Monday 20 February 2023

Chris Williamson, Community Security Trust, Ronson, Michael Jackson,

Chris Williamson

Anonymous said...

What is the ‘Community Security Trust’ that Chris Williamson’s show has questioned?

A registered U.K. charity protected and elevated by the British political establishment for its place in the Zionist hierarchy, the Community Security Trust is in fact an alleged vigilante group with alleged links to Mossad.

Founding chairman Gerald Ronson is a convicted criminal and former NSPCC vice-president whose information is listed in the black book of child trafficking pedophiles and blackmailers Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein.

In 2003 Ronson and his wife attend a fundraising party in aid of the Old Vic to celebrate the appointment of alleged serial pedophile Kevin Spacey as artistic director. Spacey is closely linked to the friendship group of Jeffrey Epstein, Lord Mandelson, Bill Clinton, and an alleged ‘queen bee’ of the entire Maxwell-Epstein operation: billionaire Christian-Zionist Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild, whose stepson — David Mayer de Rothschild — served with the Ronsons’ daughter, Lisa, on the board of the Natural History Museum Development Foundation.

Gerald Ronson earlier ran an alleged money laundering operation with top Zionist Dame Shirley Porter whose Westminster City Council has been described as the ultimate landlord of Dolphin Square: alleged hub for a U.K. wide, parliamentary and VIP child trafficking operation spanning Pimlico, Islington, Richmond on Thames, Lambeth, North Wales, Brighton-Hove, Belfast and even Jersey.

Several Tory councilmen who were then part of Porter's Tory contingent on Westminster City Council were accused by Scallywag magazine of being sexual predators, as were a number of the councilmen’s colleagues at Westminster — along with others including the Conservative party’s then treasurer and fundraiser, Lord McAlpine, with whose family construction firm Gerald Ronson’s ‘Heron Group’ did much business.

In 1993, an EDM tabled in Parliament stated: "Dame Shirley Porter used the Foundation for Business Responsibilities to launder cash, [including from] Gerald Ronson and other businessmen ..."

Ronson was convicted in August 1990 of conspiracy, false accounting and theft for his part in the Guinness share-trading fraud. He was fined £5m and spent six months in prison.

From an interview Ronson gave in 2007:

“Ronson says that to this day he doesn’t quite know how he pulled his life back together. Certainly, he was helped by friends in high places. He borrowed money from [Jeffrey Epstein associate] BILL GATES, RUPERT MURDOCH [listed in Epstein and Maxwell’s black book], communications billionaire Craig McCaw and other wealthy acquaintances to accumulate enough capital to get back into the game.”

In addition to his role as Chairman, Gerald Ronson also served on the Community Security Trust’s ‘Advisory Board’ with Greville Janner and the then Metropolitan police commissioner, Lord John Stevens (Stevens was simultaneously sitting on the board of the Crime Concern Trust with Lord Alex Carlile, Nick Ross, and Stephen Twigg MP linked to the Islington Council child abuse atrocity).

Ronson’s friend and colleague on the CST Advisory Board, the late Lord Janner, is feared to have raped and abused more than 20 young boys over decades.

In 1978 Ronson, with the support of Marcus Sieff, founded The Group Relations Educational Trust, a predecessor to the Community Security Trust which Ronson went on to create in 1994. Sieff — chairman of Marks & Spencer from 1972 to 1984 and a former member of the Israel Defense Forces — memorably said that one of Marks & Spencer’s fundamental objectives was to “aid the economic development of Israel”.

However, the CST immediate predecessor was the Community Security Organisation, part of the Board of Deputies of British Jews. In 1994, it broke away from the Board and established itself as a new charity — the Community Security Trust.

“Accounts on the Charity Commission website show that Ronson’s charitable trust has donated almost £500,000 ($780,000) to the CST since 2007.”
At 19 February 2023 at 18:50 , Anonymous said...

[continues …]

“In a 2009 interview with The Jewish Chronicle, Ronson claimed to have friends at the highest levels of the Israeli government” and CST volunteers “in the past received self-defence training from Mossad”.

Gerald Ronson’s nephew, Mark Ronson, says that he was part of a childhood sleepover with Michael Jackson and John Lennon’s son, Sean.

“It's a weird story, but I didn't touch him. We used to watch the porn channel because we were like 10 and, 'Oh my God, tits!' So Michael was in bed. And me and Sean said, 'Michael do you want to see something cool?' We turned the dial to the porn channel ...”

Mark was working with Amy Winehouse shortly before her horrific death at age 27.


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