Saturday 8 April 2023

I Did 500 Regressions And Learned THIS About Past Lives!


At 8 April 2023 at 04:12 , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All the main parties have done more for Britain than we may ever know.

The Conservatives have given us Edward Heath, Leon Brittan, Peter Morrison, Rhodes Boyson, Enoch Powell, Lord Alistair McAlpine, Nicholas Fairbairn, Keith Joseph, Ralph Bonner Pink, Nigel Lawson and many, MANY more.

Labour have given us Greville Janner, Leo Abse, Eric Joyce and Gerald Kaufman. Margaret Hodge presided over the Islington Council child abuse scandal. Keith Vaz faced very serious allegations (which he denies) on the Guido Fawkes site run by blogger Paul Staines. Then there’s Paul Boateng, whom police reportedly wished to interview; Peter Mandelson who had an extraordinary friendship and business connections with Jeffrey Epstein; Shaun Woodward, the Childline cofounder whose contact details are in Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘black book’; Ghislaine Maxwell’s father Robert Maxwell, who was the Labour MP for Buckingham, and who may not have been the sort of father that one would wish for; and many, MANY more.

The Liberals have given us Clement Freud, Jeremy Thorpe and Cyril Smith. Then there’s Lib Dem peer Alex Carlile, who shared an office with Cyril Smith for many years without noticing anything untoward and staunchly defended Greville Janner. Lord David Steel, who was highly dismissive of claims against Cyril Smith and faced unproven allegations related to his flat in the Dolphin Square complex. And Lib Dem peer Baroness Floella Benjamin, who co-hosted a 'Happy Family Disney Day' to benefit Save the Children with Ghislaine Maxwell. A number of other Liberals past and present have faced very serious allegations.


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