
hee hee!!
Thank u so much!!
(Always knew u were fanBINKINtastic!!)
Uve made my week!!
Frm a Happy Highlander!!!
Your blog is always worth reading!
Thanks for this resource.
But, Dux Bellorum and not MemoryHole? WHAT?
You simply must get better quality control.
Some changes have been made in those links.. for example, Kenny is no longer with us except perhaps in spirit but someone is tinkering with his blogroll.
Note for serious bloggers:
And answer the questions in my plea "input please":
May I recommend:
May I also recommend my Youtube channel too...
I'm gutted I never made the list!!
And here's me thinking I'm a leading writer in the Alternative Media.
How wrong am I... is listed above.
You're a star, thank you ever so much...
wow honoured respect mate
you are nr 1 ...after aanirfan
you have to watch this guy, he slips in stuff like they ruined vaccinations before they were good,ding ding ding, he likes dredge a few other doinks but iead him too
Nos 30 comment(notice earlier timed 9/11 ??? Co-in-ci..? Or..?)
Here mr-linker-me errr....
That's a strong list. Great work from all of you over the years.
Do you not like the work of Alan Watt @ ? Also Brian Gerrish is on there but not the UKColumn website?
phew, really? top of the list? does somebody some where not like me?
thanks, I hope you had a good staycation!
Hey dublinsmick,hope you are well as i know that you have been extremely ill with the dreaded disease,know as the big C.i pray you have beaten this illness and are still with us.much prayer and thought sent to you always!
Linked sites American Everyman and Jay's Analysis have just been removed from the internet by WordPress. The same thing happened to the fellowship of the minds site,I thought there would be a link to that but did not see it in quick scan.
I also noticed (probably late on this) that the Coleman experience is now unavailable to the general public, only people with a WordPress account and permission from the Coleman experience can view it now.
There is a short piece about the removal of American Everyman and the others here.
The American Everyman site was closed by wordpress. However the author Scott Creighton has a new site.
Intriguing speech .....
Top Story from Dublin Protest Ireland
Petition to The President of The United States of America and Congress DEMANDING THE RETURN TO GOD’S LAW
Needs 99,963 signatures by October 29, 2020 to get a response from the White House
37 signed
100,000 goal
We, the undersigned, demand the immediate return to our Creator’s Law, which is what endows every American with the UNALIENABLE rights we enjoy, among those Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, exactly as it states in the preamble of the Declaration of Independence: “We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed BY THEIR CREATOR with certain UNALIENABLE Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” We the people make these demands for, but not limited to, the following reasons:
1. We are continually losing more of our God given Rights and Freedoms, under fraudulent legislation.
2. God’s Law prohibits forming, supporting political parties that divide
3. God's Law guarantees freedom, justice, peace...
Have sent Northern True-Seeker lot of comments stuff this week. Wrote re-Cressida Dick probably giving orders for Dr Schoning's arrest and detention on Saturday.
Drew attention to Dick's track record in relation to the targeted killing in 2005 of Jean Charles Menezez + her participation in phoney London terror attacks in recent years as well.
NTS was making a point of ending all his posts by paying respect to all those who have lost their lives since the lock-down and asserting his determination that those guilty of creating this SCAMDEMIC be brought to justice, held accountable for all the ensuing deaths and punished.
Really hope NTS can bounce back just like you did a few years back by changing your name slightly!
An Italian Family with ties to the Vatican, an Emblem of a snake swallowing a human all connected to the husband of an Epstein Model who flew on Lolita Express with ties to National Healthcare, Biotech, Oncology and AI
James True.
Hello Aangirfan,sadly the heroes of Wordpress banished the longstanding Burning Blogger of Bedlam site from the internet. Happily the author is planning to begin again soon and has a website ready to go.
This is the new address:
Amateur hour film production with Alexander Stafford MP's covid propaganda fail.
Watch as the old lady no mask :) enters the shot bottom left.
MP's should stick to representing their constituents not making propaganda and not promoting the UN/WEF sustainable development goals.
Video :)
Andy has implemented a fantastic traffic light entry system to ensure his business is Covid secure and people are always kept safe while they shop.
Here he is again promoting global policy SGD
Alexander Stafford MP
Oct 30
As we recover from coronavirus,
Flag of United Kingdom
must build back better and invest in jobs, technologies and industries of the future. @BorisJohnson
has committed to ensuring a green recovery, and I will work with my colleagues at CEN to support him to deliver that
That Time Trump Felt Up Giuliani - NYT Opinion
•23 Apr 2018
Peace and Love, Aangirfan. Burning Blogger, back on: x
HI James! it's A13.
