Tuesday 21 February 2023



Back in the game.

Jabbers get legal cover for their acts of murder

Eric Zuesse – A Good Example of Why Putin Has Always Had Very High Approval Ratings by Russia’s Voters


At 22 February 2023 at 03:55 , Blogger Unknown said...

There is now a prima faciae case in the USA that Big Pharma, the CDC and Joe Biden are 'a clear and present danger' to the children of the USA, based on demanding Covid19 injections for children, refusing them access to vaccine injury compensation and indemnifying big pharma from all injuries and deaths that their vaccines cause.

They should be treated like global terrorists and the USA people should do to them what the Deep State does to any human being that refuses to bow down before US Deep State psychopathy.

Target the Boards of the biggest Big Pharma investors too - they are extremely culpable for all the propaganda to manipulate share prices, as well as receiving ridiculously high dividends for investing in mass murder.


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