Trying to find my old blogging friends.
I'm back on the tiles..
please visit and leave a little comment and let me know how you all are x
Tk y ♥
thank you aangirfan- since google censored my blog- it's been tough to rebuild the readership. Oh and believe me I've tried to get the old blog back at least as a resource.. to no avail
thank you
King Charles' coronation invite becomes engulfed in 'paganism' row
“Invitations to King Charles's coronation have started a debate over their use of the symbol of The Green Man …
“The Green Man is one of many features that signals a new dawn …
“The Green Man has taken many forms throughout history - it is often seen as a Pagan symbol and references to the symbol are said to date back to the 2nd century …”
Trump’s bid for re-election ‘is being derailed to prevent him from brokering a peace deal with Russia’
“… [Donald Trump’s opponents] regard him as the greatest threat … because [he] prioritizes reaching a New Détente with Russia … It was [this] that he campaigned on in 2016 … [There’s] a reasonable logic to de-escalating tensions with Russia in Europe so as to more effectively contain China in the Asia-Pacific.
“[Trump] wanted to compel Kiev into implementing the Minsk Accords but ultimately failed because influential figures in [the US deep state] were opposed … Due to a combination of ideological and strategic reasons, they believed that the US should prioritize containing Russia over China …
“… Trump recently doubled down on his [approach] by proclaiming that he’d broker peace with [Moscow] and Kiev through a deal that he hinted would recognize the ground realities by legitimizing Moscow’s control over former Ukrainian territory. While the felony charges against him were already being pursued behind the scenes before this, there’s no doubt that his policy reaffirmation gave his opponents an urgent impetus to derail his re-election bid …”
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas ‘attended Bohemian Grove’
Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas “reportedly attended [Bohemian Grove] with billionaire friend and Republican donor Harlan Crow … Thomas accepted luxury trips from Crow for years without disclosing them …”
Bohemian Grove’s membership “[also includes] Henry Kissinger … [and] Charles Schwab … Today, there are roughly 2,600 active members …”
Keir Starmer ‘exploits child abuse issue for political points’
“Starmer’s Labour tweeted its latest campaign tactic – showing a picture of Tory PM Rishi Sunak next to a claim that Labour will be tougher on paedophiles that Sunak’s government.
“[This] is not only disgusting, but also hypocritical: Keir Starmer was Director of Public Prosecutions when his department decided not to prosecute notorious serial rapist and abuser Jimmy Savile – and Starmer even went on to say that he thought this had been the right decision …
“The reaction to Labour’s vile tactic was immediate and huge … with well over 4,000 disgusted responses at the time of writing …”
Man who says he was raped by Lord Mountbatten at Kincora was friend of dismembered boy
“The man who says he was twice raped at Kincora in 1977 by Lord Mountbatten was a friend of a murdered 10-year-old boy whose death remains of the most disturbing unsolved murders in Northern Ireland.
“Brian McDermott was missing for a week before his dismembered and partially burned body was found a week later on September 8, 1973 in a bag dumped in the River Lagan …
“Arthur Smyth – who now lives in Australia and who was abused in the notorious Kincora Boys’ Home – remembers when Brian disappeared …
“He said: ‘Brian was a few years older than me – he was 10 and I was seven when he went missing and then was found dead close to where we played together’ …
“Brian remained missing for a week before his body was found …
“Arthur remembered: ‘They chopped his legs and his arms up. And put them in a hessian bag and just threw him in the River Lagan’ …
“Brian’s murder remains one of the most gruesome during all the years of the conflict. And to this day it remains unsolved …
“Because of the state of the remains of the 10-year-old boy, initially the police focused on the possibility that his murder was linked to witchcraft …
“[Government] papers released in December 2013 revealed that Brian’s death had been discussed at the highest levels in government as they discussed how his murder might be linked to Kincora.
“The details were released in the minutes of a meeting between Secretary of State Jim Prior and the British Chancellor Lord Hailsham and Attorney-General Sir Michael Havers in London in February 1982 …
“The man in charge of the police investigation into Kincora was Chief Supterintendent George Caskey … Caskey died last month but in 2019 he told me during a television interview about a well-known paedophile loyalist figure [John McKeague] … This is how a former intelligence officer explained it: ‘McKeague’s background references indicated his involvement in violent sexual activity with both men and young boys and I believe that it was knowledge of his activity that provided the means by which he had originally been recruited … [It] was knowledge of McKeague’s sexual activities that made him a suspect in the murder of Brian McDermott in Belfast in 1973.”
How Britain has always thrown Palestinians under the bus
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